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The Henry County Weekly
Board of Trade Committees Do Quick Work !n
Securing Petition. One Hundred And
Fifty Sign Their Names.
The election for free schools for
McDonough School District will be
held on Tuesday, March 4,1913.
As a result of the efforts of the
McDonough Board of Trade, a pe
tition containing one hundred and
fifty names was filed with Ordi
nary Harris Monday afternoon.
On the Same date Judge Harris
issued his order setting the date
for the election as above stated.
We give below the order of the
Ordinary, a description of
posed McDonough School District,
and the petition with the names
signed to the same.
We the undersigned voters of
McDonough School District Num
ber 15 and qualified voters of said
school district respectfully petition
the Hon. A. G. Harris, Sr., Ordi
nary of Henry County, Georgia,
to call an election within sixty days
for the purpose of voting on local
taxation for public schools for said
McDonough School District. That
a tax be levied on all property in
said school district for said pur
pose above stated:
W. O. Welch
J. S. Rodgers
A. Borders
John W. Ellison
J. S. Hunt.
J. B. Dickson
T. M. Bright
A. C. Sowell
L. G. Bowden.
W. J. Barrett
A. G. Harris
Paul Turner
T. A. Sloan, Jr.
H. S. Elliott, Jr.
H. E. Cook
Epps Branan
D. P. Cook
G. L. Thrasher
W. J. Greer
N. A. Glass
J. A. Fouche.
W. F. Hand
C. R. Hand
G. B. D. Beard
J. H. Davis
I. M. Woodruff
Geo. F. Spinks
B. H. Welch
R. H. Daniel
W. H. Bryans, Jr.
F. L. Walker
W. E. Russell
H. J. Copeland
H. C. Hightower
T. S. Mays
J. T. Bankston
J. D. Dupree
R. A. Sloan
M. C. Lowe
J. H. Patterson
D. A. Brown
G. W. Cavenaugh
J. B. Dickson
J. T. Oglesby
Q. A. Dickson
C. W. Beard
C. B. Beard
H. A. Sims
J. J. Fisher
Buck Rape
McDonough, Georgia, Friday February 14,1913.
J. M. Stroud
E. D. Gunby
J. D. Hightower
J. E. Hooten
W. B. Kelley
D. T. Carmichael
W. L. Moseley
W. H. Turner
J. R. Price, Jr,
Chas. M. Speer
R. O. Jackson
Frank Reagan
J. T. Weems
R. L. Tye
G. W. Cathy
T. J. Brown
W. A. Brown
A. M. Stewart
J. G. Smith
O. P. Stroud
Ike Whitaker
W. D. Tarpley
Henry Woodward
T. B. Thompson
Joel Bankston
Jno. R. Smith
S. W. Farrar
W. Harper
C. W. Walker
A. E. Ahler
W. H. Barnett
J. N. Woodruff
Jno. H. Turner
J. V. Upchurch
J. O. Tarpley
H. L. Dunn
J. H. Varner
J. W. Harper
H. W. Carmichael
H. M. Amis
Joe J. Smith
J. K. Patterson
J. F. Bowden
J. C. Culpepper
J. B. Brown
J. T. Sowell
H. Stansell
Bailor Smith
H. L. Carmichael
J. B. Upshaw
C. J. Dickson
A. H. Tingle
W. E. Brown
A. N. Brown
J. G. Alexander
Paul Dunn
J. O. Kimbell
A. K. Brown
J. R. Turner
A. Walker, Jr
L. F. Stewart
Asa A. Lemon
J. M. Carmichael
H. T. Rape
H. B. Carmichael
T. A. Sloan, Sr
E. M. Smith
A. P. Cook
Thos. M. McConnell
W. H. Stewart
R. H. Hankinson
J. T. Morrow
Chas. Lamp
Chas. Brisendine
H. B. Neal
R. L. Turner
T. J. Patterson
T. C. Kimball
W. B. Nelson
W. S. Thompson
Well Known And Popular Couple
of Love’s District Married
Thursday of Last Week.
Miss Lucile Thompson and Mr.
John Moseley were married Thurs
day afternoon of last week a* the
residence of the Rev. A. C. Elliott,
who performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Moseley is the daughter of
Mrs. Ola Thompson and is a charm
ing young lady, with many attrac
tive traits of character and per
sonality. She has a host of friends
throughout the county who wish
her all life blessings.
Mr. Moseley is a son of Mr. J. F.
Moseley and is an industrious and
popular young farmer. His many
friends are rejoicing with him upon
his good fortune in winning such
a fair young bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Moseley will be at
home to their friends at the home
of his father, Mr. J. F. Moseley, in
Love’s district.
E. W. Shaw
Edward Goodwin
C. W. Rape
B, E. Horton
E. O. Hooten
O. F. Love
L. J. Hand
Geo. C. Alexander
T. J. Morris
J. T. Pendley
W. F. Morris
W. W. Ward
Seab Harkness
E. D. Tolleson
D. J. Green
G. B. H. Welch
W. B. J. Ingram
H. C. Russell
Roy T. Manley
A. C. Oglesby
J. W. Welch
H. M. Turner
E. L. Reagan
I. L. Nail
W. J. Rogers
E. M. Copeland
Howard Stansell
C. J. Dickson
C. P. Hightower
State of Georgia, Henry County.
To the qualified voters of the
McDonough School District of
Henry County, Georgia.
A petition duly filed in my office,
from one-fourth or more of the
citizens of said district, having
been presented to me asking that
an election under section Number
1535 of the Code of Georgia of
1911 beheld in said McDonough
School District Number 15, for lo
cal taxation for public schools.
It is therefore ordered that an
election be held in said district
under the rules of ordinary elec
tions for county officers, on the
4th day of March, 1913. Those
favoring local taxation shall vote
“For Local Taxation”, for public
schools, and those opposed shall
vote “Against Local Taxation” for
public schools. It is further or
dered that a copy of this order be
advertised by posting same in
three of the most public places in
said district at least ten days before
the date named for said election.
Given under my hand and seal
this the 10th day of February,
A. G. Harris, Ordinary of Henry
At Monday Evening’s Meeting They Pledge
Themselves To Aid The Larger
The McDonough Board of Trade
held its regular semi-monthly
meeting Monday night at the Court
In the absence of the President,
the First Vice-President, Mr. J. T.
Weems, presided. The Secretary,
Prof. O. O. Tolleson, was present
and acted in his official capacity.
The report of the Free School
Committee was leceived from its
Chairman. Mr. H. B. Neal. He
reported the obtaining by the Com
mittee of a much larger number
than required of names to a peti
tion asking for a school flection
for McDonough district. He re
ported also the filing on Monday
of the petition and other necessary
papers with the Ordinary.
A discussion was entered into
as to the sentiment of the Board
of Trade as to county-wide
school system.
Some of those present seemed
not to have a clear idea of the
body’s sentiment as shown by its
action at its former meeting, and
so a clearer expression was
Practically all preferred the
county system. Those, however,
who had sought to learn the senti
ment of sections of the county
believed that more of the voters
out of McDonough would oppose
the county system now than
would favor it.
For this reason, it was decided
to seek the district system at once
and still favor the county plan and
stand ready to aid its progress
when the remainder of the county
desires it.
This sentiment was embodied
in the following resolution unan
imously adopted:
Whereas, it has been decided
by the McDonough Board of Trade
to indorse and encourage the call
ing of an election for taxation for
school purpose in McDonough
School District.
Be it resolved that, while we
have so taken this step, we desire
Beginning on Walnut Creek
where the west boundary line of
lots 94 and 7th land district crosses
said creek, down said creek until
it reaches the East boundary line
of Land Lot 57 (7th Land District)
thence due South on said land lot
line to the Southeast corner of
Land Lot 185 (7th Land District),
thence due West from this corner
on land lot line to the Southwest
corner of Land Lot 190, thence
due North on land lot line to where
this line crosses Walnut Creek,
the starting point, per map now
on file in the Ordinary’s office.
Mrs. Julian Weems and little
Leonora returned from Atlanta
Friday, where she had been to see
her sister-in-law, who has been
very ill many months.
to express ourselves in favor
county unit taxation.
The Committee on securing e
city telegraph office, through ite
Chairman, Mr. R. L. Turner, mate
its report. He had conferred wttfc
the Western Union telegraph au
thorities and was promised tMt
the office in town would de estab
The Committee was continuer
and requested to report at tte
next meeting.
The County Fair Committee
was requested to present to tiie
next meeting an estimate of Ife
amount of money which would tor
required for this year’s fair, wiifc
any suggestions as to the methot
of securing it.
Popular Former McDonough
Man And Miss DennietMar
* ried Monday Evening.
Mr. Frank C. Turner and Mi«r
Mary Dennie were married Mon
day evening at 6 o’clock at the
home of the bride in Philadel
This information was received
in the shape of a telegram to Mr
Turner’s mother, Mrs. Tommie
Turner, Monday night.
Mr. Turner is an old Hen»p
county boy who has gone oitt
from the old home and succeeded:
in the business world.
For several years now he ha*
had charge of The Philadelphia
branch of the Emmerson Drug
Company. This is one of that
concern’s most important posi
tions and their placing him it
charge was a distinct but deserv
ed compliment.
The telegram was short anti
told us nothing of the new Mrs.
Turner except her old name. Btr
we remember Frank’s popularity
among the fair ones in the older
days and we are sure that he hat
won one of the fairest and that
his fine judgement adds to hk
good fortune in winning such a
His old McDonough and Geor
gia friends, whom he numbers by
the hundreds, anxiously awafc
the couple’s visit to Georgia,
when they can express in persor
to the couple their good wishes
and congratulations.
All-Day Quarterly Conference
At Methodist Churck
Next Saturday will be held the
quarterly conference at the Mc-
Donough Methodist church, The
Rev. Fletcher Walton, presiding
elder, will be present and pre
si e.
It will be an all-day meeting
and dinner will be served on the
All the members are urged tt
be present.