The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 21, 1913, Image 2
Cross Roads. Mr. Jim Askew and daughter, Miss Gizzarah, attended meeting :at Stockbridge Sunday. Mrs. George Cook anddaughler, Mrs. Will Wallace, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. W. Jarrett. Messrs. John and Ben Jones spent Saturday night and Sunday with home folk. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mays passed through this section Sunday after noon. Mr. Tom Jarrett, Jr., spent Sat urday night with his sister, Mrs. Monroe Barr, of Rex. Misses Mandy and Kate Walden and Ida May Jones spent Friday afternoon with Misses Mamie and Ternpie Jones. The sick in th(s community are much better now. Flippen. Mrs. Mattie Terrell and children, of College Park, were the guests of Mr. Turner Johnson and family Sunday. Mrs. Cora Fields is visting her aunt, Miss Emmil Crew, of Poter dale. , Miss Annie Mae Steele spent Saturday night with Miss Ida Lou Knight. Misses Nettie Gray and Nannie Harkins spent Sunday at Locust Grove. Miss Oza Johnson, of Atlanta, spent the week end with home folk. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Foster and son, Harrell Mason, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wise Sunday. Misses Vira and Cora Fields were the guests of their sister, Mrs. Louie Phillips, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jord Johnson spent Sunday in Jonesboro. Misses Fannie and Kate John son were the guests of Misses Eva and Lura Fields Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hinton spent Wednesday here. Several from McDonough at tended the laymens’ meeting here Wednesday. REX 'Mrs. W. R. Fullerton spent Tues <ia} in. Atlanta. Miss Birdie Powell is with home folk at this writing. Mrs. G. W. Bradberry and Mrs. Mary Patillo spent Saturday with Mrs. Joe Sanders. Mr. A. P. Adamson made a busi ness trip to the City Monday. .Mr. Hugh Callaway has gone for & pleasant trip to Alabama, where he will be for a good while. Mr. Azmond Lewis, of Atlanta, was down Friday on business. Mr. Eugene Dease. from Lake wood Heighs, spent a short while Sunday with Mr. J. B. Milam and family. Mrs. Igo Dease and Mrs. C. C. Adamson and Mary Mitchell visit ed the City this week. Dr. Estes .vas a guest in Rex Saturday. I. G. W. biotic** of Application for Kcinntalot Disabilil ict. Wyloy Amis, vs huvcnia Amis. Divorce. Henry Superior Court, Oct. Term, 1911 . Vertlict for total divorce, 17th day of Oct. Term, 1911 Notice is hereby given that on February 17th 1913 the undersigned filed in the office of the clerk of the Sii|terior Court of Henry county ail application for removal of disabilities resting upon her under the Terdict in above stated cause Said appli cation will lie heard at the term of -aid court which commences on the Third Monday in April 1913. 4-11, 8 Luveniu Antis. Business Men's Duty, No town will become a good busi ness center so long as its business men rely on a few merchants to make the effort to bring trade to town. Too often the men in a few lines of trade are about the only ones that reach out after custom. Other merchants wait until these men induce the people to come to town and content themselves with trade that naturally drifts to their place. A public spirited man should ask himself if he is doing his part to attract people to come to town to trade, in helping the entire business community, and no town is a success unless all lines are working to extend the trade as far as possible and trying to bring a large territory in the circles in which the town is the business cen ter. —Jones county News. FAIR VIEW. Mr. Clem Chappell and Miss Vera Maude Sanders attended preaching at Luella Sunday after noon. Mrs. J. H. Carr and daughter, Annie Kate, spent Satnrday and Sunday with Mrs. O. H. Good man. Mrs. C. H. Martin spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Mary Cope land. Mr. Bynus Wells and brothers and sisters spent Saturday night and Sunday with their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bunn. Mr. and Mrs P. K. Chappell spent Sunday with the latter's sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clomer Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chappell attended the funeral of little How ell Morris Everett, Saturday after noon. If the weather keeps good, I guess the farmers will begin to do their farm work. Butter-fly. Bowensville, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gleaton and children visited the latter’s par ents Sunday. Mr. A. W. Reagan and grand son, of Pace, were in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.,N- J. Bowen were visitors at the home of J. D. Bow en Sunday. Mesdames lizzie Bowen and Gaither Duke visited Mrs. D. J. Roseberry recently. Mr. and Mrs. D. I). Heweil spent several days last week at the home of their uncle and family. Bill 80. f FARM LOANS. Money to loan on farm lands. Brown & Brown • That’s All! • 0 A good profit can be 0 a made, out of a small flock S of chickens, by giving care- J ful attention to their feed, J 0 and by giving them, every J 01 day, tonic doses of V Bee Dee STOCK & POULTHY MEDICINE 0 This will increase egg 0 a production, help make win- 2 ter layers ; put broilers and JJ roasters irt prime condi- 2 v? tion, during season of j 0 highest prices, and prevent, 0 oor cure, disea>2. Try it 0 Price 25c. 50c and $1 00 per ran. 0 j,v "Has given us better results than aar Mr oiber roultiy food or powJer.*'—Clover SK 5 Bloom Poultry Yards. Ky_ # TOLLESON & TURNER. * —- McDonough, Georgia. .; TMBHBEfiSradBr FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND fclllliPF LICENSED EMBALMED. Ip} Pill DAY'PHONE 73. NIGHT’PHONE 10l |1 4 ;■» j All calls answered promptly day or night 11 All embalming carefully done and according to best methods. i Carefnl and polite attention given all funerals entrusted It A 1 t° us * InT/ Our line of Caskets, Robes, Etc. are unequaled. V* Can furnish the best Metal, Brick or Cement Vaults - LEGAL NOTICES. For Dismission. Georgia, Henry County. Whereas J. D. Ruff, Adminis trator of Daniel Raff, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Daniel Ruffs’ estate; This is, therefore, to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and credi tors, to show cause if any they can, wny said Administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion, and receive Letters of Dismis sion on the first Monday in March 1913. A. G. Harris. Ordinary. 2-28, 4, APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATION. GKORGIA, HKNRY COUNTY’. To Whom It May Concern: R. I). Skelton, having made application to me in dne from to be appointed per manent Administrator upon the estate of Wm. W. Skelton late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Clourt of Ordinary of said County, to be held on the First Monday in March, 1913. Witness my hand and official aignature, this 18 day of Jan., 1913. 2-38, t. A. G. Harris Ordinary. FOR LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia, Henry CouDty. To whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that the under signed has applied Vo the Ordinary of said county for leave to well All the rea* estate belongfng to the estate of II L Griffin deceased for the purpose of paying debts ' and distribution. Said application will he heard at the regular term of the Court ; of Ordinary for said couwty to be held on I the first Monday Marc i li!M8. This 3rd Feb 1918. W. S. Davifr Administrator. A. G. HVsrris < )rr}?jsarv. 3-23. 4. FOR fJAVK TO BKLE. C. KO KG IA. HKX KY C()*U Xf Y. T® whom it may it may eonoesrn : Notice is hereliy given that the umfer sigued lias applied So the O.dirnry of .said comity for leave bo sell the lamlk belotuar inf? to the estate o € Mrs. B -ulfvh Askew for she purpose of distribution. Sttid jtp plication will be heard at the regular term of true Court of Ordinary for sai«i> county to lie held on the iitatf Monilivy Mswjeh Lute. Thu- di d day 1913. U. A skew. Administrator, w iiS. V A. G. Harris Ordinary.. ADM 1N ISTRATOR ' 8 S. Georgia, Henry Comity: lly Tirtue or an ordler granted by Wienry Court of Ordinary, will l>e sold before the- Court House Door in the City of McDon ough, said State anti i oiinty, on She first Tiles'lay in March SWB,. between the legal hours.of sole, to tie highest bidder foe cash, the following-Bands of the estate of l)r. ISaleigh Hight-iwer. deceased,, bo-wit; One Hundred ansi Eighty Three a*n*et> more or less in the- llth land district etf Henvy County, bounded North and! South hy. liumls of H. S Silliott; East by Chaffin lands and estate of J. 11. Moseiby, and West by lands of 12. J. I’read well and Tip Moseley. Also One Fiftffe undivided interest in One Hundred A eves more or less in-the 7th land district- Of said County, bounded North by lands of John Moseley, Ku-t by Mrs K Oglesby and H S. Elliott, South by I R Pair a and West hy G O. Branmn. Also One haif acre in the town of stock bridge, on which is situated a f ram-* store house, s.ud lot bounded North and Easr by lauds of i Aslie v. South by McDonough ami Stoekhrfctpe Public Road, ami West by h*t of .1 . A Xix. Said ! Kid.- sold for purpose of distriim- I rioti amftug heirs Tills Fell ifh 191 a. H < Hightower, Administrator Estate Dr Raleigh Hightower, deceased, d.aa, 4. Finest Floor Oil ;it 50 cents per gallon. Also Castor Axle Oil at 40 cents pei' quart at J. V. Upchurh’s. Adv. POSITIONS SECURED By the Students of the Southern Shorthand & Business University 10 1-2 West Mitchell Street, Atlanta Ga. After taking a course in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, ! Banking, Penmanship, etc., at this long established and reputable Business Training School, ovef 15 000 students in positions. Purchasers of Moore’s Business College, which was founded 46 years ago. Under its present management 21 years. Banking Department equipped with adding machines, etc. Large Typewriting Department. Experienced and capable Faculty. Best systems in existence taught. The famons Grahain-Pitmanic Short hand, the system which is adopted for expert work. The 20th Cen tury Bookkeeping which makes expert accountants. EVIDENCED OF MERTT, The patronage of this school is more than double that of any other Business College in this section, which is a most significant fact ENTER AT ONCE. WRITE TODAY FOR CATALOG. Address A. C. BRISCOE, President, or L. W. ARNOLD, Viee-Pres. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Professor 1 hos. L. Bryan, the well-known educator, is with the Southern, Helps With the Lessons At night when the children gather around the sitting-room table studying their lessons for the next day, the telephone often rings. A little neighbor a mile down the road wants help from his school-mates. Children as well as grown-ups get pleasure and profit from the farm telephone. Do you know how little this service costs and how valuable it is ? See the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or A write for our free booklet. A postal will do. FARMERS* LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY |jjpJ 48S. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA, GA. CITATION FOR YEAR'S SUPPORT. Georgia. Henry County. Mrs. S. R. Skelton, having made application for twelve month’s support out of the estate of Wm. \V. Skelton, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said said county on the first Mon day in March 19 i 3, why said appli cation should not be granted. This Feb. 3, 1913. 2-28, 4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. LOST OR MISLAID. Policy No. 239342 issued by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Com pany, on the life of Henry S. Row an. The finder will please return to the undersigned. An application has been made for the issuing of a duplicate. 2-28,6. HENRY S. ROWAN. She symbol of superiority in Job Work is The Weekly’s printing. Try it.