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Entered at the Dostoffieeat McDonough,
Ga , as second-class mail matter.
Advertising Rates furnished on appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough, Ga„ Feb. 21, 1913.
No Card of Things, Obituaries, or Reso
lutions, Of any length, will lie publish free
The rate for such is one and one-half cents
per word. None published for less than
twenty-five cents. In a'l cases cash must
accompany the copy. Manuscript not ac
companied with postage for their return
will not be returned.
News News of every kind is especiallv
welcomed by the Editor. Please notify
him of all deaths, marriages, etc.
Warning, No statements purporting
to come from The Henry County Weekly
are genuine unless they have writien on
their face the signature of Frank Reagan
Editor, or are presented by him in person.
Any person receiving such a statement
will please notify Frank Reagan, Editor
McDonongh, Reorgia.
A Man of God.
That it is a part of a man’s ordi
nary calling to be a Godly man
does not majke such a man less at
tractive to us. And the man wh.o
makes a success of the “practice
of the presence of God” draws us
to himself and to the One whose
he is, just as much when he is a
minister as when is a layman.
There are hundreds in Henry
County who, when they come to
the marriage altar, must have the
voice of Brother England to pro
nounce the words to join them ere
they feel that they two have be
come one; and they hope that
when they shall go to join the
Bridegroom of the church, Broth
er England again will speak the
solemn words which will speed
their souls in the sure quest be
yond the tomb.
For four years McDonough
knew the blessing of having this
man of God as one of us. Now
Hampton is enjoying the blessing.
Brother England’s daily life is a
sermon of the pervasivg, persuas
ive kind. Ar:d in the pulpit he is
equally powerful. With an excep
tional intellect on fire with the
gospel fervor and t h e gospel
grasp, his preaching makes
thoughtful and mindful of the
eternal things both the large
miqded and the simple minded,
and the indifferent-hearted as
\Y e shall regret for the time
to come when Henry county must
lose him and his work. We feel
the county to be better for his
life in our midst.
Wherever he may go, we pray
that he may receive blessings as
bountifully as hundreds have re
ceived from his life.
Mrs. Fannie Whittel of Atlanta,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E.
H. Hair.
Mr. Frank Bullard, of Griffin,
was here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stanton have,
returned to Social Circle, after
spending sometime with Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Wilson.
Misses Lil ian Biggers, Ludv!
Harris and Jewell Smith were
recent visitors to Atlanta.
Col. and Mrs. H' A. Peebles
spent Monday in Griffin.
Mr. J. H. Weems, was here tms
Mrs. Byrd Thaxton, of F st
Point, was a recent visitor lie re.
Mr. W. A. Hooten, of E’st Hen
ry, was in our city Monday.
Messrs. H. T. Rape and Howard
Stansell visited Atlanta Monday.
Mr. G. 0. Brannan, of Flippen
district, was in our city Tuesday.
Miss Maud Smith’s many Mc-
Donough friends were interested
in the news that she will go abroad
with a party in June. Miss Smith
is a member of the faculty of the
Sixth District Agricultural School
at Barnesville and is a sister of
Mrs. T„ J. Brown and Miss Laura
Mr. A. R. Scott spent Saturday
in Atlanta.
Mrs. R. A. Sloan left Tuesday to
visit her mother at Bullochviile.
Messrs. Troy Smith and Gordon
Dickson made an automobile trip
to Jackson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ingram, of
Fayetteville, spent tile ueek end
with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. In
Messrs. Berry Burks and Hill
Redwine, of Fayetteville, spent
Sunday here as tlie guests oi Mr.
anu Mrs. W. B. J. Ingram.
Miss Anne Spence spent tile
i week end in Atlanta.
Mr. F. S. Morris, one of Lowe’s
district’s most clever men, was in
| our city Tuesday and made The
Weekly an appreciated visit.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Patterson
spent Sunday in Locust Grove
with her sister, Mrs. John S.
Mrs. Amanda Hill and Mrs. R.
A. Sloan and Mr. A. K. Brown
visited Atlanta Saturday.
Miss Estelle Stroud visited
friends in Griffin Sunday.
Miss Anne Ingram spent Sunday
with friends in Jackson.
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan visited the
Gate City Monday.
Mrs. I. D. Crawford was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Annie M.
Nolan, Tuesday.
Mrs. D. T. Carmichael spent
Tuesday in Atlanta.
Mr. J. F. Tingle one of Locust
Grove district’s best citizens, was
in our city Tuesday.
Miss Blanche Wentzell spent
Sunday with Mrs. Will Wright and
Miss Lena White at Jackson.
The Hon. E. M, Smith attended
superior court at Jackson this
Misses Agnes and Helen Dunn
spent Saturday in Atlanta.
Mrs. H. M. Tolleson and H. M.,
J Jr., visited Atlanta Monday.
Remember the Board of Trade
I meeting next Monday night.
Miss May Woodward visited At
lanta Saturday.
Miss Jettie Bunn, of East Point,
spent the week end here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bunn.
I Miss Pearl Warren is the guest
of Mrs. D. P. Cook.
Miss Lucy Reagan returned
Monday from several weeks’ visit
to friends at Cuthbert, Decatur,
| and Atlanta.
s Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Taroley and
Miss Eunice Tarpley visited Atlan
ta Tuesday.
Mrs. S. E. Kirksey has been the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. O.
Middleton, at Greenwood, for
several weeks, and is now the
guest of Mrs. Laura Alexander.
Mrs. Tish Turner, Mrs. D. J.
Green, Mrs. S. W. Farrar, and
M=ss Stella Russell spent Tuesday
with the family of Mr. J. B. Rus
Misses Eunice and Ida Lou Tarp
I v will spend a pleasant week
end in AtiUi.ta.
Come take a look at our White Goods, Ratine,
Repp, Voils, Foulards, G!az Marvels, Waistings,
Madris, Muslins, Percales, Ginghams, Etc. We
have something pretty in Colored Linens for
wash dresses.
Excellent stock of Oxfords and Pumps for Spring has arrived.
Some of the newest and prettiest lines of Ladies Footwear to be
found anywhere, and at truly exceptional values.
We can save you money on Flour, Corn, Seed and Feed Oats,
Hay, Heal, Shorts, Meat, Sugar, etc. Also some good values in
Wire Fence, Poultry Wire, Barbed Wire, Roofing, Plows, and
harness. Wire Stretchers furnished free. In fact, you will
find at our store at all times the highest grade of merchandise
that can be found in the market. QUALITY first, then our
prices are right. See us before you buy. If you don’t we both
For this season have already begun to arrive and we are pre
pared to offer the Faimers Fertilizers and Fertilizer Material,
embracing different formulas, adaptable to all crops and suit
able for all kinds of soil.
We appreciate your business, and will do our
best to please you.
Henry County Supply Co.
Telephone 90.
If you are nearly out of coal,
Telephone 94 and have some sent
down. 2-28,2. Adv.
Mr. and Ben Bankston and
little daughter visited in Atlanta
and East Point Friday.
Mrs. A. R. Scott and Mrs. Julia
McDonald Spent Tuesday in At
Mr. J. B. Brannan, of Flippen,
was in McDonough Tuesday.
Miss Ruby Walker has returned
from a week’s visit to Mrs. W. W.
Ward at Decatur.
AMrs. B. H. Butts, of Barnesville,
is the guest of Mrs. Joel Bankston
and Miss Mamie Johnston.
The Rev. Olin King’s many
friends here were glad to see him
here Wednesday. He made a
brief visit of but a few hours.
Mr. Walter F. Cook, Jr., of
Columbus, spent the week end in
our city.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. Sam
Johnson, Master William and little
Miss Rosa Wright, of Jackson,
spent Tuesday in McDonnugh.
Miss May Meadows and Mrs. W.
W. Lewis, of Vidalia, were the
guests of Mrs. Carrie Mayo Tues
day night.
Next Monday Night's Regular Meeting Will Re
ceive Committee's Report. Public School
Progress Will Be Discussed.
Next Monday night at 7 o'clock
at the Court House the McDon
ough Board of Trade will bold its
regular semi-monthly meeting.
This will be a very important
meeting. The various committees
directing the campaign for free
schools will report their progress
and the prospects for success.
And a real county fair for next
fall will be considered. Tiie Coun
ty Fair Committee will make its
report and give a financial esti
mate of the amount necessary to
finance the fair, with suggestions
and plans for raising the funds.
It is thought best to prepare
as early as possible a list o' the ag
ricultural prizes to be offered it
least, so that those who would en
ter their products can h ive the
fair in mind even from the tune
they prepare their soil for the
Come to the meeting Monday
night everybody who is interested
in McDonough and everybody who
believes in-McDonough, and let us
all join hands in the work of mak
ing McDonough move.
Miss Lilah Farguson, who is a
pupil in the High School here and
boards at Mr. Will Welch’s, is very
iil with pieurisy Her father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Far
gason, of McMullen’s district, are
with her.
Money to loan on farm lands.
Brown Sc Brown
Mrs. Nancy Gordon, who has
heen confined to her bed many
months at the home of Mr. Hand,
is very ill now.
i Mrs. White spent Saturday ia