The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 21, 1913, Image 6
The Call For The Atlanta Bible Conference. The Fifteenth annua! March Bible Conference will be held in Atlanta, Ga., on March 7th-16th inclusive. These Conferences have drawn annually Ministers, Laymen and Bible Students from all parts of the country, and from all Evangelical denominations. The C inference itself operates under a charter composed of practically all of the Ministers and Laymen from every Church in Atlanta. It is inter-denominational in support and non-denominational in teach ing. Rev. Len G. Broughton, D. D. of London is the Director and Pres ident of the Conference. The following lines taken from the call which he has issued indicate the line of work foi the coming Con ference: “As far as possible it is our pur pose to key the Conference this year to some Evangelism which must incorporate a most thorough line of Bible teaching. So far as I am able to direct the Conference it is to be an occasion for instruction and inspiration. We have been fortunate this year in being able to secure the strongest platform that we have ever been able to offer; included in this list will be Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, of London, who will ar rive in Atlanta with me in time for the opening and speaking twice daily throughout the Confer ence; other speakers who will be given from one to two hours daily will be, Dr. James M. Gray, of Chi cago; Rev. J. I. Vance, D. D. of Nashville, Tenn; Dr. W. R. Wed derspoon, of Washington, D. C.; Dr. John R. Sampey, of Louisville, the Baptist Seminary; Dr. E. Y. Pierce, of Chicago, Secretary of the International Sunday Commit tee; Dr. W. M. Morrison, of Africa; Dr. Lacy Moffett, of China. Speci al Railroad rates have been grant ed. Those desiring further infor mation are requested to write Rev. John W. Ham, 78 Luckie Street, .Atlanta, Ga. Luella Locals. We are having some fine weath er now for farming and the farm ers are making good use of it too. We were all shocked Saturday morning when, we waked and heard of the death of little Howell Everett, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Everett. He was just seven months old. It certainly was sad* he was such a bright little child. .We all extend our sympathy to ihe father and mother in their sadness. Rev. J. E. Drewry, of Griffin, conducted the funeral services. He was laid to rest in the burying ground at Mr H. A. Adams. Mr. D. G. Neal is on the sick list this week. W T e hope he will soon be out again. , Mr. J. F. Dupree made a busi ness trip to Griffin Saturday. Mrs. R. F. Nutt and children re turned home Saturday from Gainesville, where she has been visiting her mother, Mrs. F. E. Hunt. Master Cornell Patrick, of near Griffin, spent Wednesday with his aunt, Miss S. A. Patrick. Mr. T. T. Barham spent several days last week at Sunny Side, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. L. B. Mills. I will ring off with best wishes to The Weekly and its writers. Rose Bud. LOST —Note book, has written on cover: “Annie Eudora Lemon Board of Education.” Finder re turn to The Weekly. USE HAMPTON HIGH-GRADE FERTILIZERS MANUFACTURED BY HAMPTON FERTILIZER COMPANY HAMPTON, GEORGIA. And By Your Patronage Help This Henry County Enterprise. WE WI.SH To THANK OUR HENRY COUNTY FRIENDS FoR THE BU.SINE.S.S YoU HAVE GIVEN U.S IN THE PA.ST AND To .SOLICIT A MORE LIBERAL PATRONAGE THI.S YEAR AS OUR BRANDS OF High-Grade Fertilizers Have Proven That They Are of Super ior Merit. WE U.SE ONLY THE BE.ST MATERIALS To BE OBTAINED IN THE MARKETS AND ONLY .SUCH AS WILL FURNIGH FOOD FOR THE GROWING PLANT IN IT.S EARLEY OF GROWTH AND THAT WILL LA-ST THROUGH THE ENTIRE GROWING PERIOD. Select some of these brands, the ones best abapted to the char acter of your soil, and give them a trial. We feel sure you will be pleased with the results you will obtain from them. Hampton Blood & Meal Amo. 9-1 63-3 Henry County H. G. 10-1 65-2 Hampton Blood & Bone . . 9-2 47-3 Moore’s S. P. . . . 10-1 65-2 Hampton Giay Land . . 10-1 65-4 Grain Grower . . 10- 82-4 Hampton Fish Amo. . 10-1 65-2 Harris Ex. H. G. . . 10-2 47-3 Hampton High Grade . . 10-1 65-2 Fields Climax . . 12-2 47-3 We are grateful for the support of our home people have given us and will continue to exert every effort to MERIT YOUR CONTINUED CONFIDENCE AND PATRONAGE. FOR SALE BY Green, Tarpley & Company McDonough, Georgia. $50,000.00 TO LOAN TO 500 FARMERS To aid them in making a crop this year 1913, provided they give this Bank, THE BANK OF HENRY COUNTY their preference as to deposits and influences. Reciprocity shall be our motto. Get in touch —keep in touch with the oldest and strongest Bank in Henry County. Preference always given to those who give us preference. In terest paid on time deposits. The Bank of Henry County F. S. Etheridge. President. K. J. Copeland. Vice-President. J. B. Dickson. Cashier,