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Kit AN K REAGAN, Editor
Entered at the postoffice at McDonough,
Ga.. as second-class mail matter.
Advertising Hates furnished on appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough, Ga., March 7, 1913.
No Card of Things, Obituaries, or Reso
lutions, of any length, will be publish free
'l’he rate for such is one and one-half cents
per word. None published for less than
twenty-five cents. In aR cases (ash must
accompany the copy. Manuscript not ac
companied with postage for their return
will not be returned.
News. News of every kind is especially
welcomed by the Editor. Please notify
him of all deaths, marriages, etc.
'Warning, No statements purporting
to come from The Henry County Weekly
are genuine unless they have writien on
their far*- the signature of Frank Reagan
Editor, or are presented by him in person.
Any person receiving such a statement
will please notify Frank Reagan, Editor
McDonongh, Georgia.
A Spirit Sweeping The State.
It is the board of trade spirit.
The city of Albany has raised a
fund of $6,500 for its Board of
Trade to spend this year. The De
catur Board of Trade will use
SI,OOO exclusively for advertising.
Madison and Greensboro have
just organized such bodies and
the former city has raised $2,500.-
00. LaGrange’s body of boosters
has been advertising in Chicago
for several months and now has
secured one large industry as a
result and is about to secure an
In an editorial Tuesday the Con
stitution says that “That is the
spirit that is fast taking possession
of every town and city in Georgia
and which will, in the long run, be
responsible for intensive develop
ment in every direction on a scale
never before dreamed.”
she would keep within even hail
ing distance of these her sister
cities. We have raised practically
nothing as yet in the way of funds
to make McDonough move.
And yet we have accomplished
much. We had a most credit
able county fair. We have secur
ed free public schools. We have
brought about in our citizenship
a nearer approach to a spirit of
brotherhood and helpfulness and
tolerance and forbearenee, be
cause of the opportunity our
Board of Trade has offorded the
citizens of voicing their beliefs
and convictions and hopes and of
having them heard with interest
and thoughtfulness and respectful
What may McDonough not do
if she will really awake now and
approach to other cities of simi
lar size in her readiness to pro
vide the means with which to
wage our war for growth?
Let us dare to dream. Let our
city be as a city set on a hill, shed
ding forth its light to all about.
Then in such a city it will be
come each of us as citizens to ask
the question of ourselves, “are
you reflecting the light or are you
absorbing it and so depriving
somebody or some worthy cause?”
If you have not already done so,
join the Board of Trade.
If you are a member, get busy
to make it mean much for McDon
School Election Results.
Tuesday’s election seems not to
have been marred by a single un
fortunate incident, either before
or after or during the election
It seems to have left in no
A complete stock of high-class Spring
Millinery now ready and on display.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March
10th, 11th and 12th. .*. You are cordi
ally invited.
Georgia. Miss Blanche Wentzell,
Statement of the Condition of
Located at McDonough, Georgia,
Loans and Discount - $ 82,141,20
Demand Loans - - 10,795.83
Overdrafts, Mostly on Cotton 41,707.00
Bonds and Stocks owned by
Bank - - - 1,020.00
Banking House, - - 3,707.90
Furniture and Fixtures, - 3,218.54
Other Beal Estate, - - None
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this state - - 2,773.45
Due from Hanks and Bankers
in other States - 11,052.07
Currency - - 344.00
Gold - - - 119.20
Silver, Nickles, and Pennies . 1.204 47
Checks and Cash Items, - 588.80
Advances on Cotton, None
Other Resources, Insurance
■'■ . ,
ac, . - None
Total - - $108,392.58
Before me c ime .T. B. Dickson, Cashier of The Bank of Henry County, who,
being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of
said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. B. Dickson.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 4th day of March 1913.
J. R. Turner. C X. P. of Henry Co., Ga.
Statement of the Condition of
The Bank of Stockbridge
Located at Stockbr : dge, Ga., at the Close of Business
Feb. 25th, 1913.
Loans and Discounts - - $72,587.95
Demand Loans - - - 11,679.10
Overdrafts ... 11,645.86
Overdrafts, unsecured - - None
Bonds and Stocks owned by
the Bank - - . 2,900.00
Banking House - - - 2.169.00
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,551.80
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - - 11,479.13
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - - - 4,29195
Currency - - - - 626.00
Gold .... . 22.60
Silver, Nick* Is, and Pennies - 123.43
Checks and Cash Items - - 149.12
Total # 119,225.84
State of Georgia—Henry County.
Before me came C. M. Power, Cashier of Bank of Stockbridge. Ga who being
duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said
Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank.
~ , CM. POWER, Cashier.
Isworn to and subscribed before me, this Ist day of March. 1913
heart anything that rankles. All
on both sides of the question
have exercised and carried into
action a rare spirit of tolerance.
Those who favored the propo
sition did no seem to criticise at
all ; those who opposed it. On the
contrary they seemed to regard
their opponents as having a n
equal right with themselves to a
respect for the honest convictions
of each. All appeared to have
toward their fellows the charity
of attributing to them all honesty
in their beliefs.
Those who lost are not sore
Capital Stock Paid in - - $50,000.00
Surplus Fund, - - 6,000.00
Undivided profits, less Current
Expenses, an d Taxes
Paid, - - - 20,708.74
Due to Banks and Bankers in
t his state - - 53.49
Due to Banks and Bankers in
other states - - Nothing
Due Unpaid Dividends - - None
Individual Deposits Subject to
Check, ... - 52,7 i 2. *SO
Savings Deposits, . . None
Demand Certificates, . . None
Time Certificates, . . 82.940.78
Certified Checks, . . None
Cashier’s Cheeks, . 038.73
Due to Clearing House, Nothing
Notes and Bills Rediscounted, None
Bills Payable, including Time
Certificates representing
borrowed money, - - None
Other Liabilities, Profit and Loss 130 27
Insurance, Act. . . . 105.91
Safety Boxes . . . 4.00
Total . . - $108,392.58
Capitol Stock Paid in $ 16,00D.00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses and Taxes Paid - 14,221.22
Due to Banks and Hankers in
other States - - 7,000.00
Individual Deposits Subject
to Check .... 58,613.91
lime Certificates - - - 22,893.14
Cashier’s Checks ... 497.57
Bills Payable, including Time Cer
tificates representing Borrowed
Money, None
Total ... | 119,225.84
and seem not to have a regret
strong enough to make them will
ing to stand in the way of the city’s
We really think that it has
been an exceptional event in these
McDonough is not divided,
nothing has occured in it all to
pull asunder.
Let McDonough’s people look
up and go forward to still greater
Dr. Rowan, of Atlanta, has been
the guest of Mrs. Greer this week.
| Land Value Aimost Doubled
«HEN a Lee county, Illinois, farmer
' 'iiyvi bought a run down 400-acre farm,
-|Tw his neighbors thought he had made a
ly t> a d bargain. After three years’ soil
treatment by scientific methods, he
raised more than eighty bushels of corn to the
acre on land that produced less than thirty
bushels the first year he farmed it.
It is no longer unusual for us to *get reports
from farmers who have been using manure
spreaders consistently for periods ranging from
three to five years, to the effect that their land
is regularly raising so much more produce that
the value of the land is almost doubled.
I H C Manure Spreaders j
are made in various styles and sizes to meet |
all conditions. The low machines are not too
low to be hauled, loaded, through deep mud or
snow. IH C spreaders are made with trussed
steel frames in wide, medium and narrow &
styles; all of guaranteed capacity. There are
both return and endless aprons. In short,
there is an I H C spreader built to meet your
conditions and made to spread manure, straw,
lime, or ashes as required. |
I H C spreaders will spread manure evenly
on the level, going up hill, or down. The I
wheel rims are wide and equipped with Z-shaped
lugs, which provide ample tractive power. The
rear axle is located well under the body and
carries most of the load. The apron moves
on large rollers. The beater drive is posi
tive, but the chain wears only one side. The |
I H C dealer wdl show you the most effective
machine for your work. You can get cata
logues from him, or, if you prefer, write |
International Harvester Company of America
Atlanta |
executors sale.
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of Henry County Georgia, will
lie sold before the court house door in the
City of McDonough, Henry County Geor
gia, between the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in April next, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following
property of Janies R. Robinson deceased,
to wit:
One house and lot in the City of Mi-Don
ough, Georgia, being on the East side of
Atlanta Street, fronting on said street
seventy three feet, and running back East
about two hundred and ten feet to line
of J. Daniel s lot. Hounded on the
North by lot of J. \ . Fouche; on the Ea>t
by lot of J. C. Daniel; on the South by
lot of X. A. Glass, t'oriuely owned bv Mrs.
S. P Hightower; and on the West by At
lama Street. Sole tor the purpose of the
pay uient of debts and distribution anioi g
th' 1 legatees. This the 4th day of March
A. F. Adamson, Executor of James R.
Robinson, Deceased 3-28 4
Georgia, Henry County.
Dy virtue of an order granted by
Henry Court of Ordinary, wil] be
sold before the Court House door,
in McDonough, said state and
conntv, on the first Tuesday in
April, 1913. between the legal honrs
of sale to the highest bidder, the
following land of the estate of
Benlali Askew deceased ; to w*t:
Forty-one acres, more or less, in
Stock bridge District, Henrv Conn
tv, Georgia, bounded on north I>/
lands c f Jim G 'Orire, *>n east, hv E
H. Hightowe , ~n s mli by N.J.
roll, and on west by U bill Ask-'".
March 3, 1913.
Uriah Ass. , Administrator.
3-28. 4