Newspaper Page Text
Around Bethany
There were not many out Sun
day. 1 guess the cold wind ran
them back by the fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Patterson, of
Atlanta, were at Bethany Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welch and
children visited Mr. and Mrs. Lon
McGarity Sunday afternoon.
Miss Lila Copeland and Mrs.
Gilmore and children passed
through this section Monday after
Mr. Bob Harrison and wife have
had with them this week Mr.
Harrison, and sister, Miss Lucy
Harrison, of near Locu c t Grove.
Mr. Bob Harrison made a busi
ness trip over in McMullen’s dis
trict Thursday afternoon.
Mr. John Rawls tied to his
same old post Sunday afternoon.
Aunt Bell.
Mrs. Cora Fields has returned
home, after a few weeks’ stay
with her aunt, Miss Emmie Crew,
at PortercLle.
Mrs. Grover Bailey, of Middle
ton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Dailey this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Phillips
spent Sunday with Mrs. B. O.
Fields and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jord Johnson
spent Sunday in Jonesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Foster, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Hinton, and Mrs. Cora
Fields were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Otis Fields Sunday.
Mrs. J. F. Moseley spent Monday
and Tuesday in Hampton, the
guest of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hinton spent
Saturday with Mrs. E. M. Foster.
Miss Vanie Hood is spending
some time with relatives near
Mr. Roy Ford and Miss Eva
Fields attended preaching at Oak
land Sunday.
The windy month called March
has come.
Miss Birdie Powell, of Atlanta,
was the guest of home folk Sun
Miss Katie Nepp Swann spent
Friday in the city.
Mr, Jim Cowan, from Hapeville,
was in Rex a short while Monday.
Messrs. Guss Born, Raymond
Fullerton, and J. W. Estes attend
ed court at Jonesboro last week.
Mrs. Evie Toney and son, Mr.
Arthur, of Rockdale county, spent
Friday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Powell.
Mr. J. E. Mitchell went to Atlan
ta Monday.
Thursday was a very busy day
in Rex.
Mr. George All, from Dutch
town, spent Sunday with hi s
daughter, Mrs. Linton Powell.
Dr. Longino spent Friday in At
The Sunday School of this place
is doing good work, with a ful]
attendance every-Sunday.
The sick in this town are all
about w’ell.
Miss Addie Mae Hale was the
week end guest of her aunt, Mrs-
Aurelia Hale, of Atlanta.
The people of this place have
gardened some.
Well, I believe a fifth Sunday
comes in this month. So don’t for
get the all day meeting at Rex.
I, G. W.
| Week’s Letter]
Sunday was such a pretty day,
everybody wanted to go.
Rev. W. N. Duncan filled his
regular appointment at this place
Sunday with a large crowd. We
want everybody to come and help
out the Sunday School and prayer
meeting; every child wants some
where to go on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilbert spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gil
Miss Sallie Gilbert returned
home Saturday from Griffin,
where she spent a pleasant week
visiting relatives.
Miss Lou Waddy and school
celebrated George Washington’s
birthday Saturday night with lots
of good pieces and songs. What
good patience she has to train
the children. She sold candy to
help out the library. We hope
she will succeed in getting it up.
What a help it will be for the
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Duncan
dined with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gil
bert Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Duncan visi
ted Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lewis Sun
Ye scribe stayed at home and
didn’t have any company either.
What good luck she had.
Well Hopes.
Sandy Ridge
The weather has cleared off and
the farmers are getting ready to
plant corn.
The party at Mr. Boyce Morgan’s
Friday night was enjoyed by all
Miss Leila Barnes was a caller
at Mrs. Sallie Britt’s Sunday.
Mr. Ollis Upchurch, of near
Sandy Ridge, has returned to
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Jenkins
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Jenkins Sunday.
Mr. John Britt gave Mr. Benja
min Jenkins a call Sunday morn
ing and also Mr. L. L. Savage.
Mr. 0. J. Jenkins and mother
made a trip to Locust Grove Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Jenkins
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Britt Sunday for dinner.
Mrs. 0. J Jenkins has been on
the sick list now for several days.
We are glad to say that Mrs.
M. A. Paxton is still able to be up
and about.
Mrs. Lizzie Sims was the guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Jenkins, Friday.
Mrs. M. A. Paxton spent Tues
day with her sister, Mrs. B. F.
The guests of Mrs. Lula Nelms
Saturday night were: Mr. and
Mrs. Boyce Morgan, Mr. and Mrs,
B. R. Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs.
John Upchurch.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Ellis were
called to Atlanta on account of
the death of Mrs. Ellis’brother-in
law and have not returned yet.
Mr. Homer Fields, who has been
in the plumbing business here,
will leave in a few days for Au
gusta, where he will make his
future home.
Mrs. E. D. Tollson has returned
from Jackson.
Money to loan on farm lands.
Brown & Brown
Fr® o!ms(
<| Our goods are made of the purest and besft materials
obtainable; such as high-grade blood, pure animal
tankage, menhaden fish scrap, be& bolted cotton seed
meal. <fl All the plant food contained in them is highly
available. <J Ask any farmer who has ever used our
McDonough. Georgia.
Mrs. Walter Vincent
of Pleasant Hill, N. C.,’
writes: "For three sum
mers, I suffered from
nervousness, dreadful
pains in my back and
sides, and weak sinking
spells. Three bottles of
Cardui, the woman’s
tonic, rolieved me entire
ly. 1 feel like another
person, now."
The Woman’s Tonic
For over 50 years,
Cardui has been helping
to relieve women’s un
necessary pains and
building weak women up
to health and strength.
It will do the same for
you, if given a fair trial.
So, don’t wait, but begin
taking Cardui today, for
its use cannot harm you,
and should surely do you
good. E-72
The Grl With
• Beautiful Hair
Attracts Attention Everywhere
There is one sure and certain way for every
yeoman to have beautiful hair, and that is to give
it intelligent care, which includes the use of New
fctv’s Herpicide.
This remarkable preparation kills absolutely the
dandruff germ, eradicates dandruff and prevents
the hair from falling.
The prophylactic action of Herpicide keeps the
hair free from disease, and with the scalp sweet
and clean a natural hair growth is inevitable.
Herpicide hair scintillates with health and vig
or, light and luster, produced only by the well
known Bcalp and hair dressing, Newbro’s Herpi
One dollar size bottles sold with a guarantee
of money back if not as represented.
Horton Drug Co.
Special Agents.
White Orpington, Kellerstraw
strain, Eggs $3.00 for 15. Book
your orders early.
H. J. Turner, McDonough, Ga.
3-14, 4. Adv.
Mr. Frank Copeland made an
automobile visit to Jackson Tues
Dr. A. R. Scott has been attend
ing the Inauguration in Washing
ton this week.
We have established a mixing plant at McDonough and are now
ready to furnish to the trade the best fertilizer to be had. We use no
filler, our fertilizer is made from the best materials to be had.
When on the market for fertilizer see J. H. Fargason; he will be
glad to serve you. 4-18, 8
The "Best on Earth” brands are made by the CHICKA
MAUGA FERTILIZER WORKS. This trademark is based upon
h name earned for those brands by the planters who have used
them for years with splendid success.
This factory was established for the express purpose of mix
ing accurately the various formulas for growing cotton, corn,
grains, fruit, etc., on different soils and under all sorts of condi
tions. How well it has succeeded is evidenced by the constantly
increasing tonnage demanded by the trade season by season.
No shoddy or questionable materials are ever used—only those
worthy of the brand name under which they are sold. Expert
chemists at work at the plant from day to day examine these
mixtures regularly and see to it that there is no change or falling
off in the grade.
The CHICKAMAUGA goods are made from Fish Scrap, Cot
ton Seed Meal, Nitrate of Soda, Tankage Blood and Sulphate of
Ammonia, blended with the highest grades of Phosphates and
Potashes, and supply plant food to the growing crops in just
the right proportions, and feed them all the way from planting
until maturity.
For growing big crops at low cost you can’t beat the “Best
on Earth.” They are for sale by our agents nearly everywhere.
If your fertilizer dealer doesn’t handle them, write direct to
Chickamauga Fertilizer Works
Offices: ATLANTA, GA.
Have you a Baby?
Do not dose it on strong dangerous
drugs or secret remedies that do not
print the formula, you cannot afford to
run the risk. Every bottle of
Has the- Formula Printed on the Cartoon
in plain English. Any doctor who reads
it will tell yon Baby Ease is a good, safe
and valuable medicine for all stomnch,
bowel and teething troubles, it is liquid
and pleasant to take. Get a bottle to
day from your dealer, only 25? and 50? a
bottle. Baby Ease destroys worms, re
gulates tho bowels and aids digestion.
Notice of Application for Removal ot
Wvley Amis, vs. Luvenia Amis.
Henry Superior Court, Oct . Term, 1911.
Verdict for total divorce, 17th day of Oct.
Term, 1911
Notice is hereby given that on February
17th 1913. the undersigned filed in the
office of the clerk of the Superior Court of
Henry countyan application for removal
of disabilities resting upon her under the
verdict in above stated cause Said appli
cation .vill be heard at the term of said
court which commences on the Third
Monday in April 1913.
4 11, 8 Luvenia Amis. ♦