The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 13, 1913, Image 3

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    Just received a new shipment of Kodaks.
In our stock you will find any style Kodak and
the prices are right.
If you are already supplied with the Kodak re-
V * *
member that we have all the supplies you need
and are prepared to develop and print pictures
in first class work. 7. Horton Drug Co.
Ifxjou raise
Currants, Celei-y. Tomatoes,
Melons, Squash, Beets, Etc.
Thare is absolutely no preparation on the
market that will rid your vines and leaves
of the income killing pests so satisfactorily,
thoroughly, economically and speedily
WITHOUT the remotest possibility of
injury to plant, leaf or vine in any way.
Absolutely Free (root Arsenic.
In 100 lb. Kegs. 12 .. 5. 3 and
1 lb. PicKAses.
Ask for Ac free booklet—" Crop Insurance.**
Copeland-Turner Mercantile Co.
Telephone 25. McDonough, Ga.
Make your horses and
mules give you more work,
your cows more milk, your
chickens more eggs, your
hogs more meat and fat,
by mixing a small dose of
Bee Dee
with their regular feed. i
This tonic medicine im- |
proves the appetite, diges- |
tion, and general health, of
farm animals and fowls,
and its regular use will I
multiply your profits. I
Price 25c, 50c and SI.OO per can. i
“We gave Bee Dee Stock Medicine to i
two cows and their flow of milk was
doubled."—J. L. Cole. Goin, Tenn. i
P A. tO 1
Get some coupons from t i
merchants and vote in The Week
ly’s piano contest.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. George, and
sons, Aubrey and Hewlette, o.
Brushy Knob district, spent Sun
day here as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wade Turner.
FOR SALE—One good Jersey
Milch Cow. Apply L. E. Sewart,
Rt. 3 McDonough.
Mrs. W. W. Ward will entertain
Wednesday afternoon at her home
for Miss Lucy Reagan, a bride
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Glass return
ed home Monday, after a very
pleasant visit to her sister’s, Mrs.
W. F. Grant.
Mr. Howard Gocsett, of Atlanta,
was the week end guest of his
sisters, Mosdames J. T. Bellah and
J. H. Askew.
Miss Rosa Lee Ellison will be
the guest of her uncle, Mr. J. H.
James, in Atlanta this week.
Mrs. J. W. Gossett and little
daughters, Frances and Louise,
were the week end guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hin
Messrs. Gaston and Carl Hinton
spent Sunday at home.
Miss Ward McWilliams spent a
few days in Atlanta, the guest of
relatives last week.
Mr. and Mrs. U. R. Hinton were
the guests of Her sister, Mrs. Roy
Owens, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. DeLonghave
returned home, after spending a
few days with his parents, in
Jacksonville, Fla.
Miss Ruth Clark spent a few
days in Atlanta last week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McCullough
spent Sunday in Atlanta.
Messrs. John and W. W. Ward
and son, Will, spent Saturday in
Mrs. Rease, ot Decatur, was the
guest of Mrs. J. T. Bellah Satur
Mr. Hollis Glass spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards and Mrs.
Joe Cook spent Saturday in Atlan
Misses Alliene and Mary Hen-
I deson, of Newnan, were the guests
of their Aunt, Mrs. R. H. Hightower
last week.
Misses Inez Harrell and Ruby
Brannen were the guests of Misses
Eunice and Nellie Kate Callaway
at the picnic at Indian Spring Fri
Mr. Ed King and little daughter,
Vennie Lee, spent Sunday in At
Miss Corrie Gossett who has
been spending some weeks with
her brother, Mr. J. M. Gosset, in
Tampa, Fla., is at home again.
Miss Grace Talefair has return
ed home from Tallapoosa, where
she has been in school for the past
nine months.
Messrs. Jessie, and
Ralph and Milleage Owens returned
home Sunday after spending last
week the guests of their grandpar
ents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. George
Owens, in Flippen.
Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Sprayberry
spent Monday here.
Hello, readers, we are having
some rainy weather in our burg.
What about vou all? But the rain
don’t stop visiting at all for Mr.
Claud Skinner and family were
the guests of Mr. Lenard Lewis
and family Saturday night and
Miss Mary Smith visited Miss
Hattie Louis Sunday.
Mr. Sanford Lewis and family
were the guest of Mr. I. T. Dalney
and family Saturday afternoon.
Miss Srllie Gilbert spent Stur
day afternoon with Miss Emily