Newspaper Page Text
List of Members of Boys Corn Club
The following list of Boys’ Corn
Club members for 1913 is publish
ed as they have been enrolled
with the state College of Agr cul
ture and the Department of Agri
culture, Washington, D. C. If any
names are incorrect or omitted,
Name P. 0. Route
1. Chester Whitaker McDonough 1
2. Gettys Rosser McDonough 1
3. Clomer Berry McDonough 1
4. Rastus Kitchens McDonough • 1
5. Dewey Haynes McDonough 1
6. Russie Carter McDonough 1
7. Marvin Allums McDonough 1
8. Leo Bowden McDonough 1
9. Dewey Capps McDonough 1
10. Jim Haynes . McDonough 1
11. Vanil Hopkins McDonough 1
12. Zehna Nail McDonough 1
13. Lonnie Rape McDonough 1
14. Rollie Steele McDonough 2
15. Dorris Fargason McDonough 3
16. Smith Mays McDonough 3
17. Harrell Wallace McDonough 3
18. Ohlin Wilkins McDonough 3
19. Julian Wilkins McDonough 3
20. Willie D. Turner McDonough 3
21. Clarence Hubbard McDonough 4
22. Emmett Jackson McDonough 4
23. Eulee Sherwood McDonough 4
24. Roy Berry McDonough 4
25. Leo Craig McDonough 4
26. Lester Meadows McDonough 4
27. Roy Greer McDonough 5
28. Henry Greer McDonough 5
29. Cecil Sanders McDonough 5
30. Marvin Payne McDonough 5
31. Walter Barham McDouough 6
32. Olen Mason McDonough 6
33. Loy Strawm McDonough 6
34. Homer Elliott McDonough 7
35. Lehugh Burch McDonough 7
36. George P. Crumbley McDonough 7
3<. Otis Ford McDonough 7
38. Covls Ford McDonough 7
39. Jesse Freeman McDonough 7
40. Alon Moss McDonough 7
41. Tom Duffey McDonough 7
42. Homer Duffey McDonough 7
43. Cam Liles McDonough 7
44. Lloyd Smith McDonough 7
45. Oliver Babb McDonough R. F. D.
46. Coleman Babb McDonough
47. Wesley Callaway McDonough
48. Troy Mays McDonough ”
49. Jim Pritchett McDonough ”
50. Frank Nail McDonough
51. Andrew Bowden Ellemvood 1
•52. Robert Mitchell Ellemvood 1
53. Colie White Ellen wood 1
54. Claude Clark Ellenwood 1
55. Clarence Scarbrough Ellenwood 1
56. Fanjo Scarbrough Ellenwood 1
57. Abner Pruett Ellenwood 2
58. Lov Sockw'eli Ellenwood 2
59. Ten ell Lanev Locust Grove R. F. D.
60. Frank Nail Locust Grove ”
61. Andy Owen Locust Grove
62. Willie Price Locust Grove ”
63. J. W. Middlebrooks Locust Grove ”
64. Clarence Harrison Locust Grove ”
65. Marvin Waters Locust Grove ”
66. Herman Ingram Locust Grove 2
67. George Tingle Locust Grove 2
68. Ernest Standard Locust Grove 2
69. Ernest W. Duffy Locust Grove 3
70. Clem Chappell Luella 1
71. Ernest Allen Luella R. F. D.
72. Thomas Steele Luella ' ”
73. Cloma Harrison Luella ”
74. Bunn Callow ay Rex 1
75. Paul Calloway Rex 1
76. J. C. Gardner Rex 1
77. Jesse Jones R-oc 1
78. Fred Martin Rex 1
79. Glynn Thurman Rex 1
60. Otto White Rex 1
81. Ivan Austin Rex 1
82. Rylie Bailev Rex 1
83. Zed Swann R< x 1
84. Edwin Floyd Ftippen 1
85. Clifford St >ne Flippen k 1
■B6. Grover Moseley Flippen 1 .
87. Julius Warren Flippen j
88. Raymond Roan Gteemvood
89. Curtis Starr Stockbridge 3
DO. Jesse Lloyd Stair Stocktiridge 3
91. John Gilbert stockbridge 3
please notify the County Superin
tendent at once that the correc
tion may be made.
The list of Girls’ Canning Club
will be published soon as received.
Now' is the time to prepare for
the County Fair!
Rapid Vacuum Washer
Delivered Prepaid at Your Door
TRI-WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- <j£ 1 /jIY
urday, 3 times every week, one full year * • U
THE RAPID VACUUM WASHER, one of the Rest Devices for 'J AA
Washing Clothes. Simply Perfect, Perfectly Simple ....
ALL FOR ONLY .£*7 Regular Price $4.00
Or Absolutely Free to Voa for a Club of Five Yearly Subscriptions with §3.00 Remittance
The Rapid Vacuum Washer Washing Machine
Perfect in Merits, Perfect in Price Any Roman, or Even a
Child Can Operate This
This Machine Is goa-antced to give as good satis- Washer,
faction as any hand pswer machine on the market as the improved lever at
regardless of price. Delivered at your door for $-1.27. *’l ‘ e V,,Vw iT'L'qVil rV'ii to l
Parcel postage prepaid. minimum.
This cut shows the washer complete ready to be attached to 1
any tub or wa h boiler. It is beyond ail question the grea 1 st sue- me/,,~1e u w
cess of any invention in the form of washing machines. With this —cpvfSßte
washer the work is done by vacuum waterforce—the water and J\ T’JipsT
soap beingforced through tliegoods by compressed airandsuotion. W'Wtg
f f . •’N 'i'll im\. !i iriii doer Il>e w tk in !«?•••> time Ilian ihe ir.o>; iir.vhtr.v V
jp on Ue mark •’ —Is easier operate • atul co-:s but otie-OuKh i!»’i v. rugo pME i'-'.h* G
... _ m i -bine- Tae Vjicuucn Washer ('Rn he Kttiu h' il to any til l>r ivii-l. ioU r ,
In tin i.i a-ini ::•> - -tews to li <ii: •n— not bin :lo I’dinst —« child no:r: ai •r'jfl' •*>'!
It wilt wmh a tub of clothes In from lir- :o ten ri mi. nlriL mis mnn no your do'lues are .)•>: t' ■ •• 11-- 1 I
to the wear Ilia' is cnu.v.l by the bedim: nti.l hatt Inn process u.-ort by other makes With tlie Rnpid Vc I/ j ’ "Si I \
It is th • soup nn 1 w ter that does the wore It is sltnn’e In con ;■ ruction, but mighty In effect. I. a can. t.- < r !/ i ty
the most d/.lon ■ Inhiies can be olcut I without too s , !*rhte«t fl«mn<"*. »**<i this is ai> oluteiy the only proce.-.s f
by which l> ml;ui:l.s can be washed without bdtimj or brcnLitijf the stitches. f ■
The plum.-er an easily be detached fr<jm lev a uni used In a pail or other small vessel for washing f olid ar “ J
tides. The entire weight ot the washer is tour pounds, and It can be easily iolded up and put out ol the way Th:-cot show* th waeher
when not in use. in I In. on,, tut.*<>you may
A 8 n crush order from >«•>.. »*ou will Send u CIlJi ol FiveSuIT9CTi»KTS arsd SO,OO wu v :.! :d them .; th «»if r. only th Knpid
all the paper oil* yeur pn<i Hcv •' Yoisr Washer Free. Yo r five* suhst t !t»ui- irnty lukv >i i i v«11 r* t v;v ■ ‘ .iy 51. G9 Varnum "n>dH*r that is shown
oiler we make, or Mils SVashiu : u chine < >rt* , r. it they pay the extra 81. GO. Address all orders and remiUiiiu es to attachod to the tuU
Telephones "
on Farms
50c per Month and Up
If there is no telephone on your
farm write for our free booklet
telling how you may get service at
small cost.
Lovejoy Live Topics.
Mr. Editor: We are having too
much r .in now. We had the larg
es! rain Saturday that has fallen
in twenty years. Oats and wheat
crops are pretty good, though it
rains so much the grain will be
damaged considerably.
General Green has nearly cap
tured the cotton crop. If it rains
much longer, the farmers will
have a hard time to clean it out.
93. Claude Walden Stock bridge 1
92. Tom Jarrett Stock bridge 1
94. Homer Bellah Stock bridge
95. Robert Harrell Stockbi idge
96. Oien Mitchell Hainnton
9?. Warren Davis Hampton
98. Douglas Glower Hampton
99. John Kimball McDonough 3
100. Josh McKibben Locust Grove 2
101. J. B. Woodward McDonough 3
102. Henry Hammock Locust Grove 1
103. Van Wall Locust Grove 1
104. Dewey Piper Locust G'\,*e 1
105. Elliott Bellah Stockbridge 2
The time merchant is beginning
to look blue and the man who
sells for cash is having a very
easy time. Of course he is not
selling many goods.
Well, if the weather clears up
your other correspondents will be
in my boat; nothing to write, as
visiting will be at a stand-still ’till
General Green is cleaned up.
More in the future,
A. V. M.
For the Spring Fever.
For the fellow who has spring
There is a remedy doncher know:
It is found down on the river
Where the fish swim to and fro,
It is this: Take a hook and a line
and a sinker,
You can get a pole down there:
Then sit yourself down and don’t
give a tinker
Whether you get big fish or a bit
ot iresh air.
—Southern Merchant.
Do and Say.
Two brothers once lived down
this way,
And one was Do and one was Say
It' streets were dirty, taxes high.
Or schools too crowded, Say
would cry:
“Lord, what a town!” But Brother
Would set to work to make things
And while Do worked Say would
“He does it wrong! I know that I
Could do it right” So all the day
Was heard the clack of Brother
But this one fact from none was
Say always talked: Do always did.
General Green has made its ap
pearance in this section.
Rev. Paul Higgles dined with
Mrs. J. A. Sorrow Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Atlanta,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Copeland.
Mr. J. J. Welch and family of
Tussahaw, spent Sunday with Mr.
W. P. Welch and family.
Mrs. Georgia Hammond is the
guest of her sister, Mrs S M
Coker. ‘
Elder Dan Henderson is spend
ing a few days in South Georgia.
The many friends of Mrs. D. T.
Stone will be sorry to learn that
she is seriously ill.
Mr. J. S. Barnett attended the
singing at Lovejoy Sunday.
Misses Lois and Ma:tie Bunn
were the guests of Misses Lov e
and Rus~ lienueivjti Fnda> night