Newspaper Page Text
locals •
Miss Annie Nolan and Mr. Q. R.
Nolan will give a matinee party
in Atlanta Saturday for Miss Lucy
Reagan and Mr. Hill Redwine.
Miss Kaie Reagan is at home
for the summer.
The tea by Mrs. W. W. Ward j
at Stockbridge on Wednesday af
ternoon for Miss Lucy Reagan, a,
bride-elect was a beautiful and,
enjoyable event. On arrival the i
guests were served to a delicious |
fruit punch. The music rendered
by Missis Ruby Walker, Annie G.
Thompson, and Annie Nolan, of,
McDonough, and Lois Biles, ofj
Jackson, added greatly to the
pleasure of the afternoon. Later
cream and cake was served, the
white cream having for its center;
a dainty pink wedding slipper.!
The decorations throughout the
pretty house being white
About fifty, guests called between
four and six.
When you need preserving ket
tles, enamel or crockery ware of
any kind, go to Henry County Sup
ply Co. They have a full line and
give Weekly Contest voting tick
Mr. Ed Reagan, of Cordele, was
a visitor here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Brown and
Miss Mildred Lee have been in
LADIES — Get your fruit jars for
canning berries from Henry Coun
tv Supply Co.
Mrs. Anna Weaver and Mi ses
Suell leave this week to spend
the summer at Stone Mountain.
Miss Meffet spent Friday in At
FOR SALE —One good Jersey
cow with young calf.
B. F. Grant, McDonough, Ga.
Miss'”Maffet leaves Saturday for
her home at Cartersville. Her
many friends here regret to see
her leave.
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Patterson
and Miss Mamie Dickson and Mr.
L. F. Stewart attended ♦he singing
at Salem Sunday.
Mr. Raymond Carmichael is
spending a while here as the guest
of relatives.
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan visited At
lanta Monday.
Mr. W. C. Woods, of Woods
town; was in our city Tuesday.
Masses Annie Nolan and Annie
Lemon spent Friday in Atlanta.
Mr. Aldine Combs left Wednes
day for Cincinnatti, where he will
pursue a summer course of study
in the Cincinnatti Conservatory of
Miss Lavinia Jones, of Atlanta,
spent the week end with Mrs. A.
M. Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelley and
little Francis spent Sunday here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Kelley.
Mr. Walter Cook, Jr., of Colum
bus, was in our city for the week
Miss Mary Barker, of Atlanta, is
the guest of Mrs. Annie M. Nolan.
Nettie Gray and Ethel
Coan, of Locust Grove, and Miss
Ruth Rape will attend the summer
school at Knoxville, Tenu., this
Mr. Cloma Sims came down
from Atlanta and spent Sunday
with homefoik.
Mrs. T. J. Patterson is the guest
of her brother, Mr. Robert Brad
field, at LaGrange.
Miss Bess Fouchc spent yester
day in Atlanta.
Tax Receiver's Regular Rounds
FOR 1913
Locust Grove ...... Friday .
Luella . . 9to 11:30 A. M. . . Monday . 23
Greenwood . . 1 to 3 P. M. . . Monday . 23
Hampton . ..... Tuesday . 24
Stockbridge ...... Wednesday . 25
Locust Grove ....... Thuisday • 26
Filppen ..... Friday . 27
Hampton ....... Monday . 30
Stockbridge . . .... Tuesday • 1
1 shall be in my office in the Court House at McDonough
every Saturday, until the books are closed on July i, 1913.
J. H. WALLACE, Tax Receiver
of Henry County, Georgia
McDonough, Georgia.
Miss Daisy LeCraw, of Atlanta,
is expected Saturday, as the guest
of Miss Ruth Turner.
Mr. Hill Redwine, of Fayette
ville, spent Sunday in our city.
Miss Henry Arnold, of Chatta
nooga is the guest of Mrs. Ross
Mr. Carl Sloan attended the com
mencement at the Georgia School
of Technology, in Atlanta; this
Mr. S. H Carmichael, of Atlanta,
spent the week end here with his
j family, who have been the guests
of relatives here for two weeks.
Mrs. Patrick, of Locust Grove,
was the guest of her parents here
I Sundav.
Mr. Rimhen Berrv is soending a
whiln with his parents here, Dr,
and Mrs. M. E. Berry.
Missps Agnes and Helen Dunn
spoilt Tuesday in Atlanta.
Messrs. Q. R. Nolan and Park
Dallis, of Atlanta, were Imre Sun
dav, the guests of Mrs. Annie M.
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Hennesee
and Mrs. Emma Akins, of Coving
ton, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. M.
Miss Mozelle Baldwin, of Cuth
bert, is the attractive guest of Miss
Ruth Turner.
Mr. Jon] Bankston made a busi
ness trio <0 Jackson Thursday of
last week.
Dr M M. Forbes, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs R.
•M. Fincher, at Snapping Shoals
Miss Lorena Combs, of Locust
Coove, is the guest of Miss Ruby
Miss Hester Combs, of Locust
Grove, is the guest of Miss Ruby
Locust Grove.
Miss Vallie Pitts will leave in a
few days to visit relatives in Tex
Mrs. R. C. Brown has returned
from a visit to her sister in Atlan
Mr. Farr hss returned from a
business trip to Cedartown.
Miss Eunice Pitts is spending a
while with her sister, Mrs. Edwin
Arnold, in Greensboro.
The unusually cold weather on
Monday and Tuesday caused the
citizens to don overcoats and felt
hats, this giving the streets an ap
pearance of December instead of
Miss Stella Gardner visited
friends in Atlanta last week.
Mrs. Carl Combs and littl - son,
of Atlanta, spent the past vyeek
with Doctor and Mrs. Combs.
Miss Mary Woods is visiting
Mrs. Betlie Reynolds.
Mr. Julian McKnight spent the
week end with his parents at Se
Mr. and Mrs. Aldine Combs will
leave Wednesday for Cincinnatti,
where they will spend the sum
Miss Mattie Wilson is visiting
her sister Mrs. L. L. Landrum.
Mrs. J. L. Peek is spending a
week with her mother, Mrs. Mil
ton, near Jackson.
Mr. Riy Walker has accepted a
, position with the George Muse
Company, of Atlanta, for the sum
Mrs. I. G. Walker has gone to
Indian Spring for a few weeks.
Miss Carrie Lee Combs enter
tained for Miss Leone Me s icker at
a miscellaneous shower on Thurs
day afternoon. The house was
decorated with an abundance of
Wizard Triangle
Removes the dust and renews the
lustre of the Finished. Stained Fj’
Varnished or Waxed floor.
Gets in the corners. Sanitary. An
tiseptic. Lightens Housework.
Can be handled with ease. Will be
glad to let you try it.
Copeland=Turner Merc. Co.
daisies. The color scheme of yel
low and white was carried out in
the decorations and refreshments.
After a contest, in which Miss Mc-
Vicker was declared the winner,
she was was presented with a
basket of beautiful and valuable
gifts by iittle Caroline Gray.
On Saturday at high noon oc
curred the marriage of Miss Leone
McVicker and Mr. Charles Austin.
Only the immediate family and a
very few friends were present
After the ceremony they left for
their home in Kenwood, accom
panied by Misses Carrie Lee
Combs, Eula McVicker, and Sara
Carl of Thanks.
' want to thank the kind friends
who seem so tender and warm to
my heart. I thank each and every
one who even gave one penny in
this trouble.
I trust it will be the means of
saving my dear little girl and me
it isn’t a very large amount, but
may God bless each and Every
one of them. I trust in the Lord
for the balance, as He has all
Yours truly,
K. J. H lys.
Miss Eva Barrett spent Fri Jay
in Atlanta.