The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 13, 1913, Image 7
VARNISH! % $ When in need of any kind of Furniture Polish call on us. We have a full assortment of Varnish, Stains and Polish, Which will clean and brighten up'any thing from your parlor, floor to your Piano. ALSO STOVE and GRATE POLISH. * HORTON DRUG COMPANY. McDonough, Georgia. Flat Rock. Mrs. N. J. Wilkerson was on the sick list a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster, of near Flippen, were in our section a short while Sunday. Messrs. Henry Hinton and Claud Moseley filled their regular ap pointment Sunday. Mrs. Andrew Dailey, of Flippen, visited her sister, Mrs. William Hinton Thursday. Ask Mr. Johnnie Wilkerson what he was smiling so pleasant about Monday. Mr. Henry Moseley and Miss Kate Bonner and Mr. John Miller and Miss Lovie Wilson attended services at Stockbridge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hinton spent Saturday night with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Fields, of Flippen. * Sunflower. Singing At Methodist Church On June 15th. There will be a singing at the McDonough Methodist church on the third Sunday afternoon in this month, the 15th instant, at 2 o’clock. We invite all who like music and are interested in singing. There will be with us some of the best leaders in the county. Among them are: Messrs. W. W. Hooten, T. J. Upchurch, A. J. Upchurch, A. G. Combs, S. E. Coker, W. J. Pendley, W. G. Thompson, Professor Rosser, and- others. Come all Respectfully, C. J. Dickson, W. G. Thompson, A. C. Sowell, Committee. FARM LOANS. Money to loan on farm lands. Brown & Brown. locals. Miss Ellene Neal has returned from a house party at Jonesboro. Misses Ethel Sowell and Lucile Tolleson have returned from Em ory commencement. Miss Jane Stanfield, of Jackson, will arrive today, Friday, to be Miss Lucy Reagan’s guest. Mr. Q. R. Nolan, of Atlanta, spent Sunday at home. Miss Agnes Dunn visited Atlan ta Tuesday. Mrs. Roy Brown and Mrs. T. A. Woodruff spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Nice quality of ice tea and jelly glasses at Henry County Supply Co. Ladies dress goods, white goods and notions of good quality and styles can be found at Henry Coun ty Supply Co. Have you bought your straw hat yet? If not, “You should wor ry” and get it at Henry County Supply Co., where they are offer ing some good values at low pri ces. The most convenient and safest fruit jars you can buy is the Queen E-Z Seal and Economy jars sold by Henry County Supply Co. Miss Clara Florence Bright is at home from Gough, where she has been teaching a flourshing school. Miss Annie May Atkinson, of Atlanta, spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkinson. Miss Bess Bowden returned T ues day from Clarkston, where she was the guest of Miss May Estes Tarver at a house party. Mr. A. M. Stewart is confined to his room with sickness. His many friends trust that he may , soon be well again. Worn Otif? No doubt you are, if you suffer from any of the numerous ailments to which an women are sub ject. Headache, back ache, sideache, nervous ness, weak, tired feeling, are some of the symp toms, and you must rid yourself of them in order to feel well. Thousands of women, who have been benefited by this remedy, urge you to TAKE Cardui The Woman's Tonic Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., says: "Beforetaking Cardui, 1 was, at times, so weak 1 could hardly walk, and the pain in my back and head nearly killed me. After taking three bottles of Cardui, the pains dis appeared. Now 1 feel as well as I ever did. Every suffering woman should try Cardui.’* Get a bottle today. E-68 H. SNOW, PHYSICIAN Telephones, Office and Residence: No, 2402. FLIPREN, <3 A. E. J. REAGAN, Attorney at Law, Office in The Henry County Weekly Building. Will practice in all the courts. 0. L. ADAMS, DENTIST MCDONOUGH. GA. TELEPHONES: OFFICE, 107-J RESIDENCE, 103 OFFICE IN LEMON BUILDING. BROWN & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. McDonough, Ga, DR. J. B WATKINS, VETINARY SURGEON. Treatment of diseases of all ani mals. All calls promptly attended to. Office Leach & Co’s new barn. Phone 44 —151. Jackson Ga. D. A. BROWN, DENTIST Office Hours . 7.30 to 12 a. m. to 5 p. m. McDonough, Ga. R. O. JACKSON, Attorney-at-Law, MCDONOUGH, Ga. Oflfiee over Star Store Have rou a Baby? Do not dose it on strong dangerous drags or secret remedies that do not print the formula, you cannot alford to run the risk. Every bottle of BABYEASE Has the Formula Printed on the Carter■ in plain English. Any doctor who reads it will tell you Baby Ease is a good, sale and valuable medicine for all stomach, bowel and teething troubles, it is liquid and pleasant to take. Get a bottle to day from your dealer, only 2SP and 50f a bottle. Baby Ease destroys worms, re gulates the bowels and aids digestion. '