The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 13, 1913, Image 8
SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS IN PRIZES TO BE DISTRIBUTED BY > THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY The Capital Prize which will be given by The Henry Coun ty Weekly is to be an elegant S4OO Ober meyer & Sons Piano like the cut shown here. Rules and Regulations Governing Contest are Mentioned Below? 1. ANNOUNCEMENT—T hi s Piano and Popular Ladies’ Voting Contest will be conducted fairly and honestly on business princi ples, strictly with justice and fair ness to all concerned. With the above principles it will be an assur ed success. 2. PRIZES —The capital prize will be an Obermeyer & Sons Piano. Also other valuable prizes to the amount of many dollars, which are announced herewith. 3. CANDIDATES—Ladies in this and adjoining counties are eligible to enter this contest and the party receiving the largest number of votes shall receive the S4OO Obermeyer & Sons Piano and other premiums will be dis tributed in accordance with the contestants standing at the final count. LADIES' GOLD WATCH VALUE Sl>vs.oo DONATED BY The McDonough Drug Co. First class Sanitary Soda Fount, Everything in Drugs, Fine stationery, Candies, Tobacco, Cigars. Prescriptions carefully compounded We Give a 25 Vote Coupon With Every SI.OO Pur chase. Ask for Coupons. Alligator. Leather Lined Hand Bag. Value $15.00 DONATED BY The Copeland-Turner Mercantile Co. In These Departments Only: Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, and Millinery Departments. We give a 25 Vote Coupon with every SI.OO cash pur chase in above named departments. Ask for coupons. Set Fine Silver Spoons. Value $5.00 DONATED BY B. B. Carmichael & Son Hardware and Furniture We Give a 25 Vote Coupon With Every SI.OO Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupons. IN ITS GREAT PRIZE VOTING CONTEST 4. TIE IN VOTES—S hou 1 d any of the candidates tie in votes the Publishers’ Music Company will award a similar prize, accord ing to standing at final count. 5. VOTES CLASSED—Votes will be issued in the following de nominations: New subscriptions, 600 votes, SI.OO Renewals, 500 votes. SI.OO Renewals, more than one year, 600 votes, SI,OO Back subscriptions, 400 votes SI.OO 6. INSTRUCTIONS—ResuIts as to standing of votes will be is sued after 30 days. No votes ac cepted at less than regular price of paper concerned in this contest. No one connected with the paper will be allowed to become a candi date in this contest or work for contestants. FINE ROCKING CHAIR. VALUE $5.00 DONATED BY H. L. Carmichael Furniture Company, Undertaker and Furniture. We Give a 25 Vote Coupon With Every SI.OO Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupons. 48-Piece Dinner Set. Johnson Ware. Value $12.50 DONATED BY The Henry County Supply Company In These Department Only Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Fats, Crockery and Glassware. We give a 25 Vote Coupon with every SI.OO Cash Pur chase, in the Above Departments. Ask for Coupons. $4.00 Pair Queen Quality Slippers. $4.00 Pair Crosett Shoes, $3.00 No Name Hat. Value sll. DONATED BY McConnelFManley Co. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc. We Give a 25 Vote Coupon With Every SI.OO Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupons. Votes after being counted can not be transferred to another. Be sure to know whom you are going to vote for before coming to the ballot box, as the editor or anyone will positively not give any infor mation on the subject. For the first thirty days the paper will run a 25 vote coupon, which can be voted free for any lady contestant. Contest to run not less than 90 days. Closing of contest will be announced 25 days in advance of closing. The right to postpone date of closing is reserved, if suf ficient cause should occur. The contest shall close on a day which will be announced later. 10 days prior to closing of contest, the judges will carefully lock or A number of the mer? chants o f McDon ough have contribut ed valuable prizes and will give “Press” Prize Vote Coupons with $ 1.00 cash purchases. seal ballot box and take same to the Bank of Henry County, where the same will be in a place where the voting can be done during business hours and locked in a vault at night until close of con test, when the judges will take charge and count same and an nounce the young ladies winning it their turn. The last ten days all the voting must be done in a sealed box at the bank. If you do not wish anyone to know whom you are voting for, place your cash for subscriptions, together with your coupons, in a sealed envelope, which will be furnished you, and put same in ballot box. This will give everyone a fair and square deal. FINE PAIR SHOES VALUE $5.00. DONATED BY The McDonough Trading Company In Dry Goods Department Only. We Give A 25 Vote Coupon With Every SI.OO Cash Purchase. Ask For Coupons. Due Bill For Anathing I Sell Value $5.00 DONATED BY W. O. WELCH Fresh Staple and Fancy Groceries. I Give A 25 Vote Coupon With Every SI.OO Cash Purchase. Ask For Coupons. Clip the Vote in The Weekly and Send it in.