Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Twenty-four of County’s Thirty-seven Sunday
Schools Are Represented.
The Henry County Sunday
School Association held its regular
annual convention at the McDon
ongh Baptist church Saturday
and Sunday.
And a most excellent and en
thusiastic meeting it was. Forty
delegates were present represent
ing 24 out of the 37 Sunday Schools
in the county.
It was perhaps the biggest and
best ever held in the county and
ranks high in the state.
So good and full of helpful
things was the program that we
cannot begin to name every feat
ure of the feast of things spiritual.
President T. J. Horton was
present and presiding. The Rev.
Btthel - Ci. C. Clark
Riverdale - _W. N. Gilmore
Mt. Zion - M. C. White
Stockdridge, M. E J. W. Hightower
PhOadelphia - J. T. Rawls
Flat Rock G. F. Crumbley
Flippen J- B. Rowan
Mt Carmel. - B. C. Bright
McDonough, Baptist O. 0. Tollesson
McDonough, Presbyterian Frank Reagan
Salem C. T. Elliott
Bethany --- J- H. Rape
Locust Grove, M. E R- C. Brown
Mt Vernon H. J. Gardner
Stockbridge, Presbyterian.__ H. P. Hawkins
Daniel J- G. Jinks
Progress E- H. Foster
Delta Grove V. C. Crumbley
Hampton, M. E W. M. Harris
Oakland _ J- D. Welch
McDonough, M. E J- S. Hunt
Pleasant Hill G. C. Alexander
Timberridge J- J* Knight
Locust Grove, Baptist J- J Walker
Number of Sunday Schools in the County 37
Number of Sunday Schools Reprepresented 24
Number of Delegates Reporting 40
President W. W. Milam, Stockbridge
Secretary Treasurer 0. 0. Tolleson, McDonough
President Northern Division S. K. Austin, Rex
President Eastern Division Judge R. 0. Jackson, McDonough
President Southern Division A. G. Combs, Locust Grove
President Western Division Smith Davis, Hampton
Prof. T. J. Horton, Hampton
Prof. Claude Gray, {Locust Grove
E. M. Copeland, McDonough
M. C. White, Rex
J. D. McCullough Stockbridge
The County’s Sunday School
history for the past year is in
deed a most encouraging one.
Under the heading, “Inspiring
Facts,” the Georgia Sunday School
News says this of our county:
“Henry county also reached the
Banner Standard some weeks ago,
but pictures of the County Officers
* could not be secured earlier than
this issue, so that they are shown
J. M. Gilmore and the Rev. Jonas
Barclay, McDonough pastors, glad
ly aided in the success of the meet
ing by accepting prominent places
on the program.
Mr. D. W. Sims, the State Secre
tary, assumed the greator burden
of the speaking and was heard by
all with pleasure and profit.
Messrs. J. W. Patterson, U. R.
Hinton, George Alexander, W. W.
Milam, and J. S. Hunt were the
Henry county laymen who had
parts on the program.
Below we give a list < f the
schools represented, with the
name of the superintendent of
each, and also th. names of the
officers elected:
herewith. In discussing how
Henry County Sunday School
Association reached the Banner
Standard it is impossible to say
who did the work. The/ have a
splendid bunch of County Officers
in Henry county, and they have
worked together heroically to
reach the Banner Standard.”
Henry is the second Banner
county in Georgia.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday july is, 1913.
Good Singing and a Large Crowd
Is Expected to Gather At
» m 11
The annua! celebration of the
Henry County Sunday Schools
will be held at Shingleroof Camp
ground on Friday, August Ist.
The program will be along the
usual lines, and will be fully up to
the high standard heretofore set
for such occasions.
The singing of the various
schools of the County will be a
feature ai d all the schools of the
county are urged to send their
best singers. All Sacred Harp
singers are invited to come and
bring their books.
Everybody is invited to come
and enjoy the services of the day.
One of Hampton’s Most Esteem-
Women Died Friday Night.
'"Mrs. W. S. Davis died Friday
night at midnight at her home in
Mrs. Davis was 47 years
of age and had lived a happy
and useful life of Christian service.
She was known and loved by a
wide circle of friends who join
with the bereaved family in mourn
ing her going away.
The funeral services were held
at the Hampton Methodist church
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
and the interment was at Mt. Car
mel at four o’clock. The Rev.
J. E. England conducted the ser
vices at both places.
Mrs. Davis is survived by her
husband: four daughters; Mrs. G.
W. Steele, of Flint, and Miss Lois
M. Davis, Miss Carrie S. Davis,
and Miss Rachel Davis, all of
Hampton: one son, Mr. Warner
Davis, of Hampton.
Notice to Correspondents.
Next week there will be no issue
of The Weekly put in the mails.
It has long been the custom for
the weekly papers to suspend
publication for a week near the
4th of July. The date is selected
for next week to allow the Editor
to attend the convention of the
Press Association at LaGrange.
At the \nnual Convention last
week the handsome sum of $50.07
was raised for the State and
County work. Three Division
Meetings were held in ihe North
ern Division during the year, two
in the Western, and one each in
the Eastern and Southern Division.
The Northern Division is the first
Gold Star Division in Georgia.
McDonough board of trade
Meeting Monday Evening Decides to Stir Up Mem
bers to New Activity and Do Something.
The'McDonough Board of Trade
held its regular semi-monthly
meeting in the office of the Secre
tary in the Court House Monday'
Only a small crowd attended,
but all were enthusiastic and de
termined to continue the fine work
of the Board.
The matter of securing the
National Highway was discussed,
but the committee was not pre
pared to report on the matter.
It was determined by the mem
bers present that the Board should
be more active in its work for the
town’s progress. To that end it
was decided that the next regular
meeting on the evening of Mon
• t ■ I ■
' V*4 * (
» *. J '> .
Many Are Making Hard and Close Fight For
First Place in the Race.
The Weekly’s Popular Voting
Contest comes to a close this
(Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock.
All the contestants are working
heroically and the contest will
probably not be decided -ntil the
very hour of closing.
The bonus from now is as fol
For every 7 new subscribers
8,000 extra votes making a total
of 12,200.
For every seven renewal sub
scriptions we will give 6,000 extra
votesknaking a total of 9,500 votes.
For every seven back subscrip
tions we will give 4,000 extra votes,
making a total of 6,800,
For every forty merchant’s cou
pons, 1,000 extra votes.
By studying out the above bon
Name Total Gain
Mrs. Lillian Lester 83,450 65,450 .]
Mrs. C. W. Gardner 82,250 50,600 •]
Mrs. Grady Morris 81,925 52,300
Miss Pearl Payne 61,400 40,400
Miss Leonora Roseberry 50,000 48,850
Miss Margaret Brown 47,700 41,200
Miss Annie Kate Kinbell 42,200 41,200 f
Miss Lillie Craig 29,000 J 3
Miss Bertha McGarity 25,000
Miss Lucy Moore * 22,000
Miss Trellis Lane 21,000
Miss Velna Simpson 17,000
Miss Lillian Stanfield 16,000
Miss Annie Bell Ingram* 15,525
Miss Thelma Hutcheson 14,000
day, July 28th, shall be in the
nature of a mass meeting in the
court room at the court house.
Every member present was
made a committee to talk the
the meeting and secure the attend
ance of every other member and
every citizen who cares for the
progress of the town.
Not only members of the Board
are urged to attend this meeting,
but all citizens who are interested
in the town’s progress and
growth are asked to come and let
us make McDonough move on
and up to more and better things.
Remember the time, Monday,
July 28th, at 8 o'clock, P. M.
us offers any contestants will be
able to win, as each and all have
this right.
The following merchants give a
coupon with every one dollar in
cash purchase to those who ask
for them. Get your tickets when
you buy your goods. No tickets
given on accounts.
B. B. Carmichael & Son,
H. L. Carmichael Furniture Co.
Copeland-Turner Mercantile Co.
Henry County Supply Company.
McConnell-Manley Company,
McDonough Drug Company.
McDonough Trading Company.
W. 0. Welch.
The following is the standing of
the contestants at the second count,
with the gain of each between the
first and second count:
51.00 A YEAR