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The Henry County Weekly
LaGrange and West Point Royally
Entertained Weakly Press
Last Week.
The Georgia Weekly Press As
sociation held its twenty-seventh
annual convention at LaGrange
Monday and Tuesday, July 22nd
and 23rd.
A majority of the editors ar
rived on the train from Atlanta
Monday evening, but others came
in during Wednesday.
More than 200 delegates wera
present. This is said to be the
largest attendance in the history
of the association.
The editors were entertained
by the LaGrange people in their
delightful homes. And real royal
was the entertainment. The vis
itors only had to feel a wish to
find it gratified by the generous
host and gracious hostess.
With Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Bacon,
of the Madison Madisonian, the
editor of The Weekly was the for
tunate guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Y.
Austin. In their beautiful home,
situated on one of the heights
overlooking the city, we found in
the pleasant family an inward
charm and grace surpassing even
the outward beauty. We were
made to feel so at ease that we
came to regard “all things ours.”
Tuesday morning every dele
gate was marked with a handsome
badge, bearing the name of the
association, the places to be vis
ited, as well as the individual’s
The exercises opened Tuesday
morning at 9:30 o’clock at the
court house. Dr. A. B. Vaughan,
pastor of the First Baptist church,
opened the meeting with prayer.
Then followed welcome ad
dresses by Mayor John D. Ed
mundson and President W. A.
Reeves, of the Chamber of Com
Mr. W. S. Coleman, of the Ce
dartown Standard, made a beauti
ful response.
Many able and helpful addresses
were made by various editors.
These business sessions came
Tuesday and Wednesday morn
ings and Tuesday evening.
The editor of The Weekly was
on Tuesday evening’s program.
He spoke on “The Country Pub
lishers of America,” the new na
tional organization of publishers
of country weeklies recently form
ed at Chicago.
Tuesday afternoon the associa
tion spent at West Point. This
attractive little city servedla sumpt
uous repast on the banks of the
historic Chattahoochee in the Win
ston Higgenbothem Park.
After the barbecue, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Trox Bankston, of the West
Point-Lanette News, gave the vis
itors a reception at their delight
ful home. All were charmed by
their gracious hospitality.
The Hon. Fuller E. Callaway
gave a magnficent barbecue at
beautiful Ferrell Gardens Wednes
day afternoon. In every respect
it was elegant and most enjoya
All McDonough Joined Ina Meet
ing of Great Spiritual Awak
ening and Growth.
A ten days’ series of meetings
at the McDonough Baptist church
came to a close Sunday evening.
It was a quiet but unusually
successful meeting. The pastor,
the Rev. J. M. Gilmore, preached
and the attendance and prayers of
the Christian people of all denom
inations were contributed to the
general purpose of the service.
The result has been a general
spiritual uplift for the whole city
and a more serious consideration
of things eternal by the worldly.
Seven new members have been
received into the church. The bap
tism will be on the morning of the
second Sunday in August.
The Rev. J.M. Gilmore has been
given a much-merited vacation,
but will be present at the services
on the second Sunday.
Here the feature most alluring
to the editors of every age and
the yoked and unyoked was the
party of 27 of the finest and pret
tiest young ladies in the State of
Georgia, who assisted in enter
taining the guests.
These underfed editors actually
forgot to feast their famished pal
ate to feast their eyes upon such
entrancing beauty. And you know
the country editor has a thirst,
too. But the warmest coffee and
coolest tea, etc., never was ex
hausted in the vessel and all alike
gave forth the same merry tinkle
as of ice-filled vessels; for as the
liquid poured out the helpless hun
gry hearts fell in and filled the
pitchers everyone.
Mrs. John M. Slaton, the Gov
ernor’s charming wife, and her
mother, Mrs. W. D. Grant, attend
ed the barbecue.
All these good things reached
a happy climax with Wednesday
evening’s banquet. The reason is
that the banquet was the.affair of
LaGrange’s woman’s clubs.
Mr. W. A. Reeves, president of
the LaGrange Chamber of Com
merce, was the toastmaster. The
address of the evening was made
by Governor Slaton and it was a
masterly presentation of our
State's present financial predica
There were many other excel
lent speeches.
Mrs. W. D. Grant and Mrs. R. R.
Lane played beautifully on the
Mrs. J. L. Bradfield. of La-
Grange, and Miss Ruth Oppen
heim, of the Deutch-Zeitung, of
Atlanta, charmed the banquetters
with their sweet singing. Miss
Oppenheim, both at Dublin last
year and at each meeting at La-
Grange, graciously honored the
association with many inspiring
Thursday morning, the major
ity of the delegates left for Bruns
wick and St. Simon’s Island.
The praise of LaGrange is on
the lips of every editor who was
so fortunate as to be a guest with
in her gates at this convention.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday august, i, m 3.
Mrs. C. W. Gardner Is a Close
Second--Mrs. Grady Mor
ris Third.
The Weekly’s Great Popularity
Voting Cnntest came to a close
with the final count Friday after
noon, July 18th.'
Mrs. Lillian Lester, of Locust
Grove, won the piano by a close
vote. Mrs. C. W. Gardner, of Rex,
won the second prize and select
ed the watch offered by the
McDonough Drug Company. Mrs.
Grady Morris, of Stockbridge, won
the third prize and selected the
china set offered by the Henry
County Supply Company. Miss
Pearl Payne, of McDonough, Route
5, won the fourth prize and se
lected the handsome rocking chair
offered bv Mr. Howard L. Carmi
chael. The other winners of the
prizes have not yet made their
selections and are given below in
their order, with the votes won by
The Weekly is very much pleas
ed with the result of the contest
and, as a result of the s me, its
subscription list has been consid
erably increased. We appreciate
the work of the contestants, each
and ever}' one, and the help of all
those who subscribed and paid
their subscriptions, and we sin
cerely thank each of them.
It shall be our effort to show
our appreciation by making The
Weekly even a better paper than
it has been heretofore.
We give below the result of the
last count:
Mrs. Lillian Lester 240,855
Mrs. C. W. Gardner 222,025
Mrs. Grady Morris 98,375
Miss Pearl Payne 97,425
Miss Leonora Roseberry... 76,600
Miss Margaret Brown 66,500
Miss Nannie Kate KimbelL 65,075
Miss Annie Bell Ingram. 61,525
Miss Lillian Stanfield 61,400
Prominent and Popular Citizen
of Northern Henry Died on
July 18th.
Mr. John Clark passed away at
his home in Shakerag district on
Friday evening, July the 18th, at
7 o’clock.
Mr. Clark was one of Henry
county’s most worthy and promi
nent citizens. Of excellent char
acter and genial ways, he had
many friends who will miss him.
The funeral and interment were
at Bethel Saturday morning at 11
Mrs. Horton Hostess.
Mrs. B. E. Horton was the
charming hostess Tuesday morn
ing to the young people, in honor
of her guests, Miss Hargroves and
the Misses Cook.
Tuesday evening Mrs. Horton
entertained the matrons as a com
pliment to Mrs. T. A. Lifsey.
Both occasions were very pleas
ant affairs for the fortunate guests.
Well-Known and Highly Esteem
ed Locust Grove Lady, Died
on Thursday,July 24th.
Mrs. Henry L. Brown died at
her home in Locust Grove on
Thursday, afternoon of last week
at 3 o’clock.
Mrs. Brown was an excellent
Christian woman who leaves many
friends to join the bereaved fam
ily in mourning her death.
The funeral and interment were
at Old Beersheba, Friday after
noon at 2 o’clock. Elder Dan
Henderson conducted the services.
Mrs. Brown is survived by her
husband, four daughters and three
sons, Messrs. Joe Brown, Jack
Brown, and Jim Brown.
Infant Sen of Mr.WalterGilmore,
of Cairo, Finds Poison at
Mr. Lon Norman’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gilmore's
18-months-old son, Willie, made
the almost fatal mistake of drink
ing carbolic acid Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore’s home is
at Cairo, but she and Willie have
been the guests of Mrs. A. C. Nor
man at Ola.
In seme way Willie found the
bottle of acid on Monday, as he
played about Mr. Norman’s home.
True to the baby nature he had to
taste it.
The little fellow is suffering in
tensely, but it i> hoped that he can
Excellent and Aged Mother of
Our County Treasurer
Died July 17th.
Mrs. Sibyl Hand died at the
home of her son, Mr. G. W. Hand,
on Thursday evening, July 17th,
at 7 o’clock.
Mrs. Hand was 87 years of age
and had lived a life of gentle acts
and Christian usefulness. She was
a good woman and a!good neigh
bor. She served her time most
usefully in the rearing of four
sons who represent the very best
type of citizenship. One ot them
is Mr. W. F. Hand, of McDonough,
is our present efficient county
treasurer Two grandsons, Messrs.
Charley and Lloyd Hand, are Mc-
Donough men.
The funeral and interment were
at Mt. Carmel on Friday afternoon,
July 18th, at 2 o’clock. The Rev.
J. E. England conducted the serv
Mrs. Hand is survived by four
sons: Messrs. G. W. Hand, W. F.
Hand, James H. Hand, of Henry
county; and Mr. Thomas M. Hand,
of Arkansas.
Monday Evening’s Meeting Was
Well Attended and Judge
Harris Was Made
« .Mill ■ I. l ■ ll—■■ «
The McDonough Board of Trade
held its regular semi-monthly
meeting Monday evening at 8
Mr. J. T. Weems, vice-president,
called the meeting to order. A
good attendance was on hand and
all showed a determination that
the Board of Trade must not die.
The principal business was the
report of the committee on the
project to secure a short, direct
highway from Atlanta to McDon
ough, and to Maccn via McDon
This committee is Dr. J. G.
Smith, Judge A. G. Harris and
Messrs. D. T. Carmichael, H, B.
Neal, and A. N. Brown. Dr. Smith
made a most comprehensive and
encouraging report. It was his
belief that we can succeed in se
curing the highway by hard work.
We were informed that the peo
ple of Stockbridge desire the
highway to pass through Stock
bridge, and that the people of
Love’s and BushyK nob districts
desire it to pass through those
districts and would provide a large
fund to aid in the expense.
A resolution was passed thank
ing Dr. Smith and his committee
for their thorough and excellent
work. Committees were appoint
ed to aid the committee, to secure
propositions in writing from resi
dents along the two proposed
routes, to secure the aid of the
Conley, Clayton and DeKalb coun
ty citizens, the Atlanta real estate
men and newspapers, and to seek
the co-operation of the Decatur
Board of Trade and Commissioner
of Roads Freeman; and also to se
cure the co-operation of the towns
and residents of Locust Grove,
Jenkinsburg, Jackson, Indian
Spring, etc.
Mr. O. 0. Tolleson’s resignation
a~> secretary was accepted with
regret and a vote of thanks for
his good work was passed.
Judge A. G. Harris was elected
to succeed him as secretary.
Remember the next meeting on
Monday night, August 11th, at 8
Mr. and Mrs, J. M.
Carmichael Hosts,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carmichael
entertained in their usual gracious
manner at a melon cutting Mon
day evening.
Misses Ruth and Esther Car
michael served punch through the
evening, and later delicious water
melon was served.
Miss Nina Wall
Hostess at Picnic,
Miss Nina Wall was the charm
ing hostess to her Sunday school
class at the Methodist church Tues
Her class is composed of small
boys and they thoroughly enjoyed
the picnic at Fargason’s mill.