Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
1 ’ "
Popular Stockbridge Coupe Join
Fortunes at Rev. J, A. Jack
son's Wednesday.
A pretty event of Wednsday
afternoon, 24th inst., at 4 o clock,
was the marriage of Miss Ora
Walden and Mr. John Thomas
The wadding was a quiet affair,
the only relatives present were a
brother and a sister of The bndej
The ceremony was performed! oy
the Rev. J. A. Jackson ui his home
in Tussanaw* uiainei.
Mrs-. is the oldest daughter
Of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. VValaen and
a young lady of amiable disposition
and .charming personality, which
have won for her many very nose
Mr. Mays is one of Stockbridge’s
most prominent and popuiai busi-
ness men.
After the ceremony, the happy
couple were entertained bv the
bride’s grandmother, Mrs. M. L.
Bowden, until they returned to
their home in Stockbridge.
Their meny inends wish for
them that the returns of each day
will be such as will make their
lives pleasant.
Miss Mary Ammons Hostess.
Little Miss Mary Ammons enter
tained a number of her friends at
rook Friday afternoon.
Orphan's Home Workday.
Saturday, October 4, will be ob
served by the McDonough Metho
dist Church as Workday for the
Orphan’s Home at Decatur.
An appropriate service will be
held at the Methodist Church on
"Sunday Morning at which time a
collection will be taken to aid these
unfortunate ones.
These little orphan children ex
pect their friends help them on
this day.
Are you a friend of the Orphan?
If so, will you help them at this
We expect every friend of this
Home to give at least one day’s
work to help care for these chil
dren without a home.
• I \i \ • til r\ ,*« /, , f a •••'•.- f , , i
. * S < f ' -• t
Henry County Singing Con
vention Pileets fit T hilhppi.
The annual session of the Henry
County Singing Convention was
held at Phijlippi Church on the
12th and 13th of September. The
convention was called to order by
the President, and the election of
of officers for the, ensuing year
resulted,!in the election of Prof.
W. W. Combs,, President, W. G.
Thompson, Vice Resident, and A.
C. Nprman, Committee
on arrangements, \\. G. Ihomp
son, J. L. Jinks, add George Bar
4u^ S t,p| mm
present, an 4 U -was
sessions the cpn^JU¥Jn^
i. -id.;; vJ.c. ■> •> •> L: p-y
The convention will hold its an
nual sessions next with Lib
erty Hill Church in the western
part of the county.
An Excellent Lady of Hampton
District Died on Sep
tember 15th.
Mrs. Fannie Mitchell died at her
home in Hampton district on Sep
tember the 15th.
Mrs. Mitcheli was 41 years and
was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Westmoreland'. She was
a member of the Christian church
‘at Hampton fori nearly a quartos
of a century.
Mrs. Mitchell was a Christian
Woman of beautiful and useful lire
and friary besides the betekVed
family mourn her death.
The funefal services were con
ducated at the home of Mrs. West
moreland by the Rev.vE. R. Clark
son, Pastor of the Christian church,
and the interment was in the fam
ily cemetery at the home of her
Mrs. Mitchell is survived by her
j husband, Mr. J. H. Mitchell, and
I two daughters and four sons.
Locust Grove.
' . i ; '
Mr. Durham, of Dawson, visited
Locust Grove last week.
Miss Ethel Coan, spent the past
week with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Duffey.
Locust Grove continues to give
the top of the market for cotton.
On Saturday over sixteen thous
and dollars worth of cotton was
sold here, some of which brought
fourteen and three-sixteenths cents
per pound. The counties of Butts,
Spalding and Monroe, furnished
quite a number of bales in this
sale. Thirty bales were bought
by one man from'Monore.
Mrs. J. L. Peek and family have
moved to Jackson. Mr. and Mrs.
Peeler will occupy her home.
Dr. and Mrs. Turner spent Sun
day in Jenkinsburg with Dr. and
Mrs. Akin.
Mrs. Dora Knott, of Atlanta, is
visiting Mrs. Henry Knott.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hubbard
havg returned to Cordele, after
penning some time with the let
ter’s parents.
Quite a number of the young
people here attended the Associa
tion at Brooks Station Sunday.
Miss Pearl Radford spent the
week end with Mrs. Bryant Hub
Mr. John Robe, t Gardner has
accepted a position with Ttie Hen
ry County Weekly. His many
friends are sorry for h : m to leave
town, but wish him success in his
Baptist Sunday School Notes.
Superintendent f Seety-Treas.
Last Sunday was promotion day
atuur Sunday School. This wound,
Ifpm year’s work, and pupils were,
a tlrfss. '
Pwed an attend-1
*Pftfc.srhpo! voted to give $20.09 ter;
A proposition to divide the Bar
acca and Philathea classes is being
McDonough, Georgia. Friday October 3, 1913.
Prominent and Popular Sandy
Ridge Citizen Died Wednesday
of Last Week.
Mr! E. C. Ticker died ai 1.
home in Sandy Ridge district on
Wednesday of last week at noon
Mr. Tucker was a genial aqd qp*
right gentlemen and leaves many
frauds who join the bereaved
family iq.mpurnpigjiis death.
' The funeral and nkermgrt were
at Philadelphia Thursday morning
ol last week at 11 o'clock. Rev,
Mr. Smith Conducted the services.
Mr Tucker leaves u . wife and
sev- rai childly u.
Stockai i jyO.
Miss Willie Eve, after a visit to
her sister, Mrs. W. W. Warn, lias
returned to her home
Mrs. A. M. Pa Ley, of Harlem,
has been the gueH ef Mrs. F. R.
Mrs. J. C. Walden spent* a few
days in Atlanta la 1 w;
Mr. George Smith, of Flovilla,
spent Saturday here.
Miss Ruth Clark is in Atlanta the
guests of' her .is Hr, *kli\. J. J<
Mrs. W. W. Ward and children,
Madeline and William, spent Sat
urday in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Carnes, of
near Jonesboro,were the guests of
h* r parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Milam. Sunday.
Mr. Claude Moseley was the
guest of his mother, Mrs. Lizzie
Moseley, Sunday.
Mrs. Grady Morris and children
were the guests of her sister, Mrs.
Roy Askew, Monday.
Mrs. D. L. McCullough and litiie
son, Dalton, spent Sm day with
relatives at Flippen.
Dr. R. H. Hightower spent Mon
day in Atlanta.
Mr. Oscar Hightower and daugh
t r, Mannie, spent Sunday in At
Mrs. L. H. Harrell has returned
home, after a three weeks’ visit to
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, at
Miss Ilah Brannan is in Atlanta,
visiting her lister, Mrs. Flenry
The U. D. C’s were entertained
by Miss Artie Bellah Wednesday
Mrs. Nora McWilliams spent
Thursday in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Glass spent
Thursday in Atlanta.
The Marriage of Miss Ora Wal
den and Mr. John Mr's took
place quietly at the country home
of the bride’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. W. Walden, Wednesday
| afternoon, September the 24th.
| Their marriage was an event of
deeping rest to heir many friends
jin H> ary county.- •
j Ml * TUifcU esor,
sifcter, Mrs. J. B. Newman, Suitd^FV
Mr. and Mr. Victor Upchurch
had as their guests Sunday, Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Upchurch and Miss
Mamie Upchurch, of Locust Grove.
Eeteemed Wife of Mr. Edward
Cookie Died At Liberty
Hill Home.
. i ui Conkle died at her
home ui Liberty Hill Friday, after
nearly a y ear’s illness.
Mbs. Conkle was not quite 22
years pi age, having beyii born
Decern; m 20, IbOL She was a
good woman and bore her suffer
ing with true Ck.risjtiqn resignation.*
The Jqpu ni and interment were
at Liberty liiii on Saturday.*
Mrs. Cockle is survived by her
tins...: d, Mr. Edward Conkle, a
s .ymontii old infant, her pjireuts,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown, and other
'ho cals: 1 '
A tn ong• i h ide froth McDonough
vitfL- , Atlanta Friday ivet‘e Mr.
and Mrs.- Frol Walker, Mefesrs.
utoiV'Li' hpobn, A. C. Sowell,
•ri i '.l it, or, and F. M. Smith.
"Miks Ev'e of Jackson,
is spending inis ' wcok with her
sister here, Mrs. O. L. Adams.
i 1 it, May Atkinson, of At
lanta, spent the weekend here
• with her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. L.
i Atkinson.
Misses Lilah Copeland and Eu
nice Twrpley are attending the
Flint River Association’s meeting
at Griffin.
Mrs. J. M. Gilmore spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Hon. T. D. Stewart, of Atlanta,
was in our city Saturday.
The Rev. J. M. Gilmore, and
Messrs. E. M. Copeland and James
Bowden are attending the Flint
River Baptist Association at Griffin
this week.
Miss Hetty McCurdy spent the
week end at Stone Mountain.
Mrs. W. A. Reed, of Bullochville,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs, A.
K. Brown.
Mr. Wyman Sloan, of the Geor
gia School of Technology, spent |
Sunday at home here.
Miss Edna Earle Lindsey spent
Sunday in Atlanta.
Miss Annie L. Nolan visited At- j
lanta Monday.
Misses May Tarver and Bessie
Bowden visited Griffin Sunday.
Mrs. D. W. Scott has' returned
home from a summer spent at her
old home in Fincastle, Va.
Little Miss Genevieve Wilspn, of
1 Fincastle, Va., is the guestof her
* aunt, Mrs., A. R. Scott.
Mrs. H. M. Hutton and Miss
Cornelia Hutton left Wednesday
for her home in Savannah. t
Mrs. Willie Ham spent Sunday
in Locust Grove.
/ wf .(, 'ffjYi!* f .ii .o
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker sppnt
Friday in'Atlanta. . •
Mr. Bentdn Thompson spent
Friday in Atlanta. I" ■% - > *'• ) A
Miss Jaftife"^ck^r'' &n}f ‘ ner
'brother J&rryi*-
day for rFrisVP* from
where they will returned to their,
home in Coleman, Fla.
Miss Nina Wall returned from.
Atlanta Monday night.
Aged and Excellant Sandy Ridge
Woman Died Thurs
day Night.
Mrs. Elizabeth Evans died’at her
home in Sandy Ridge district
Thursday night of last week.
Mrs. Evans was 74 years of ago
and was a woman possessing many
of the Christian graces. She was'
a good and kindly neighbor, whose
useful life made her many trie, ds
to miss her from their midst.
The funeral and interment were
at New Hope Friday afternoon at
l 2 o’clock. The Rev. L. L. Lan
drum conducted the services.
Methodist Missionary Tea
A Pleasant affair.
The Women’s Missionary So
ciety of the McDonough Methodist
church held their Annual Tea Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.,
A. C; Sowell. 1
A large number were present,
and every one seemed to enjoy
the occasion. ,
Mrs. Evans is survived by one
daughter and five sons. >
After a splendid progam rend
ered by Miss Ethel Soweii, Mrs.
A. Fouche, Mrs. Julian Weems,
and Mrs. A. B. Sanders, a delight
ful salad course was served.
The regular meeting of the Mis
sionary Society will meet next
Monday at 3 o’clock at the church.
Let every member be present
Misses Margaret Smith and
Helen Davis spent the week end
at Locust Grove.
Misses Mattie Lou, Lilah, and
Nellie Hand spent the week-end in
Money to loan on farm lands
Brown & Brown.
Mrs. Jennie Harper nnd Mrs.
Cora Knoit went to Atlanta Friday,
where they will will visit relatives.
lor a, week. >
Mrs. Emma Walker is visiting,
near Locust Grove.
; , f .~TT "A *
/Lasi Week’s Letter.)
Miss Mamie Hayes was the guest
of Miss Epsie Wilkinson Saturday.
Mr. B. H. Waldeii spent Satur
day* and Sunday with relatives
near Conyers.
Mr. Harris Hinton has gone to,
attend the Meridian, Mississmpi,
High School. | ,
Pine Apple. f *
ii The Singing at Mr. \ViH Patrick’s ‘
was enjbyed' by a nice crowd Sat- j
hjrday night. _
i iwVifc.f
4.1(1115 «T JW .Mrs .
A. L. Smith Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lester visit
ed Mr. Boce Copeland and family
Merry Wido vv