Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weeklv
f J J Clerk Superior Co
Flames Practically Destroy Build
ing Early Monday Morning.
Fire Department Too Late 1
A few minutes before 5 o’clock
Morning morning fire was discov
ered in the residence of Mr. H. H.
Fields on Macon street.
The volunteers with the city fire
fighting apparatus responded
quickly to the alarm. But the
flames had made such headway
before it was discovered that the
building could not be saved.
The piano and a few other ar
ticles were saved. The house was
practically destroyed, only one
room and some of the frame work
being left standing
The origin lof the fire is not
known. Mr. Fields had risen be
fore 4 o’clock and prepared his
breakfast and then left for his
busines at Flippen.
The fire seemed to have been
confined .vithin the ceiling or
otherwise concealed itself until it
reached sach magnitude that it
burst through to the air. It is
presumed to have caught from the
stove fire in some way.
Mr. Fields’ loss has not yet been
estimated definitely but the insur
ance of $2,000.00 will not cover the
loss, it is reported.
Statement of the Ownership,
Management, Circulation, Etc.,
of The Henry County Weekly,
Published Weekly at McDon
ough, Ga.
Required by the Act of August
24, 1912.
Editor, Frank Reagan, McDon
ough, Georgia.
Managing Editor, Frank Reagan,
McDonough, Georgia.
Busines Manager, Frank Reagan,
McDonough, Georgia.
Publisher, Frank Reagan, McDon
ough, Georgia.
Owner: Mrs. Annie M. Nolan, as
Guardian of Annie E. Lemon,
*Mt©Onough, Georgia.
Frank Reagan.
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 4th day of October, 1913.
W. J. Greer,
C. N. P. of H. Co. Ga.
(My commission expires Dec.lOth,
Pine Apple.
*• rj §»- rt '/• f# - -
The farmers of this section are
busy gathering their crops.
, v -
Mesdames A. W. Edwards, J. S.
Heflin, J. M. and J. E. Lester, visit
ed Mrs. S. A. Smith and Mrs. F. C.
Edwards at Locust Grove Satur
Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, of
Charlotte, N. C., visited Mr. J. M.
Lester and family a few days last
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Copeland, of
near Mt. Carmel, visited relatives
in this section Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Walden visit
ed Mr. Will Patrick and family
Mrs. George Patrick and child
ren returned home from a visit to
Atlanta Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brisendine
announce the birth of a girl, who
will be called Helen Virginia.
Card of Thanks.
To tlie Missionary Society of Hamp
ton and citizens of the surround
ing country;
Please accept, my thanks for the
many nice things present to me
for my little children during the
illness and death of their mother,
Mrs. J. H. Mitchell.
I also thank the citizens for kind
ness and donations,
May God bless each and every
one is my prayer.
J. H. Mitchell.
Board of Trade Meets To-night.
The McDonough Board of trade
will meet this (Friday) evening at
7 o’clock at the court house.
A county fair for this year will
be considered and arrangements
made to have one.
Let all the members and citizens
Miss Mozelle Baldwin, of Cuth
bert, is the attractive guest of Miss
Ruth Turner.
Miss Ruth Turner spent Friday
in Atlanta.
Judge E. J. Reagan attended
Pike superior court at Zebulon
Miss May Tarver spent the week -
end in Atlanta.
Miss Edna Earle Lindsey spent
the week-end in Forsyth.
Mrs. Flowers, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday in McDonough.
Mr. W. E. Russell spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Mrs. Cora Wise, was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Welch on
Thursday of last week.
Mr. John W. Rountree, of Flip
pen, spent Tuesday here.
The Bev. T. J. Bledsoe was in
our city Tuesday.
Mr. M. T. Toney, of Atlanta, spent
Tuesday in McDonough.
Mr. Dwight Green, of Conyers,
came over last week and with his
brother, Mr. Will Green, visited
his father, Mr. Jeff Green, at Julia,
who, his friends will regret to
know, is confined to his bed again.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Green and Mr.
Robert McDonald sp4nt Sunday at
Snapping Shoals.
Our people will hear with
interest of the double wedding of
two former residents of McDon
ough, Misses Edna and Carrie Van
Deventer, to Messrs. Ramie Bul
loch and R. W. BroWh respective
ly. They were married at Cordele
i j, r i i• / , . « *
McDonough men were honored
at the the Flint River Association’s
meeting at Griffin last week. The
Rev. J. M. Gilmore was elected a
Messenger to the state convention,
and Was assigned th’e duty of
preaching the special missionary
sermon at next meeting. Mr. E.
M. Copeland was a member of the
nominating and executive commit
Mr. C. E. Smith attended the sing
ing at Rock Springs Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Copeland at
tened Sunday School at Delta
Grove Sunday.
Merry Widow.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday October io, m 3.
Miss Hetty McCurdy spent the
week-end in Stone Mountain.
Mrs. Carrie Mayo and little Miss
Marie Upchurch spent the week
end in Locust Grove.
FOR SALE—Appier Seed Oats.
Milt Walker, McDonough, Ga.
10-31 4
Mrs. Willie Ham spent the week
end at Locust Grove.
Mr. Howell Gardner, of Locust
Grove, made McDonough a hur
ried visit Tuesday morning.
Mr. Jonce Fargason’s many
friends regret that he is very ill
and hope that he may soon recover.
FDR REfNT—Residence on De
pot street, formerly occupied by
Dr. Henry Hightower.. Mrs. Annie
M. Nolan, McDonough, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and
little Julia spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Will Turner in McMullen's
district. “
Mr. Walter Cook, Jr., of Atlanta,
spent the week-end her i.
Mr. A. C. Norman, of Ola, spent
Tuesday in our city.
Miss Hattie Sue Low has return
ed home from Talbotton, where
she was the guest of Miss Clara
Misses Hattie Sue Low and
Helen Dunn and Messrs. Edward
Reagan and Walter Cook made an
automobile visit to Griffin Sunday
Esteemed Wife of Dr. Barron
Died at White House Sat
urday Night.
Mrs. C. A. Barron died at her
home at White House Saturday
evening at 7 o’clock.
Mrs. Barron was 29 years of age
and was a niece of Mr. J. F. Wall,
of McDonough. She had lived
in Henry county but a short time,
but she had made many friends by
her genial and attractive ways.
The remains were shipped to
Milner and the interment was near
there on Monday.
She leaves her husband, Dr. C.
A. Barron, and several small child
Mr. and Mrs. Cayce, and Mr.
Shelverton, of Atlanta, spent Sun
day a+ the Brown House.
Mr. Q.R. Nolan, of Atlanta, spent
the week-end with his mother,
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan.
Hon. T. D. Stewart, of Atlanta,
was in McDonough Sale day.
Miss Annie Nolan spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Mr. Raymond Harris, of Hamp
ton, was in our city Monday.
Mrs. I. D. Crawford, of Inman,
was the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Annie M. Nolan, Saturday.
Money to loar, on farm lands
Brown & Brown
Mrs. Delia Crookshanks, of At
lanta, is the guest her sister, Mrs.
Emily Rosser at the home of Mrs.
S. E. Dailey.
Messrs. Roddie Turner and Wy
man Sloan, of the Georgia Tech
nological School in Atlanta, spent
the week-end here.
Card of Thanks.
We desire through the Henry
County Weekly, to thank each and
everyone of our many dear friends,
who were so kind and generous,
in the long illness and death of our
loving wife and mother. May
God’s richest blessing’s rest on
them all, is the ea nest wish of
J. H. Mitchell, and children.
Mrs. J. W. Wise, of Fayetteville,
was the guest of friends here for
several days last week. Mr. Wise
cam i Friday and returned home
with her Friday night.
Mr, Butler Walker, of Griffin,
spent Sunday here as the guest of
his sister, Mrs. D. T. Carmichael.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the court
house door in the city of McDon
ough, Henry County, Georgia, be
tween the legal hours of sale at
public outcry to the highest bidder
on the first Tuesday in November,
1913, the following described pro
perty, to-wit;
‘ : One house and lot in the town
of Hampton, 3d land district of
Henry County, said lot containing
one-half acre, more or less, and
bounded as follows: On Noith
and East by O. T. Hennessee,
South by T. C. Jones, West py
George Archer’s estate, with all
improvements thereon. Levied
on as the property of J. A. Barham
to satisfy an execution issued from
the Justice Court of the 723 d Dis
trict, G. M., of Henry County,
Georgia, on February 14, 1313, in
favor of Henderson-Arnold Com
pony against J. A. Barham. Terms
Cash. Property levied on pointed
out by the plaintiff fi.fa. Tenant in
possession notified. This the 9th
day of October, 1913.
A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.
10-31, 4.
Georgia, H'mrv County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in the City of McDonough, Henry
County, Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale at public outcry to the
highest bidder on the first Tuesday in
“One house and lot in the town
of Hampton, 3d land district of
Henry County said lot containing
one-half aore, more or leas, and
bounded as follows; On North and
*■.* * a * V
East by O. T. Hennessee, South by
T. C. Jones, W»st by George Arch
er’s estate, with all improvements
Levied on as the property of
J. A. Barham to satisfy an ereon
tton issued from the Jhatioe Cottrt
of the 723 d district, G. M., of Hen
ry Qoonty, Georgia, pn Feb. 14,
1913, in favor of Henderson-Arnold
Company againgst J. A. Barham.
Terms oasb. Property levied an
pointed out by the plaintiff in fi. fa.
Tentnt in possession notified. This
9th day of October, 191 -
A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.
10-31 4.
Unless sold by private sale be
fore, will be sold at public outcry,
before the Court House door in
McDonough. Ga, on the first Tues
day in November next. Fifty acres
of lands in one mile of Flippen.
Known as the Barbara Branan
place. Sold by agreement of heirs,
for distribution. For further par
ticulars, write to or call on.
G. 0. Branan,
Flippen, Ga.
Dr. C. 1.. Tucker, of Griffin, was
greeting his'many McDonough
friends here Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fields
and Mr. Ben Bankston made an
automobile trip to Athens Sunday.
Master Harper Carmichael had
a birthday party Saturday after
noon. Forty of his little friends
were present. Punch was served
throughout the afternoon and
there was the birthday cake with
eight lighted candles on it, a dime
and thimble were placed in it and
there was much interest in cutting
it. They had a jolly good time
playing bean bag and other games.
After playing to their he *rtt con
tent, they served cream and cake
and fruit.
Mrs. Helen Lyon, mother of Mrs.
E. J Reagan, has been quite sick
the past week.
Miss Ruby Walker entertained
her rook club Tuesday evening.
The club numbers eight.
Miss Nina Wall will have as her
gue<ts Sunday Mr. Bell, ,M.i4s.
Pearl Nash,, and Mr, Clark, of At
j "-* /*' '* ■' '
Miss Annie May Ktkinson and'
Mr. Bowen of Atlanta, will spend
Sauday with Miss Beula Atkinson.
Wednesday afternoon Mesdames
J. G. Smith and Marviy Turner, at
the latter’s residence, entertainep
a few friends at rook.
Money to loan on farm lands
Brown & Brown.
Judge and Mrs. E. J. Reagai,
with their grandchildren, Helen,
Edward, and MaVguerite Turner,
enjoyed an automobile trip to At
lanta Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodfin Combs
and Miss Ruby Walker made an
automobile trip to Atlanta Wednes
Mrs. Comer Woodward left the
hospilal Thursday and will spend a
few weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Verna Wright, convalescing from
an operation which was most suc
Mrs. Charles Zachry is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Mayson, in At
lanta, and will De there two or
three weeks.
Mr. W. J. Elliott, of Atlanta and
the world at large, was in our city,
his old Wednesday. Jo pee
has prospered in the business
world but does not forget occas
ionally to come back home,
Mrs. Stevens, of Stevens Pot
tery, and Mrs. Stalper, of Macon,
were the ghosts ot their cousin,.
Judge E. J. Reagan, Thursday
Mr.. Benton Thompson spent
Wednesday in Atlanta,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. Ingram
entertained a few friends very
pleasantly Friday evening at tea in
compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Wise, of Fayetteville.
Mrs. H. P. Redwine, of Fayette
ville, was the guest of her pare nts,
Judge and Mrs. E. J. Reagan,
Thursday and Friday of last week.
Mr. Redwine came over and re
turned home with her Friday.
Miss Kathleen Walker, of Spald
ing county, is the guest of Mrs. Asa