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LIdHL NUllbtb.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Geo. W. M >ore,
lug made application to me in due
toi, abe appointed permanent ad
mhu»«j'Htor upon the estate of
Mrs. Mary D. Moore,
Sate of said county, notice is hereby
that said application will be
Vneard at the regular term of the Court
®f Ordinary for said county to be held
©n the First Monday in Nov. 1913.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 2nd day of Oct., 1913.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, Mrs. M. E. Evans, Ad
ministratrix of Mrs. R. C. Patillo,
represents to the Court in her pe
tition. dnly filed and entered on
record, that she has fnllv admin
istered Mrs. R. C. Patillo estate:
This is, therefore, to cite al] per
sons concerned, kindred and cred
itors, to show cause, if any they
«an, why said Administrator should
not be discharged from her admin
istration, and receive Letters "of
Dismission on the First Monday in
November, 1913.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
All parties holding claims against
the estate of W. W. Skelton
met hereby notified to present the
some, duly attested, within terms of
law; those indebted to said estate
ft notified to make immediate pay
Oct. 6, 1913. W. G. Calloway,
*l-14,6 Est. W. W. Skelton.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
T. G. White, execntor of the
estate of J. W. White,
deceased, having in due form made
apfplication for leave to sell the lands
belonging to said estate, consisting of
one hundred acres, more or less, in
the 12th Land District of DeKalb
Connty, Da,, known as the “George
Cook place.” Also 4 shares Rank
«tock in the Rank of Rex (Clayton
'ounty, Ga.), and also 4 shares
Rank stock in the Hank of Ellen
■wood, (Clayton county, Ga.)
Said application will be heard at
he regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said County to be held
on the First Monday in November,
This 6th day of Ootober 1913.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Georgia. ry County.
By yfa- of an order granted by
the Coar‘ Drdinary of Henry Coun
cil Gee will be sold before the
eOUrt house door in the city of Mc
■*>onough, Henry County, Georgia, at
.public outcry to the highest bidder,
within the legal hours of sale on the
First Tuesday in November. 1913,
25 acres, more or less, in southeast
«*>rner of west half of Land Lot
•No. 192 in the 11th Land District
«of Henry County, Ga., bounded on
the north and east by lands of T.
43. Swann, south by land of L. A.
"Rivers. west by land of C. W.
Gardner. Also 52 42-1 00 acres in
fjand Lots Nos. 38 and 59 in the
T6th Land District of DeKalb Coun-
Ay, Ga. Also 52 and 13-100 acres in
£/Ots Nos. 59 and 60 in the 16th Lard
District of DeKalb County, Ga.
Also 55 1-6 acres in Lots Nos.
b'.v and 60 in the 16th Land
District of DeKalb County, Ga.
Also one share in the Bank of Rex,
Clayton County, Ga.
All of said property sold as the
property of W. W. Skelton,
late of said county, deceased, for the
Terms: One-half cash, balance
January Ist, 1915.
Oct. 6. 1913. W. G. Calloway,
1&31 T 4 Est. W. W Skelton,
I Georgia, Henry County.
Hi virtue ot an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of said coun
ty at the regular September Term,
1913, will be sold before the Court
House door ’» the City of McDon
ough, Ga., on the First Tuesday in
November, 1913, between tbe legul
honrs of sale, t-o the highest and
best bidder for the following
lands belonging to the estate of
John I). Rowan, late of said county,
deceased, to-wit:
Tract No. I—Forty-four and 29-
100 acres of land in the 7th Land
District of Henry County, Georgia,
bounded on the North by lands oi
O. R. Dailey, East by lands of Mrs.
M. A. Tye, South by other lands of
the estate of John D. Rowan, and
West by O. B. Dailey.
Tract No. 2—One hundred, five
and 85-100 acres of land in the same
district, State and County, bound
ed North by lands of W. L. Pull-
Ups and other lands of estate of
Juo. D. Rowan East by other
lands of estate of Juo. D Rowan,
South by lands of W. C. Hamilton,
and West by lands of G. E, Floyd
and L. L. Phillips.
Tract No. 3—One hundred, 6 and
7-10 acres of'laud in the same dis
trict, State and County, bounded
on the North by other lands of the
estate of Jno. 1). Rowan, East by
other lands ot the estate of Jno D.
Rowan, estate ot S E. Dailey and
W. C. Dailey; South by W. C.
Hamilton and West by Truct No. 2
of the estate of Jno. D. Rowan. On
this tract is situated the late home
of Jno. D. Rowan.
Tract No. 4—Forty acres, more
or less, in same District, State and
oounty, bounded on the North by
lands of Mrs. M. A. Tye, East by J.
A. Foaohe, South by estate of 8. E.
Dailey and West by Tract No. 3 of
estate of Jno. D. Rowan. .
Said lands sold for the purpose
of distribution among the heirs of
said Jno. D. Rowan, deceased, and
sale will oontinue from day to day
until oompleted.
All the above lands constitute
the old home place of the late Jno.
D. Rowan, have been recently
surveyed and platted, and plat of
same can be seen at the office of E.
M. Smith, at McDonuugn, or un
derugneu at Fiippen, Ga.
This October 6, 1913
Heury S. Rowan,
Administrator Estate of
Jno. D. Rowan, deceased.
E. M. Smith, Attorney.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
W. A. D. Nelson, administrator
of the estate of Luveuia Maugham,
deceased, having in due form made
application for leave to sell the lands
belonging to said estate, consisting of
two acres in 7th Laud District of
said oounty and State.
Said application will be heard at
the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said County to be held
on the First Monday in November,
This 6th day of October, 1913.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
H. T. Medloek, Guardian of Car
rie E. Medloek (Barnett), has ap
plied to me for a discharge from
his Guardianship of Carrie E. iVled
lock (Barnett):
This is therefore to notify all
persons concerned to tile their ob
jections. if any they have, on or
before the First Monday in No
vember next, else he will be dis
charged from his guardianship as
applied for.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
10-31 4
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs. Banuie E. Mahone
having made application for Twelve
Months’ Support out of the estate of
Charles M. Mahone,
defeased, and tbe appraisers having
filed their return, all persons concern
ed are hereby required to show cause
before the Court or Ordinary of said
county on the First Monday in No
vember, 1913, why said application
should not be granted.
This the 6tli day of October. 1913.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of uri order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of said conn
ty at the September Term, l! 1 13,
will be sold before the Court House
door, in the City of McDonough,
on the First Tuesday in November,
1913, besween the legal hours of
sab*, to the highest bidder, for
each, the following land belong
ing to the estate of H. M. Tolleson,
deceased, to-wit:
Two hundred acres of land, more
or less, off of Land Lots 53 and 44
in the eighth Land District of
Henry County, Georgia, being one
hundred and fifty acres of land,
more or less, deeded H. M Tolle
son by W. W Amnions and M. J.
Turner, on February 6. 1894, which
said deed is recorded iu Book 1,
Page 218, Clerk’s office Henry Su
perior Court, a.,d fifty acres, more
or less, deeded H. M. Tolleson by
C. S. Jarboe on January 24. 1894,
which deed is recorded in Book 1,
P ige 251.
Also one hundred, one and one
half acres of land, more or less, of
Land Lot No. 114 in the Eighth
Land District of said State and
county, being the one hundred
acres, more or less, deeded H. M.
Tolleson by Elizabeth R. Dabney
Nov. 27, 1891, and one Here and
thirty eight rods deeded H. M.
Tolleson by A. W. Turner Sept. 27,
1893. See Deed Book Z, page 410
and Book 1, page 128, Clerk’s office
Henry Superior Court.
Also two hundred aores of land,
more or leas, of Lots 76, 77 and 84,
lying in one body in the Eighth
Land District of Henry County,
Georgia, being one hundred acres,
more or less, deeded H. M. Tolleson
by A. J. Ammons Nbv. 13, 188£,
which deed was recorded in Book
Y,. page 110. Forty-seven acres ot
Lot 77 and 84 deeded H. M. Tolle
son by I. B. Bryans April 11, 1903,
which deed is rec >rded in Book 5,
page 432, and 53 acres, more or
less, of Lot 76, deeoed H. M. Tolle
son by J P. Copeland November 5,
1887, which deed is recorded in
Book X, page 206, Clerk’s office
Henry Superior Court.
Also forty-two acres of land in
the 7th Land District of said State
aud county, being the forty acres
of land in Lot No. 166, deeded H.
M. Tolleson by K. L. Duke on Nov.
26, 1901 which deed was recorded
in Book 5, page 522, and two acres
of Lot 186 deeded H M. Tolleson
bp J. B, Lowe December 14, 1906,
which deed is recorded in Book 6,
page 489, Clerk’s offioe Henry Su
perior Court.
Also two hundred and sixty-five
aores of land, more or less, lying
in one bodv, and being the fifty
three and 93-100 acres of Land Lot
No. 129 in the Seventh District of
Henry County, Ga., deeded to H.
M. Tolleson by M. A. Carmichael,
et. al., November 27, 1905, which
deed is recorded in Book 7, pHge
528, and forty acres in Land Lot
129, 7th District, deeded H. M,
Tolleson by Sam H. Carmichael
Nov. 27, 1899, which deed is re
corded in Book 4, page 140, and
sixty-one acres in Land Lot No. 144
in the Sixth District of Henry
County, Ga.. and Land Lot 129, 7th
District, deeded H M. Tolleson by
M G. Carmichael Sept. 19,
w hieh deed is recorded in Book 4.
page 73, and one hundred aud ten
acres in Lot No. 129 in the Seventh
Land District of Henry County,
Ga.. being the land deeded to H. M
Tolleson by J. W. Wise November
5, LHO6, said deed recorded in Book
9, page 1, Clerk’s office of Henry
Superior Court.
Also one-half undivided interest
in a lot. situated on Macon street,
in the city of MoDonough, Seventh
Land District of Henry County,
Ga., hounded on the north by lot
of Ed Goodwin, oast hv an alley,
south by the McDonough Garage,
and west dy Macon street.
Also one share of the capital
stock of The Atlanta Trust Com
pany of the par value of one hun
dred dollars, represented by Cer
tificate No. 58. Also two shares of
the capifal stock of The Farmers
and Merchants Bank of McDon
ough, Ga., of the par value of SIOO
per share, represented by Stock
Certificate No. 38 Also 1% shares
of the capital stock of The Hackney
Stallion Co. of the par value of
S2OO per share.
The said lands and stock sold for
the purpose of distribution among
the heirs of H. M. Tolleson, de
ceased, and said sale will be con
ducted from day to day until com
This October 6, 191.1.
E. D. Tolleson,
Estate of H. M. Tolleson, Deceased.
E M. Smith, Attorney.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of Henry Coun
ty, Georgia, will be sold before the
court house door in the city of Mc-
Donough, Henry County, Georgia, at
public outcry to the highest bidder,
within the legal hours of sale on the
First Tuesdav in November. 1913.
the following real estate situated in
Louis District of said conn tv and
State, 66 acres of land, and bound
ed as follows:
On the north by land of J. D.
Bowen and Ben Mosley, east by
land of John Ford, G:een Kelly,
and Ben Mosley, sooth by George
Mosley, west by land of Dock Mos
All of said property sold as the
estate of Mrs. R. C. Mosley for dis
Oct. 6, 1913. J. F. Mosley,
10-31,4 Adm’r.
Georgia, Henry Conntv:
By virtue of an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of Henry Coun
ty, Georgia, will be sold before the
court house door in the city of Mc-
Donough, Henry County, Georgia, at
public outcry to the highest bidder,
within the legal hours of sale on the
First Tuesday in November, 1913.
207 aores of land, more or less, in
the Seventh Land District of said
State and county, being part oi
Lots Nos. 86 and 87. and hounded
as follows:
On the north by land of Mrs.
Lillie Fargason and G. B. Russell,
and east by lands of J. L. Fargason
and W. A. Turner, south by M. W
Wilson, west by lands af George
Owen, Henry Green and Tom Sut
ton. Sold as the property of W r . S.
Fargnson for distribution. This
property will be sub divided snd
sold in four pieces. The under
signed will point out the lines to
parties interested. Terms cash.
C. C. Fargason,
Adm’r Est. W. S. Fargason.
October 6, 1913.
Georgia, Henry County:
By virtue of au order granted at
the regular September Term. 1913,
of the Court of Ordinary of said
county, will be sold before the
Court House door in the City of
McDonough, said State and county,
on the First Tuesday in November,
11*13, between the legal hours of
sale to the highest bidder for cash,
the following real estate, belonging
te the estate of A. F. Lemon, late
of said county, deceased, to-wit:
1. Ono store house and lot on
which same is situated, in the City
of McDonough 7th Land District
of said county, on the east side of
Macon street, commencing at the
northwest corner of lot owned by
Annie E. Lemon, running north
and fronting on Macon street 25
feet, thence east 108 feet to an al
ley, thence south along said alley
twenty-five feet, thence west to
starting point 108 feet, bounded
north and south by property of
Anrie E. Lemon, east by alley and
west by Macon street. On this lot
is a one storv storeroom formerly
occupied by Horton Drug Co.
2. One lot with building thereon
known as the Garage, in same dis
trict. State and county, on the east
side of Macon street in the City of
McDonongh, commencing at the
southwest cornet of Tolleson and
Dickerson’s vacant lot, running
south along and fronting on Macon
street 51 1 3 feet to Sloan alley,
thence east 108 feet to an alley,
thence north along said allev 5] 1-3
feet to lot of Tolleson and Dicker
son, thence west to starting point
108 feet. On this lot is situated a
one-story brick building.
3. One two-storv brick bnilding
and the lot on w’hicli same is sit
uated on the w T est side of Macon
street in the City of McDonough,
7th Land District of Henry County.
Ga., said lot commencing at the
southeast corner ot The First Nat
ional Bank building, running south
along and fronting on Macon stre< t
thirty-nine and one-half feet,thence
west forty-three feet to building of
T. A Sloan & Co., thence
39 1-2 feet to First National Rank
building, thence east, forty-three
feet to starting point. Bounded
on the north by the First National
Bank bnilding, east by Macon
street, south and west by bnilding
of T. A. Sloan & Co. ; said building
contains four office rooms upstairs
and two store rooms downstairs.
4. Also one vacant lot situated
on the west side of Macon street in
the City of McDonongh, 7th Land
District of said State and county,
commencing at Sloan alley on west
side of Macon street, running south
along and fronting on Macon street
72 1-2 feet to lot of A. A. Lemon,
thence west two hundred feet to
Griffin street, thence North along
Griffin Street 7? 1-2 feet to 81oan
alley, thence east along Sloan alley
two hundred feet to starting point,
bounded on the north by Sloan al
ley, east by Macon street, south by
A. A. Lemon’s lot and west by
Griffin street.
5. Also house and lot known as
the Brown House, situated on the
west side ot Macon street in the
City of McDonough, 7th Land Dis
trict of Henry County, Ga., said lot
commencing at the southeast cor
ner ot A. A. Lemon’s lot running
south along and fronting on Macon
street one hundred and sixteeu G et
to lot of Annie E. Lemon, thence
west two hundred feet to Griffin
street, thence north along Griffin
street one hundred and sixteen feet
thence east to Macon street two
hundred feet to starting point,
bounded on the north by lot of A. A.
Lemon, east by Macon street, south
by lot of Annie E. Lemon and west
by Griffin street.
6. One hundred and seventeen
acress of land, more or less, in the
7th Land District of Henry County,
Ga., bounded on the north by lands
of William Stilwell and B. B. Car
michael, east by lands of Rnfns
Miller, south by lands formerly be
longing to Clarissa Lemon and west
by land of Mrs. Emma J. Walker
and A. F. Bunn.
7. Twenty-nine acres of land,
more or less, in the same district,
State and county, in the southeast
corner of Land Lot No. 122, bound
ed on the north by Covington and
McDonough roads and A. F. Lemon
estate, east by Clarissa Lemon’s es
tate, south by lands of Rufus Miller
and Mrs. Annie M. Nolan and west
bv H. A. Sims and Decatur road.
The above described tracts of land
have been subdivided, and piat of
said subdivision showing number
o f acres boundaries o f each
tract can be seen at office of E. M.
Said real estate sold for the pur
pose of paving the debts and distri
bution among the heirs of said A.
F. Lemon, deceased.
This October 7. 1913.
Mrs. Irwin Lemon,
Administratrix Estate
A. A. Lemon, Deceased.
E. M. Smith, Attorney.
10-31 4