The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 17, 1913, Image 3

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    Tax Collector’s Regular Rounds and Announcement for 1913
Locust Grove, Wednesday, November 19.
Hampton, Thursday, November 20.
Stockbridge, Friday, November 21.
Locust Grove, Wednesday, December 10.
Hampton, Thursday, December 11.
Stockbridge, Friday, December 12.
I shall be in my office, in the Court House, at McDonough, on the First
Tuesday in October, and on every First Tuesday and every Saturday \ n*il the
books close on December the 20th, and every day of both weeks of‘k'perior
Court, during the weeks of third and fourth Mondays ia October, and every day
from December 13th until the books close on the 20ta day of December.
Tax Collector of Henry County, Georgia.
V’ *’ u l\ % '‘ i\i±.u.: , übL-i.Vo ■*jL’tfW*;» w .««..' i'iui.. j«»Tv4'.- <*• ‘J-Wi^Svv^fl
To the Man Wiliest One
couldn’t sell your hay in the big
c^^es ‘ With their thousands of
Jif «jt horses, they form an excellent
%m market for ’ ay. at tip-top prices,
- but not f<r yoi • V y? Because
your hay is loose, fil fi tin s the space it
should, is too bulk} to ip, oo bulky for
costly city storage— 1 caT ein hort, you have
no hay press. Bale ou hay crop, and this
profitable market is ’ idc oper to you.
Besides this, the tHCha> press will put
your hay in cone die : sh pe for hauling,
storing and feeding. J.t wbi save the waste
about barn and ya. ls t hat loose hay means.
And you will no ! >ng< r ne- d to stack out-of
doors. These and n..,re an
I H C Hay Press
Motor or Ho-se Power
will do for you, and your purchase is bound to
be an IH C machine if you study its special
features and advantages, its economical effi
ciency and convenient arrangement.
Both motor a: d horse power presses are
made in three sizes, 14x18, 16x18, and 17 x 22-
inch bale chamber, baling at the very lowest
from six to sixteen to r s per day. A compara
tive test will prove that they are the most con
venient presses ever built. In them will be
found the self-feeder; the bale tension and
spring roller tucke v , features which make for
compact, uniform bundles; the toggle joint
plunger; and the 1 ale chamber of most con
venient height for tying bales.
Study IHC ha; presses at the local dealer’s.
Remember also t.iat the engine of the motor
press is always ready to run various small
machines o:i yovr farm. Get catalogues from
the dealer, or, v. rite the
International Harvester Company of America
Atlanta Ga.
(Last week’s letter.)
Mr. Bill Lee, of Forest Park, is
expecting to sing at Hickory Flat
Sunday morning and at The Rock
in the afternoon, October the 12th.
Everybody has a special invitation
to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. John Howell spent
M "-4ay in Atlanta.
Mss. Tennie Powell was tne
guest of her sister, Mrs. K. E. Me
Mullen, of Jonesboro, for two days
this week.
Mrs. Mary Pattillo and mother
Mrs. G. W. Bradberry, spent Wed
nesday with Mrs. Bud Henderson.
Mr. T. 0. Hale has bought Dr.
J. H. Heflin’s house and lot at Rex.
Mr. R. E. Kyle and family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
We were very glad to see Mr.
George Snead able to be in this
town Saturday afternoon.
The roads here are just fine
since the convicts have worked
them; it is a regular auto road.
Mrs. George All, of Dutchtown,
was the guest of Mra. Tennie
Powell Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. McCune, from
near East Atlanta, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Igo Dease and
I. G. W.
(Last week’s letter.)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hinton spent
Sunday here.
Miss Nell Norman, of McDon
ough, spent Saturday and Sunday
with Miss Willie Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. Jord Johnson spent
Sunday in Jonesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Simpson spent
I Saturday and Sunday at Smyrna.
"The Modern Method of Finishing
\\^lH < j ,, This beautifully illustrated book contains many
“ * aiia practical suggestions, original plans and color
schemes for artistic Walls and Ceilings for every room of the
home. It tells all about
Gee* Flatkoali
The Modern, Durable, Sanitary Flat Oil Finish
IT Is used extensively by the foremost decorators lit
preference to old-fashioned wall paper and other unsani
tary material. It is very economical end retains its beauty for
years to come. 24 soft, deep, velvety colors to select from.
A*MU*yf«rftMas«sreHfctS PfAtltt-QAULIEXT CO, !«*, LiuMb,Ky.
M;Douoii£li, Georgia.
Marshall,MFc.CnentsT. «
Macon, Ga., ahkil io,
ft All Mother* «hould use BABY EASE. It acts like a cham on
W -wVV mrlltlle ITfand-dauehttr. It is pleasant to tike. K.:e, ~ her bow
% «U els Splendid for teething, frettul tables. I olghly
V>t rocon ' **to a ‘l Mothers. * 3
Re*p*ct. MRS. M. J. PAUL.
Ar i j/ \ t \ L/Sm'. A