The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 17, 1913, Image 4

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HANK KKAfiAN, Kdifor
Entered at thewstoffiooat McDonough,
tta , as second-class mail matter.
Advertising Rates furnished on appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough, Ga. Cc 17 1913,
No Card of Things, Obituaries, or Reso
lutions, of any length, will be publish free.
The rate for sneb is one and one-half cents
pei woid. None published for less that
twenty-five cents. In a’l cases cash must
•ooompany the copy. Manuscript not ac
oompanied with postage for their return
will not be returned.
News. News of every kind is especially
welcomed by the Editor. Please notify
him of all deaths, marriages, etc.
Warning, No statements purporting
to oome from The Henry County Weekly
are genuine unless they have writlen on
their face the signature of Frank Reagan
Editor, or are presented by him in person.
Any person receiving such a statement
will please notify Frank Reagan, Editor
McDonough, Georgia.
; i
On Giving Poison.
There are various kinds of pois
ons and various ways of adminis
tering them. Some serve a useful
purpose. .
Otie class of poison there is,
however, which serves no useful
No, we do not refer to ti e pois
on which is taken into the body.
It is the kind we think of when we
read that Scripture, “not what
enters into the mouth but what
proceedeth from the mouth defil
eth a man.”
The host who would so abuse
the scared trust of hospitaiity as
to poison his guest’s food is indeed
worthy of censure most serve and
punishment proprotionate.
But he who feeds poison to the
mind and so prolongs in degener
acy a life which would have profi
ted by bodily poison,—such an af
fender is a much worse offendrr.
And of this latter character are
the Atlanta daily newspapers.
If it were possible to trace many
criminal deeds to the impu'se
which set them in motion, tne trail
would end in the news office of
these Atlanta papers.
Organized movements have been
at work to suppress vice and crime
inthat great city. But until they
suppress the greatest encourge
ment to crime, in the shape of
their daily papers, their progress
will not be marked.
Such papers cannot excuse them
selves on the ground that the
people want such sensations and
filth for the mind. It can become
a crime to give the people what
they want.
These papers have given details
of events to the point of nauseat
ing even healthy minds, and one
has gone for below the plane of
deceny in the matter it publishes.
These Atlanta newspapers are
sowing the winds and are stirring
a whirlwind for their reaping.
We would be grateful indeed if
these Atlanta papers would con
fine their trying of conrt cases to
those in the Fulton county courts
and leave those in Henry county
for trial by our own juries.
Missionary Society Notice.
The Mission Study Class of The
Woman’s Missionary Society of the
McDonough Methodist church will
meet at the home of Mrs. E. M.
Smith next Wednesday afternoon
at 3 o’clock.
‘High-C!ass Millinery
It is worth your while,
before buying, to call
and see
A Well Selected Stock
Yours To Please--
Monday, 20th.
846. Willie Hinton vs. Annie Hinton —Libel for Divorce
J. F. Wall, Attorney.
875. Oscar Weaver vs. Caroline Weaver —Libel for Divorce
E. M. Smith, Attorney.
884. J. A. Nix vs. L. J. &J. S. Dorsey —Certiorari
J. J. Barge, Attorney.
885. Malicie Harrington vs. Fenton Harrington—Libel for Divorce
J. F. Wall, Attorney.
896. Kern White vs. Beckie White —Libel for Divorce
H. A. Peebles, Attorney.
897. Joe Lummus ys. The Sta'e— Certiorari
R. O. Jackson, Attorney.
899. Carrie Bivins vs. Will Bivins —Libel for Divorce
J. F. Wall, Attorney.
903. Michelin Tire Co. vs. Asa & Fouche Lemon —Complaint
W. E. Watkins, Attorney.
900. Onie Acfcms vs. Robt. Cleveland Adams —Petition for Alimony
H. A. Peebles, Attorney.
916. J.T. Thompson vs. Oliver Jones & Mrs. Nora Welch —Complaint
E. J. Reagan. Attorney. E. M. Smith, Attorney.
920. Hendley Varner vs. Ozzie Varner —Libel for Diyorce
R 0. Jackson, Attorney.
930. J. S. Gilbert vs. W. W. Patterson, Deft.; J. C. Craig,
E. M. Smith, Attorney. Garnishee —Garnishment
[E. J. Reagan, Attorney.
934. T. J. Gleaton vs. Mrs. Nannie Chafin, Sam Chafin —
E. J. Reagan, Attorney. [Protest to Land Line
945. W. T. Upchurch vs. Southern Ry. Co. —Complaint
E. J. Reagan, Attorney.
946. Paul Matthews vs. Southern Ry. Co. —Complaint
Brown & Brown, Attorneys.
948. O. P. Moss vs. The Central Ga. Power Co. —Complaint
E. J. Reagan, Attorney.
949. Mollie Lockhart vs. Caleb Lockhart —Libel for Divorce
Brown & Brown, Attorneys.
952. Dave Sharp vs. Southern Ry. Co. —
E. J. Reagan, Attorney.
953. I. D. Crawford, J. T. Askew vs. R. E. Henderson —Complaint
Brown & Brown, Att’ys. E. M. Smith, Att’y,
954. Lula Freeman vs. Atlas Freeman —Libel for Divorce
Brown & Brown, Attorneys.
956. T. J. Bledsoe vs. S. A. Austin —Ejectment
R. O. Jackson, Attorney. E. M. Smith, Attorney.
f-57. Fulton Fertilizer Co. vs. R. W. Exum —Complaint
R. O. Jackson. Attorney. Reagan, Wall, Smith, Attorneys.
960. Ethel Pair vs. R. B. Pair —Libel for Divorce
J. F. Wall, Attorney.
963. J. D. Carter vs. Mrs. Martha Carter —Libel for Divorce
E. M. Smith, Attorney.
965. Rosalie Taylor vs. Will Taylor—Libel for Divorce
966. H. C. Perry vs. Davis & Grady Lunsford —Appeal
E. M. Smith, Attorney. Frank Reagan, E. J, Reagan, Attorneys.
875. Mrs. Marv J. Bailey vs. Souihern Rv. Co. —Complaint
J. T. Moore, Attorney.
976 Southern Cotton Oil Co. vs. R. W. Exum —Foreclosure
Hughes & Spalding, Attorneys.
GJJ •* 4x2 NkJ ““
IST Premium $l5O 00 IN GOLD
2ND Premium 100 00 SUMMERS BUGGY
3RD Premium 65 00 MITCHELL WAGON
4TH Premium _________ 55 00 SUIT OF FURNITURE
These Premiums may be exchanged for Dry Goods, Shoes,
Clothing, or Furniture of equal value.
With every Dollar purchase or payment you wiil receive
a numbered ticket, a duplicate of which will be placed in a
sealed box until the day of the drawing, Thursday, May 7,
1914. Trade with us and save your tickets, your number
may be the first one drawn from the box. If so, you get
the GOLD.
With our tremendous stock of goods ani unequaled buy
ing advantages we recognize no competition. Each of our
many departme’ ts now ablaze with bargains not to be found
elsewhere. Better Goods for Less Money is our m tto.
We Lead-Others Try To Follow !
The Biggest Department Store in Georgia.
Baas Building, GRIFFIN, GA.
980. L. F. Beeks vs. Sanders on Note
Brown & Brown, Attorneys. Coogler, Smith, Attorneys.
981. W. S. Wilson vs. I. T. Dabney—Appeal
E. J. Reagan, Attorney,
984. J. M. Veach & Co., vs. R. H. Brannan, Adm’r—Appeal
Brown & Brown, Attorneys.
SB6. Browder-Manget Co., vs. W. E. Owen—Complaint
Hewlett & Dennis, Smith, Attorneys.
937. IT. W. Carmichael vs. A. F. Adamson, Ex. of James R.
o. F. Wall, Att y. [Rob nson —Complaint
[E, J. Reagan, Att’y.
988, The Bank of Locust Grove vs. B. F. Thompson—Complaint
Brown & Brown, Attorneys.
990. C rmichael Lumber Co. vs. Mrs. Missouri Coker—Complaint
J. F. Wall, Attorney.
991. East Atlanta Bank vs. J. M. Gardner —Complaint
Doby & Chambers, E. J. Reagan, Att’ys. E. M. Smith, Att’y.
994. Lawrence Moseley vs. Mattie Moseley—Libel for Divorce
E. M. Smith, Attorney.
995. W. D. Knight vs. J. M. Stroud—Cpmplaint
R. O. Jackson, Attorney.
996. O. B. Turpin-J. J. Turpin vs. B. R. Turpin, et. al.—Complaint
E. M. Smith, Attorney.
997. Mrs. Ida Newman vs. J. B. Newman—Appeal
Brown & Brown, Attorneys. E. J. Reagan, Attorney.
998. Green & Tarpley vs. Oscar Stroud —Appeal
E. M. Smith, Attorney. E. J. Reagan, Attoraey.
1009. Mrs. M. O. Hightower vs. H. C. Hightower—Assignment of
E. M. Smith, Attorney. [Dower
1011. W. D. Knight ys. C. S. Heard—Foreclosure
R. 0. Jackson, Attorney.
In Re. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Coker —Application for Dower.
J. F. Wall, Attorney.
1015. The City of McDonough, Ga., vs. E. D. Tolleson, Adm’r—
E. M. Smith, Attorney. [Complaint
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fields, of
Macon, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Fields.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin are
all smiles over a boy.
The many friends of Elder Dan
Henderson will be glad to know
that he is almost well again.
Mr. and Mrs. Oxford Barnett
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
H. T. Medlock.
Mrs. M. E. Bowen visited Mrs.
John Ford Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gleaton spent
Sunday at the home of her parents.
Mesdames D. J. Roseberry and
Fid Bowen spent Sunday with Mrs
M. E. Bowen.
Miss Clara Reagan visited Miss
Inez Moseley Sunday.
I will close, for the waste basket
I’m bound.
B. B.