The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 17, 1913, Image 5

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    Mr. Joe Smith has moved his
family into the new home on depot
street, and Mr, Harvey Fields is
occupying the Smith house.
Messrs. Tommy Tolleson and
Hill Redwine, of Fayetteville,spent
Thursday night in our city.
Planters Warehouse
& Lumber Cemoanv
McDonough, Georgia.
We have a most complete Line of Furniture to select from, consisting of
Oak and Mahogany Dressers, Washstands, Sideboards, Buffets, Chiffo
robes, Wardrobes, Hat Racks, Parlor Suits, Chairs and Rockers, also Wil
low Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets, Cooking Stoves and Heaters of all sizes,
Art Squares, Rugs, Window Shades, Mattresses and Springs of all kinds.
When in Atlanta don’t fail to call on us and inspect our large stock. We
can save you considerable as against your home dealers’ prices. Our
place is only three blocks from Peachtree stieet, and easy to find. If you
haven’t the time "to call on us, if you will write and tell us just what you
want and we’ll send you illustrations and our lowest prices.
158 Edgewise! Ave,, Atlanta. Ca.
McDonough, Georgia.
C apital, Surplus and Profits
Deposit your money in this strong NATIONAL BANK. It is under the
super* ision of the United States Government. It has the distinc
tion of being the Largest and Strongest Bank between Atlanta and
Macc i. It also has the reputation of accommodating its customers.
No customer of this Bank is considered too unimportant to receive
the direct personal attention of the Officers of the Bank.
President. Vice President & Cashier. Assistant Cashier.
Southern District Meeting
County S. S. Association.
On the fourth Sunday of this
month will be held at Locust Grove
Baptist church the first meeting
foJ the year of the Southern Div-
tot /if f L k Pniittf si
IbiOTl 01 UR nciilj vAHUHV O. o.
Association. A short session in
cluding a S. S, sermon will be the
program for the morning. In the
afternoon officers for the year will
be elected, D . Broughton will
make an address,and other speak
ers are expected.
The public is invited. Three
delegates, including the Superin
endent, are due from each Sunday
School in the district, which are
Locust Grove Baptist, Locust
Grove Methodist, Daniel, Philadel
phia, Philippi, and New Hope.
Locust Grove.
The young men of town enter
tained the young ladies with a
chicken pilean on last Friday night.
The crowd gatherd in Mr. A. G.
Combs pasture where they were
greeted with bonfires and the sav
ory odor of the steaming pilean.
Games were played out on the
grass and everybody took part in
the fun and frolic of the evening.
Mr. Cates was master of cere
monies and Mr. and Mrs. John
Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hub
bard were chaperones.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Brown and
Mrs. R. C. Brown spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Miss Sara Combs enter ained
three tables of rook Wednesday
afternoon. After th e game a
delicious ice course was served.
Georgian Forces Representative
Mondeil to Retract the
Offensive Word.
Washington, October 11. —The
house had a moment of excitement
today when the unparliamentary
word “lie” figured in the debate.
Representative Mondell, of Wyom
ing, said that the position taken by
Representative Bartlett, of Geor
gia, as to commerce court legisla
tion “gave the lie to his protesta
Mr. Bartlett jumped to his feet
with a demand that Mr Mondell
withdraw the word lie.
“Oh, 1 am not excited!" shouted
Mr. Bartlett to his colleagues, who
gathered about him. “I don’t in
tend to break any rules of the
Mr. Mondell admitted that his
choice of words had been unfor
tunate, but insisted that Mr. Bart
lett’s attitude did not accord with
his statement in regard to certain
legislation. Mr. Bartlett accepted
the form of criticism, and the in
cident was closed. — ATLANTA CON
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Duke spent
Sunday afternoon with Vlr. and
Mrs. W. L. Presson
Miss Leola Presson spent Satur
day night with Miss Lizzie Duke.
Miss Trudie Piper and Mr. Har
mon Strawn spent Saturday night
and Sunday with relatives in New
ton county.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Presson spent
Sunday with the former’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Presson.
Little Nellie Rawls, of Jackson,
is spending a few weeks with Miss
Minnie Presson.
Mr. G. F. Upchurch went to
Griffin Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rosser visit
ed relatives in McMullen’s district
Mr. Leo Laney called on Mr.
John McGarity Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Green Upchurch
and family visited Mr. and Mrs. A.
W, McGarity Saturday night.
Mr. L. L. Culpepper visited his
brother, Mr. Culpepper, last week.
A Department Conducted by the
County School Superintend
ent, 0. 0. Toileson.
The rural schools will open next
Monday, 20th, after a 3 day session
of the Teachers’ Institute. We
have the best corps of teachers, it
is believed ever employed in i lent y
County. Consequently some un
usally fine results are expect'd
from this next year’s work.
The Institute for Rural Teachers
is in session this week from Thurs
day to Saturday under the direc
tion of Miss C. S. Parrish, super
Among other things planned in
connection with the programs of
these meetings are a reception to
the visiting teachers Thursday
evening and an address by Dr. J.
G. Harrison of Mercer University,
Macon, on Friday evening. The
public will be welcomed to all ses
sions of the Institute and especial
ly is a good audience asked tor
Friday evening.
The teachers and trustees are
being ir *ructed not to admit pu
pils inti ... ' school which ha e
enrolled in another school during
the sai.. " •r* except upon change
of residence or written permission
from the Board of Fduc ti n. This
is done (1) for the sake of t o
child himself. After he has been
properly classified and has learned
the work, it is wrong io change
him. (2) For the school’s sake.
The school was established for the
accommodation o. the children in
the district in which it is situated.
Pupils from other districts have no
right to crowd them out.
The teachers are expected to
make a report to prrents monthly
concerning the advancement of
their children. If you do not re
ceived this report promptly, please
consult with the teacher about it.
Tuition is charged non-resident
pupils and children not school age
(under six and over eighteen) as
no funds are provided for them by
the State. The trustees will have
til is matter in charge.
Upon petition of the trustees on
account of the season, the Board
of Education !ms grant< i i< ave to
Rock Spring, Riverdale and Mt.
Zion to open school Nov. 3, two
weeks later than the regular open
Mrs. Reagan and Mrs. Redwine
On Thursday Mrs. Reagan and
Mrs. Redwine entertained at a se
ries of parties for the pleasure of
a number of their friends.
In the morning a dozen friends
enjoyed rook for some time, after
which a hot luncheon was served.
In the afternoon sixteen ladies
played rook and were served to
an ice course.
In the evening the young Deo
ple enjoyed a marshmallow roast.
around a large camp-fire, after
which they went to the house and
e ljoyed music, conversation, fruit
and lemonade.
This party was given in honor
of Miss Helen Dunn, a bride-elect.
Card of Thanks.
I desire to express through the
columns of The Weekly my sin
cere thanks to each and every cit
izen and student who saved mv
residence from beiag destroyed
by the fire which burned my gin.
Without their heroic efforts all
would have been a total loss.
I am very grateful to each of
Yours respectfully,
R. C. Brown.
Mrs. B. E. Horton visited in At
lanta this week.