Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Joe Estes and wife spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mose
Step! enson.
M: M;;iicn IYtiJIo spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
McCcvan, from Atlanta, and Mr.
Bill, of Forest Park, dined with
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Stephenson
Rev. Mr. Seaborn, from Stock-
Bridge, was a guest in Rex Tuesday.
Dr. Estes was here last Wednes
day. H? *ays he is coming Back
to Rex Hmetime next year and
make this his home for the future.
Rev. Mr. Pease preached at this
place Sunday afternoon.
I. G. W.
Round About News.
(Last week's letter.)
Rev. Homer Adamson filled his
regular appointment at Liberty
Hill Saturday and Sunday, and
preached two very fine sermons.
The church chose for its pastor for
another year Mr. Adamson, who
accepted. The church is very
proud of its paster, vho has the
glare of God.
Mr. Watson Stanfield went to
M< rr( v. Wednesday night to the
Lvuvbccj} Ciub and reported a
rr'ct time, but we don’t know how 7
about Mr. Hatlie, who went to
meet him, but we think that sweet
sleep is his delight.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Standfield, of
Sunny Side, and Mr. and Mrs. Felix
Surls, of Macon, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stanfield and
Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Banks Sun
We are sorry to note that Mr.
Lon Barnett, who has the fever, is
not improving any.
Friday night Mrs. Pearl Conkle de
parted this life for a better world
beyond. She was the daughter of
Mr. Jim Brown and a loving daugh
ter. She was a kind and affection
ate wife. All who knew her
loved her. She will be missed
among those who knew her.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Campbell are
entertaining a new visitor, a little
Miss Bertha Abercrombie was
the guest of Miss Nettie Banks
Mr. J. T. Wallace was at home
with his wife Sunday.
(Last week’s letter.)
Mesdams. Bettie McGarity and
Essie Berry visited Mrs. Mamie
Upchurch Wednesday.
Mrs. Fannie Sowell visited Miss
Mollie Sowell Monday night.
Messrs. G. F. Upchurch and Tink
Berry went to Covington Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. Mitt McGarity and
Mra. Lizzie Upchurch visited Mr.
and Mrs. Coss Morris and family
Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Culpepper visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Guss Harkness
Mrs. Nettie McGarity and son
■were the week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Berry.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rawls visited
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Jackson, Saturday night.
Messrs. Floyd Steward and Har
ris Stewart and Carl and Raymond
Culpepper made an auto trip to
Hampton Sunday.
News Briefs.
Mr. Editor —The writer of these
lines had the pleasure of attending
the South River Association, which
held its anrual session at Snl.-m
Church 4 miles north of McDon
ough on Sept 17th, 18th, and 19th.
This association is composed of
churches in Henry, Newton, De-
Kalb, Rockdale and Fulton counties
and covers a large territory.
Rev. J. B. Gresham, of Stone
Mountain, was elected Moderator
and G. W. Crumbley, of Conyers,
clerk. In the absence of the reg
ular appointee to preach the in
troductory sermon, Rev. J. M. Gil
more, of McDonough, was asked to
take his place and he delivered a
most powerful and interesting ser
mon on the opening day.
Letters from the different
churches were collected and read
by Rev. Spencer B. King and J. M,
Gilmore. The afternoon was taken
up in regular business routine.
On the second day’s session, the
main feature of the day was a
most powerful and touching ser
mon in the enterest of the Ori han’s
home by Rev. J. G. Hunt, of Atlan
ta, which resulted in two hundred
dollars being received for that in
Rev. John L.Lee, formerly State
Pres'dent of the Farmers Union of
Georgia, preached at night. Rev.
S. B. King preached the night
The third day’s session was taken
up with regular bus’iiess and Mou
ntain View church in DeKalb county
was selected as the place for its
annual session next year.
The people of Salem community
gave the association a royal wel
come, a long table was prepared,
and all who attended fared sump
Now in conclusion, Mr. Editor,
we desire to state that with your
permission, and you will grant
the privilege of a small space in
your columns each week, we
will give your readers a few news
briefs on various topics, more
especially news in regard to Sun
day School an 1 church work
throughout our county.
During the march of Moses to
the land of promise the people
murmured and complained.
Moses cried to God for help, his
prayer was answered, and God
sent him help, and sent food for
the people, but they did not even
thank God for the blessing, and
the result was that the wrath of
God was kindled against them and
he smote tlfem with a great plague.
God is blessing this fair south
land of ours w ith plenty, and pros
perity. Are we thanking him as
we should? The signs of the times
answers no, and what the result
will be no living man can tell.
Rock Spring.
(Last week’s letter.)
Rev. W. A. Kennedy will preach
at Fairview church the third Sun
day morning at eleven o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs Diamond Almond
and little daughter, Mildred, vis
ited relatives at Salem Sunday.
Miss Lucile Smith,' of Snapping
Shoals, spent Sunday with Miss
Mae Presson.
Mr. Tom McDonald, Miss Lois
McDonald, and little nephew, Wal
ter Hugh, spent Saturday in Cov
Miss Maud Presson spent Satur
day night with Miss Minnie Austin.
Mrs. Zora Ammons, Mrs. Har
mon McDonald and children, Flor
ence and Brice, of Covington,
spent Monday with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McDonald at
tended preaching at Sardis Sunday.
Rev. Frank Adams, of Atlanta,
visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Laster
last week.
List of Juors Drawn for Henry
Superior Court, October
Term, 1913.
1 G. P. Combs
2 Joe J. Smith
3 R. L. Johnson
4 A. H. Price
5 S. P. Hooten
6 J. A. Rape
7 J. B. Dickson
8 J. P. McCullough
9 J. F. Adair
10 W. A. D. Nelson
11 Newton Barnett
12 J. VV. Cook
13 J. T. Mays
14 John W. Bledsoe
15 Joel Bankston
16 I. L. Moseiey
17 G. B. Childs
18 A. G. Combs
19 J. S. Hunt
20 S:K. Austin
21 J. W. Brown
22 W. L. Wynn
23 J. C. Howell
24 C. W. Gardner
25 A. D. Williams
26 L. H. Mason
27 J. T. Soweli
28 J. P. Barr
29 A. J. McKibben
30 J. A. Upchurch
1 J. H. Owen
2 Ben W. Turner
3 E. M. Copeland
i 4 J. B. Lowe
5 D. E. Mason
6 E. J. Turner
7 W. C. Hamilton Jr
8 A. K. Kimbell
9 J. T. Allen
10 W. J. Turner
11 T. C. Kelley
12 W. R. Henry
13 A. J. Kimbell
14 J. S. Lewis
15 A. N. Brown
16 C. H. Castellaw
17 C. J. Dickson
18 John Moseley
19 W. I. Parr
20 G. W. Cathy
21 D. C. Carmichael
22 W. G. Copeland
23 W. M. Berry
24 J. J. King
25 J. C. Jinks
26 N. B. Cowan
27 J. L. Jinks
28 W. A. Atlimons
29 C. M. Patterson
ou U. K. Hinton
31 R. H. Greer
32 V. G. Turner
33 G. W. Knowls
34 W. VV. Turner
35 J. A. Sims
86 S. C. Selfridge
37 Jas H. Gardner
38 M. A. Terry
39 E. M. Scarbrough
40 G. G. LeGuinn
LIST OF JURORS —Second week.
1 Geo T. Henry
2 C. W. Dupree
3 W. W. Combs
4 T. A. Sloan
5 J. F.Wh te
9 H. P. iiawkins
7 V. L. Crumbley
8 Jno W. Morgan
9 W. O. Welch
10 W. L. Glass
11 J. W. Foster
12 T. J. Carmichael
13 T. J. Coan
14 J. J. Knight
15 H. A. Crumbley
16 W. S. Stroud
17 C. W. Coan
18 J. F. Moseley
19 S. H. Cathy
20 J. M. Moseley
21 W. M. Harris
22 H. H. Joyner
23 A. H. Swann
24 J. A. Presson
25 W. W. Lee
26 W. B. Moseley
72 Thos W. Jarret
28 Leon Carmichael
“It Micht Ha Bin Waur M
When failures becloud the blue of
your skv,
And troubles begin in torrents to
just iiiiiiK oi me iiooas wiiicn
others have whelmed,
And say to yoursel’: "It micht
ha’ bin vvaur.”
You’re drenched but nae droned;
it micht ha’ bin waur.
When out on life’s sea your vessel
is wrecked
Bejond the relief of a humanly
Cling last to the spar you have in
your hand
And say to yourself: “It micht
ha’ bin waur.”
Some haven’t a spar; it micht ha’
bin waur.
When death with dread step comes
into your street
And knocks with appaling'hand
at your ain door,
Hold fast to the hope that you’ve
got in your heart,
And say to yoursel’: “II micht
ha’ bin waur,”
What if you’d nae hope? It
micht ha, bin waur.
And when you shall stand before
the great judge
Who’ll open the book and look
your life njer,
May he in his love forgive where
you’ve failed
And say to your soul: “It micht
ha’ b n waur,
Gang ye wi’ the sheep. It micht
ha’ bin waur.”
—John Finley, in the Independent.
Card of Thanks.
Editor Henry County Weekly:
We wish to send a card of thanks
t o our neighbors and friends
for there loving kindness shown
us in the sickness ane death of our
loving daughter. May God bless
each and every one of them. Their
kindness shown us will ever be
remembered by Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Brown and Ed Conkle.
29 J. C. Walden
30 J. R. McKee
3! I.E. Carroll
32 W. D. Knight
33 H. J. Turner
34 Litt Tarpley
35 Wm. L. Elliott
36 J. H. Mitchell
37 G. R. Lewis
33 T. G. S'* aun
; 9 Yv\ H. Fargason
40 I. H. Gunter
“Cure f
Mrs. Jay McGee w £tep!v
enville, T/xas, wrii sr Fori*
nine (9) y ears, I sc with
womanly trouble. ter
rible headaches, at *-ins in
my back, etc. It at tg;4 Mtf
1 would die, I sufia At
last, 1 decided to t V rdui,
the woman's to* t jlt
helped me right • ft The
full treatment set at / LeJpHI
me, but II cured me.
Tto Woman’s rsnlt
Cardid helps woo ila Urea
of greatest need, cause it
contains ingredient* t*.ch act
specific illy, yet get /. on the
weaker ed woman organs.
So, if you feel d Niraged,
blue, o xt-of-sorts, noble to
do your household ’- r ork, on
account of your con lticn, stop
worrying and givt Cardui a
trial. It has helped jusands
oi wonen,— why t you?
Try Ca did. E-71
Move With The Current—You’ll
Move Faster and Easier.
County newspapers have no
waste circulation, although they
v circu’ ite in .waste places.
Look over the press of your
territory and you will notice that
big businesses are I ig advertisers
and you will see that this is the
secret of their bigness.
You will notice that our own
advertisements stand out plainly
from the others. They are de
signed that way. They are plain,
dignified, conspicuous, easily read.
Other people hav«_ noticed this too,
for this adversiting has increased
our trade.
After reading a few of them,
think over the following symphony:
I will not do the work an ad
vertisement can do for me.
Neither will I hire men to do it.
My business is to make a success
of my particular job.
Hence if there is anything hang
ing around loose that will help
me —
I want it.
I think my dealers should be
educated to the value of advertis
ing, because it lowers the cost of
doing business.
The county editor is a good man,
often the most public-spirited man
m town. I will, therefore, help
him get more business.
Not because I am a philanthro
pist, but because it will increase
my dealers’ and my own business.
—lnk Spots and Sole Leather.
Beersheba News.
(Last week’s letter.)
Rev. J. M. Gilmore filled his reg
ular appointment at Sharon Satur
day and Sunday.
Mr. Ray Coffer continues to go
moss hunting every Sunday. We
have been expecting him to bring
some back with him.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Duke spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thaxton and
children, of Jackson, spent Satur
day night and Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Presson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Presson and
Mrs. Rush spent Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Piper.
Miss Flossie Piper spent Satur
day night with Miss Lillie Duke.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morris, of
Jonesboro, spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Steven Nolan.
Mr. Emmett Smith has purchas
ed a new buggy; look out, girls.
(Last week’s letter.)
« ■■ 1 I -«nw».« -TBifc, -rvi I mi, I, _ L I
Miss Lola Williams has returned
from an extended visit to Macon
and South Georgia.
Misses Fannie Ellis and Carrie
Lee Combs spent the week-end
with Mrs. Chas. Austin at Ken
Miss Lucy Moore visited Miss
Miss Mattie Wilson last week.
Two hundred and fifty bales of
cotton were sold here Saturday.
Locust Crove continues to be the
best market in this section.
Miss Mary Nixon spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Miss Annie Green, of Locust
Grove Institute, spent the week
end with her parents in Atlanta.
Mr. Jno. S. Brown was in Me
Donough Tuesday.
Mrs. James Hubbard entertain
ed the X Club last Tuesday. After
a progressive game of rook, a de
licious ice course was served.
Mr. George Smith was in town
■ yesterday. His many friends are
always glad to have him visit
Locust Grove. •