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W. B. Corsets,
SI.OO and $2.00.
Dress Goods of Surpassing Beauty
WE cannot remember a single Fail
when Dress Goods were more
lovely than now. You’ll see so many
handsome weaves and shades that
you’ll hardly know what to decide
on what to buy.
Our showing is so large, so compre=
hensive, so rich in novelties and so full
of big values, that you’ll find it a real
pleasure to see it.
You certainly do not want to buy be=
fore you see the entire display. The
values are the best we have ever
That Will Please and Delight You
(£ACH season brings forth something new
in Silks, but we do not believe that any
previous season has ever produced such
an attractive lot of new weaves and
charming colors as this season.
Soft clinging fabries that shimmer and
stiine forth with a lustre and elegance of
color hard to describe, make up beautifully.
You will appreciate them only after seeing
them, because they are so beautiful and the
values are so big. -
We can fit you up in Boys Suits from 4 to 16 years
of age. Price $1.50 to $5.00
Lds Knit Hose, 3 pair for * 25c
“ Extra Heavy Knit Hose, black, per pair... 10c
Misses Hose, per pair— 10c to 50c
Lds. “ “ 10c to $1.25
Men’s half Hose, “ 10c to 50c
Our stock of Shoes is the most complete we have
ever shown.
■Children's Shoes at 30c to $1.50 pair
Misses “ “ SI.OO to $2.50 “
Lds. “ “ $1.25 to $4.00 “
Men’s “ “ $1.50 to $4.00 “
New Millinery lor Fall and Winter 1913
IT is with exceptional pride that we invite you to view our beautiful showing of new Hats tor street and dress
wear. The most striking novelties of the season and the more conservative creations, each are to be found
here in ample assortments and attractive prices.
——— du 1 ■ m ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■——————
After that the entire structure is built on Quality, Price and Service. Every purchase mode at this store carries with it an insurance policy against the
possibility of any imperfection in manufacture or any dissatisfaction that may occur to the purchaser.
We value your confidence above all else and earnestly strive in all our words and actions to fully merit it. You are real sure to enjoy doing business
here. Why not try us to-day!
T. A. SLOAN & CO., McDonough, Ga.
Best Calicoes per yard 6c
Good Sea Island “ 5c
8c Quality Sea Island “ 7c
Best 3 yd. Sheeting by bolt “ 7 1-2 c
Good yd. wide Bleaching “ 8c
Best 25 in. Plaids “ 6c
“ 27 in. “ “ -—7 c
Riverside Cheviots 10c
Best Hickory Shirting “ 12c
Conestoga Cheviot “ 15c
Mattress tick u 8, 8 1-2 and 10c
A. CA. feather tick “ —l7 c
Canton Flannel “ 8 to 15c
SUIT styles are quite different from
those of last Fall, particularly in the
increased length of the coats, the dif
ference in the waist line and the new
skirt features.
The backs of the coats show many
novel effects, including belts, folds of
the materials and sashes. There are
many new features shown such as
high buttoning, cut-away and blouse
effects, Mandarin sleeves, drapings,
vests, fur band collars and many others.
The backs of the coats are cut mar
kedly longer than the front, the slope
of the cutaways varying to an unus
ual degree. But come and see them now!
s7so to $1750^
Charming New Coats
£T*HE new coats are forty-eight to fifty inches long with emphasis
A on high buttoning collars. The cuts at the bottom are irreg
ular—longer in the back than in front.
Pile Fabrics are the favorites—plush, Astrakhan, Persian Lamb,
Zibeline and other imitations of fur. Then the rough-faced fabrics—
Boucle, Mattelasse and Eponge are much in evidence.
The most advanced styles are now ready
and you’ll enjoy seeing them now. Come!
=3 $350 to S2OOO =
40 yards Calico remnants $1 00
Good pearl buttons, per doz lc
5 pards 1 1-2 Wash Ribbon 10c
1 large bar toilet soap 5c
5 cedar pencils 5c
50 yards se .ving silk 5c
1 pair men’s garters 5c
1 pair arm bands 5c
2 Ladies’handkerchiefs 5c
100 Hair pins 5c
, 3 pair heavy knit Sox 25c
3 “ “ “ Hose 25c
6 Spools Coats Crochet Cotton _ 25c
6 “ “ Thread 25c
1 Nice Hand Mirror ?5c
Aviation Caps 25c to $1 25
Lot Men’s Hats to Close at Cost.
Nemo Corsets,
$3, $3.50 and $5.