Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
vol. xxxvm.
Department Devoted to the Interest of All
The Schools in The County With News
From Them Each Week.
Superintendent. , Industrial Supervisor,
At the close ot the Teachers’
Institute Jasi Saturday and a most
excellent institute it was th(fteatn
ers organized themselves into The
Henry County Teachers Associa
tion. The following officers were
elected for the year: E. L.
Locust Grove, President; Mrs. R.
H. Hankinson, McDonough, Vice
President; Miss Nettie Gray, FUd
pen, Secty-Treasurer. The Execu
tive Committee is as follows: E. L.
Cates, Chairman; W. E. Long,
Riverdale, McDonou -h Ko. 4;T. T.
Benton, Stockbridge; Miss Trella
Castellaw, Daniel, Locust Grove
No. 3; Mrs. M. E. Knight, Fairview,
Luella; and Miss Zora Carlton,
Union Grove, McDonough.
The next meeting will be held at
McDonough High School Building
on Nov. 8. beginning at 10 o’clock.
It was suggested that the teach
ers bring their exhibits for the
County Fair at this lime which
opens three days later. A part of
the afternoon will be consumed in
placing these exhibits.
And just here it might be proper
to say that all schools having ex
hibits at the fair will be given holi
day on Wednesday,-Noy. 12.
A $140.00 Museum in 39 sections,
having specimens of various prod
ucts and industries, such as iron,
coal, gold, sponges, cotton, silk,
etc. has been purchased for use in
the schools. This will be educa
tive not only to pupils but teachers
and patrons as well.
One of the institute visitors, a
teacher and lecturer of 15 years
experience, said this was the finest ;
body of teachers for possibilities
he had ever seen before. Wake
up, Henry County folks, and see
who’s come!
McDonough High School, since
the opening on September Ist.,
has advanced steadily forward,
and is making got*} headway along.
the different avenues of pursuit, j
All the boys and giK; from the;
smallest to the largest \ive been j
busy with their youthful ttsks ply-,
ing the hand with a diWence j
known only to those who ure!
young and happy in the doing ,fj
whatever they may be be biideni
to do.
The cooking classes of this our
leading school, are making good
their time spent in this department.
The one thing of first interest now
in this line is the planning and]
preparation for a six o’clock dinner j
halloween evening, Friday, Oct. 31.
This dinner is to be prepared and
served by the girls of the cooking
classes, with the guidance and in
structions of the teachers in charge.
Also the table linen and the serv
ing aprons and caps to be worn by
the girls who serve will be pro
ducts of the deft fingers and need
les of the school girls.
The sewing of the girls of every
grade reflect much credit, not only
to tiie children who do the* cook,
Uu to the teachers who direct
ana instruct them as well. Nor
should we forget that some of the
sewing has been done by the little
boys of some of the lower grades.
Altogether, the sewing display at
this time from McDonough school
i s something i n which every
mother should feel much pride.
Some of the boys have made a
number of artictes’which are quite
pretty, heir work having been
done of wood and with saw and
hammer. Work tables, flower
stands and tables, window boxes,
swinging baskets, etc., constitute
this collection of articles in wood
To the credit of both teachers
and pupils the yard is very much
improved. The tennis court has
been completed and now may be
heard ringing through the autumn
air the merry laughter and chatter
of the tennis players, in brightness
vying only with the sunshine of
these radiant October days.
Bright, happy hearts and faces
will ever be the reward of those
whose hands are willing and busy.
Some ten days ago Hampton
school was visited. The location
of this school is one of the most
beautiful to be found anywhere.
The mayor and council Oj this vil
lage have already taken some
measures toward making the en
trance ways to the school building
more attractive, also some grading
and terracing for the school yard
has been planned. A hedge of
California privet is to be planted
serving to outline the entire school
yard. Walks leading to the build
ing are to be built and these out
lined with violets or other flowers.
Owing to the repair work now
being done on the building the
condition of the school building is
far from being just as we would
have it. Later we hope to see
this building and location a thing
of beauty. It is possible if we are
willing to pay the price.
The high school girls of this
school were organized into a sew
ing and cooking club. The girls
take much delight in this and they
vill no doubt get much pleasure
fi\m meeting together, as well as
thehenefits to be derived.
Ththigh school boys were ask
ed to a plan for a coal house
and workshop all under one roof.
The kind tf material and cost of
Wilding wai\a part of this work.
This class of work is the finest
knd for boys. Their next work
wll be the buildXig of this house.
'he boys and gkls of the lower
grates were assigned work in
sening and wood work in which
| the to take much pleasure.
W}l\ppe Hampton school willover
coieyerysoon every disadvantaze
oftha crowded condition of her
buding during the beginning of
McDonough, Georgia, Friday October 24, 1913.
Former Henry County Man Found
Dead At His Home Tuesday
Morning In Atlanta.
Mr. Jackson J. Terry died at his
home in Atlanta early Tuesday
morning. His wife called hie about
daylight and he did not reply.
The shook him and he did not stir.
He had died during the night or
early morning hours.
Mr. Terry was 63 years of age.
He was a former citizen of Henry
county and moved to Atlanta a
number of years ago. He had
many friends in ill s county who
will regret to learn of his death.
Tiie reap tins were brought to
McDonough Wednesday morning
and were interred at Bethany at
11 o’clock Wednesday morning.
Mr. Terry survived by his
wife, two daughters, Mrs. E. 0.
King, of this county, and Miss
Mano Terry, of*Atlanta:‘ahd*t‘nree
sons; Messrs. C. H. Terry, L. D.
Terry, and Irby Terry. He was
also a brother of Mr. M. Terry, of
the school year. There are many
things yet to be done for this
school but we shall have to await
our time. “One step and then
another, and the longest way is
Locust Grove is still on the alert.
One of the best things that any
school can do is to look to the
amusements of the boys and girls.
During the past few weeks the
teachers and pupils of this school
have buili a nice tennis court on
the school grounds. Games on
the new grounds have already
been very much enjoyed. Perhaps
the next best thing that may be
done for any school is to see, that
they are made attractive. The
flower garden at Locust Grove is
one of the prettiest we have seen.
Nor did it just happen so, but be
came so as a result of the efforts
of the willing workers of this
school. Some ot the teachers and
the boys and girls. We may have
whatever we will to have, teach
ers, and boys and girls.
We like so much the spirit of
the teachers at Stockbridge. The
boys and girls, too, are to be prais
ed for the way in which they enter
into things. For Stockbridge we
also want to report a tennis court.
If we do not provide dleasures for
boys and girls we should not ex
pect them to work willingly, for
this would not be right.
The girls of this school ore tak
ing up their sewing in a most
pleasing way. Some good results
have already come from their
efforts. We are expecting many
very nice things from the girls
along this line of work.
The cooking which the girls of
this school will do at present will
be done at their homes after get
ting recipes and directions from
the teachers at school. When the
cooking has been done at home
we expect the girls to bring the
results to school and compare
them, letting the teacher be the
judges of their work. Other home
work will be carried on through
the school in this same way. We
expect Stockbridge to do well in
all her undertakings.
Judge Harris As President and Fine Committee
Working Night and Day On Plans—
Races and Other Amusements Planned.
The Henry County Fair is going
to be a real county fair.
Definite steps to]make it so have
been taken by the McDonough
Board of Trade. .Judge A. G. Har
ris has been made President of the
Fair, Mr. Frank Reagan, Secretary
and Treasurer, and the following
are ti.e Fair Committee:
Messrs. R. L. Turner, E. M. Cope
land, J. B. Dickson, J. E. Hoolen,
D. T. Carmichael, and Dr. H. C.
Hightower, and Mr. J. T. Weems,
Vice-President of the Board of
Trade, member ex-officio,
- The various departments are in
charge of the following:
1. Department of Agriculture;
Messrs. E. M. Copeland and J. E.
2. Departments of Horses, Mules,
and Colts; Mr. D. T. Carmichael.
1. Department of Cattle and Hogs,
Poultry, etc.; Dr. H. C. Hightower.
4. Department of Merchants and
Manufactures: Mr. J. B. Dickson.
5. Department of Education;
Professor O. 0 Tolleson.
6. Department of Clubs;
(a) Bovs’ Corn Clubs, Mr. J. B.
Tenant House On Farm Was De
stroyed Tuesday. Loss Partly.
Covered By Insurance.
A tenant house on Mr. Joe J.
Smith’s farm, one mile east of Me-
Donor. •h, was destroyed by fire
Tuesday morning.
The fire was discovered at 11.30
o’clock and had made such prog
ress that it could not be ex- 1
tinguiheJ before consuming the
As there was nobody in the
house when the fire started, the
cause of its origin is not known.
It is supposed that the fire
rolled from the open fire in the
fire place and set fire to the wood
Mr. Smith estimates his loss at
$300.00, with about half of that
amount of insurance.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fields and
family desire to thank their many
friends and the entire community
for the kindness and help given
them in the recent burning of their
home. The services rendered and
sympathy expressed, will always
be remembered most gratefully.
Mr. and Mrs. Hankinson Hosts,
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hankin c on
entertained Thursday evening very
delightfully in compliment to the
It was in the nature of a house
warming, as this was the first cal
ling together of their friends, since
moving to their handsome new
(b) Girls’ Canning Clubs, Miss
Katie Lou McVicker.
7. Woman’s Work Department;
Mr. R. L. Turner.
8. Athletic Department; Mr. Frank
Committee on Rub's: Messrs.
Frank Reagan, J. T. Weems, and
O. 0. Tolleson.
'r \ /
Committee on Aviation: Ju Ige
A. G. If arris and Mr. D. T. Car
Committee on Horse and Mule
Races: Dr. H. C. Hightower and"
Mr. D. T. Carmichael.
Many entries will be provided
for. Amusements also will provid
ed. There will be horse and bicy
cle races and other things.
The committee is working night
and day making preparations.
The complete program and list
of prizes will be announced next
More than $200.00 in cash and
many prizes have already been
subscribed and the list is not yet
Come to the Fair.
Exhibit at the Fair.
New Cabinet of Lock Boxes is
Being Placed in McDonough
Post Oftice.
Postmaster A. R. Scott is now
engaged in making a number of
improvements in the McDonough
post office.
A new modern cabinet of lock
boxes has been secured by Dr.
Scott. It has arrived and is now
being installed.
All these acts of Dr. Scott will
enable him to furnish the patrons
of this office better service and
tne public will appreciate his ef
forts to serve them.
Court Convened Monday With
Judge Daniel's Fine Charge.
Ajourned Wednesday.
Superior Court convened in reg
ular fall session Monday morning.
Judge Daniel made an impress
ive and eloquent charge to the
grand jury. The court then com
pleted its organization and took up
the civil business.
This was completed and court
adjourned Wednesday night until
next week, when the criminal cas2s
will be tried.
Solicitor Geueral E. M Ow m
and offical reporter, W. E. F.S ar
cy, Sr., were at their post of iuty
Mr. Timon Bowden has gone to
Granite Hill, where he has the
position of coach at the Agricul
tural and Mechanical College.