The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 14, 1913, Image 3
- - F. A. MITCHAM, Furniture find Undertaking HAn GEORGIA: Mr* Terry 3 Welch ri( f nCed Embalmer ’ a Hen,, y county boy, . ; > *-i k<U promptly <3*y or nip* . 'AHemhaTriMr.g careftillj Ane■ i d tun enlD • r.,.,., n ■ e tbcct* * * f ; * ut >• etat and *«>od cm* I.t>< i.. . i «•«.nailed Our aefvioep, hearses and eqni j n tLt. are t e„t to b« a ad. We furnish the beet steel, brlrk or cement Vault* A; Telephone for Every Farmer . ’ J . : . " * p :t ■" 1 1 ■ 1 "■ ■■■ ■■ ■ J Do you wan* one ? s 4 > We will tell you how to get it at small cost. Fill out and return this coupon today.' SOUTHERN BELL TEL. & TEL. CO. Atlanta, Ga. ,*v ~ Please send me your free booklet describing your pL.i for farmers’ telephone service at small cost. ' «. A / / Name ' R. F. D.No ..... Town and State..- .. ■ t Address' . 1 FARMERS’ LINE DfcPARTIfENT SOUTHER;'. BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY GAB 48 S. Pryor St., Atlanfli, C*. [Hi I 7 k iMtUltekU J ace yours The t Lg lom o Beautiful” by Decorating 'LjEjpPPK|y' Yor r Walls with ■ Ibfeßini Tbs Modern, Durable, Flat Oil Finish y%qSfH T T doesn’t require much money to decorate ’ A your walls art istically with Pee Gee Flatkoatt. 24 soft, dee?, velvety colors to select from —No more expensive and frequent redecorating; Flatkoalt-ed walls are easily cleaned with a moist sponge. CT S3* C" er- Write direct to Decorating Department, PEASLEE t" rSv KL. t- GAULBERT CO., Inc., Louisville, Ky., for advice ILLUSTRATED ant ] suggestions. “ The Modem Method of Finishing Walls” BOOK and color card —write or ask us for it. a Copeland- • McDnn " jmrfSm FOR RENT. Six room dweilm., : in Withintwo blocks of public Square. ScipSperc, »■> •of go,to At t Mcl>-‘Ga. • ' ,nl " . Adv.) 1?. \ . > •' k s Iwii i-j Hui us : 7 !#> to ltf A. M. to 5 P. M. McDonough, Ga. E. J. REAGAN. Attorney at Law, Office in The Henry County Weekiy Buiidina Will practice in all the courts. R. O. JACKSON, Attornev-at-Law, MCDONOUGH, Ga. BROWN & BROWN, ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. MrDonon’ffH, Ga, 0 . L . ADAMS, DENTIST MCDONOUGH. GA. TELEPHONES: OFFICE, 107-J RESIDENCE, 103 OFFICE IN LEMON BUILDING. Main aiOi-Business Main —T?esfilenor Miss Lorah b. Alien .!» YMTH JOHN J. BOOK OUT Jevyeler, Optician, Ensraving, and Watchmaker v 53 W. Mitchell St, ATLANTA, GA. Engraved Cards, Invitations;^etc. > r ' 7 LEGAL NOTICES. FOR LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia, Henry County.. To whom it may concern: Notice is he.rebv given that the undersigned has Applied ' t >, the Ordinary of said county for .leave, to sell one fifteenth (I 15) interest in the land belonging to the estate of Parie L. Laney for the pa ;> >< • of payment .f debts and di-Hi’ u tion. Sr id applieatl >h w ill 1 at Ibo regul ir t nil of t e Court ot Ordinary 15 s lucuanty K- < on the first jiwiiday in Decim , 1913. This Novombo” 3rd. 1913. A. R. Laney, Aaminiotittf or Pi Lsnate of 11 28,4. Mrs. P. S Laney. ADMINISTRATOR S SALK. •' vr-. . Geurgia, B*-nrv Conn tv : jjy virtue of an order granted; by the Court of Ordinary of He iry <’oun [ty, Georgia, will .be sold" before” the court house door in th» city of Mc- Donough, Henry County, Georgia, at public outcry to the highest bidder, within the legal hours of sale on the Firs, Tuesday in l>ervmht, 1913, the following real estate situated in Henry County, Ga ,'to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Seventh Land District of Henry County, Ga.. nnd being Thirty acres off the South side of West half of lot of land No. (177) one hundred aud seventv-seven. and thirty acres off the South side of lot No. one hundred and seventy eight and kn >wn as the J. R. Tarp lev place, and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Mrs. Lucy Tarpley .state; on the East bv lands of R iherf an 1 Ed. Natl; South hv lau Is of Mrs. Alice Payne and on Pie West b" lands of D. T. Stone, and c mtaining in all the above described land, sixty acres, move or less, same being owned by S. M. Coker at time of his death. Thisloteontainsgood 4-room house. Also at the same time and place, will be sold Thirteen acres of land more or less, same being part of lot No 170, lving and being situat ed in McD mough District, bounded as foil >ws: On the North by Ada Alexander, on the East by Dower lands of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Coker, on the South by lands of Ode Cope land and the Oakland Baptist chnrch lot, on the West by lands of W. H. Fargason. Terms cash. Nov. 3rd. 1913, J. F Coker, Administrator of Estate of 11-28,1. Samuel M. Coker. NOTRF FO DEUT -S ') V. li % V,# . W*. . Georgia, Henry County. All parties holding claims against the estate el W. s. Fur-a Son are hereby notified to present the lame, duly attested, within term-' of tie law: those indebted to ’Saul estate are notified to make immediate pay ment tu the undersigned. \ I*2-12,(> C. C. Far rason Adtnr. FOR DISMISSION. Georgia, Henry County. Whereas. W. H. Hopkins, Admin istrator o f W. P. Hopk in s and Sus a n A. Hopk in s, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has tally administered said es ta *es This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to \v cause if any they can, wliy said Administrator should not be discharg ed fii, ni his administration, and re c\ i«c setters ci. I 'usmisaion on the First Monday in Dee moor, 1913, A. G. Harris, Ordinary. II 38, 4. • iLTITIO NTMlv\ ~ II’EE 10 LAND M APE. Mrs. L. A. h‘ D ‘lilt'd he Al. vs, J. 1,. G-irdm-v. Petition *or order to re qao J li. Gnid ‘.or to m ik<-» title to la nd. To ,1. L. G ndnr f : Mrs. Z. A. McDonald etal, heirs of J T. M 'D-nald, 10-oaSt'd, h t-t --ing filed a petition in Llenry Court of Ordinary to require you to make title to certain l tmls described in a Bond fur title attached, alleging that they have paid the purchase price, you are required to show cause betore me on the First Mon day in December, 1913, at Henry Court of Ordinary, why said order should not tup granted. Witness niy hand and seal this November:!, 1913. * • A. G. Harris, Ordinary. 11-28, 4. ; ' SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia, Henry County. Win be sold before the court house door In the City 6i McDonough, Henry County, Georgia, between the legal ' hours of sale ’it i .blic outcry lo the. hi.:best in.ld • ci-h »it m- tir-t rI. Sda i i > 'l l 1913, ■•■•r 11 i a real estate, to-,, it: One h m aid lot situated in the t> vn -> f Tgiella, Henry C iiinte Georgia said lot is bouuuwU ns follows : on north by lot of J. W Henderson, east by Griffin and McDonough public road, weyt b\ la ids of Mis. VV. B. 'UoiileV, ami -on. ; by lot of Luella Baptist eli n eh. S-<id lot is 210 foot on north sm led tewt on east, 210 feet on south side, and tuO feet on west side. Levied on as the property of 15. F. Tim ops >o l to saMsf a soe oal lien execution issue t from the S i periwr C 1 tur ,of Henry County, in favor oi; th ■ B.tok d L >c ist Grove against.said B. F. Thompson, said property'being in possession of B . F. Thompson at time of levy. • Defendant and 'tenant in pos session legally notified. " This November 7, 1913. A. C. Sowell, Sheriff. 11-28, 4. EXECUTOR’S LAND SALE. Georgia, Henry County. B y virtue ot un order o f the Court of >, of But ts County, will be sold at public outcry, on the First Tuesday in December, 1913, at the Court House m Boots Coun ty. between the usual h «urs of sale the following real e.state situated iu Henry Co. Georgia, to-wit: ihree Hundred acres of land as follows: Two hundred acres boa..ded as fol lows: On the north by lands of N A Wall, and Walter Cleveland, on the east by .VI. R. W all, on the south by Henry Benton and H nry Brown, and on the west by L. J. Castellaw. Also, One Hundred acres, bound ed as follows: On the north by lands of -M. R. Wall on the east by Reuben Edalgo, on the south by J A. Woodward, and on tho west. • an** T*e>» v I’tmo ». Tm i Novo no or 3, 1 >l3. B. T. Glass, 11 28, 1. Ex. of S E. Bias- Estate. EXECUTORS SALE. GEORGIA —Hknry Ol'xty : By virtue of un order granted by the Court of Ordinary of H'nrv GGnntv Ga., wit] he sel l before the Cou*t HGose in Mel)onou<rh. <!n., at. public outcry, to the highest bidder, within the legal boars of sale on the First Tuesday in De,- cember, 1913. 115 acres of land, situated in Puntherville Pistriet.of DeKalb County, Ga., known as the Geo. Cook place, and bounded as follows : (>n the North by land of Masters Pros., on the South and East by land of Will Whitaker, on West by land of Bose Wise, \!-o four shares Bulk st-vk in Bank id Ellen wood, Ga. Aisa tour shares (link stock in Bank ■!' Hex, ( . To i t isii for Iwi -u ok ; tor la el, ooe-third cash. I in •> I and years .30 d.i tii estate of .J. . White for distribution and payimr debts. II A,4. T. G. White, i: e ", lOil LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia, Henry County. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the Or dinary of el' unity for leave to sell the hmdsdietoHging to the es tate of A i '-‘parks for tllo pur pose of payment of debts and distri bution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for County to be held on the first .'fonday in December, 1913. This November 4, 1913. ' -.L .A. Foiiohe, Adnir. Est. 11 28, 4 v, Aggie Sparks. FOR ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Henry County. To whom it may concern: W. J. Tnr ne r having intide application to me in due form to hi* appointed permanent ad ministrator -upon the estate o f Fannie Nolan ate of -aid county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court •>f Ordinary for,said county to be held on b- ; Cm -t 'I mi Li m |)i •<* ii'i.-r, 1913. Witness my hand and official sigii*- ture this 3d da? of November 1913. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. 11-28, 4. FOR TWELVE MONTHS’ SUPPORT. Georgia, 1 iry County. .Vi i s. M. O. Hightower having ma le application for Twelve Month.’ ij.port out of the estate of I) r. Rhli*i ■: ll Higlltowor do eeased, a I 1 perso n s .concern ed are hereby required to show cUilse before the Court or Ordinary of said county un tlie First Mmiday’iri Do c.unber, l'.i)3, whv said-application should not be granted. This 3d day of November, 1913. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. 11-28, 4. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All parties holding claim 3 against the estate of Jno. D. R"" «t>, d» cd. are hereby notified to present the iame, duly attested, within terms .if the law; those indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate pay ment. > This Oct, 20, 1913. Henrv S. Rowan, Administrator 11 28.*» of Jno. D. Rowan. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All parties holding claims against the estate of W. W Skelton are hereby notified to present the same, duly attested, within terms of the law; those indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate pay ment. Oct. 6, 1913. W. G. Calloway, Administrator. 11-14.6 Est, W. W. Skelton.