The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 14, 1913, Image 4
CLEAR-AWAY CLOTHING SALE! 10°« to 50% Reduction. VR/E have i>uits for Men * V and Boys that we are go dt ing to sell by January Ist, re /p** 'y 4|L / gardless of manufacturers’ cost. \idl Schloss Bros. & Co.’s and David jfs || i/m Adler & Son’s Clothing for Men i 1 if Ljs and Perfection Clothing for ft ft TnQ B°ys. Buy now and save money ! Every article in our entire S clothing stock is reduced from 10 per cent, to 50 j er cent., ex , cepting alone a limited few re stricted lines. Hurry for your share of the savings. Remember, with every SI.OO * purchase you will receive a 222!® Gold Contest Ticket. First premium, to the one holding the lucky number, SISOOO in gold I GRIFFIN MERCANTILE COMPANY Successors to Bass Bros. Co., GRIFFIN, GA. « Georgia Products In Verse. Since Governor Slaton has pro claimed Nov. 18th, Georgia Prod ucts Day, and urged its observance along the lines indicated by the Georgia Chamber of Commerre there has been a great searching for verses and poems relating to Georgia and her products. It is remarkable how many times those have proven a theme of most ac ceptable and even unusual verses, among which may b- enumerated the following by Frank L. Stanton, in his book “Songs of the Soil:” Watermelon Song. Oh, the Georgia watermelon —it’s a growing cool an green, An’ll soon be pullin’ heavy at the stem: An’ the knife—it needs a whettin’ an’ the blade is gettin’ keen. Oh, the Georgia watermelon is a gem! Melons cool an’ green— Jest the best you ever seen! Seen the sweet juice drip pin’ From them melons cool an’ green! Oh, the Georgia watermelon —with the purtiest sort o’stripe! It ain’t a streak o’ fat and a streak o’ lean; You thump her with your fingers, an’ you hear her answer “Ripe”! Oh, the Georgia watermelon cool an’ green! Melons cool an’ green — Jest the best you ever seen! See the sweet juice drippin’ From them melons cool an’ green! When you pull a Georgia melon you must know what you are at, And look out how your knife is goin’ in; Put one half on this side o’ you, the other half on that, An’ then you git between ’em an’ begin! Melons cool and green — Jest the best you ever seen! See the sweet juice drippin’ From them melons cool and green! They’re mi hty, fillin’ with their flamin’ hearts o’ red — Like the reddest o’ roses in the South; When cotton’s down to nothin’, take the place o’ meat an’ bread; :* Make you think a hive o’ honey’s in your mouth! Melons cool an’ green— Best the country ever seen! Oh, the meltin’ sweetness Of the melons cool an’ green! But it’s way ahead o' honey—as a slice or two will prove; It’s slicker, an’ it’s a sweeter as it slips! There dn’t no “nigger problem” when the melon’s on the move — Make the white man an’ the nigger smack his lips! Melons cool an’ gr en — Don’t want any fence be tween. But I’d outclimb all creation For them melons cool an’ green! Notice. Fine Sepies in Folders For $3.00 per Dozen and up at Guthrie’s Studio. Jackson, Ga. 11-28,4. ( Aqv.) The Variety Store. Bring your pictures and have them framed before the rush of Christmas is on. Come in and see our new line. Troy Smith, Proprietor. FARM LOANS. Money to loan on farm lands. Brown & Brown. LOST, one hound bitch medium size, white color, with grizdy sad dle in back, light lean ears, sharp nose, undershot j iw, responds to name Bell. so. reward for return to W. A. Bellah, Stockbridge. P. H. BRITT W. R. CARROLL Britt & Carroll. NOW 15 THE TIME AND HERE IS THE PLACE TO Buy Your Winter Outfit. i— ii inr>M———wwi mm iianii n i inna m -- - .true, -mai Every Department of our b'g store is filled with the Newest and Most Seas * able Merchandise, and we can outfit your entire family for winter at very small cost. We have a large and complete assortment of Ladies’ Suits, Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Hats. Shoes for Men, Women and Children And a fine showing of the newest things in Ladies’ Dress Goods, cotton, wool and silk, and also a full line of staples, Calicoes, Ginghams, Outings, Etc. Our Underwear Department is larger than ever before, and our Tailoring Department has also grown wonderfully. We can make you a suit to order and save you money. We have Rain Coats for Men, Women and Children at prices that v ill please you, and we also have everything you need in Hosiery, Notions, Cotton and Wool Blankets, Etc. Come in and let us show you whether you buy or not. We can demonstrate to y-oti. in a few mo ments that it is wisdom to buy from us. New goods are arriving daily for all departments. “Trade with us and reduce the cost of living.” BRITT & CARROLL, 163 Decatur Street, - - ATLANTA, GA. ggfiigpl Famous Imperial Range mmfgjr made in ATLANTA lIH [gg $ Economy-Efficiency-Durability 1 1 Kr""T'T]| In the manufacture of the Imperial Cast Range nothing but the highest grade L " frr ~ _ 'Vf.Tw V s Birmingham pig iron is used. These nSirfrit 1 11 nf ran ß es are correctly proportioned, beau |lj ,| jj tifully designed, sanitary and heavily con- V fegd ||| flr. strueted in such a manner by skilled 1™ HE 'jjf I L Hf mechanics that they are practically indis- HH&r hSjgj tructible. The Imperial Cast Range has proven by satisfactory service in thousands of homes throughout the South to be economical in fuel consumption, perfect bakers, -- wTk q u ‘ c k heaters, inexpensive in up-keep. The Best Value for the jj/ J Price Without Reservoir w! I % Money Possible to Find freight prepaid. Famous for Baking—Easy to Fire—Easy to Keep Clean The Imperial Cast Range has spacious Six Hole Top, Large Oven, Large Fire Box, Large Feed Pouch, Large Warming Closet, Large Porcvlhin Reservoir, Full Nickel Trimmed, in fact everything that goes to make an up-to-date, sanitary, economical and substantial cast range and one you cannot buy elsewhere at anything approaching our LOW PRICE. Order from us NOW and let us ship you the best Cast Range you ever saw at the price. You save long freight hauls. WE INVITE YOU TO COME TO SEE US and let us show you through our enormous stock of Ranges, Cooking and Heating Stoves, Iron and Brass Reds, Oak Dressers, Wash Stands, Chifforobea, Chiffoniers, Chairs, Rockers, Sideboards, China Closets, Hat Racks, Buffets, Art Squares,\Rrjgs, Curtains, Mattresses, Pillows at prices that are not equalled by others. Our service is polite and entertaining. It will pay you to visit our store. Three Back Slat Double Brumby’s High Back j [f Cane Bottom Chair Chair with hickory stretchers, Solid oak frame, straight flff if 'd u 1J maple frame, widest seat OJ k P°^ ts * n baqk. fufcrtudied IIU J. 4 in cane bottom chairs. . Nobler seats. These j ufj /« g# 12 CHAIRS $6.00 constructed and give the best If jggfc,* 6 CHAIRS $3.00 of satisfaction. Cash With M Do not ship less than six 12 CHAIRS SIO.OO .HM chairs. 6 CHAIRS $ 5.00 Ip 7W ;v _' « Ed. & Al. Matthews Pagßl , 158 EDGEWOOD AVENUE |i j V J ATLANTA, GEORGIA 0