Newspaper Page Text
’ ‘—>f—- r* r-f- - ■ ~
Entered at the postoffiwat McDonough,
Ga., as second-class mall matter.
McDonough; Ga., Dec. 5, 1913.
Advertising Rates furnished on appli
r- .1 ;
Official Organ of Henry County.
No Card of Things, Obituaries, or Reso
lutions, of any length, vrill be publish free.
The rate for such is one and one-half cents
per woid. None published for less that
twenty-five cents. In a'l cases cash must
accompany the copy. Manuscript not ac
oompanied with postage for their return
will not be returned.
News. News of every kind is especially
welcomed by the Editor. Please notify
him of all deaths, marriages, etc.
Warning, No statements purporting
to come from The Henry County Weekly
are genuine unless they have writien on
their face the signature of Frank Reagan
' ' -A -
Editor, or are presented by him in person.
Any person receiving such a statement
Will please notify Frank Reagan, Editor
MoDonengh, Georgia.
To Our Advtrtisers.
fv* - • / , !:
There will be no increase in
the maximum rates for space in
the advertising columns of The
Weekly for 1914.
A flat rate of 15 cents per inch
will be the rate. But to all who
contract on or before January 1,
1914, to use some space in every
issue of the year, the rate will be
12 cents per inch, no matter how
small for large the space used
subject to the minimum charge of
50 cents for a single insertion.
McDonough’s Lights
Turned On Wednesday.
Dr. J. G. Smith turned on the
current on McDonough’s street
lamps Wednesday evening.
They are' working nicely and
make a great improvement for
our city.
Rock Spring.
The Ladies Aid Society of Fair
view will give an entertainment at
the school house Friday night.
Everybody invited.
Mrs. H. H. Allen and daughter..
Miss Zella, of Conyers, and Mrs.
W. W. Ammons, of Covington,
visited relatives here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Presson dined
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith in
Rockdale county Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Green and
Mr. Robert McDonald, of McDon
ougli, spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald.
Mrs. Bertha Haney and little son,
John, of Atlanta, returned home
Tuesday, after reveral days visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Stroud.
Mr. Gibson Hooten, of Atlant
Medical College, spent Thanksgi' -
ing holiday with his parents, Mv.
and Mrs. S. P. Hooten.
The Variety Store.
Bring your pictures and have
them framed before the rush of
Christmas is on. Come in and see
our new line.
Troy Smith,
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold in the town of
Stockbridge December 20 h, six
valuable business lots of the estate
of John Ward, deceased, for divis
Liberal terms given.
Wednesday's City Election Arous
ed More Than Usual Interest.
TWo Tickets in Field.
♦ a «
The old Mayor and Council of
McDonough were elected to serve
another term at the annual city
election, Wednesday.
Two tickets were in the field
and considerable interest was
taken in the contest.
An unusually large vote was
polled, 144 being cast.
Th<; following shows the vote
for the candidates: ,
i *
E. M. Smith 114.
J. B. Dickson 29.
1 \ •
J. F. M. Fields ______ 99.
A. N. Brown 132.
C. J. Turner ,110.
R. L. Turner .115.
Joel Bankston .138.
D. P. Cook .105.
Ed Goodwin..* 40.
Cloud Russell 46.
E. M. Copeland 22.
J. E. Hooten 43.
J. B. Dickson 2.
Messrs. Green 6 Roan Buy
Greenwood Mercantile Co.
We wish to announce that we
have bought out the Greenwood
Mercantile Company at Green
wood and shall conduct that busi
ness in the future.
, All the indebtedness due to the
old concern will be paid to us. but
we do not assume any indebted
ness due by the old concern,
This change goes into effect on
January 1,1911.
We shall appreciate a continu
ance of the patronage of the old
customers and solicit the trade of
This November 26, 1913.
Yours respectfully,
W. T. Green.
R. R. Roan.
Messrs. J. H. Carr, J. M. Stand
ard, and M. F. Harrison were the
guests of Mr. P. R. Martin Sund; y
The Thanksgiving entertain
ment given by Luella School was
much enjoyed by all present.
Mrs. Russell Padgett, of Wool
sey, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Standard.
Mrs. T H. Wells spent Monday
wit i Mi s. M. F. Harrison.
Mrs. 1.. A. Everett spent Thurs
day witti Mrs. C. C. Everitt.
Miss Nell Goodman, of Hamp
ton, s ,ent several days last week
•vith aer sister, Mrs. D, G. Neal.
|Cholera! §
Hog Cholera, Chicken Qi
Cholera, and other diseases A
SE of stock and poultry, make
you lose money. Can this
3? loss be avoided? The 1
9 answer is: YES! Give w
Bee Dee
promptly, when the first 0
a symptoms appear. I* acts a
2 on the liver, and gets it to
g working freely. A disor- J
• aered liver causes these J
$ (and most other) troubles V
m of stock and poultry.
Price 20c. 50c and SI.OO per can.
• “Bee Dee Stock <4 Poultry Medlrina A
Is a splendid cure for liver trouble, roup, W
• chicken cholera and other diseases"—
F. j. Stowe. Purcell. Okla. P. A. 15 IP
* . S#* * f
Mrs. B. B. Carrnicha 1 and Miss
Alla B. Carmichael returned Tues
day from a three or four days
visit to Atlanta.
Help the ladies with the bazaar
by contributing something and by
attending. .
Misses Blake Bunn and Nina
Wall have been the guests of
friends in Atlanta for several days.
The best grade of Hickory Shirt
ing at W. B. J. Ingram’s at 11 cts.
per yard.
Mrs. Charles Zachry left Wednes
day night for Tampa, Fla., to
visit her daughter there, Mrs. Bob
‘ Mr. and Mr:;. J. N. Woodruff had
a number of their children and
grandchildren with them for
Thanksgiving dinner. Mrs. Verna
Wright and her three chil ren,
of Jackson, and two grandsons,
of Atlanta and others were pi es
Pure Georgia cane syrup at
W. B. J. Ingrams at 50 cts. per
gal. for next 30 days.
• . * i.
The Rev. J. M. Gilmore was a
visitor to Atlanta Monday.
Mrs. J. A. Fouche has been con
fined to her room this week with
sickness. Her many friends will
be glad to know that she is no<v
Help the ladies with the bazaar.
Contribute something, any thing
will be gratefully received. There
will be a booth where fancy work,
dolls, and toys will be sold, another
for all kinds of aprons, and lovely
delicious home made candy.
The country store will be operat
ed and many substantial things
will be for sale there. Lunch wi 1
be sold at all hours. Be sure to
help the ladies make the bazaar is
grand success.
25 lb. Sugar for $1.25 at W. B. J.
Enter your baby in the Contest
on the afternoon of the seventeeth
of December. All the babies in
the county are invited to enter.
Mrs. J. F. Wall Manager.
The Revere-Jackson Show was
advertised to perform here this
week, but were prevented from
doing so by the inclement weather.
They spent the week here, how
ever, and their quiet and gentle
manly d meanor made friends for
them here. They may return later
.n the month for a week’s stay.
Cabbage plants for sale at W. B.
J. Ingram’s. (Adv.)
Will take orders for fruit cake
30c-40c-50c per pound.
Mrs, Annie Whitehead. Adv.
Money to loan on farm lands.
Brown & Brown.
Miss Mappy Hillie, of Jackson,
will be the guest of Miss Julia
Cathy this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen T urner and
little daughter, Sara Allen, of At
lanta, spent Thanksgiving day with
Mr. G: W. Cathy and family.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Cathy, and
daughter Nettie, spent the week
end with the former’s brother, Mr.
G. W. Cathy,
Miss Annie Lou McCullough was
the week-end guest of Miss Julia
. Billy Bryan, the mailman, gives
Speer, Optician, the glad word.
Dear Sir:- Accept thanks for
the good work done on my eye
sight. The double vision glasses
are what I need. It is a pleasure
to wear them.
W. H. Bryans. (Adv.)
Bureau Of Statistics In Cooperation With Weather Bureau, United
States Department Of Agriculture.
Crop estimates and forecasts as of November 1, 1913, with com
parisons, for Georgia and for the United States, as by the U.
Department of Agriculture are given below; condition estimates are
given in percentages of a normal:
Georgia. United States.
Corn: .' ,
1913. 1912. 1913. 1912.
. Yield per acre. bu._ 15.5 13.8 23.0 29.2;
Production thousand “ 63,023 53,958 2,463,017 3,124,746;
Old, on farms November 1 “ “ 917 1,241 137,972 64,764
Quality, 1913 crop per cent. 91 85 82.2 855,
Yield per acre ___„___bu__ 82 78 89.2 1114
Production -.-thousand “ 934 936 326,550 420,641
Quality. percent. 89 90 87.8 905
Sweet potatoes:
Yield per acre.__* bu__ 87 90 95.0 9SL2
Production .thousand “ 7,221 7,290 55,760 55,479
Quality Dercenl. 88 91 87.8 90X1
Production “ “ 86 84 84.3 821*
Quality. “ “ 90 89 90.7 86.7
Sugar Cane:
Condition “ “ 84 89 85.0 2*l
Prices to producers, November 1:
Corn cts. perbu.. 93 92 70.7 58.4
Oats. “ “ “ 67 67 37.9 33.6
Potatoes. “ “ 116 9G 69.6 455
Cotton _“ “ lb._ 13.5 10.8 13.0 109
Prices to producers, October 15:
Hogs dolls, per 100 lbs. _ 7.30 6.90 7.60 7.7&
Sweet Potatoes cts. perbu. _ 76 75 78,0 7!Ld
Mrs. T. A. Cathy is the guest of
her son, Mr. G. W, Cathy.
Mrs. M. T. Robison, formerly
Miss Pansy McGaughev, of Mon
roe, was the guest of Miss Lizzie
Craig last week.
Miss Annie May Atkinson and
Mr. Percy Forddrell, of Atlanta,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Atkinson Sunday.
Miss Annie Belle Ingram is the
guest of her brother, Mr. L. A. In
gram, at Fayetteville.
Mr. W. B. J. Ingram visited Grif
fin last week.
Mr. J. H. Jeffares, of Cairo, is
visiting friends and relatives in
and near McDonough. His many
foiends here are glad to see him
FARM FOR RENT. Fine three
horse farm near Forsyth in Mon
roe county. Tenant must furnish
himself and pay standing rent.
Owner would lease for term of
years to desirable person. Apply
to The Weekly.
The Hon. T. D. Stewarl, of At
lanta, spent Tuesday in McDon
There has been some moving in
McDonough this week. Mr.. C. J.
Dickson has bought a tarm in
Eastern Henry and moved there
Tuesday. Messrs. C. R. Hand and
! W. A. Ward will move into the
place occupied this year by Messrs.
| C. J. Dickson and J. C. Culpepper.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown spent
! the week-end in Bullochville.
Mrs. Mary Alexander spent sev
| eral days last week with her
I sister, Mrs. S. M. Oglesby.
Miss Clara Spivey, of Talbotton,
1 and Miss Weatherly, of Atlanta,
' who were the guests of Miss Hattie
Sue Low, have returned home.
Mr. Howard Stansel has moved
j on Lawrenceville Street into the
house opposite Mrs. Emma Walk
er’s, having sold his pretty cottage
to Mr. Ciiff Culpepper, who mov
ed there Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Green and
Mr. Robert McDonald ate Thanks
giving dinner with their parent*,.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald, at
Snapping Shoals.
Miss Pearl Price, of the Sixth,
district, after a few days’ visit to
Mrs. Reagan, has returned home.
Miss Mattie McDonald, after a
few days’ visit to her sister, Mrs.
Will Green, has returned home:
Miss Ida Mintz was the guest of
friends in McDonough Sunday.—
Griffin News.
Miss Hettie McCurdy's many Mc-
Donough friends sympathize with
her in the death of her grand
father, Mr. Nash, at Stone Moun
tain Saturday.
Mrs. Julian Weems is in Greens
boro, when she was called to the
bedside of her mother, who is very
ill. As soon as her mother im
prove sufficiently she wiil brine
her home with her.
| On the afternoon of the 17th at
2.30 o’clock there will be a baby
show. Enter your baby for the
contest, those from three years
old down. Mrs. J. F. Wall has.
charge of this contest.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hooten went
to Atlanta Thursday, Mrs. Hooten
and little daughter remaining till
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Arthur Stewart, who has.
been serious by ill, is slowly im -
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amis and
Mrs. Lilah Copeland and H. J.
Copeland, Jr. w r ere the gussts of
relatives in Griffin last week.
On next Sunday there will bz
preaching at Timberidge and will
continue through out the week.
Mr. Hunt, of Decatur, assisting
Mr. Barclay.
LOST, one hound bitch medium
size, w'hite color, with grizzly sad
dle in back, light lean ears, sharp
nose, undershot j iw, responds to
name Bell. $5. reward for return/
to W. A. Bellah, Stockbridge.