Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the postoflice at McDonough.
as second-class maii matter.
vfcDonough, Ga., Dec. 12, 1913.
** —■ .. . ....
Advertising Rates furnished on appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
No Card of Things, Obituaries, or
lutions, Of any length, will be publish free.
The rate for such is one and one half cents
jtiwoid. Nine published for less that
ir'j-fiv! iiis. In a ! l cnees cash must
aceenjanj the copy. Manuscript not ac
ecu | anted v\ it-h postage for their return
will 11 1 be returned.
> evvs Nt ws of every kind is especially
welcomed 1 ; the Editor. Please notify
him of all deaths, marriages, etc.
Warning No statements purnortlng
to conte from The Henry County Weekly
are genuine unless they have written on
their face the signature of Frank Reagan
Editor, or are presented by him in person.
Any person receiving such » statement
will please notify Frank Reagan, Editor
MoDonongh, Georgia.
Southern Railway Company
Not Southern A Sit.
We do not understand how the
Southern Railway Company ever,
obtained the name.. It certainly
has never achieved it. It posses
ses not a single Southern trait in
its dealings with the public.-
One trait distinctly Southern, is
consideration for. others.' In this
respect the great railway system
with its ts-a lamenfabte
* * i*) j.
One of the most essential and
practical ways, (4* eaceccismg con
sideration forr.others iaby showing
.« proper a nti- chi a.: regard for tte
tame of other -people;-- **■•
••• For so many years ‘the manage
jnkiivt Of this graat systerp* has had
im regard foftlib' vallle-of tfmtf frt
the running of its ’trams. ; Its
schedules tCJiNke.
Even the' , dog, ‘Whicfi
. & *rs - .n '
always accomptyiies .masker,
sometimes reaches the station
ahead of his engine. „
But the Southern Railway Com
.pany has within recent years in
vented a new way or robbing its
patrons of their valuable time and
at the same time inflicting a refined
torture upon them.
Last Saturday night was a per
fect example of this Southern
trait. The railroad management
had full knowledge of the track’s
being blocked near Stockhridge
by a freight wreck long.before the
evening trains left Atlanta. Blit
never a w<v*d of it did they allow
to come to the knowledge of pas
sengers intending to board those
As a consequence, many people
were the railroads unwilling guests
near old Stockbridge until near
midnight. Theirs was not a very
gracious host. Refreshments were
not served and the entert linment
was not oi’ a high class in any res
. pect. «.:j
And yet the railroads say they
want justice. They want anything
*'els£ but justicur •
Saturday nighf Js but one of
many such this com
pany's acting their contempt for
r he public, for this has
before. ■ j
Our State railroad commission 4
should take this matter in charge
and fix some penalty for such
Mrs. George Elliott is quiU sick
and it is feared she has pneumonia.
Her friends trust she will soon be
restored to health.
Next Week’s Paper
Last This Year.
f _ j
Our issue of The Weekly for
next week, the 19th instant, will
be the last regular issue for this
During Christmas week we shall
observe the time-honored custom
and give our readers a rest.
We desire to thank each and
every patron of The Weekly dur
ing the year 1913 for their patron
age arid support. We solicit a
continuance and increase for 1914.
The winners of the correspond
ents’ cash prizes will be announc
ed not later than the issue ot Jan
uary 2, 1914. If possible, we shall
announce them in next week’s issue.
Statement of the Condition of
The Bank of Stockbridge
Located at Stockbridge, Ga., at the Close of Business
Dec. 3id, 1913.
Demand Loans - * - e!9.119.10
Tim** Loans .... 63.244 56
Overdrafts, scoured, cotton None
Overdrafts, unsecured - - 93769
Bonds and Stocks owned by .
the Bank - 2.900.00
Banking. Mouse - - - 2.109.00
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,651.80
Due from Banksaud Bankers
in this State - - - 17,210 90
Due from Banks and'Bankers
in other States - - 4,791.93
Currency - - 4,507 00
Gold. ~. • - - 43 50
Silver, Niekels.ete.- 391.29 6,262 39
Checks and Cash Items -
Advance on cotton - - 47,114.03
Total - - - I 164,991.30
Stafe (Jf6eof^la- : Heihry County.
Before me oatne Power, Cashier of Bank of Stockbridge. GA., who being
duly sworn, says that the above Arid, foregoing statement is a true condition of said
Bank as shown by the books of.file in said Bank.
- r - • •• C M-POWER, Cashier.
.Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of Dec., 1913. . .
‘ ' A. N. P.
4* i *
• * » • • i , . $ *o. 4 • i l• •
l * *■* « w »•*. tf k| #:•**’ - •* Vv I’h ■ ». .1 . ,
.■■* : U of the Gonditionof
The Bank of ’ Locust Grove
**» 4f- ■ -Em# -I <• 4 >*V» »*,*-% -.<■ * '4.
Located at Locust Grove, Ga., close of business
- i>ec.*3frd T .1913 ••
*» t ' £_«*, Ai • x —• t? .** .-.y — i
Demand Loans - - - $ fkwDOOf)
Time Loans - - • • 42,804.87
P>erp«Cts,sttUureik-cotten, - , & 8945*06
Bonds and stocks owned by Bank - Noite
Banking House , - - 1 80127
rurnlDtruTvnd —"* »h,twi.97
SW£BiL -*w
in this State - - - 4,909.87
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States . 120 12
Currency - - { 817 oo
GobT', '- ■> ~ *M.k ■■ • -i'T '■
Silver, N'tekels, eU'. 339 52
Cash Items - - 807.67
Clearing House - None
Advance on Cotton , Nan#. N -M)l*l9
Profit, and Loss \ . * "**
Other Resources * Npjie
.Total - - IP-. 1 ,429.87
State County!
Before me came .T , AV. Brown, Cashier of ebo#c
Saysthru the BJ»ove and fordgoing- statement is a trueV'fcoudition of said Bank, as
sh<r4m by the bunks of tile in said Bank. . SL * -
x> ■>. ... :■ iO.- :i : :>.alr..dhKOVtiir.;;
to and-subseribed before me, this Bth day of Dec., 1913.
' . V. "i " J W. 7 P.tEV-Offioio 3E: P.
f aA t£*S 'r t .
vi' ‘ \ *\ . ' V 1
' .%f e V v ', "■ . K\: -r.- VC-5 •«
" <v Statement- of the GcndLtiofi pf »
The Bank of Hampton - :
Located at Hampton, Ga., at the close of business
Dec. 3rd, 1913. , ; V X
! Demand Loans - - 8 None
' Time Lo,in> . r 52,d5ti.30
I Overdrafts, secured, -•- NLne.
()vei'di-lfts. ynsecured • 243 44
Bopds and Stacks
1 "Oi- Bt.ak - *-• - 2.000 no -
Lapking iiopse. . - - None
Fi: n 'ns a i>(t Fi -. . -1-.. t.
Othi-rKeal EstaP", - None
Due from Banks and Ranke s.
in tin- State - ' 24,7.58 67
Due frofu Bank!* ibd B mki r«
iw’otiier States 7. .- 14.391 .31-.
A'uri i iiey . - - 00 .
Gold - - - . 4sU i«n'
f ash Items - - ■' ' . - , -Nj m
'Clearing House - N>»m
Vdyani'a-on Cofton • • - , Nei^.-
Profit atm Loss - - None - *
Other ki smrws - - 1; Vonf-
Total > S 12*'862.47
State of Georgia—Henry County.
Before me o*me .1 O Rutherford, C’a-hier of the Bunk of Harntlfftn, wh.obeing
duly xvrorn, says that the above and foresjoini? statement is a true condition of said
Bank, as shown bv the books of file in said Bank. " ■
Sworn to and subscribed before me. this Bth day of Dec., 1813.
GEO. S. D. MA LAIKK, X. P..& Ex off. J. P.
To Our Advertisers.
There will be no increase in;
the maximum rates for space in
the advertising columns of The
Weekly for 1914.
A flat rate of 15 cents per inch
will be the rate. But to all who
contract on or before January 1,
1914, to use some space in every
issue of the year, the rate w»il bb*
12 cents per inch, no matter how
small or large the space used,
subject to the minimum charge of
50 cents for a single insertion.
Correspondents need not send
news letters for the issue of week
after next, for the 26th instant, as
there will be no paper then.
1 ■ tKp' lib"- —• i
Capital Stock Raid jn - - $16,000.00
Undivided Profits,' less Cnrrent
ExpeOttek'amf TUXWkPMa 15,626.98
Dim to Banks and Itankcrs in
other States - - - 10,500.00
Individual Iteposits Subject „ •
to Check .... 91,2.89.31
Tim# Certified tea * . - 19,549 53
Cashier's Checks - - - 1,325.46
Bills Pavabie,tnchiding (fime'Oer
tificates representing Borrowed
Money,; “• c .
"5 y ■> , ■; • «|| .«'• *■■ '■
, • ■ ».t ■ .» fa »• tf -•*.
' ■ • >b'. x-,s
Total • *. - r $ 154,391.30
Capital Stock -Paid in • |2,j,000 00
Surplus Fund ■■ . None
Undivided Profits, less Current
, , F.xpensei, aod.T>vses paid - 9,270 70
Dw at ’fhm k> itrul- in -
ttiis..Stan'. .106.88
wueto Bail Itk and - Bankers id
other States - ,f„ \~.}t s None
Due Dividends - - None
In<UyklH«il-Dem»4ts*Snbjeet-td'' <
' UHwk 7 - - - - 50,059.64
Savings Deposits - - None
Demand. Certificates - - None
TMntrCmk&eittm 'bU 7,819.90
C t rtified CneOks - None
Cashier’s Checks - - 172.70
Due to Clearing Houser* - -v- lbone
Bills None
Bills payaijo”, 1 nilfigf%.Ti me
ng burr'd nuAuej.,.,* None
Other Liabilities .... None
Total - ” - I f92T29.67
Oajfital Paid fu - sf.'o.Voo,ti(i
Aurphis liVti'.i . - 130,00**00
Undivided Profits; iesAla'yrent ,
Expenses and I a.w Paid 3.942 58
Due to Banks and Bankers in
tv;* * ' ’* • N-s a
Dueti' lee V- linkers iti' 1
other >t»U-- ,i - - None
. - V..."
ludiv'ifTifal DenWn SiSildbct .• • .
. n l-’iv'> le ■> ■ '.U ' -rtV76< g-f
Vnpngfe Deposit,*,. u?j 4 ;U.- . ..'.None
! * ttatid i ertifi g , - .No e
1 im<‘Ce'ftjitea'e- - 5.0*17.5*1
ifledt Chm-ks. - 4 * - . N<*tW*
(.’*»shier’s.Cht<'ks .* - .183.42.
N.- • ' 'v'V -53, . •il-e-4'- -’ * S ’'fc'
Bills Payable. Ineludin : Time
• t -■ri iff-, of* - r -pr sellt ing
Borrowed Money. -- - 'None
Other Liabilities • £-4 • - . Nigfv
rural, ) N • ■- $129 862 17;
Statement of the Condition of
Located at McDonough, Georgia,
4 •
Demand Loans - ' $1,453 70
Time Loans - - - % 84,789.00
Overdrafts, secured by cotton 02,042 20
Overdrafts, unsecured - - 3.966,58
Bonds and .Stocks owned by
Bank - - - 1,0*0.00
Banking House, - - 3,784 96
Furniture and Fixtures, - 3,318 54
Other Real Estate, - - None
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this state - - 12,711,65
Due from Banks and Bankers
in ether States - 6,086 16,
Currency - ' - 2,106 00
Gold - 100 00
Silver, NiekTes, etc., 13.*.47
» hecks and Cash Tterns. 5,351 73 7 717.19
Advances on Cotton,
Other Resources, Insurance
*o*l - $lB6 837 88
Before me c ime ,T B Dickson, Cashier of The Bank of HcDry County, who,
being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true cnfulitiou of
said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. B. Dickson,
worn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of. Dec,, 1913.
. J. U. Turner, (3. N. P. of Henry Co., Qa.
Statement of the Condition of
The Citizens Bank
' t .i: .*
Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the Close of Business’,
Dec. 3rd, 1913.
ClUt' hiK: ,>.i.,..r,r
Demand Loans - f 1,890.00
Time Loans - - - 28,1>3.63
Overtlrafts, secured ..- 7 ,y , : 119,510.95
Overdrafts, unsecured, - 377 83
Banking House - -< ■» -e. : g,748 111
Furniture, and fixtures , • -. ~ 1,629 03
Due from Banks and Bankers in
this State - JU^68.87:
Due from Banks and BahkeFs in •
other States
Currency . . 7"j9 ()0 1
41«Jd ;g.* ; - ,•••.. -. : •ffMrte'.r , VV) •< ;
silver, Nickels,etc.. - 7M.47.• \
iC TOH r‘i n:£ ,FTmI fee ’ *‘ A *'h 5#W l; ebVfi\ ’
- , -Total: vjf. f ■ ~’fo4:6B7T ) e:
State of Georgia—tfem-y r;„.. n
»./ S «*•».* '■ ' .•, ,' ■XL.’ 1 • • *+ - § *•.l * V f VJI 4«l -‘m J.|«|^|.«,’
« e,.i^ efo , re 7 ,?« » J canhier of the Citizens Bank, Lonust GroV«
swoFn, says tjat the. above and foregoing statement is a ..rue
qonditipTt of said bank, ab-. by .thrdmoks of file in said bank • •*
* .. t * v , ’* C^hier.
Sworn>to and subscribed bwore me, thiSQlJHttddAoff *.. v
• . : .t v-, , . : j. w brown, n p ,
. - . . *.) ’ -v!
• • t».* •. » • «•. • » <<«-»• **•? •• i 1 -
' ** df theCbndition of ,
The Farmers & Merchants Bank,
Located at McDonough, Ga. r
At the close of business -Dec. 3rd, 1913.
•&’-** » --T. ... r >4ll i ‘ i . «
De.mapd Loans, 6.164.3,1
Time Loans, . v 66.313,51
Overdrafts, secured 1 ** ‘ . 1,35,1";68
Qve,rdrafts, unsecured . , 3,44)1-10
Banking Mouse,, ~. . . . 3,799.55
Flirffiture and Fixtures •'? * 2:i)o*s ;k>
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State, . . si
Due from Banks and Bankers •*
in otliec States. . ..... .... 4,007.1 t
Currency _ . . '2,114.00
Gold . . . N.*ne
Silver, Nickels, etc. . •; 240' - ,;0
C’a-h items, , ~ ‘ 84.51
Ad vnn -e on cost,on, 24,"06 > f 8 27 404 19
• Total . . ‘ slH.r,m set
S i A i E Oh GEORGIA.—County of Henry.
, 1 urner president of The Farmers.and Merchants Bank
T ; t UI V7T' “ ,B fhat theabov l And is a tme Si
i;;’ ; iIS r h ? W ' 1 h c Xh t. ST.: - . Hah!;, M. .1 Turner,-President
Auta to and subscribed before me, thik day of Dye 1913
K Turner, O" N. P. of Henry Co., Ga.
.• '%£ I I £J SU Q ON YOUR
V - r ® 510 PHOTOGRAPH
• WHY?
UIjJ ‘ Becau «e they make nothing but the best.
II 33 YEAfi s
mSSSB In the same Studio.
Don’t go back home without some of their photographs when y<4u
• visit A“T L_A N TA.
Capital Stock Paid in - - sso,ooo.*)i|
Surplus Fund, - - 6,000.0i|
Undivided profits, less Current
Expenses, au d Taxes
Paid, . - - - 29,115 59
Due to Banks and Bankers in
this state - Nothing
Due to Banks and Bankers in
other states - - Nothing
Due Unpaid Dividends - - None
Individual Deposits Subject to
'Check, , 68,616.09
Savings Deposits, . • . „ None
Demand Certificates, . . None
Tt me <, . - . 32,108.78
! err.ifted Checks, . . None
Cashier's Checks, . ' 1,761.61
Due to Clearing Honse, - Nothing
Note-and Bills Rediscounted, None
Bills Payable, including Time
Certificates representing
borrowed money, - - None
Insurance account . 105.56
OM* -r 1/ ■ hufttesy Profit, and Loss 130 27
Total . . - $186,837.88
Capital Stock' paid im $17,860.06
Undivided profits, less current
expenses and*%ft±ef4paid 5,411.44
Individual deposits subject tpo’k 38,6f>9 67
Time Certificates ‘ - . 2,756.51
Bills.Parai.'le, Includi'ri-g'Ti'me ' ■
Certificates Representing.;,-,. V
Borrowed Money - <v ” None
* . +' ' ' .UP f V v
i ( , d - r"« *• *v *, \ % ii’ * »'t H X rv :
<• * at ■» $ v
• :»» -■ vr IP' *w* * • •»♦<.? *‘i«. -r* u «> \m
‘X - •u» • < ».! «. *<<. +4* t » 4*l Jfr
ru ’jjvhkf-Ji irv#*
»• v
y , f > 1 . M r
Te-tni . . . 8*4.t>87 62
Capital St(x:k paid in . * . $30,000 00
Undivided profits, Jess Current
Expense Sf interest and
Taxes paid . . 6,081.73
Due to Banks and Bankers in
this State , . . 6Q4.34
Individual Deposits subject
to Check, ; . . . . 58.320.33
Time Cerrifieates. . . 14,54643
Cashier s Checks, . . , .
Bills Payable, including Time
representing .
Borrowed Money, . . s,ots) «p
: r 'Total -V . . #114,591.>.J