The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 12, 1913, Image 4

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To whom it - I my ; c rn:
Noti ( is* l.< s i *ll that tli«
ut i *; • '■
Oiui: i : ,i<: <
t<> M I »T« 1 < 1C > ’(lt i: ;r t
tho o'tjl ( ! ■ ■ : N' 1 , 1
cessed, i r ’ i : ; • -«• oi paving
deists m 1 s i n
S. ' ’ : 1 t<• rd «t
. * v *.* I , 1 <
Ordir: j » - s i.l <■ s t t.. h., held
I'Jl t.
T 1 l; <■r. 1< 1 . 1913.
Aiioiiliiljti n t >v
Georg ; V 1 i.iy County.
To. whom it may concern:
‘ J . M . H*■ y s
having made application to me in due
iorm to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator u po n the estate of
’’"•‘'A/M. H«ys,
late of said county, notice is hereby
given that spid application will be
heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the First Monday in January,
Witness my hand and official signa
ture this Ist dav of December, 1913.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
12-26, 4
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs. A. E. Adtiniß, guardian of
Ella May Adams (Manley), and
Miss Ptarl Adams lias applied to
me for a discharge from her guard
ianship of her said words.
This is therefore to notify all
persons concerned to file their ob
jections, if any they have, on or
before the first Monday in January
next, else she will be discharged
from her guardianship as applied
December Ist, 1913.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
12-28, 4
-Georgia, Henry County:
By virtue of an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of Henry Coun
ty, Georgia, will be sold before the
eourt house door in the city of Mc-
Donough, Henry County, Georgia, at
public outcry to the highest bidder,
within the legal hours of sale on the
First Tuesday in January next,
Twenty acres of land in Flippen
District of said Connty and State,
bounded north by of Frank
Crumbly, sonth by Henry English,
east by Anna Gleaton, west by
Bob English.-
Sold as the Estate of Aggie
Sparks, deceased * for distribution
and paying flffbta.
This 2nd day of December, 1913.
J. A. Fonche,
12-26. 4. Administrator.
By virtue of an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of Henry Coun
ty, Georgia, will be sold before the
court house door in the city of Mc-
Donough, Henry County, Georgia, at
public outcry to the highest bidder,
within the legal hours of sale on the
First Tueeday in January, 1914,
the following real estate, situated
in said County, to-wit: One Fif
teenth (Ll 5) undivided interest, in
(68) Sixtv-eight acres of land sit
uated in Tussahaw District," and
being part of Lot No. (210) two
hundred and ten, in ?th Land Dis
trict. Bounded on the north by
bands of John Woodward, east by
lands of Jeff Bledsoe and Tom
Parks, south by lands of Sandford
Rape, and west by lands of W. P.
Woodward and John Woodward.
Terms cash.
This 2nd day of December, 1913.
A. R. Laney,
Adm’r of Mrs. P. L Laney.
12-26, 4.
Georgia, Henry Conntv;
To E. D. folloson Administrator,
\fvy ! f M T 1 v; 1 o O Toll-son
f a r r» r • . T] - -
so . ;1 M ’ ('1 son Jr. and E. D.
Toil. : . 1 i oil luff of H, M. Tol
r 1 il
I . 1n ir
fj • j -t '• f rt ••ft ins v v of
> id C j .ntv a |" titon to require
K. D. r r 111l 1 1 - A 1 ministaator of
the .-si-ito ■ ft \1 To 1 ! ■ri Jt'Ceas
J sort led in - in bond alleging that
hr* has aid to •* o rebate priee. von
• 1 i »pj< it ill
the Jaouar\ term HT 4 of Henry
C i. r ( ’■ : . -how cause
• ,11 IK! r. i . i i..i teSi At Adjllillis it* ulil not mnk< the said
.!. . R d i . s-title ajflprayed. Given
mid r in\ bund and seal, This Dec
ember Ist, 1913.
12-VO, t. A c H 'K O dir ary.
Georgia, Henry County.
All parties holding claimsagainst
the estaf.e of W. 8. Fargason
are hereby notified to present the
same, duly attested, within terms of
the law; those indebted to said estate
are notified to make immediate pay*
ment to the undersigned.
12-12,6 C. C. Fargason, Admr.
Will be sold before the eonrt
house door a* McDonough, Henry
County, Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday
in January, 1914. : One house and
lot, just out side of oorpoate limits
of Hampton, Ga., in said county;
bounded on East bv public road
running south from Berea Chnrch,
South by lands of A. B. Mioham,
West bv lands of G. B. Barham
Estate, and North by lands of G. W.
Barham. Said parcel containing
one half acre more or less.
Levied on as the property of
Andrew Barham to satisfy an ex
ecution issued from the Superior
Court of Henry County in favor of
Harris & Moore against Andrew
Barham. „
This Deo. 9, 1913.
A C. Sowoll, Sheriff.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the oouxt
house door in the city of McDon
ough, Henry Connty, Georgia, be
tween the iegai hours of sale, on
the FirstgTuesday in January next,
the following property to wit: One
thousand pounds of seed cotton,
more or less, and fifty bushels of
eorn, more or less, in the shuok.
Levied on as the property of M‘
C. Antry to satisfy a mortgage ex
ecution from Henry Superior Court
in favor of Henderson-Arnold Co.
against M. C. Autry.
This December 10th. 1913,
A. C. Sxwell, Sheriff.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in the City of McDonough, Henry
County, Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale at public outcry to the
highest bidder, on the First Tues
day in January, 1914, one Garage,
built of sheet iron, built on the lot
of J. A. Brown, in Looust Grove,
Henry Connty, Georgia; also a
quantity of automobile mech&nio
tools in said building.
Levied on as the property of T.
L. Pursiey, to satisfy a Mortgage
Fi-Fa issued from the County Court
of said County in favor of E. I.
Drewry and R. L. Crawford against
T. L. Parsley.
This Dec. 8, 1913.
1-2, 4. A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.
Mrs. A. F. Lemon, Mrs. E. D.
Tolleson, and Mrs. H. M. Turner
spent Friday tn Atlanta.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the court house
i door, al MeDonouu'li, Hour Cum
■ ty, Georgia, t*etw« i• *. ■ l *_,• •.i >
it sale, on tli
Jan nar.v, 1914 < > !-
Machine, and all the i<> 1 * !
fares appertni i.P■ '
located in vam
Brown’s dcntul
property • ! .Vnorir.u
graph Co, to satisf*- a Di-tr
Warrant in favor id I). A. !>:•> .!
against American T : .-n.: C
This Dec. 9th, 1913
A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.
1 2, 4.
Make your horses and
mules give you more work,
your cows more milk, your
chickens more eggs, your
hogs more meat and fat,
by mixing a small dose of
Bee Dee
with their regular feed.
This tonic medicine im
proves the appetite, diges
tion, and general health, of
farm animals and fowls,
and its regular use will
multiply your profits.
fries »e. 90c m 4 tI.QO per can.
**W« rave Bcc De« Slock Medicine to
two cows oad their flow of milk was
doo|le4.--rLOola.Ooin.Tenn. A
Messrs. Green & Roan Buy
Greenwood Mercantile Co.
We wish to announce that we
have bought out the Greenwood
Mercantile Company at Green
wood and shall conduct that busi
ness in the future.
All the indebtedness due to the
old concern will be paid to us but
we do not assume any indebted
ness due by the old concern,
This change goes into effect on
January 1,1911.
We shall appreciate a continu
ance oHhe patronage of the old
customers and solicit the trade of
all. ' .
This November 26, 1913.
.. Yours respectfully,
\' t * W. T. Green.
R. R.-Roan,
Aid to Busy Folks
The telephone aids the busy farmer to keep
in touch with neighborhood affairs even during
the rush season. He can call his neighbors in the
evening and discuss the events of the day and
arrange plans for community work after the crops
are laid by.
Every farmer needs the help of the telephone.
See the nearest Bell Manager or send a postal for
our free booklet and see how small the cost is.
Th« Variety Store.
Bring your pictures and have
them framed bi b re the rush of
Cl Mm. o i i‘... in and see
(5 ) iiu 11 ;., ,
* * Gmail,
i . »,>. ietor.
, S \ { F
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sol ! in the town of
Stock! ’ ' Deceit bt r 20 h, six
of John Ward, deceased, for divis :
i hi n
LJberai .terms given.
Mono t i lo t i 0.1 farm lands.
Drown & Brown
FARM FOR RENT. Fine three
h> n ■ f. :.i. - " . t’T in Mon
toe county. Tenant must,' furnish
himse'f and pay standing rent.
Owner would lease lor term of
years to desirable person. Apply
to The Weekly.
• • •, *
Mrs. Walter Vincent,
of Pleasant Hill, N. C.,
writes: “For three sum
mers I suffered from
nervousness, dreadful
pains in my back and
sides, and weak sinking
Spells. Three bottles of
Cardui, the woman’s
tonic, relieved me entire
ly. 1 feel like another
person, now.”
The Woman’s Tonic
for over 50 years*,
Cardui has been helpings
-to relieve women’s un
necessary pains and
building weak women up
to health and strength.
It will do the same for
you, If given a fair trial.
So. don't wait, but begin
taking Cardui today, for
its use cannot harm you,
and should surely do you
food. ■ E-72
Mrs. Oma Stephens went to At
lanta Frio ; v, t her aunt,
Mrs. Rutledge, “-no . very sick
OilC t CIUI UL'u . J.lii. u.l 1 .1 uclji .
Mr. and M* - !> t * b rris spent
Su’J; ' r\ ;.y
li. l! lb.
Mr. Mari : 1 im s up here
so well tiiai lie n s gone oack to
the big dam 10 : r e one of his
married sons u; re.
’ p • • f
i 4.
Sunday with U. . M V. Morris.
'l'll rr* | i ■' d
* » ,3
ar Grove Sit : ' v and Sunday
by t! ' r, R /. Mr.
Mr He nr • n ; !! has two of
tile iinesi pigs rn inis country. He
paid thirty' dollars .01 the pair.
Mr.* C. ... ed into
our settlement two years ago from
Atlanta, has no ,v decided he has
enough of con o y life and .is go
ing back to to .on.
.-'Mr. W. I. James is preparing to
set* another acre in strawberries.
; j '
... -v- .1 ' ' •
* Mi Tussahaw.
'"' j 1 v
Misses Lillian and Clara Jackson
spent a few days last Week with
their sifter, Mrs, John Rawls.
'.■.~ • >. .
Mrs. Mamie'Upchurch visited
Mrs. Lizzie .McGarity in McDon
ough Tuesday. * J.
Mr:. L. L:‘Culpepper was the
guest, of his brother,
Mr. and family.
•<i if
Miss Mollie Rawls visited Mrs.
Fannie Sowell Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tink Berry visited
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Upchurch and
and family .Sunday.
. Mrs;Nettie McGarity lias return
ed to heir- r home, after a. pleasant
visit t 6 at Fairburn.
. a*« wif
1 * Rose.
Baptist Women’s
Society Meets.
On Monday afternoon, Decem
ber the 15th, at 2:30 o’clock, the
Women’s Missionary Society yrilj
meet at the Baptist church'. "All
the ladies are, drged to bje pres
ent. .. . '' ' •'*'
/D. A. BRO WN.
. ... ;. DkiNTISTr
. ...., CkPfioKHours: ,
a t 0 X® A.t M; ■ *•i'* y
McDonough, Ga,
Attorney at Law,
Office in The Henry County
. . Weekly Building.
Will practice in all the courts.
McDonough, ga.
0. L. ADAMS,
McDonough, ga.
Main 2101—IliiKimvs
Main 25251-J— Residence
Miss Lorah B. Allen
Jeweler, Optician, Engraving, and
53 W. Mitchell St,
Engraved Cards, Invitations, etc.