The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 12, 1913, Image 5
A RARF. UNITY EC .1 ll?jaHflflßHßßaßflflEß&SHi BST '!sn*TT n*Z ' tt ; y FOR n HIe j \AA~ » * \' '" ) | *!•■■ aj *£- fIQ li I imbJ, 20 1 ELw WW La Lkssa L # JjJJJJ Jjjjj * . S 7 NCE the Post Office Departmei made' its strict reg :tion as to admitting to the mails the weekly j j to subscribers who are in arrears, it has been The WeeM/s ‘ ’e to put its sub scription on a strictly cash-in-advance basis. Wherever this has been the rule, it has proved satisfactory to both the papers and its readers. t We are willing to incur some expense to bring this about. To that end, we have prepared this opportunity for our readers:— M V A V '~J A r* i- ' & ' ; f - ’ * THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER, of Raleigh, N C., is one 1 • V,. ' 1 •„ of the very best—probably the best—farm paper published. While knowing little of farming, we ourselves always read The Progressive Farmer with much interest. OUR,,PROPOSITION. ' To all whose payment of one dollar or more pays their subscription to The Weekly up to January 1, 1915, and whose request is made for the two at the time of the pay ment, we shall send The Weekly up to that date and The Progressive Farmer six months. * r : . ■■ . * »..«.« *•• • $ , . . • ‘ i - 'T'HIS is an expensive proposition for us, as THE PROGRESSIVE . FARMER is not a cut-rate paper, and we have to pay well for it, but we are glad to be able to make you the offer. ?• .1 £*-•>.■■* '• '< .1 •' * '» IN SUBSCRIBING, X. »- i ' * t r £ >j /■ 5 f Call for the Club of the two papers. , * 1 , % New One-Year Subscribers rf- « 'j'i.ri.» . . ■» - • ; \ will have paper sent to them from now to January i, 1915. * •. ' This offer is good for the next thirty days. t Address, FRANK REAGAN, Editor and Publisher, Telephones’ Office, 23; Residence, 15. McDONOUGH, GEORGIA.