The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 12, 1913, Image 6
CHhISTP- * Many Suggestions for Gifts to All can be found at --- h «3 tvamvmawrrr-tr-r. ■-r*-'-r- • * BEAUTIFUL THINGS FOR THE TOILET For Lady or Gentleman. *. -**'♦#► } «, • , • -.’* ** 4 f -, , • ii" For the home we have a bewildering array of pretty things- VASES, PUNCH SETS, WATER SETS, CHOCOLATE SETS, Etc. Table and Kitchen Ware of the best quality and at Startling Prices. We have just received a large and varied shipment of High Class Crockery. Pictures for the Parlor and every room in the house. " , For the Boys and Girls, we have Toys, of every imaginable kind-FIRE WORKS, too. Christmas Decorations, Don’t fail to come early. You then get the best we have. THE VARIETY STORE, ; I Troy Smith, C; >' -Ty McDONOUOH, OA. QUALITY COUNTS ; /''"'■'Av'’ .■i -0 's;■ '■ /' ■ , ; ■ : In Your Stationery. ‘ ‘ ■ r v* *• . v .... ; WE PRINT THE KIND THAT COUNTS. Bring us Your Order for Job Printing. Let us Print *v«, * , ' t You the Order-Getting Kind. THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY FRANK REAGAN, Editor and Publisher. McDonough, ga. Telephones: Office