The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 12, 1913, Image 7
'feocala. Mr. Lamar Flowers, of Atlanta; spent Sunday in our city. Mrs. J. A. Fouche spent the week-end in Atlauta, Mrs. T. J. Patterson and Miss Carrie Williams attended the baza ar at locust Grove Monday night. Miss Irene Baag was the week end guest of Miss Bess Fouche. Dr. Charles McDonald has been for several weeks exceedingly ill at his apartments on tne town square. His friends will be glad to see him restored to health. Mrs. Emily Rosser has returned from a few days stay in Atlanta. Mrs. Delia Crookshanks, was here last week visiting relatives. Mr. Robert Henderson, of Hamp ton, was ift McDonough Monday. Mrs. Paul Turner and Miss Ruth spent Wednesday shopping in At lanta. 20 per cent off Mens suits, over •eoats, odd pants, boys suits, and .ladies cloaks at Henry County Supply Co. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Brown, Mrs. Gilmore and son, and Mrs. Mary Alexander were a congenial party enjoying Friday in the Gate City* Mr. Ab Harris, Jr., went to At lanta last week to see Ben Hur preseneted. . Let the boy ride a velocipede. The Variety Store has them cheap. (Adv.) Miss Evelyn Pendley has bought .the place where Mr. Andy Ward lived last year, and her sister, Miss Susie and their nieces, the Misses Callaway, are living there, Miss Evelyn Pendley remaining at Mr. Walter Fields. % Mr - H.J& his house, which was recently destroyed by fire and he bxpecfs to move his family in by Christmas. 20oer cent off Mens suits, over coats, odd pants, boys suits, and ladies clo iks at Henry County Supply Co. Adv. Mr. Ras Dickerson is all smiles. There is a fine son at his home. Miss Eunice Tarpley and Mrs. 0. L. Adams spent Tuesday in At lanta. , 20 per cent off Mens suits, over coats, odd pants, boys suits and ladies cloaks at Henry County Supply Co. Adv. Mrs. A. G. Harris has returned from Willacoochee. There is a lovely doll presented bv Mr. J. D. Bellah, with J. M. High Co. This young lady has been named, go to the bazaar and guess it and recive her for your very own. Fireworks and toys for Christ mas at the Variety Store. Adv. Do not fail to enter vour baby in the contest, all from three years down. Every baby in the county is invited. A charge of 25 cts. to enter contest. Mrs. J. F. Wall, Manager. Mrs. Sarah Smith, of Forsyth, is is making and extended visit to her son, Mr. E. M. Smith. Mr. Bray, 2f Atlanta, was a visitor here Snnday." Mr. Wyman Sloan, of the Geor gia School of Technology in At lanta, was present Saturday at the silver wedding of his parents, Mr. and Mis. T. A. Sloan. Miss Edna Earle Lindsey spent the week-end in Atlanta. H’Mrs. Howard Carmichael and Mrs. Florence Harper went to At lanta Saturday and saw Ben Hur presented at the matinee. Mrs. Anna Weaver, of Stone Mountain,and Miss Annie Snell are the guests for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rodgers. They din ed with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rape Tuesday. Mrs. Leonora Townsend, of Greensboro, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Weems. Everything for Christmas dec oration and amusement at the Variety Store. Adv. The Rev. J. M. Gilmore and Mr. Ed Copeland attended the pastors and layemen’s conference of the Flint River Association at Griffin Monday. . A quantity of good overcoats and clothin at'a bargain at \V B. J. Ingram’s. Adv. Six pounds of good coffee tor a Dollar at W. B. J Ingrain’s. Adv FOR RENT. dwelling within two blocks of public square. Scip Speer, McDonough. Ga. Adv. Mrs. Clem Huling visited Atlanta Saturday. It is pleasing news to the friends of Mrs. B. B. Carmichael to learn that she is improving from her recent sickness. Do not forget to help the ladies with the bazaar. Contribute some thing. Go to it and enjoy your self. The bazaar will be held m the old Horton Drug store room. • ' • £ 1 • , . The daughters of the Confeder acy expressed to the old Soldier’s home a box of delicacies this week. It is their pleasure to cheer these old heroes in their declining years. The J^dies v vOf :i the Methodist church are,dpserVing this week as a weel< of'prayer. ffe fi of. t; FJippel, was fn trar cny Tuesday. - " HC. Lowe spent Saturday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carmichuel and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Car michael and family, Mr. LJ S.ev ensand son, Hamilton, of Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Carmichael, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Carmichael Sjinday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cook, Jr., have returned to McDonough, after their honeymoon of several weeks and are at home for a few weeks at the Dunn House. Their many friends here rejoice to se e theriv again. J •>.*.. .£• J " y.. >2O per (rent of|Men s suits, over coats, odd pants, boy’s suits, and ladies cloaks at Henry County Supply Co. Adv. Dr. M, E. Berry seems to be ? champion hog. raiser. Monday’s killing showed one killed by him, weighing 200 pounds at six months of age. Contribute to the bazaar and go up Tuesday -and Wednesday and buy your Christmas presents. 20 per cent off Mens suits, over coats, odd pants, boys suits, and ladies cloaks at Henry County Supply Co. ' Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Turner -have moved from the residence on Depot street to the place formerly owned by Mr. W. A. White on Brown Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Emmie Clements Patrick have moved into the house on Depot street formerly occupied by Dr. H. C. Hightower. Mrs. W. F. Cook, Jr., and Miss Agnes Dunn spent Wednesday in Atlanta. j Mr. J. D. Williamson, of Atlanta, spent the week-end at the Dunn House. Dr. B. E. Horton spent Monday 1 in Atlanta. Mr. end Mrs. John L. Tye and daughters, Misses Ethel and Car olyn, of Atlanta, attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan Saturday evening. Mr. Tommie Tolleson, of Fay etteville, was greeting his many McDonough friends here Tuesday. S Mr. Tyron Elliott, of Crest, was visiting relatives here Wednesday. He is an old Henry county man and is prospering in his new home. His many friends here were glad to see him again. Mrs. H. A. Hirkness’s many friends will regret that she is seriouslv ili, ■■ • a 'pe th >t she may soon >e r -t n d to health. Mr. J C Da:'.’, i’s sister, Mrs. F la Bryans, had a bad fall at her home in Oglethorpe Friday and uas been p irt illv paralyzed since. Mr. Daniel leit,Sunday to be with her. Our last reports were not en couraging. . ’ Miss Beulah Atkinson was the attracts e hostess to the rook club Tuesday evening. v Enter your baby in the eontesL The prettiest and' finest specimen of babyhood will receive a gold ring, the second best a gold ring, the third a blue ribbon. 25 cents for entrance to contest. No charge for parents or nurse. Mr. W. J. Elliott was in our city Wednesday. Mr. M. A.>Terry, of Stockbridge, made McDonough a brief visit Wednesday. * '• . *7 .•* V \ * # • itA Lumber For Sale’ . , # • m*- - '*'*- ft rF * 4 and Strayed Dog. • ,r r • \ Lumber for sale 3 miles South East of McDonough. Also strayed bird dog, color white with lemon spots. Notify me and reward. A. C. Norman, ’ m, R. F. D. No. 1. * McDonongh. Famous Imperial Range jfflllplll MADE IN ATLANTA | w fp fj Economy-Efficiency-Durability H r f Wm at rv ' In the mamifacture of the Imperial Coat M* Range nothing but the highest grade f - | i I p Birmingham pig iron is used. These Trj ’ |[ ranges are correctly proportioned, beau jij| 11 11 1 tifully designed, sanitary and heavily con- I j| Ip -strutted in such a manner by skilled MF 1 l+rrrgfiill* j|| 1 mechanics that they are practically indis tructible. The Imperial Cast Range has JaMrij] j 1 .* I; proven by satisfactory service in thousands of homes throughout ’ r ~ ' -LilLp—— the South to he economical in fuel consumption, perfect bakers, The. Best Value for the |fl IS Money Possible to Find W ' Famous for Baking—Easy to Fire—Easy to Keep Clean The Imperial Cast Range has spacious Six Hole Top, Large Oven, Larsje Fire Box, Large Feed Pouch, Large Warming Closet, Lai ge Porcelain Resei voir, Full Nickel Trio net, in fact everything th.* g.,« *• to make an u p-to-date, sanitary, etononiici'l and substantial'cast range and one you cannot buy elsewhere at anything approaching our LOW PRICE. Order from us NOW and let us ship you the best Cast Range you eve/ saw at the price. You save long freight hauls. WE INVITE 'YCtif TO COME TO'SEE US and let us show you through our enormous stock >' Ranges, Cooking and Heating Stoves, Iron and Brass Bed*, Oak Uvasers, Wash Stcn Is, Ch; f r orobes, Chiffoniers, Chairs, Rockers, St Jeboay<h,Ckt’i<i Closets, Hat Racks, Buffets, Art Squares,{Rugs, Curtains, Mattresses, Pillows at price> that are not equalled by others. Our service is polite and entertaining, tt will pay you to visit our store. ' priSa 1.. . . ’ ! Rex. Dr. Estes, of Atlanta, was down Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, from near Morrow, spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Florence Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Patillo and Json, G. W., were the guests of , relatives in Atlanta Saturday and i Sunday. | i Misses Harriet and Elon Clark spent Friday in Atlanta. Miss Odessa Dease spent Sun day with Miss Annie Mav Milam. i Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Butler were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Grover Cla»’k, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mitcht 11 motored to Atlanta and back Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dodson spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wright. Mrs. Bartow Clark went to At lauta shopping Saturday. Miss Birdie Powell spent Sunday with homefolk. Bill. * . „ * . * *i Pine Apple. Mrs. Mary Copeland visited Mr. J. M. Lester and family Suntfnyi night. Several from this section atterid-' ed the candy pulling at Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weldon’s Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Prichett gave a pound supper FridaykntghL I will ring off. My fingers are .getting cold. I think this weather will do to kill hogs. •/ Merry Widow. Beersh^ba. ' ■ V v,» •, «-■»* . .--‘■C *. - *. * * /„ Re,y. J. M. Gilmore filled his re - appointment at Sharon Sat and Sunday. Three Back Slat DouLle Cane Bottom Chair with hickory stretchers, maple frame, widest seat in cane bottom chairs. 12 CHAIRS $3.00 . 6 CHAIRS $3.00 Do not ship less than six chairs. Ed. & Al. Matthews 158 EDGEWOOD AVENUE ATLANTA, GEORGIA Brumby’s High Back Chair Solid oak frame, straight oak posts in back, furnished with Cobier seats. T hese chairs are substantially constructed and give the best of satisfaction. Cash With Order 12 CHAIRS SIO.OO 6 CHAIRS $ 5.00 Messis. W. L. Presson and La ban Gunn made a trip to Atlanta this week. The singing given by Mrs. John Gorman was very much enjoyed Sunday. Miss Lizzie Duke dined with Mrs. Emma Piper Sunday. It is cold weather this morning and there will be plenty of fresh meat in this settlement by night. Peeksville. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jenkins visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Waymond Savage Sunday. Misses Jennie and Annie Heron visited triends around here Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Jenkins visit de Mr. and Mrs. Ed Savage Sunday. Mr. Barron Barnes happend to a very bad accident Wednesday evening. A mule kicked him. Fail-view. 1 > Mrs. Mary Copeland spent Sun day night with Mr. J. E. Lester and family. ; Mr. J. H. Weemii, an aged citizen of this community, died last Thurs iiayfttornring at nine o’-clock. The funeral apd interment were at Rerta; church Friday. He leaves, a wife and four children to mourn his loss. 1 r 1 j » Flipped. Mr. Candler Dailey and Misses May Glass afrid Maggie Dailey were the r uests of Misses Etheleue and Rowena Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Simpson and daughter, Sarah, spenf Sunday at Stockbridge. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Benett and children spent Sunday in Atlanta. Misses Nettie Gray and Sallie M. Combs spent Saturday night at I. )cu*t Grove. '