Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Department Devoted to the Interest of All
The Schools in The County With News
From Them Each Week.
Superintendent. industrial Supervisor.
The ladies’ Improvement Club
of the South Avenue School have
ordered 30 single desks for their
school. This was one point they
needed in making theirs a Stand
ard School. They seem to know
how to win with the odds against
them. If the ladies of South Ave
nue can raise $55 00 or $60.00 for
desks, don’t you think you could
do something for your school, and
don’t you think a parent-Teacher
Association worth while?
Pleasant Grove, Hickory Flat,
and perhaps one or two other
schools have announced box sup
pers or other forms of entertain
ment for the purpose of obtaining
funds for school improvement of
various kinds.
We would like to take this op
pornitunity to commend our teach
ers, trustees and patrons, pupils
and other friends for the pleasant
relationships we iiave had, for that
delightful spirit of cooperation
that has been shown, for that
trust in us and that willingness to
do and enterprise in doing that
has helped us make some of our
drearer" al. Some day the school
and the c lurch will be the biggest
institutions in your community,
some day old Henry will hold the
Aged and Esteemed Woman of
.McDonough District Died
Sunday Morning.
Mrs. H. A. Harkness died Sun
day morning at 2 o’clock at the
home of her son, Mr. L. S. Hark
ness, in McDonough district.
She had been feeble for some
time, but the serious illness which
struck her down came only a few
days before her death.
Mrs. Harkness was 81 years of
age and was indeed a “mother in
Israel.” She was an excellent
Christian character, vvhase beauti
ful Christian life made more wom
anly all her sweet womanliness.
She had a host of friends who join
with the bereaved children in
mourning her loss.
We do not know all her accom
plishments. Hut we know one,
her greatest accomplishment, and
the greatest, we think, any could
claim. In that phrase of the poet,
“she raised two boys who were
clean through and throngh.”
Thefur.eral and interment were
*t Turner’s church Monday morn
ing at 11 o’clock. The Rev. A. B.
Sanders conducted the services.
Mrs. Harkness leaves one daugh
ter. Mrs. Adolph ns Sims: and two
sons; Mr S. H. Harkness, our clerk
of the Commissioner of Roads and
Revenues, and Mr. L. S. Harkness;
both of McDonough district.. .
position in wealth and influence
that she ought; and then our boys
and giris, the men and women
then, will look back with thanks
giving in tneir hearts for you.
May the holidays bring you much
deserved happiness.
The County Superintendent with
his family expects to spend his
first holiday in eighteen months
in Ashford and Dothan, Ala., dur
ing Christmas. All letters will be
forwarded from this office.
The members of the Girls’ Can
ning Club who had exhibits at the
corn show in Atlanta can find
their products at the County Sup
erintendent's office.
A shipment each of desks and
black boards is on the road ready
for the increased attendance after
Christmas. Please remember that
the spring term, the time to send
every child to school for the new
year, opens Monday, Jan. 5, 1914.
One day late is a day lost. It can
not be made up later.
And now for two weeks won’t
you be a child with vop- children
an,, Jdp them enjoy m.o iioliuuy
season? It will make it dean and
wholesome for them and do you
Baby Show, Guessing Contests,
etc. Fill Two Doys With
The local chapter of the Daugh
ters of the Confederacy held a
bazaar in the Horton Drug Com
pany’s old stand Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week.
One of the most interesting
features was the baby show Wed
nesday afternoon, many fine ba
bies were entered. Little Jewell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Price, won the first prize, a pretty
ring. Martha, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Carmichael, won
the second prize, also a ring.
Then there were fortune telling,
guessing, and many booths where
things were sold, and delicous
things to eat were in evidence too.
Dr. D W. Scott won the beauti
ful cake given for guessing at the
number of grains of corn in a jar.
His guess was 1,050, and the
count showed 1,051.
The Daughters realized a hand
some sum for the park fund from
the bazaar.
FARM FOR RENT. Fine three
horse farm near Forsyth in Mon
roe county. Tenant must furnish
himself and pay standing rent.
Owner would lease for term of
years to desirable person. Apply
to The Weekly.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday December 19, 1913
J-) ocals.
Mrs. W. B. Kelley has returned
home from Atlanta, where she a -
tended her son, Mr. Fred Kelley,
during his illness.
Everything for Christmas dec
oration and amusement at the
Variety Store. Adv.
Mr. A. J Stanseii, of Cordele, is
the guest of his brother, Mr. How
rad Stanseii.
Money to loan on farm lands.
Brown & Brown
Dr. J. E. Gibson, of Newton
county, was in McDoncr. gh a s.:ort
time Tuesday.
FOR RENT. Six room dwelling
within two blocks of public square.
Scip Speer, McDonough. Ga. Adv.
Mr. T. H. Beall, of Talbotton,
spent the week-end in our city.
Six pounds of good coffee for a
Dollar at W. B. J. Ingram’s. Adv.
20 per cent off Mens suits, over
coats, odd pants, boys suits, and
ladies cioaks at Henry County
Supply Co. Adv.
Mrs. M. C. Lowe and MiSs Hattie
Sue Lowe spent Saturday in At
A quantity of good overcoats
and clothin.r, at a bargain at VV. B.
J. Ingrain’s. Adv.
Mr. E. J. Price, of the Sixth dis
trict, made McDonough 'a flying
visit Tuesday. t
Fireworks and toys for Christ
mas at the Variety Store. Adv.
Mr. J. M. Johnson, of Locust
Grove, visaed McDonough Tues
20 percent off Men’s suits, over
coats, odd pants, hoy’s suits, and
ladies cloaks at Henry County
Supply Co. Adv.
Mr. T. S. Elliott, of Route 2, was
in our city Monday.
20 per cent off Mens suits, over
coats, odd pants, boys suits and
ladies cloaks at Henry County
Supp.y Co. Adv.
Misses Mattie Matthews and
Kathleen Walker spent Friday in
20oer cent off Mens suits, over
coats, odd pants, boys suits, and
ladies clo iks M Henry County
Supply Co. • Adv.
Miss Monnie Tucker, of Pleasant
Hill School, spent the week-end
here with Miss Mamie Alexander.
Let the boy ride a velocipede.
File Variety Store has them cheap.
Mrs. H. W. Copeland and Miss
Sarah Lou Hardin, of Jackson,
spent Thursday of last week with
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Copeland.
20 per cent off Mens suits, over
coats, odd pants, boys suits, and
ladies cloaks at Henry County
Supply Co. Adv.
Mr. W. A. D. Nelson spent Tues
day in Atlanta.
Mr. T. B. Beshear, of Route 5,
was in our city Tuesday.
Mr. Fred Kelley’s many Henry
county friends will rejoice at the
news that he is rapidly recovering
from the recent operation for ap
pendicitis, and will soon be well
again. -
Excellent and Popular McDon
ough Man Passed Away Mon
day Night After Long Illness.
Mr. Elbert J. Whitehead died at
his home here Monday night at
9:15 o’clock.
He had been seriously ill for
many months and for several days
before the end came, all hope for
his recovery was abandoned.
He was a young man, compara
tively speaking, being just 4 4 years
old. Disease found a shining mark
in him and struck down the career
of a promising personality and
capable intellect.
Mr. Whitehead was a man of
the highest character and most
pleasant personality. He posses
sed ability to an unusual degree
and his many friends always found
pleasure and profit in their inter
course with him.
He was of thatcheeful and cheer
ing nature which makes friends
of all, and so all who knew him
mourn his going away as the fare
well of a friend going on a long
The funeral was at the residence
Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock.
The Rev. J. M. Gilmore conducted
the services. Tne interment was
at the McDonough cemetery.
Mr. Whitehead is survived by
his wife, Mrs. Annie Whitehead:
two daughters, Moilie ana Sarah
Whitehead: his father, Mr. W. A.
J. Whitehead, of Rockinart: and
two brothers; Mr. Will E. Wtiite-
Imad, ot Coliege Park; and Mr.
< . )i. Vliii .i' .u, ul Baning Lou,
North Carolina.
Mrs. Genie Duffeyand daughter,
Sadie, w ill leave next week for j
Doerun, where they will visit Mrs.
Dut'fey’s sister, Mrs. Watson, for a
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith enter
tained in formally at ainner Sun
day in honor of Miss Ailene Moon.
Those present were Misses Moon,
Ellington, and Tarver, and Mr. Ed
Mrs. Sallie Ball, of Jackson, at
tended the funeral of Mr. E. J.
Whitehead here Wednesday.
Miss Mamie Dickson has had
her niece, Miss Davis, of Locust
Grove, with her this week.
Mr. Ralph Turner had a few
friends with him Friday evening
to enjoy a bird supper.
Mis. T. Nottingham and child
ren, of Great Falls, S. C., are visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Mary Nash.
Mrs. W. O. Welch spent a few
day; in Atlanta last week with re
Mrs. Headley Varner and daugh
ter, Miss Irene, spent Saturday in
Mr. Garfield Glass ha, moved
from the residence of Mr. M tddox
on Lawrenceville street and now
occupies the residence just beyond
Mr. J. F. Bowden’s on Keys Ferry
, avenue.
Mrs. A. C. Smith, mother-of the
Hon. E. M. Smith, has gone to At
lanta tor a visit, after an extended
visit to her son here.
Miss Anne Thornton Spence, of
Atlanta, spent Saturday here as
Mrs. E. M. Smith’s guest.
AttractrveJonesboro Girl and Pop
ular Stockbridge Man United In
Church Wedding Wednesday.
Miss Zimmie Florence Carnes
and Mr. Charlie Luth r Murphy
were married at the Methodist
church at Jonesboro Wednesday.
It was a beautiful church wed
ding and was witnessed by a large
gathering of the friends of the
contracting parties.
The Rev. E. W. Jones perform
ed the ceremony.
Mrs. Murphy i s a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cornelius
Carnes and is one of Jonesboro’s
most charming girls. Attractive
and accomplished as she is, she
will be gladly welcomed as a resi
dent of Stockbridge. She has
many friends throughout the State
whose best wishes attend her.
Mr. Murphy is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. uoe Murphy, of Morrow, and
is one of Stock bridge’s most pop
ular and capable young business
men. His host of friends are con
gratulating him on his good for
Tfiurs ay evening Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Mitym were the hosts to
the bride and groom at an elegant
reception at the Milam home in
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy are at
home to their friends at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Milam in *
| Stockbridge. #
Miss Lemmie Elliott
Weds Mr. Pasley.
We copy t-he following from the
correspondence, Hendricks Hum
mings, in the Tnomaston Times:
“Mr. Robert Pasley and Miss
Lemmie Lee Elliott were married
in Thomaston Sunday afternoon.
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
Tyron Elliott and the groom a
son of Mr. Will Paslev, both of
this place. The marriage came
as quiet a suprise to many. We
extend hearty congratulations and
wish for them a long and happy
life together.”
This news will be read with
interest by the people of Henry
county, as the brid ’s father, Mr.
Tyron Elliott was a citizen of our
county until a few years ago.
Christmas Giving Service.
The Baptist Sunday School here
will celebrate the birth of the
Christ with a Christmas giving
service preceding the regular Sun
day morning preaching service at
11 o’clock, each class and individ
ual in the Sunday School
giving something for some
object as individual, seeking
to bring Christmas cheer to
those who are not able
to supply themselves; also teach
ing the children that it is better to
1 give than to receive.
All are invited to be present.
LOST, eleven 20 dollar bills in
'short envelope, somewhere be
tween W. J.lßarretts’s and the old
Watts Akin place. Liberal re
ward for return toG. P. Anderson,
Elippen, Gau
Mrs. Jasper Green has been
confined at home for some week*
I with a sprained ankle.