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Ihe Hen ry County Weekl \
McDonough banks all
Our Three Splendid Insi'lrt’ons Havs H:!c! Stock
holders’ Meetings and Declared Good Dividends.
McDonough’s three fine banks
have held their annual stockhold
ers' meetings and elections.
Every one made a report which
showed an excellent and profita
ble business for 1913.
The Bank of Henry County held
its stockholders’ meeting on the
12th instant. It was a very satis
factory meeting.
The usual 5 percent semi* annua
dividend was declared and a hand
some sum added to the undivided
Mr. F. S. Etheridge had resigt -
ed as president sometime ago.
Mr. P. W. Pullen was elected to
succeed him.
The following officers and direc
tdrs were elected:
President, Mr. P. W. Pullen.
Vice President, Mr. H. J. Cope
Cashier, Mr. J. B. Dickson.
Assistant Cashier, Mr. John D.
Bookkeeper, Mr. Gordon E.
Directors: Mr. F. S. Etheridge,
Chairman; Messrs, P. W. Pullen,
R. W. Dickerson, A. N. Brown,
H. J. Copeland, J. B. Dickson,
E. M. Smith, E. M- Copeland, and
D. J. Green.
The Farmers and Merchants
Bank held its regular andual stock
holders’ meeting on Thursday, the
Bth instant.
Nearly all the stockholders were
present and were enthusiastic over
the bank’s showing.
An 8 per cent dividend was de
clared and a good account was ad
ded to the undivided profits fund.
Mrs. W. F. Cook Hostess.
Mrs. Walter Cook, Jr., enter
tained very delightfully Thursday
afternoon at the Dunn House. It
was in honor of Misses Lois and
Kathleen Walker.
Rook was played and, after the
game, a delicious salad course was“
Mrs. E. M. Foster and son, Har
old Mason, are spending a few
days with her sister, Mrs. Myrtice
Hinton at White House.
Miss Rachel Rowan is visiting
Mrs. Estelle Nottingham in South
Mr. W. L. Glass and daughter,
Louise, spent Saturday in Atlanta.
Mr. W. E. Touchstone spent
Saturday in the Gate City.
Mr. Candler Dailey returned
home Monday from Athens.
Mesdames J. D. McCullough and
Seaborn, of Stockbridge, spent
Friday with Mrs. J. W. Rountree.
Miss Lois Owens, of Tunis, spent
Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs.
Florie Simpson.
The old officers and directors
were re-elected, as follows:
President, Mr. H. J. Turner*
Vice-President, Mr. W. D. Tarp
ley. x , • -
Cashier. Mr. D. C. Turner.
Ass'stant Cashier, Mr. J. B.
Messrs. D. J. Green, W. J.
Turner, C. C. Pargnsorf/ W. N.
Gilmore, J. H. Stroud, W. W.
Turner, W A. Ammons, H. J.;Tur
ner, and W. D. Tarpley. . ; ; r
This thriving institution field its
annual stockholder’s’ meeting on
Thursday, the 'Ben instant.
Its showing.tor,, the year ,1913
was very pleasing- to: the. stock
holders. A 6 per cent.. dividend
was declared, and a very satisfac
tory sum passed up to il/e undivid
ed profits account.
The election resulted in the
election of all the old officers
and directors, as follows: -
President, Mr. T. A. Sloan.
Vice President and Cashier, Mr.
R. L. Turner. ;
Assistant Cashier, Mr. Henry
Hookkeeper, Mr. Eltdh Sims.
Messrs. T. A. Sloan, W. W. Tur
ner, W. J. Turner, W. D. Tarpley,
A. M. Stewart, R. L. Tye, J. ; F.
Moseley, Joe J. Smith, H. M. Amis,
and R. L. Turner.
This bank also voted to join the
Federal Reserve Bank for the
Southeast, in the event one is
established for this section. It is
the only bank in Henry county so
far to join.
Progress Items.
We have a fine literary school
at Progress now. ' Our teacher is
very well helped up with it.
Our Sunday School is increasing
in numbers and interest. We hope
she will still increase.
Mr. Robert Strickland and sister,
Miss Burmah. spent a few days
with relatives in Griffin last week.
Mrs. Nora Chaffin spent last
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Fester.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Exum, of this
place, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Adamson, of Betts
Mr- and Mrs. E. E. Bunn spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cope
Mr. and Mr. J. P. Oakes spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. Strickland spent Sat
urday night with Mr. John Oakes.
We will have prayer services at
Progress every Sunday night.
Blue Bell.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday, January 23, 1914.
Attractive Rockdale County Girl
And Popular Woolsey Man
Marry Here Sunday.
Miss Dixie Askew and Mr. Ros
coe Minter were married in Mc-
Donough Sunday afternoon at 5
o’clock. The Rev- A. B. Sanders
performed the ceremony. Th ;
onlv friends of* the parties who
were present at the ceremony
were Miss Sadie Burch and Mr.
Waiter Burch? of Inman.
Mrs. Minter is a charming young
lady and fe the daughter of the
Rev? Seals Askew, pastor of the
Salem Methodist church in Rock
dale county. Her many friynds
are bestowing their best w ishes
upon her. ’
Mr? MinVer is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. P. Minter, of Woolsey.
He is a popular and capable young
business man, possessing shores
of friends who'-are now congratu
lating on his good fortune.
They will be home to their
fric nds at Wools®.
As .to Phies of $ u bsc cipti on.
In some way many have receiv
t,he impression we have rais
ed the price ofl subscription to
The Weekly; .4
This is. an error.
- hayejrtot raised the price.
It is stiil one dollar only.
The rule has always been cash
in advance.
Heretofore this rule has not
b( n enforced.
Just as early as it is practicable
to do so without working any
hardship on any person, we shall
begin to observe this rule to the
We shall gradually bring our
list up to a compliance with this
rule. To this end, we shall here
after observe the following rules:
1. No new subscription will be
taken except when cash in ad
vance is paid for same.
2. All new subscriptions for
less than a year .will i e discon
tinued at once upon the expira
tion of th 3 time for which pay
ment has been made.
Sunday School Association's
Convention Will Be Held First
Sunday in February.
The convention of the Eastern
Division of the Henry County Sun
day School Association will meet
at Timberridge church in McMul
len’s pistrict on the first Sunday
in February.
Full program will be announced
later. Miss Flora Davis, of the
State Sunday School Association’s
force of workers, will be present
I and have a place on the program
! There will be dinner on the
grounds and everybody is invited
to come with baskets filled with
j good things to eat.
i Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Fouche, of
Atlanta, spent Sunday here with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
- I.
' r ' ■ »•:,.. a
Department Devoted to the Interest o! Ail
The Schools in The County With News
From Them Each Week.
Superintendent. inti on trial Supervisor.
" • i• -V « ’ n . . .
The County Teachers’
Association meets at. Locust
Grove, Saturday, February Bth*
Because of the excellence of the
program, the splelling contest,
and the usual hospitality extended
by the Locust Grove people, this
is expected to be one of the great
est'meetings of the year.
The foltoWhSr : is the program
without the “dessert:â€~
I. Devotional exercises.
11. How shall we make th
school a community center?
1. The teacher’s part in mak
ing the school; a. community cen
ter—Prof. E. L.. Foster.
.2. The pupil’s part in making
the school a community center. —
Miss Nina Blapkshjear. „
3. The parent’s part in making
the school a community; center.—
Mrs. M. E. Knight.
4. The Pareut-Teaeher Asso
fr.‘ / . “
The quilting at Mrs. W. L.
Lewis’s was highly enjoyed by all
We regret to say that iittje Una
Bell Skinner. is, serhyusly,ill,,.but
we hope for. tier speedy recovery.
Mrs. Pearlie Skinner had as her
guests Friday afternoon Mrs. G. R.
Lewi/ and Mfs.'Ed''DUffey.
Mr. J. S. Lewis and wife and
children were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. James Gi bert, of Prog
ress, Sunday.
Misses Hattie dnd Laura Lewis :
and little sister,' Ida, were the 1
guests of .Miss Annie Adamson, of
Progress,- Sunday*.•
Messrs. John Gilbert and Charlie
Lewis spent Sunday afternoon at
Mrs. C. E,. Gilbert, of this place,
spent Sunday with her daughter,
Mrs. Sallie Strickland.
Everybody is invited to the box
supper at Hopewell Saturday night
the 24th. All the girls be sure
and bring a box. We are expect
ing a nice time.
Miss Hattie Lewis was the guest
of Mrs. W. L. Lewis Wednesday
We are glad to report that Mr.
and Mrs. \\Tjey Berry are improv
ing in health.
Mr. J. B. Warren spent a while
Sunday afternoon with Mr. G. R.
Master Ernest Lewis spent a
while Sunday afternoon with Aus
tin Lewis.
Touch me-not.
Miss Anuie May Atkinson, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end here
with her parents, Mr* and M**s-
J. L Atkinson.
ciation’s part in making the
a social center. —Mrs. B. W. Rey
5. A building suitable for nutk- „
ing the school a community cen
ter. —Miss Mae Meadows.
111. Business.
IV. Adjournment.
In connection with the regular
program* a spelling contest will
be held by the different schools,
and the following are the rules
governing this contest:
1. Each school will be. repre
sented by two pupils.
2. Only one trial will be al
3. Words will be taken from
the first 64 .pages on Swintou’s
Word Book, and all. proper names
will be omitted. : .
’ We expect to announce-TWO
Standard Schools next week.
j Gu< ss. And who will be next?
Rock Spring.
Rev. W. A. Kennedy will preach
at Fairview Sunday morning at
eleven o'clock. : -
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stroud, of Ai
lanta, spent a few days last' -wdek
with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stroud.
Mr. and Mrs S. P. Hooten are
visiting relatives in.. Atlanta.
Miss Tinie Press'On left last week
for Manassas, Georgia. She has a
position as assistant teacher at
this place.
Mrs. Ross Thompson and child
ren and Miss, Ethel Stewart, of
Ne«ton county, spent Monday
with their sister, Mrs. Neal Mc-
Miss Maud Presson is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Edna Demore, in
Hock ale county.
Mr. R. W. Dickerson, of McDon
'ougn, was in our midst last week.
.Mrs. J. R. Hooten and children,
of Concord, North Carolina, spent
a few days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. S. P. Hooten.
Oak Shade.
Well. Mr. waste basket, have
you fot gotten me. I have been
absent so long, thinking you would
torget me. I will see it you still
remember me.
There was a big crowd at the
party Friday night at Mr. Stewart’s.
Mr. A. C. Peterman and Lucy
attended meeting at Mt. Zion Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Glj nn Stanley
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Hayes, the latter’s parents.
Mr. Ben Bankston spent a few
days last week w'ith his aunt, Mrs.
f Wells, at Fort Valley.
[ • . - • ,