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TH e:
Henry County Weekly.
Entered »t. the postoffice at Mcßonoi gh,
Oa , as second-class mail matter.
McDonough, Ga., January 30.1914.
advertising Rates furnished on appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
Georgia, Henry County.
WhereHH, A. F. Adamson, Ex
F(rotor of J R Robinson, deceased,
represents to the Court in his petition,
duly filed and entered on record, that
he has fully administered said
J. R. Robinson's estate.
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause if any they can, why said
Executor should not bo discharged
from his exrcntorsoip and re-
C( ive Letters of Dismission on the
first Monday in February, 1914.
This Jan. ft, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
1-30, 4
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, Henry 8. Rowan, Ad
minispator o I J. D. R r * wan,
represents to th° Court in his petition,
duly filed and entered on record, that
h< has fuhy administered said J. D.
R .wall's < s a e :
This is, therefore, to cite all persons,
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause if any they can, why said
Administrator should not be discharg
ed from his administration, and re
c; ive Letters of Dismission on the
first nday in February, 1914
This ,1 nnarx (i. 1914
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, E. C Cowan, Ad
ministrator of I) D. Ba tv,
represents to the Court in his petition,
duly filed and entered on record, that
he na s full v administered said
I) T). Batv's estate :
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause if any they can, why said
Administrator should not be discharg
ed from his administration, and re
ceive Letters of Dismission on the
first Monday in February, 1914.
This January ft, 1914
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
1-30, 4
Georgia, Henry County.
having made application for Twelve
Months’ Support out of the estate of
deceased, and the appraisers having
filed their return, all persons concern
ed are hereby required to show cause
before the Court or Ordinary of said
oounty on the first Mon
day in March, 1914,
■why said application should not be
This 37 day of January, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
2-20, 4
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
J. A. Brow n,
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of
H. L. Brow n,
late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the First Monday in February,
Witness my hand and official signa
ture this sth day of January, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
1-30, 4.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in the City of McDonough, Henry
County, Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale at public outcry to the
highest bidder for cash, o n the
First Tuesday in February, 1914,
the following real estate, to-wit.:
Forty acres of land in the 3d
land district of Henry County, Ga.,
being the Southeast corner of the
home lot of the late G. B. Barham,
and being the land willed to G. W
Barham by G. B. Barham, which
said will is recorded in office of Or
dinary of Henry County, Book C.
Pagi 268 of Wills.
Also the eastern portion of land
lot No. 147 in the Third land dis
trict of Henry County, Ga., con
taining One Hundred and Twenty-
Six acres of land, more or less, and
bounded North by Geo. Barham est.
and[J. G. Turner, East by estate of
John A. Florence, South by C. L.
Dupree and J. Henry Weems, and
West by lands of Veach.
Levied on as the property cf G.
W. Barham to satisfy Twelve
Fi-Fasissned from the JnsticeConrt
of the 72 3 d district, G. M.„
of said County in favor of Crescent.
Mercantile Company against G. W.
Barham, said property being in
the possession of G. W. Barham.
Tenant in hossession notified in
writing. •
This Jan 6Hi 19U.
1-30, 4. A. C. Sowell,
Sheritl Henty County, Ga.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the court house
door, at McDonough, Henry Coun
ty, Georgia, between the legal hours
of sale, on the first Tuesday in
February, 1914, at public outcry
to the highest, bidder for cash, the
following real estate, to-wit:
The life est» te of Andrew Bar
ham in and to Twenty Seven acres
of land in the Third land district
of Henry County, Ga., lying in the
southwest corner of the home lot
of the late G. B. Barham, extend
ing North to t he center of said lot,
and being the land described in
Item 7 of the will of said G. B.
Barliam, recorded in BoolcC., Page
268 of Wills in office of the Ordina
ry of Henry County.
Levied on as the property of
Andrew Barham to satisfy an ex
ecution issued from the Superior
Court of Henry County in favor of
Harris & Moore agaiust Andrew
Barham, said property being in
the possession of s tid Andrew Bar
ham. Tenant in possession noti
fied in writing.
This Jan. 6, 1914.
1- A C. Sowell,
Sheriff Henry County, Ga.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of
late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday in March, 1914.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 26 day of January, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
2- 4.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator, De Bonis Non, upon
the estate of T. O. HERNDON,
late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday in March, 1914.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 26 day of January, 1914,
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order granted by
che Court of Ordinary of Henry Coun
ty, Georgia, will be sold before the
.•ourt house door in the city of Mc-
Donough, Henry County, Georgia, at
public outcry to the highest bidder,
within the legal hours of sale on the
First Tuesday mi February, 1914,
One house and lot containing one
fourth of an acre of land in Blacks
ville, McDonough. Henry Co., Ga..
and bounded as follows: on North
by lands formerly owned bv Mrs. A.
C. Nolan, on South bv road leading
from Griffin road to Hampton road,
on East by land of Charles Heard,
on West by lands formerly owned
by Mrs. A. C. Nolan.
S<>ld as the E-tate of Fannie
Nolan, deceased, for distribution
and paying debts.
Terms Cash.
This fttli day of January, 1914.
W. J. Turner.
1-30, 4. Administrator.
For Tax Collector.
Being persuaded by many friends
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for Tax Collector for next
term subject to Democratic nomi
ation. I shall kindly appreciate
all help given, and if elected I
shall do all I can to fill the office
F. M. Jackson.
McDonough, Ga. R. F. D. No. 4.
For Tax Collector.
To the White Voters of
Henry County.
I am a candidate for the office
of Tax Collector of Henry county,
subject to nomination at the Coun
ty Democratic primary. I ap
preciate the former support of
the people and shall again appre
ciate all support. If elected, I
shall give my best attention to
the office and shall visit every
precinct in collecting the taxes.
Yours respectfully,
J. M. Ingram.
For Tax Collector.
To the Voters of Henry County:
I hereby announce myself as a
Candidate for the office of Tax Col
lector of Henry County, subject to
the Democratic Primary, to be cal
led later. I will appreciate the sup
port of the people, and if elected I
will discharge the duties of the of
fice to the best of my ability.
Yours respectively,
For Tax Collector.
To the White Voters of Henry
I am a candidate for the office
of Tax Collector of Henry county,
again, subject to Democratic
nomination. I sincerely thank
every one who voted for me be
fore, and shall appreciate all sup
port given me this time. If elect
ed, I shall do my very best to fill
the office well, and shall visit ev
ery precinct in collecting the
taxes. My ouly reason for asking
the people for the office is be
cause I am not able to do manual
labor. , Respectfully,
Rex, Ga., R. F. D. No 1.
For Tax Receiver.
To the White Voters of
Henry County.
At the request of friends I offer
myself for nomination as Tax Re
ceiver at the democratic primary.
I would be glad to see every
man but am just pulling through
a siege of tuberculosis of the hip
joint and cannot expose myself to
bad weather much yet. I will try
to do my duty if elected.
For Tax Receiver.
To the White Voters of Henry
I am a candidate for the office
of Tax Receiver of Henry county,
subject to nomination at the
county democratic primary. I
shall appreciate all support given
me, and shall give my best atten
tion to faithful service, if elected.
Yours respectfully.
Notice ta Creditors.
AH persons having claims
against the estate of G. M. Hays,
late of Henry county, deceasM,
will please present the same to me,
properly made out. and proven
witnin the time prescribed by law.
This the 26th day of January,
T. J. CHAFFIN, Admr. of
G. M. HA vs, Deceased.
Monticello, Ga., R. F D. No. 1.
3-6, 6
Mrs. and Mrs. Owen Clements
of Macon wish to thank their
many McDonough friends for
kindness and sympathy extended
them in their recent bereavement.
Anvil Block.
Mr. Editor, I thank you very
much, for helping ine to escape
the waste hasket.
Rev. C. M. Towns, filled his
regular appointment at Anvil
Block Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Ida Rowden, of Atlanta,
spent the week-er.d here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lige Row
Mr. Wade Sockwell, of Con
yers, spent a few days here last
week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Sockwell.
Mesdames John Wallace, and
Henry Mitchell, of Mt. Carmel,
spent Saturday and Sunday here
with relatives.
Miss Odessa Bradberry, and
Miss Mary Hales, of Rex, spent
Saturday night with Miss Hilda
Mrs. J. J. Clark, of this place,
was called to the bed side of her
daughter, Mrs. Tom P. Bellah,
who is very sick.
Miss Gertie Rowden, was a
welcome visitor at the home of
her brother, Mr. Will Rowden,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Clark, have
returned home, after an extended
visit to the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Owens, at Linconton.
Misses Lunie and Eva Stand
field, spent Sunday afternoon
most pleasantly with Miss Hilda
Messrs. Ed Cowan, and Alf
Clark, spent Thursday in Con
Mrs. P. M. Blackman, Mrs. Geo.
Rowan, and daughter, Hilda,
spent Monday with Mrs. W. A.
Sockwell. Polly.
Worthy and Popular Sandy
Ridge Man Makes Annonnce
ment This Week.
Mr. J. L. Sayage annoui ces in
this issue of The Weekly that he
is a candidate for the Tax Receiv
er’s office-
Mr. Savage is one of Henry
county’s most enterprising and
substantial citizens. He is pleas
ant in intercourse and capable to
fill the office.
He is well known and has
many friends in every section
and will doubtless make an in
testing race.
For Tax Receiver.
To the white voters op
I am a candidate for the office
of Tax Receiver of Henry County,
subject to nomination at the de
mocratic primary. 1 shall appre
ciate the support of all and prom
ise a faitht'al and efficient dis
charge of the duties of the office,
if elected.
Yours respectfully,
Will be in his Hampton office
Tuesday and Friday of each Week.
And in his Locust Grove office .
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
of each Week.
Office Hocks .
7.30 to 12 A. M to 6 V n.
McDonough, Ga,
Attorney at Law.
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Building.
Will practice in all the courts.
• - JACK*>'
Attornev~ai »l a\*
. Tci \ KVS-A I'-LA W
• rHp nnqh. Ga
0. L. A dTFsT
dl riST
Main 2101—Business
Main 2023-J—Residence
Miss Lorah B. Alien
Jeweler, Optician, Engraving, and
53 W. Mitchell St,
A i LANTA, (iA.
Engraved Caniis. li.viiniiohs. etc.
Free Flower Seed
Hastings’ Catalogue
Tells You About It
If you are engaged in farming, or
If you plant only vegetables or flow
ers, you cannot afford to be without
the big catalogue published fresh and
new every year by the great South
ern seed house, H. G. Hastings & com
pany of Atlanta, Ga., and sent abso
lutely free, postage paid, to Ml who
write for it, mentioning the name of
this newspaper.
In this catalogue we tell you of a
splendid offer of free flower seed to
all our customers, five magnificent
varieties that mean beauty about your
home and a pleasure to wives and
daughters that nothing else can give.
This catalogue tells you, too, about
our big cash prize offer to the Cora
Club boys of your state. It tells all
about our fine yielding varieties of
corn and cotton —the kind we grow
on our own 3,200 acre farm. It tells
about the best seeds of all kinds for
planting in the South. It should be
In every Southern home. Write to
day and let us send it to vou.
Atlanta, Ga.—Advt.
For Constipation
and Torpid Liver
Stop taking Calomel—Here's ft
Liver remedy that’s gentle, safe mmK
■ore, Get a box to-day
Hot Springs
Liver Buttons
from Hot Springs, Ark., are sorely
fine to tone up the liver, drive Ihs
poison from the bowels and makft
yon feel splendid—2s cents
Free sample Lirer Buttons and booklet
about the famous Hot Sprincs Rheumatiaai
remedy and Hot Spri&n Blood Remedy aS
McDonough Drug Company