The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 30, 1914, Image 4
Mr. Otis Love visited Atlanta Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Jr , ipent Tuesday in Atlanta. [)r. C. M. Speer visited Stock bridge Tuesday. Mr. Bankston has returned from a business trip to Abbeville. Mr. Os ar Sims, of Locust Grove, visited Griffin Saturday. Mr. W. 11. Bailey, of Luella, went to Griffin Saturday. Mrs. Delia Crookshanks spent ast w kin Atlanta. Miss Kate Russell is now teach ing near Jackson. Mr. if. J. Price, of the Sixth dis trict, was in our city Suesday. Mrs. J B. Upshaw and the chil dren are on a visit to tier mother, Mrs. Candler, at Villa Rica. Miss Pallis Green is visiting Mrs. Henry Green, who had the mis fortune to fall and break her arm. M•. aid Mrs. A. J. Henderson, are visiting their son, Mr. Parker Henderson, at Miami Florida. Miss Blanche Wentzell spent the week end with Mrs. Verna Wright in Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Lewis, of Mc- Donough, are spending a few days in this city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mintz, on West Quilly Street. —Griffin News. TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! Buy your Tires direct at LOWEST PRICES. By buying and contracting direct from the factories for tires in large quantities for spot cash, we are able to offer them at a great Money saving price direct to the consumer. A saving of from 35 to 4tio per cent. When you buy tires from us you get full value, you don’t have to pay the dealer’s profit, the distributor’s profit, salesman’s commis sion and other high selling and overhead expenses. We sell tires direct to consumer at jobbers prices and YOU GET BIG VALUE AND EXACTLY WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Shrewd auto owners compose our customers —among them are bankers, merchants, lawyers, doctors, planters and men in all lines who know values and realize the advantages of buying direct. During the past dull winter automobile months we secured some excellent deals from the factories and now offer our purchases at the following prices: Among our tires are Diamond, Goodyear, Quaker, Nassau, Em pire, Fisk and others of equal quality. ALL TIRES GUARANTEED FULLY. NOTE THESE PRICES CAREFULLY. —.. Tubes Size Tire Grey Red Reliner 28x3 $7.20 . $165 $1.90 $1.35 30x3 7.80 1.95 2.20 1.40 30x3 1-2 10.80 2.80 3.10 1.90 31x3 1-2 11 00 2.90 3.20 1.95 32x3 1-2 11.90 2.95 3 25 2.00 34x3 1-2 12.40 3 00 3.30 2 05 30x4 13.10 3.10 3.40 2.30 31x4 13.45 3.20 3 60 2 35 32x4 13.70 3.35 3.80 2.40 33x4 14.80 3.50 3.90 2.45 34x4 16.80 3.60 4.00 2.60 35x4 17.25 3.75 4.20 2.70 36x4 17.85 3.90 4 25 2.80 34x4 1-2 18.00 4.80 5.10 3.40 35x4 1-2 18.75 4.85 5.20 3.45 36x4 1-2 19 45 4.90 5.30 360 37x4 1-2 21.50 5.10 5.40 3.70 36x5 23.00 5.80 6.20 4.00 37x5 24.40 5.90 6.35 4 20 We can Furnish All Other Sizes. Non-Skid 10 Per Cent Higher. Our supply of thsss tires is limited, S 3 *re advise early ordering. Remember, they are new, clean frtsh, fully guaranteed good,. All high grade goods that will give best service. TERMS—S PER CENT DISCOUNT if full amvait accompanies order. C. 0. D. upon receipt of 10 per cent of cost. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Money returned if unable to fill, order. Send us trial carder now. TIRE FACTORIES SALES CO. DAYTON, OHIO. ' I LOCAL NEWS. Every body is invited to the prayer meeting at the Baptist church Friday evening. Mr. H. B. Neal, of McDonough, was in the city Friday. —Griltin News. FARM LOANS. Money to loan on farm lands. Brown A Brown. There is a fine new baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rogers. Mrs. Henry Thompson left Tues day morning for Rome to be with her sister, who is very ill. Mrs. Nat Callaway, of College Park, was the guest of Col. and Mrs. J. F. Hall this week. Mrs. Jim McDopad, of Snapping Shoals, has been the guest ot her daughter, Mrs. Will Green. WANTED—Bees’ Wax, J. W. WELCH, McDonough, Ga. 2-6, 2 Adv. Mr. Walter Burch .and sister, Miss Sadie, of Fayetteville, were here Sunday afternoon. Miss Sadie Drake, of Birming ham, Ala., is the guest of Miss Bess Fouche. Miss Stevie Brogden, of Sew anee, is the guest of Miss Ethel Sowell. Miss Nena Tye has gone to Jackson for an ext mded visit to Mrs. Lamar Etheridge. Little Frank Barclay was con- I fined to the house last week with j a very severe attack of croup. Mr. Russ Elliott left Tuesday for Atlanta, to accept a position | the Ragan-Malone Company. I Missrs Bess Sowell and Ida Lou I Tar ley spent the week-end with frien s at Jenkinsburg. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Copeland made an automobile visit to Con fers Tuesday. Miss Sermia Swann, of Hamp ton, is the guest of 'Mrs. H. S. Elliott. Mr. J. M. Greer, of Route 5, was in our city and visited The Week ly Tui sday. FOR SALE, Harness Oil, large stock. J. W. WELCH, McDon ough, Ga. Adv.—2-6, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Car michael motered to Atlanta Tues day. I Mr. and Mrs. Sim Smith and Mrs. Kimball Patterson spent I Wednesday in Atlanta. Mrs. Ethel Wright has returned home, after a pleasant visit to friends in Lawrenceville. Mrs. Sallie Ball, of Jackson, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sam Dailey, this week. Mr. W. H. Swann and his daughter, Miss Pauline Swann, of Hampton, spent Sunday here witi. : Mr. and Mrs. H, S. Elliott. Mrs. T. A. Sloan, Mrs. Robert Sloan, Mrs. Paul Turner and Mr. Adam Sloan went to Atlanta Sat urday to attend the matinee. Mrs. Childress and children and Miss Lila Cook, of Atlanta, were the guests of Mrs. B. E. Horton, last week. Mesdames Deer Tolleson, E. M. I Smith, and Julian Weems went to Atlanta Wednesday to attend the i matinee. Misses Annie Adams and Lucile Irving, of Luella, were some of the Henry county citzens shopping in Griffin Saturday. Mr. W. G. Oberst, of the At lanta office of the Western News paper Union, was in McDonough Monday. STRAYED—One black female shoat, weigh fifty or sixty pounds, shows Berkshire marks. Finder notify J. M. Greer, McDonough R. F. D. 5, and get reward. Adv. Mr. Roddie Turner, of the Geor gia School of Technology in At lanta, is spending a few days at home here. Mr. G. W. Cavenaugh’s many friends are glad to see him again at home after some time spent in Birmingham. EYE PAINS RELIEVED. Speer, tne McDonough Optician, fits glasses successfully for astig matism, without the use of dregs. Adv. Misses Eunice and Ida Lou Tar pley and Messrs. W. J. Greer, Frank Copeland, and George Alexander were the guests of Miss Ruth Rape at an informal, but delightful affair at Greenwood Monday evening. IRTCHten up year home with the wonderful White HT Fleme Burner Makes your old lumps and Jant' rnsgive a brilliant eoft white light ■r J V H better than electricity or gas. Save* \ « eyesight anil makes reading or newing a s —« jileaeure. No Mantle te Break. Reliable BU Jj and economical. Satiafaction guaran- mF, _ tee<l. Helightn eeery user. Complete Sample Malleg te any eggree lor 35 '^3ll ate. er 9 tor 9 1.00. Money Book It net W» Sntletaelery. Mail ergerp promptly IIIM. Grady King Locust Grove. Ga. A. B. & F. A. MITCHAM, Funiture and Undertaking HAMPTON, GEORGIA. w e have an experienced a Henry county boy, Mr. Perry Welch. All o«ult* answered promptly day or night. All embalming carefully done and according to beat method* Our stock ot metal and wood caskets aßd rcbee are unequalled. Our services. hearses and equij ment, are the beat to be had. We furnish the beet steel, brick or cement Vaults. No 10089. Report of the Condition of The First National Bank, at Hampton, In the State of Georgia, At the close of business, January 13, 1914. RESOURCES. __ Loans and Discounts *46,109.35 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 403.93. IT. S. Bonds to secure circulation 20,000.00 Premiums on U. S- Bonds 75.00 Banking house, Furn. and Fix. 6,000 00 Due fron National Banks (hot reserve agents) 4.374 41 Due from approved Reserve Agts. 3,844 01 Checks and other cash items 946 66 Notes of other National Banks 440.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents . . 17.62 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie $ 791 55 Legal-tender notes 340.00 $1,131.56 Redemption fund with U S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation . . 1,000 00 Total . $83,942.43 STATE OF GEORGIA. —County of Henry. I, E R. Harris, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. R. Harris. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 32nd day of January, 1914. Geo. S. D. MaLaier,Notary Pubic. Correct —Attest: R M Harris, W. M. Harris, W. W. Carmichael, Directors. GALVANIZED IRON CORRUGATED ROOFING Is the best and we can supply it of the best qual ity. The Cheapest in long run. THE PLANTERS WARE HOUSE & LUMBER GO. McDonough, ga. _ LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $30,000.00 Surplus fund 6,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid . . 3,301.67 National Bank notes out standing . . . 20.000.00 Individual deposits subject to check 20,541 80 Time certificates of deposit 4,044 76 Cashier’s checks outstanding ' . 54.31 Total $83,942.43