Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County WeeKiy
Excellent and Efficient Official
Announces for Reelection In
This Week’s Issue.
Mr. J. A. Fouche announces in
in this issue of The Weekly that
he is a candidate to succeed him
self as Clerk of the Superior
Mr. Fouche has made a most
worthy and capible clerk, one of
the best in Georgia. He has al
ways performed bis duties in such
a way that tile people have been
benefitted. His records have
been so kej.t that thos' j who have
had occasion to refer to them,
have been aided in so doing by
his method and care in keeping
Of the highest integrity and
most pleasing personality and ac
commodating ways, he has done
his duty and at the same time
made friends of all who have
dealt with him and his office.
With friends everywhere, he
will poll a big vote.
So far, there is no announced
opposition to him.
2^o cals.
Onion Sets and Cabbage Plants,
adv. Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mr. S. M. McGuirt, ot Morgan,
was the guest of Mr George Alex
ander for several days last week.
Miss Estelle Stroud spent sev
eral days in Atlanta this week at
the millinery opening there.
Miss Ludie V. Bond, of Ell
enwood, is the guest of Mr. and
M rs. W. A. Simpson.
Miss Pearl Price and Mr. E. L.
Reagan were the recent guests of
Miss Sallie May Cook in Covington.
Mrs. Howard Carmichael and
Mrs. Cora Knott were the guest of
Miss Eila Berry last week.
Miss Ruth Turner is in Macon
visiting Miss Mozelle Baldwin, who
is there with her mother fora
few days.
FOR SALE—Brown Leghorn
Eggs, $1 per setting of 15, also
fresh Cow. MRS. W. E.. LONG,
Route 4, McDonough, Ga. tf.
Messrs W. O. Welch, D. P. Cook
and W. W. Turner are attending
the meeting of the merchants in
Atlanta this week.
Garden Seed Beans, Beets,
English Peas, Water Melon seed
in bulk.. Full Tine Ferry’s seed, also
some of ft'uist’s lowa Silver
Mine, Golden Dent, Buist’s Snow
Flake seed corn, Irish Potatoes,
' Miss Blake oßunn returning
Lome with her sister, Mrs.
Shields who lias been here. on. .a
visit of few a days. • •
• The Rev. J. A JacksorrV mary
friends sympathize with him: in
the death of Mrs. Alice Jackson,
which occurred at her home in
9dum, Wayne county, on the 30th
day of January. She was the
wite of Mr. Jackson’s half brother
and a granddaughter of the late
H. C. Lewis, of this county.
Mr. Wylie Mason, of Mercer
1 U niversity, gave an entertaining
recital at the school . auditorium
Tuesday eveniug. It was of a
order and enjoyed by a good
Former Tax Collector and Fine
Citizen Announces Candidacy
In This Issue of The Weekly.
This issue of The Weekly con
tains an announcement by Mr.
Steep Owen of his candidacy for
the office of Tax Receiver.
Hen one of our older citizens
whose active life has been spent
imstly in Henry county. In all
life’s Wilks he has proved the up
right and exemplary man and citi
zen. Some years ago he filled
the office of Tax Collector for one
term an ! filled it well and capably.
Mr. Owen lives in 1, >ve’s dis
trict and is a good man and a use
ful citizen in every way.
He has friends in every section
who will be glad to make him a
I strong entry in the race.
Northern Division
Sunday Schools Meet
The Northern Division of the
Henry County Sunday School As
sociation will meet with the M. E.
Church at Stockbridge, L unday,
Feb. 22 at 10 o’clock. Every
Sunday School in the division is
requested to send at least two
I The schools in this division are
( M' E., Stockbridge Presbyterian,
Flippen, Progress, Hopewell, Mt.
Zion, Morris Grove, and Flat Rock.
Dr. Joseph Broughton, presi
dent of the State Sunday Schoo'
Association and one of the lead
ing Sunday School workers in the
(state, will be present. Others
will also take part in the program.
All who are interested, and es
pecially the officials of the other
divisions, are invited to attend.
This division will reach the
Gold Star standard at this meet
ing, being the first this year in
the county.
W. W. MILAM, Pres.
Prominent and Popular Citizen
of Tussahaw, Announces His
Candidacy In This Issue?
/•-, < -■ f V
Mr. A. J. McKibben announces
his candidacy for the office of Tax
Receiver in this .issue of The
Weekly,. , ~
Mr. McKibben is a resident' bf
Tussahaw district. arid is one of
Henry county’s best citizens.. He
Vis in every „way-qualified. to hold
;fhe office-•he*- seeks and is pt‘ a
genial and accomodating disposi
tion. as well. '
He has a host of fn£tftis through
.Qut the county, who wifi make-’
him.a strong factor in- the race.
Hampton. B
* l v . .
Miss Katie Red w ine, : spend
ing r some time witll her sister,
Mrs. J. R. Willis, of Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Henderson,
are at Miami, Fia.
Mrs. J. L. Johnson, of Atlanta,
is visiting Col. ' and- Mrs. H. A.
t :
The friends of Miss Frankie
Means will be glad to know she is
i apidly improving. *
McDonough, Georgia. Friday, February 13, 1914
Well Known and Popular Official
Announces Candidacy in This
Issue of The Weekly.
The Hon. John Bryans makes
his announcement for reelection
to the office of Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues in this issue
of The Weekly.
Mr. Bryans has held this office
since its creation a few years ago
and has made an active and cap
able official. In the road work
lie has made good roads at several
points where they were before al
most impassable and has kept the
county convicts constantly at work
improving and repairing our entire
road system.
He has many friends through
out the county and as yet no op
position to him has appeared.
lie will of course run a strong
There will be a box supper and
recital at the school house Friday
night, Feb. 13. th. Everybody is
invited to come.
Miss Ruth Turner Hostess.
. . -*• -*
One of the pretty parties of the
wetk was the one Tuesday morn
ing at whitch Miss Ruth Turner
entertained at Rook for Miss
S ephie Brogden the guest of Miss
Ethel Sowell.
Locust Grove.
The Henry County Teachers
association held a most helpful
and instructive meeting at Locust
Grove last Saturday. The schools
of the County were well repre
sented. The business session
was held in the morning at the
Grammar school.
A splendid dinner was served
at the school house by some of the
ladies of the town. Prof. Gray,
of the Institute, invited the body
to come to a joint literary program
of the two societies at the Insti
tute and offered the chapel for
the contest of the'afternoon, —a
spelling match of the Schools rep-'!
resented. . '. .
Misses Fields and Barclay, of)
McDonough ‘school, were the suc
cessful contestants.' The visitors
witnessed a game of basket ball
after the program was ended.
Dr. Haygood, of..*Atlanta, was
the guest Sunday of Miss Faulk
ner. i !
Mr. E. L. *. Wain wright, of
Wrightsville, has returned home,
after a visit to relatives near Lo
cust Grove.
’ Mrs. Hinton and her daughters,
Misses Resea' and ,\bnie Beri/>;,
were the. week-end guests of Mrs.
J. W. Bone.
‘ Mrs, Hawes* is rapidly* improv
ing from an attack of Lagrippe.
MisvELelen. Davis entertained
eight of her friends Saturday
occasion being her
thirteenth- birthday.
rf‘ '•*_ , . 1 * *
T • *'■
* New things in Dress goods,
Laces, Trimmings ; nd slippers for
Spring, attend our showing and be
adv. Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co. I
Superintendent’s De p a rtment
Has News of Teachers’ Meet
ing. at Locust Grove.
The first meeting of new year
of the Henry County Teachers
Association was held last Saturday
with the Locust Grove Grammer
School and royally entertained by
the Locust Grove people.
President Cates, principal of the
Locust Grove School, presided. On
calling the roll, between 25 and 30 '
t< achers answered present besides
a number of visitors-
Rev. I. G. Walker conducted the
devotional exercises a "ter which
following program was carried'
Discussion: Making the School
a community center.
I. The Teacher’s part spoken to
by Prof. Gray and Supt. Tolleson.
11. The pupil’s art. —Miss Nina
111. The parent’s part. —Spoken
to by Pres. Cates, Rev. Walker.
Prof. Gray, Miss Gray, and Mr.
IV. Song—Miss Lorena Combs’
V. The Parent-Teacher Asso
ciation’s Part —Spoken to by Miss
Julia Riley, Supt. Tolleson, Miss
Gray, Prof. Elliott, and Mrs. Gray.
Vi. A Suitable Building—Miss
Af'er an important business
session, Prof. Cates anuouuced
dinner and the crowd was usher-!
ed into the music room where
dinner was seived on tables ar
ranged in the form of A cross.
. .ime tin eros« tin!- 1
bore the burden, but u soon ap-|
; peared that there were willing
hands and appetites and gradual
ly the load was lightened. ’I
i The association had previously
I been invited by Pres. Gray to a
joint program of the literary so-
■cieties of Locust Grove Institute
jin compliment to the visitors. The
body reassembled in the c apel,
•where previous to the program of
the societies, the business of the
day was completed and the spell
ing contest was held. Prof.
Cousins dictated the words to the
20 contestants. McDonongh school
carried off the honors, little Miss
Ethel May Fields winning first
prize and Laura Barctav,' second.
The " program of the societies
consisted v of music, vocal and 1 in
strumental, recitations; etc.* and
a debate upon' - the subject, 1 Re
solved, “That Cuba should be. an
nexed to' the U. S ,” in vCTiich" Hte'
negative side won the’ decision.
: The bays and girls had been en
joying base ball, and tennis dur
ing the day and row the series of
J *■» . . • ’
entertainments closed 'with ‘a
gnmfc,of. gasket ball.
When it comes to a matter of
educational interest the people
of Locust Grove know, ho.w to
handle it...
• . iff)* . -, . • •
Locust Grove was reported a
Standarcf School Saturday and
Mt. Ziqn Monday. Three Stand
ards for our county, and we hope
to have at
school. Who will be next?
South Avenue was the happy
recipient of its Standard Certifi
cate, beautifully framed, last week,
The pleasure of seeing it hung on
the wall, richly repays every ef-
Prominent and Popular Tussa- .
haw Citizen Asks For Sup
port In This Week's Paper.
Mr. J. H. Rape asks for the
votes of the peop'e for the office
of Tax Collector in this issue of
of The Weekly.
He is one >f Henry
best and most prominent citizens.,
capable and genial, and would
mould make an efficient officer.
Mr. Rape is agreeable in his re
lations with his fellows and has.
scores of friends in every part of
the county who will give him a
fine vote.
- . ■ . ■-
Popular and Capable Citizen af
Stockbridge District Makes
Announcement This Week.
Mr. A. I). Williams
in this issue of The Weekly that
he is in the rate for the office ol
Tax Receiver.
He is a gentleman of an un
usual amount of ability and one
of the county’s best citizens. Of
excellent character and attractive:
personality, he has friends in.
large numbers in every part or
the county.
Mr. Williams hails from Stock
bridge district and will receive
good vote in every section.
fort to secur3 it.
.. > have a’3o to our fur
nishings a teacher’s desk an i
Monday, Feb. 2, we had with! use
Rev. F. R. Seaborn. After usual
opening exercises, Mr. Seaborn
gave the children a beautifnl talk
in which he tried io inspire them
to embrace every opportunity
which presented itself and to live
so as to make the world betterfor
their having lived in it. Ei/ery
one expressed a desire to have
Mr. Seaborn come often.
. The Improvement Club met
Friday, January 3d, and discussed
buying “Tennis and Basket -Bait”
We hope to have these soon.** . *
The six representatives o? 1
South Avenue wish -1 to express- *
their appreciation of thejerit4rtaih-'
ment at Locust Grove. We vote
this one of the best greetings ,we
ever- attended. .- L . ' .
South A venue-expects- to .enter
tain “Thd Hertry County*T«iftehers\
AssociMiori” 'Saturdiyf March 7..
Miss Riley is very anxiouS tf> have*
all attend, ahd requests that
those expecting to attend,
her by Wednesday, 'March 4,' so
she can arrange to meet you..
Every one wjio. is ijjJyrested m
educational purposes is cordially
invited. •
On Saturday evening February*
14, there will be a “Zone-Supper”
at Rocky Branch School, for Lies
benefit of the library.
Come in numbers,
Come alone
To a supper "of every
If you don’t know
what it will be,
Just come, and then
you’ll see.