Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weeldv
V'M_. x\x|
Their Society Here Will Observe
Next Week In Prayer for
Home Mission s.
'iht W. M S. til" the Baptist
chuich til observe next week,
beginning Monday afternoon,
March the 2d, 4 3 o’clock, as a
special season ol prayer for Home
On Wednesday, March 4, Mrs.
W. J. Neel, oi Cartersville, State
President W. B. M. U. of Georgia,
will be here and there will be an
all-day service, beginning at J.O
o’clock A. M. The ladies of the
Baptist church are requested to
attend each service.
The Missionary Societies of -the
Presbyterian and M e t h o d- i. s t
churches are invited to join us In
this season of prayer add to spend’
the day with us on Wednesday,
and enjoy with us our beloved
Mrs. Neel. . - •
Pl*es. W. M. S.*
« .5 *; .
.. , ' #• *, V .
A Derightf|il Birthday Dinner.
At Mrs. Sam * Bailey’S Sunday
there was •» most pleasaai ;aa4
congenial party, when Misp.Cah’te
Dailey, of Atlanta, and Mrs,|X>hfte'
celebrated their birthdays'. *
Turkey and all the delightful
things usually accompanying" that
king of fowls were there in abun
dance, cooked and presided
by that delightful epicurean, Miss
Bally Dfiley. ' ' v
Nothing was ; left off that was
needed to make a delightful feast.
Those present beside the 'home
folk were Mir. Dozier Fields and
Miss Hall.
if. . j.V '
excellent and Well Known
. Pleasant Hill Man Makes -
Announcement This Week. . •
■, K v ' ; . :.
T . X
Mr; J. S. Barnett announces
, his candidacy for the office of
coroner, in this week’d issue of
The. Weekly.
Mr. Barnett is a resident of
the Pleasant Hill community and
is one of oi r county’s best citizens.
He is always active in every move
ment and belongs to that class
who would prefer above all thing?
a people possessing a high regard
for law and order.
He would make an. excellent
county officer as his ability fiilfy
equals his unquestioned honesty.
Possessing friends in. greatplum
bers in every part of the county,
he Will run a splendid raceu : **•
\ - ■■ , t
Mrs. Fred Walker Hostesd. i
Mrs. FrecJ Walker entertained
twenty of her. marrie4 fronds st.
Rook Saturday afternoon:: .
The house was decorated -With,
handsome ferns and
It was a delightful affair
after the game’s, a-
course and g Sweet tmirse were
served. v •*# lfc ‘
Mrs Arthur
the week in Fayetteyil* with Mrs.
Walter Wise.
Engagement of Popular and
; Well known McDonough . Cou
ple Has Been Announced
i * _,. i
Announce me i. tins been made
* ♦
of the engagement uf Miss AID K
Carmichael and Mr Andrew Wag
: ner Walker. I’ne wedding id
occured on ttie 22 1 .1 ly of April.
This announce n j nt is interest
ing news to tne popple of Me
Donough and of Henry and the
surrounding counties
■i Miss Carinkjhaei is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs B. B. Carmichael
and is a young lady of rare beauty
of person an pers-mulity. Her
many charins havt made her a
favorite wherever she his visited
and her host of friends over the
State are showering upon her best
Mr. .WalkeriHs on#, of Mc&
■ Db'iiough’s most popular a .d cap*
Übie young businessmen. He'fS
,ai son of Mr. and Mrs. A W Walk-'
ier of Spaulding cqunty, and a
of MrS. Asa*L&h,on and
;Mrs. Dr T. Carmichaeh of our city.
! He has friends in*
j both tfteSe counties and wrought
’out the Sra'ie, whose • congratuta
4ious-.beda L receiving:' 4 . -An •
'■s ■ “
•< r * ? i- • 1 J- ** r *
Conley. : .
. * *-UJT- r 4,
r People seem to be growing
very anxiotis to see spring open
up, so they can go to planting for
the speculator; for the fanner cer
: tainlv gets verv little out of it. I
can’t see for my life why every
body doesn’t go to raising more'
corny wheat, oats, hogs, and ev
erything in general that they need,
at home and then they would not
need to raise so much cotton to
get a little money. They are just
Working all the time for the rich
man to sit lip and smoke his fine
cigars and figure how I wpl get it
all at<d keep the poor old simple
ifgrmer wonting* for me to Have a
good time,. Farmers, for gracious
sake raise your .own provisions at
home arid stop working for the
other fellow to enjoy..
This is court week in Jones
boro and it repprted they have a
lot to do, some murder cases and
a lot of o%er cases.
Mrs. W. M. Stephens, ho has
been sick, has about got well, to
our pleasure.
Messrs. J. M. Avery, W. L
James, John Carroll, Joe William
son, arid H. D. Moone are ' attend
ing eorirt this week as jurors in
_£ Mr; Oscar Carter made a trip to
Atlanta Saturday. -
On Monday the JDeath- -Angel
called for Mr- John Sanders'*' He
was taken kick Sunday and died
Monday. Heti? survived his
wife' arid several ;pHildj»en; - ’The
funeral-And interment' ~#ere at
Elm church Tuesday. *
• Mrs- Rubie Stephens spent
'day withilW daughter, MrS.
a '■
’ . -U I •; ** .
. V • • -4_ * ■
Miss Ruth Rape’s friends VlirT>e
•gkidib U'riow*That she was able to
be brought tgpme from the At
lanta sanitarium Sunday and is
sfbw- : rapi4ly repining her nor-
Ml stengftfonahealth. x
Sheriff's So Had Hard Fall
Sunday. Injuries Are Not
Mr. P iul Sowell received pain
ful but not serious injuries in a
fall Sunday afternoon.
With a number of other boys
he was playing in Mr J. B. New
man’s pasture. A swing had been
made by fastening a wire cable to
a tree and th * boys had been in
tru habit of swinging upon this
by the hands And, leaping from a
high bluff, they would swing out
over a deep ravine. Paul caught
the cab! : and In swinging lost his
hold and fell into the rapine,
striking upon his head with ter
rific force. .
His companions partially jestor-
to consciousness with cold
water and brought Him lippie* but
it was several hours
fgl&consdbtisV' ’
first it was leared Atfat his
injuries might biit He'
is out'of dAtlge^ipw;'.rand’
soon fully ’• r v '
jg;. Paul ij a splemlid young man,
very poprilar with his schoolmates,
_Aiid Tropp UeadeV of Jgpy
Scouts, so he has been missed Jjy
them all, who. regret the pakiful
accident, though rejoicing that he
escaped without serious injuries.
Popular and Prominent Citizen
ol Sixth bistrict Announces
Candidacy In This Issue. •
This issue of The Weekly con
tains the announcement of the
candidacy of Mr. J. j*\r Johnson
for the office of Coroner. ~r-; .
j.l Mr. Johnson is an excellent citi
zen and well known throughout
our county. Of high character
and-undoubted ability," he is, fully *
capable of a prompt and proper
to the requiferilents <tf-.
the office,... ; / ■
t “ He Is serving in the office forj
the unexpired term of the late Mr.
Sam Coker, and wakes a capable
and efficient officer.
Mr. Johnson has large numbers
of friends throughout the county
who will give him a fine vote.
Locust Grove.
Mr. Beck, of Atlanta, visited Lo
cust Grove Monday.
Dr. Buckholz is holding a ptf>-„
tracted rneetirlg; at the- Baptist
church this week. He is a preaqH;.
er of magnetism. v ’ ‘ “
Mrs. R. C. Btpwn- entejfdajned
at Rook Wednesday' afternoon.
Red carnations vifftre used in£ tbe
parlor with Afffr tHc>ganie.'
"served. - -
,r. J ‘ ‘ l t ■ »-«•> **’ ;.. «»• *
. Mrs. Verner CarrolfTQf'.Unaebh
la, is r with her n&ther,; M rs,£.
*vMr. H: O. Batson, of Kansas, is
visiting his brother, Mr. : ’Otis*
Messrs.* R.46^8i i ftvn, J r ;
Knight, aisl W.
Monday in .: - f
■*’’! ’tC
Miss 'Gray the
week-end jfcitji He t Mrs.
Department Devoted to the Interest of AiS The
Schools in The County Wiih News From Them
Each Week, By 0. 0. Tolieson.
What have we done to make
Mt. Zion school come up to the
“Standard”, you ask? -j
Just this: Worked hard and
persevered. The secret of ’ our
success has been "Keep on trying ”
Aboqt one year ago the people
ibf the community realized the
neeiFof a school in their midst
andhegaif at once to talk school.
TheyTi'sftl lo “begin at the : begin
ning”<H!)cause jiot.eyen a pldf ’of
wh!ich to putthe •bifffdfng
wag - And more than that,
they had to go before ttw ■ County
Board §f 6 JCducation with'a 'petl
’;tiori, sfilce this is not, a, school dis
trict*. 'Thanks- to the. Board of
Education for their decision and
Mr ..Tolieson for his talk ’favor
. ,-.u.%ts done/ the loeatidn••#aS' * se-
Lcted, paid for by subscription
on Slarch 10, vWork on
clearing the ground begfuri iih-;
Sev^cgl, riteti *-g‘ fiVe
which were' sawed right
here in the comtngnity arid hatlj-"
ed ready to begin -work. '' ■
Having gotten thus far, work
ceased until the latter part of Jp|y
when all the men of the commun
: ity came together and, according,
to Mr. Tolleson’s plans, worked
faithfully and steadily untilthe
building was completed. Very
little work was hired.
-.■‘4*l- }■ *
School opened Nov. 3, i
with seventeen pupils present, j
We. had neither blackboards nor
dj:sks and ’twas not; an unconl-'
nvon sight to See the ptupils ccmi
ing to school with a chair, on one
arm ; rid their books on the other.
We got along as best we could
for several weeks and when
the news came “The desks
have come”, we were more than
glad. These were given by the
county and a teacher’s desk by
the (trustees. It was not but a
little while then until Mr. Tolieson
told us he would give us a black
board if we would send and
no time was lost in gettingit here. ‘
But our school was not up to
tha standard by any means, so we
planned to have a “box supper”..
and, paint the building both inside
and outside. From this weclear
dollars and the painting
.was * finished just before the
holidays. , - 1
! r>-On Arbor Day we workei| on
Ih^,grounds digging up stumps,
4»auHrig ' qff rock and trash,
setting out
ek. of larger bby &
.the girls helped to fill wirih rich
plant-seed. .p. V. A
%'ften the . pupils
2>rougftt irieir pennies apd
we Various things ’«p-
etc. for
the^chdo^ , room. From time to
i. -• . . iy r»
time, too, we have been happy to
receive such gifts a.s maps‘;;And
framed pictures. -. . T,r-
Atter all this vt-b stflT see f%
need Tjt anotiii-r ti.-iy’s work on
t*ie grounds oefore our fiaal ex
ami.iat on, so on Saturday Feb. 7l
1914. while 1 was at Locust Grove,
the people of the community
came and spent the day improv
ing the grounds considerably and
doing such other work as was
necessary, as building a well shel
ter, etc.
The trustees and patrons de
serve the credit for making Mt.
Ziriii a standard. They said. “We
will” and have succeeded.
To those pupils and patrons
wno have not been so successful,
I would say, “Keep on tryin**”’
and you will enjoy not only know
ingthatyou have a “Standard”,
but a school of which you are
L * V* , * .. ir . -
Wednesday, Dec 10, 1913, we
organized our School
jjient League, with eleven mein
rf*ers. Friday night, Dec. 12, we
had our box supper from which
,we cleared $65.40.
4 After the holidays we began
ppr improvements. First, we
bought our blinds and paint. We
now have our blinds on and our
building nicely painted on the
Thursday, Feb. 12, we observ
ed Georgia Day by an interesting
program in the morning, followed
by a dasket dinner, which was en
joyed by *ll. '
fAfte*.dinner every one went to
work, men building out houses;
; girls and women washing win
dows and' cleaning house; other
®rts and the boys to work in the
yard, cleaning off new ground
and preparing our croquet
grounds. Mrs. S. K. Austin do
noted a croquet set to the school*
During a rest the boys played
sun interesting game of base ball
while the League had a meeting;
§jt which’we discussed some plan
to obtain money to finish bring
ing our school up to the “Stand
ard”. We finally decided to have
.a play and lecture Friday night,
March. 20; for this purpose.
After our meeting every one
Went to work, again on the
grounds. We succeeded in get
ting them m a shape so that the
children Vourd finish them at the
recess ‘periods.
M Oue five' the
association at Locust Grove wish
to express- their thanks to the
good people of that place* for the
hospitafity showp. : ,them during
heir stay there. We ,h.ope
meet themaU rfgjfln at south Ave
7.- ■■ v ■ WT&eif:::
I Sunbeams Conduct Meeting,
f * mml .• " ''* '
Tbe.-Suhbeams’ band wM <^nv
duct the at tlje baptist
church Tuefiefey affemoofyfti. con
nection .-with' tlte r observance of
w.eek ..
* Ail the ladies - 'Tjf; tHe town are
most CQrdjahy inviled .to attend
these services. j .’. f
, _ .f; .