The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 06, 1914, Image 5
Mrs. John Turner spent Tuesday in Locust Grove. Mrs. Joe Dicken, who has been visiting Mrs. Nat Callaway at Col lege Park for several weeks, is ex pected home in a few days. Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Hampton Loc red at Hampton, Ga., at the close of business February 25th, 1914. RESOURCES: Dem Loans - $ 297.00 Tin i- - - 09.140.47 Ovi , secured, - - None. Ov * unsecured 145 17 Bot ' stocks owned ny k - *3,000 IK) I Ba »~e, - None. Pu 0 Fix lures - 1,200 00 Qt rate, None, Du nks and Bankers 11- - - - 9,345 34: Du iksaml Bankers -bates - - 15.202.80 Cu $2,5Mi i 0 Go - - - 615.00 Sil s. etc. 259.02 8.324.62 Ca - None Cl use - None At 1 totton - None Pi . i-is - None (), *ces None - $ 130,721.46 St Georgia- Henry County. in .>>i n- J O I ir.lvirford. On-filer of the Bank of Hampton, who being du’ - ivs rh it the a.hove and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Ba >wn bv ihe hook* of file in said Bank. J. O. RUTHERFORD. ■ > and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of March, 1914. GEO. S. D. MA LAIER, X. P..& Ex off. J. I*. aai «■«I.. —e————* 1 Statement of the Condition of T £ BANK OF HENRY COUNTY Located at McDonough, Georgia, ; THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS FEBY. 25th, 1914. RESOURCES. I) ins - srt,47« 58 Tit '-i - 87.378,48 Ov . secured by <•■' > : oii B'2,o9<uiß Ovi- s, unseC'iivd - 8,013.9 R< u Stocks owned ; - Ufe()o<» Ba '.louse, - 3.784 98 Ft! and Fixtures, 3,318 54 Ot. I Estate, - s -iif Du Banks and Ban !u rs lisstate - ' 21048.38 Di, i Banks and Ban ers i her States 18 092 88 Cn v - 801.00 G<oi - None Silv . S'ckles, etc., 238.81 Che*! -s nd Cash Items, 3,332.87 4,083 48 A< i -on cotton, Ot sources. Insurance t’otal ~ ” 1183,38. .04 ST OF GEORGIA, HENRY COUNTY. ! re me cime -T B Dickson Ci-shmr > f Che Bink of Henry County, who, "iy , y sworn, says th it the ah »v * *n.i f >r j s? >inst st.tlenient is a true condition of gj. k as shown by the books of file in sa d Bank. J. B. Dickson, rn to and subscr'hed tiefor his ?d day of March, 1014. W H. Ttirn«*r. XP. of Henry Co., Ga. Telephone Saved Child’s Life One of the children fell into a water tank on an Alabama farm and was rescued unconscious and apparently lifeless. The frantic mother rushed to the telephone and called the doctor six miles away. He told her what to do and started at once, hut before he arrived the child was out of danger. The protection of women and children is only one of the chief values of the telephone on the can have this service at small cost. See the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or send a postal for our free booklet. FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Mo S. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA, GA. Mr. Sidney Smith, of Savannah, spent Sunday in our city. Mr. and Mrs. Woodfin Combs, of near Locust Grove, spent the week-end here with her mother. Mrs. Emma Walker. U A Ml LITIKS: • Capital Stock Paid in - $ 25,000.00 Surplus Fund - - - 30,000.00 Undivided Promts, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 3,634.99 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State ... - None Due to Banks and Bankers in other States ... None Due Unpaid Dividends - - 75 00 Individual Deposits Subject *o Check - 44,659.17 Savings Deposits - - None Demand Certificates - - None Time Certificates ... 5,256.50 Certified Checks, - - None Cashier’s Checks ... 2,096.80 Due to Clearing House - - None Notes and Bills Rediscounted None Bills Payable, Including Time Cert ificates representing Bor* owed Mo*tey - - 20.000.00 Other Liabilities - - None Total - - - $130,721.46 LIABILITIES. pi tal Stock Paid in - - $50,000.00 Surplus Fund, - 6,000.00 U'Tiivided profits, less Current Expenses, an d Taxes Paid, - - - 29,41124 >e to Banks and Bankers in this stale - Nothing l>ii' to Banks and Bankers in ot her states - - Nothing Due Unpaid iividends - ' - None i ndividnal Deposits Subject to Check, ... - 70,768.73 Savings Deposits, . None Demand * ertificates, . . None Time ertificates, . . 27,944.82 ertified Checks, . . None Cashier’s * hecks, . • 100 00 Due to Clearing Hdnse, - Nothing Notes and Bills Rediscounted, None Bills Payable, including Time Certificated representing borrowed money, - None < )i h.-r Liabilities, Profit and Loss None Insurance account . . 62 76 Safety box rents . 3 60 Total ! ’ $183,281.04 locals. Mr. A. T. Buttrill, of Jackson, j spent Tuesday in our city. Mr. Lon Sowell went toCordele Tuesday to get a prisoner. Mr. E. C. Adams, of Luella, was in our city Tuesday. Mr. J. T. Morrow, of Route 5, was in onr city Tuesday. Mr. J. H. Elliott Jr., of Route 7, visited McDonough Tuesday. Mr. Walter Cook, Jr., spent the week-end here with Mrs. Cook. Miss Alla B. Carmiche il spent several days this week in Atlanta. Miss Ruby Adams, of Mississippi, is visiting her brother, Dr. 0. L. Adams. FARM LOANS. Money to loan on farm lands. Brown & Brown. Mrs. Walter Cook, Jr., will spend Friday and Saturday in Atianta. Mr. Murray Copeland’s many friends regret that he is very ill, threatened with pneumonia. Mr. A. M. Bowden, of (. harlotte, North Carolinia, is at home for a while. Miss Annie May Atkinson, of Atlanta, spent the week-enu at home here. Misses Rosa Lee Brown, Lillie Coan, and Lucile Tolleson, of Shorter College, will spend the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown spent the week-end in Bullochville with her mother, Mrs. Hill. Mr. Russ Elliott, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Elliott, Jr. For Tombstones and Monments see W. G. Thompson, McDonouge, Ga. (adv) Mr. and Mrs. Ras Tomlinson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid, of Bul lochville, will be the guests of Mr. Mrs. Alex Brown Sunday. Tombstones and monuments from s<.so up. W. G. Thompson, Adv. McDonough, Ga. Misses Katherine Phillips and Sulu Wilbur, of Locust Grove, were the guests of Mrs- R. O. Jackson and Miss Thomason Sun day. Master Clinton Hightower, son ot Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Hightower, is much better now and rapidly recovering. Mrs. Ab Harris, Jr., who has been at her father’s, Mr. High tower’s sick, returned home Satur day afternoon. She is much bet ter, but not entirely recovered yet. Mrs. Lun Sowell is expecting her mother, .Mrs. Culpepper, to returned soon, after visiting Cor dele and Hazelhurst for several weeks. Miss Leona Welch, who is teach ing at Rock Springs and Miss Orlena, who is teaching qt New Hope, spent the week-end at home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Welch. Mr. Wyatt Fields, of Atlanta, an old Weekly worker, spent several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fields; last week, while recovering from a bad case of vaccination. The members of Sharon church began this week the erection of a handsome new house of worship. It will be a modern church build ing in every way with a separate Sunday School hall, and will be a credit to the community and the county. SCOTTS GOSSYPIUM PHOSPHO GUANO tom* for sale: bv GREEN, TARPLEY & CO., McDonough, Ga. A. B. & F. A. MITCHAM, Funiture and Undertaking HAHPTON, GEORGIA. W e have an experienced Ernbalnier, a Henry county boy, Mr. Perry Welch. All oalls answered promptly day or night. All embalming carefully done and according to best methods Oar stock of metal and wood oaakete and robes are unequalled. Oar services, hearses and equipment, are the beet to be had. We furnish the beet steel, brlok or cement Vaults. , TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! Buy your Tires direct , at LOWEST PRICES. By buying and contracting direct from the factories for tires in for spot cash, we are able to offer them at a great Money saving price direct to the consumer. A saving of from 35 to 60 per cent. When you buy tires from us you get full value, you don’t have to pay the dealer’s profit, the distributor’s profit, salesman’s commis sion and other high selling and overhead expenses. We sell tires direct to consumer at jobbers prices and YOU GET BIG VALUE AND EXACTLY WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Shrewd auto owners compose our customers —among them are bankers, merchants, lawyers, dhctors, planters and men in all lines who know yalues and realize the advantages of buying direct. During the t ast dull winter automobile months we secured some excellent deals from the factories and now offer our purchases at the following prices: Among our tires are Diamond, Goodyear, Quaker, Nassau, Em pire, Fisk and others of equal quality. ALL TikES GUARANTEED FULLY. note these prices carefully IZZZIZZZZZZIIZIZZZZZZZZZ Tubes Size Tire Grey Red Reline 28x3 $ 7.20 $1 65 $1.90 $1 3 30x3 7.80 1.95 2.20 1 4s» 30x3 1-2 10.80 2.80 3.10 Id 31x3 1-2 11 00 2.90 3.20 1.! 32x3 1-2 11.90 2.95 3 25 2( 34x3 1-2 12 40 • 3.00 3.30 2( 30x4 13 10 3.10 3.40 2.: 0 31x4 13.45 320 360 2.: . 32x4 13 70 3.35 3.80 2. 33x4 14.80 3.50 3.90 2.4 34x4 16 80 3.60 4.00 2.6 35x4 17.25 3.75 4.20 2.7 36x4 17.85 3.90 4 25 2.8 34x4 1-2 18.00 4.80 5.10 3.4 35x4 1-2 18 75 4.85 5.20 3.4' 36x4 1-2 19 45 4.90 5.30 3.<i» 37x4 1-2 21 50 5.10 5.40 3.70 36x5 23.00 5.80 6.20 4.0 37x5 24.40 5.90 6.35 4.2»« We can Furnish All Other Sizes. Non-Skid 10 Per Cent Higher. Our supply of th ese tires is limited, so we advise early orden vg Remember, they are new, clean fr<_sh, fully guaranteed goods. All high grade goods that will give best service. TERMS—S PER CENT DISCOUNT if full amount accompanies order C. O. D. upon receipt of 10 per cent of cost. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Money returned if unable to fill, order. Send us trial order now. TIRE FACTORIES SALES CO. DAYTON, OHIO.