Newspaper Page Text
Henry County Weekly.
CItANK ItKAUAN, K*l»tor.
<nu*rvd at th** pontofttnr at McOonouj{ .
Oa.. an neoond-claaa niaii matter .
M Donough, Ga., March 20, 1914,
iimiUht*ti on appii
cml Organ of Henry County.
For County Surveyor.
T > h' White Voters of Henry
• , :uiiii r tin* office
i i i. Sure, or of Henry
{ . unj ei i< 111111. it ioii b>
i • moo it* Pi iiimry on the
b .Aj •< i appreci
ii I. > . ..1,. iihiUeiiCe and
p .*.ig t i him .1 u •If cient ser
ve:- , .I electee.
Yours respeeiluJly,
Old Per sioner’s
Money Ready.
Che pension niuiiey f>r widows
and veterans is ready to be paid
to ill who was o * the roll prior
to Ijl4. Tne in niev ior new
i.urnes on roil wnl not be ready
tin later.
A. G. Harris,
Adv. Ordinary.
< -i!via. Henry County.
Will be sold belore the court house
door in the City of McDonough, Henrj
( ounty, Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale at public outcry to the
hi bidder t> » r.>t< , >• n the
Firs* Tu»'~dav in April, 1914, oer
iHin real esfa’e. One
li use mid lot Kltnated in the to n
Cm 11m, Hour cminfc UeoraiM,
Mtid l f is l oundi d >•* t< llows: on
mirth t>\ lot. of J W. Henderson,
e -t In Gr ffin »>nd McDonoturh
pujiho-r* nd, vent bv lan 8 tif Mrs.
W. K. v hi ri eolith bv lot ot
' mi-llm BaptiHt conch. Said lot. is
"210 fee« on north side, 100 feet on
•east. *ilo feet on sonth side, and
lUO 'eet on west aide.
C* vi. d on at> the property of B.
F. Thoimisor to satisfy a speoial a
lien execution iasned from the Bn
perior Court of Henry County in
favor of the Bank of L*>cnst Grove
againat said B. F. Thompson, said
property boing in possession of B.
F Thompson at time of levy.
Defendant and tenant in posses
sion legally notified
This Match 9, 1914.
A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.
4-3, 4
We are druggists ngtu here in your town
and make a living out af the drug butanes*,
but it is because people have to havy drug!
and not because we hke to see people suffer
—we don't. Our doty ■to render the bewt
service we can, and when someone is uihng,
we are interested in sewing them take th*
best medicine there is for their particular
trouble We don’t recommend '■cure-all*,"
as we don't believe there are sods things.
We don’t want yon to spend more than yon
have to. Some of you get small wages, and
when you're sick, none at utl, and you
abou Id get the ametyoucan for your money.
We recently maiajarsnai a new remedy
tor increasing strength and building up
people who are run-dowa and emaciated.
We kpow that a slight trouble sometimes
grows into a nenoos one, and to stop it is
the beginning, will save you money in the
end This new compound is called RcnaH
Olive Oil Emulsion. It is the best remedy,
when you ary run-down, tired out, nervous
—no matter vfkut the cause. It doesn't
Merely stimulate you and make you fee.
good for a few hours, but takes hold of the
[weakness and builds you up to a healthy,
1 normal condition It is a real nerve-food
tonic and builder of good blood, strong
, muscle, good digestion. It contains Hypo
• phosphites, which tone tlie nerves, and
j pore Olive Oil, which nourishes the nerves,
' the blood and the entire system. Pleasant
to take. Contains no alcohol or habit-form
ing drugs We promise that if you are not
perfectly satisfied with it, well give back
your money as soon as vou tell us Sold
®nly at the 7,000 Rexall Stores, and iu Uus
•own only’ by us. SI-00.
mcdonough drug company,
McDonough, Ga.
Meeting Will Be At Mt. Bethel
On The Fifth Sunday. Dinner
On Grounds.
The Eastern Division of the
Henry County Sunday School As
sociation will meet at Mt. Bethel
church on the fifth Sunday in tnis
month, tne 2Sth Instant.
It will be an all-day meeting
and there will be dinner on the
An excellent program is being
prepared and everybody is in vi
ed to come and enjoy the meeting
and the day.
The Eastern Division embraces
all the McDonough Sunday School.
Complete Program of General
Meeting Second District Sojth
River Association Is Given.
This meeting will de at Bethany
church on March 27, 2S, 2Dlh.
The following is the program. •
10 A. M. —Devotional Services,
by Rev. H V. Adamson.
11 A. M —lntroductory Sermon
by Rev. John W. Faulkner, of
Locust Grove.
1 P. M. —Organization and busi
ness Session.
2 P.M. —Does the Scriptures
Teach That A Converted Person
Realizes A Change, by Rev. W. F
3 P.M. —What is the duty of a
Church Member By W. R. Henry.
10 A.M. —Devotional survice,
By R. O. Jackson.
10:20 A.M. Subject—Would a Good
Wholesome Discipline In a Church
be Helpful to I s Prayers. By Rev.
Z. E. Barron.
11:20 A.M.—Sermon By Rev.
Spencer B. King.
1 P.M.—Business Session.
1:30 P.M. Suhject—Christian Citi
zenship, By J. M. Rev. Gilmore.
2.15 P. M. Subject—-Has the
Church a Duty to the World; if so
What is It? By R. O. Jackson.
3 P.M. Subject—Does the Bible
Teach that Applicants for Member
ship in a Church should give an
Experience of Grace, By Rev. J.
W. R. Jenkins.
7:45 A. M. Sub je c t —S u n d a z
Kh3o A. M. Subject—Moral Influ
ence of the Sundy School, By Mr.
E. M. Copeland.
11:30 A. M.—Sermon By Rev. Gil
The general public is cordially
invited to attend.
W. G. Thompson.
L. B. McCuOongb.
R. B. Harrison.
Mrs. Fred Walker Hostess.
Mrs. Fred Walker entertained
two tables of rook Monday after
noon in her usual charmingly way
Mrs. F. D. McMillan, of Atlanta,
and Mrs. J. Allen Smith, of Mont
ray. Mexico, but more recently of
San Antonio, Texas, will be the
week-end guests of Judge and
Mrs. E. J. Reagan.
Round About News.
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dorsey and
family were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs* JL T. Stanfield Friday night.
. t . »
Mrs. W. T. Stanfield visited her
son, Mr. H. F. Stanfield, of Sunny
Side, a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dorsey
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Josh Dorsey Sunday.
Mrs Mittie Callaway arid Mrs.
Ruby Edwards, of Lovejoy, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Dorsey, and Mr.
and Mrs. Chat Dorsey were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Dor
sey Friday.
We are glad to note that Mr.
John Dorsey is improving, after a
few days’ sickness.
The mumps are in our vicinity.
Mr. Clarence Barnett has them.
We are glad to note all the sick
ones of last week are well.
Mr*. Mary Barnett made a trip
to Griffin Friday.
Mrs. Miunie Pool, of Savannah,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. L.
Rev. Mr. Towns, - of Atlanta, fill
ed his regular appointment at Mt.
Carmel Saturday and Sunday, and
visited Messrs. R. T. Stanfield,
Gideon Banks, and Garnett An
drews. Mr. Towns is one of God’s
chosen preachers and delivers the
word of God well. We hope for
him a long and successful life in
the work.
Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Cone, Dr.
and Mrs. Blackman, Mr. and Mrs.
Darby, and Miss Darby, of Atlanta,
and Mrs. Gardner, of To'edo, Ohio,
spent Sunday here as guests of
the Brown House.
The Truth of The Pudding.
The old saying, that “The Proof of the
Pudding is the eating”, expresses a great
truth. Actual trial and experience is the
most satisfactory way to prove anything.
And you need not take anybody’s
word for it. Just try the
and see for yourself—and if you don’t say
it is the BEST PLANTER you ever saw,
we will refund your money.
Better buy one and do s
we have been unable to get ei
to supply the demand for * ai>,
with the exception of one fin r
tie later on the season you tinci
them scarce.
Bo Bo Carmichael & 30m
“O P E N 1 N Q”
* i
Friday and Saturday
March 20th and 2ist
Monday and Tuesday
Harch 23rd and 24th
you will be pleased with, the
JYeio and fjtyish spring
illiner .
Miss Blanche Wentzell
McDonough, Ga.
mm rOR SALE BV iTfl
GREEN, T ARPLEY & CO., McDonough, Ga.