The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 20, 1914, Image 3
LEGAL NOTICES. FOR DISMISSION. Georgia, Henry County. Whereas, A R. Laney, admin istrator of Parrie I, Laiiev, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he haH fnlly administered Par rie Lee Laney estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharg ed from his administration, and re ceive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in April, 1914 A. G. Harris, Ordinary. 4-27,4 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Georgia, Henry County. By virtue of an order granted by the Court of Ordinary of Henry Coun ty, Georgia, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Mc- Donough, Henry County, Georgia, at public outcry to the highest bidder, within the legal hours of sale on the First Tuesday in April, 1914. One hundred acres land in Lo cust Grove District of said County and State, bounded as follows: On the north by land of B. F. Davis, on the south by J A. Brown, on the-east bv J. M. Price, on the west by Jack Cas.ellaw. Sold as the Estate of Sarah L. Brown, deceased, for distribution. This 2 day of Mob, 1914. J. A. BROWN. 3-27, 4. Administrator. Notice of Petition To Have Titles Made. In re application of J. S. Rodgers transferee to require E. D. Tolleson administrator, estate H. M. Tolleson to make titles to land. To E. D. Tolleson, administrator Mrs. H. M. Tol leson, O. O. Tolleson, Mrs. Elon T. Turner, Lucile Tolleson, H. M. Tol leson, Jr., and Mrs. H. M Tolleson Guardian for Lucile and H. M. Tol leson, Jr. J., S. Rodgers transferee of a bond for title from A. H. Tingle, haying made application tj re quire E D. Tolleson administra tor of the estate of H. M. Tolleson. deceased, to make title to him to certain land described in a bond for title attached to said applica tion, alleging that the -land had been fully paid for, you and all parties concerned are hereby no tified that said application will be heard before the Court of Ordi narv for said county on the First Monday in April, 1914. This March 2, 1914. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. 3 27, 4. Henry County, (la. FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Georgia, Henry County. D. P. Cook, a resident of said •state and county, having applied to be appointed guardian of the person and property of Sallie Kate Smith of said county,’a miaor un ifier the age of fourteen years, jno tice is hereby given that said 'ap plication will be p issed on at the aext Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first M rnday in April, 1914. This the 2nd day of March. 1914. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. 3-27, 4 Henry County. HOICEHS. For State Senator, To the White Voters of Henry County. I ; am a candidate for the office of State Senator from the Thirty fourth Senatorial District, subject to nomination of the Democratic primary on the 3d. of April. I shall sincerely appreciate your support and promise, if elected, to represent the best interests oi the whole Deople. Yours respectfully, * W. W. MILAM. For State Senator. To the White Voters of Henry County. 1 am a candidate for the office of State Senator from the Thirty fourth Senatorial District, sub ject to nomination at the Demo cratic primary on the 3d day of April. I shall appreciate your support. Yours respectfully, E. M. SMITH. For Representative. To the White Voters of Henry County. 1 am a candidate for reelection to the office of Representative from Henry county in the Geor gia Legislature, subject to nomi nation at the Democratic primary on April the 3d. Appreciating your former support and pledging my best efforts to a careful con sideration of the people’s interests, if elected, I am, Yours respectfully, R. J. ARNOLD. For Commissioner of Roads and Revenues. To the White Vote's of Henry County. 1 am a candidate for reelection to the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Henry County, subject to nomination at the primary on April the 3d. I ; appreciate your past support and solicit a continuance of the same, I promise a faithful discharge of the duties of the office as in the past. Yours respectfully, JOHN BRYANS. For Clerk. Under pledge for the best and most faithful service of which I may be -humbly ’Capable,* T res pectfully ask the nomination for Clerk in the approaching Henry Countv primary. It is always a pleasure for me to serve and ac commodate my people, and all support will be deeply appre caited. I would be glad to see and talk with each one personally, but this being impossible, on ac count of the pressing duties in the office between now and the nomi nation. I want to assure every one whom I fail to see. that it is not for any lack of .appreciation, but will be just as deeply grateful as though 1 had made a personal call. Truly, J. A. FOUCHE. For Clerk of the Superior Court. I am a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Henry coun ty, subject to, the rules govering the primary election to be held on the 3rd of April, 1914. It is my purpose to see every voter in the county before the election, but should I fail to do so, it will be be cause of the short time allowed by the early primary. I respect fully ask your support in the ap proaching primary, and I assure you, if elected to the honorable position, I will devote my best ef forts to the discharge of the du ties of the office. I am, respectfully yours, H. C. HIGHTOWER. * « For Treasurer. I am solicited by many friends to make the race for County Treasurer, subject to the Demo cratic primary. If elected, I will give the duties of the office my best service. In making the race I shall conduct my campaign on a high plane. I shall be grateful to the voters of the county for their support. I am, Respectfully, J. J. BUNN. For Treasurer. To The White Voters Of Henry County. I am a candidate for Treasurer of Henry Connty subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary to be held April 3d next. Owing to the near approach of the primary I shalljbe unable to see all the voters but earnestly solicit your support and promise if e lected a faithful discharge of the obligations of the office. Your Respectfully, G- W. Cavenaugh. For Treasurer. To the White Voters of Henry County. I am a candidate for reelection to the office of County Treasurer, subject to nomination at the Democratic primary on April the 3rd. I deeply appreciate the kind ness and support of the people in the past and bespeak a contin uance of the same. I promise a conscientious and faithful attention to the office, if you honor m 3 again with election. Yours gratefully, W. F. HAND. For Sheriff. To the White Voters of Henry county. I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Henry county, sub ject to the Democratic nomina tion at the primary on April 3d. I shall appreciate all support giv en me. If elected, my deputies will be C. A. West and Van B. Clark. Yours respectfully, MILT WALKER. For Sheriff. To the White Voter of Henry County. I hereby announcs my Candi da cyTor the office of Sheriff of Henry county, subject to nomina tion at the Democratic primary on April the 3d. I shall'deeply ap preciate your support and pledge a faithful and honest conduct of the office, if elected. If elected, Messrs.. Howard Car ter and Arch Tin'gle Will’be my deputies. Yours respectfully, W. A. WARD. For Tax C&llector. To the White Voters of Henry County. I am a candidate"* for the office of Tax Collector of Henry county, subject to nomination at the Coun ty Democratic primary. I ap preciate the former support of the people and shall again appre ciate all support. If elected, I shall give my best attention to the office and shall yisit every precinct in collecting the taxes. Yours respectfully, J. M. Ingram. For Tax Collector. Being persuaded by-many friends I hereby announce myself a candi date for Tax Collector for next term subject to Democratic nomi ation. I shall kindly appreciate all help given, and if elected I shall do all I can to fill the office well. Respectfully, F. M. Jackson. McDonough, Ga. R. F. D. No. 4. U For Tax Collector. To the Voters of Henry County: I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for the office of Tax Col lector of Henry County, subject to the Democratic Primary, to be cal led later. I will appreciate the sup port of the people, and if elected I will discharge the duties of the of fice to the best of my ability. Yours respectively, I. P. ROSSER. For Tax Collector. . To the White Voters of Henry County. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Henry County, sub ject to nomination at the Demo cratic primary to be held on the 3d day of April. I shall appre ciate your support and promise a faithful and careful discharge of the duties of the office, if elected. Yours respectfully, J. H. RAPE. For Tax Collector. To the White Voters of Henry County. 1 am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Henry county, again, subject to Democratic nomination. I sincerely thank every one who voted for me be fore, and shall appreciate all sup port given me this time. If elect ed, I shall do my very best to fill the office well, and shall visit ev ery precinct in collecting the taxes. My only reason for asking the people for the office is be cause I am not able to do manual labor. Respectfully, C. W. SOUTH. Rex, Ga., R. F. D. No 1. For Tax Collector. To the White Voters 'of Henry County. lam a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Henry county, subject to the Democratic pri mary on April the 3rd. I shall appreciate your support. Yours respectfully, J. H. WALLACE. For Tax Receiver. To the White Voters of Henry * County. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the 1 office of Tax t ... .**.*• • . ,* «* H Receiver of Henry county, sub ject to the Democratic county primary. I shall sincerely appre ciate your vote and support and promise a faithful and Efficient discharge of the duties of the of fice, if elected. Yours respectfully, C.S. .(“Tad”)- Goodman. •.,1 • . ’ V?T. * ' ' . .}■.«.yjir ''■[ For Tax Receiver. j; n— ' Jtr J.. To the White Voters of Henry County. ' I am a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Henry county, subject to nomination at the Democratic primary on April the 3d. I shall appreciate all support given me and promise faithful and efficient service, if elected. Yours respectfully, A. D. WILLIAMS. For Tax Receiver. TO THE WHITE VOTERS OF HENRY COUNTY. h:; I am a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Henry couuty, subject to nominaftm at the county democratic primary. I shall appreciate all support given me, and shall give my best atten tion to faithful service, if elected. Yours respectfully, H. W. CARMICHAEL. For Tax Receiver. To the White Voters of Henry County. I am in the race for the office of Tax Receiver of Henry county, subject to the Democratic pri mary on April the 3d. I shall appreciate your support and, if elected, I shall faithfully discharge the duties of the office. Yours respectfully, J. J. SANDIFER. For Tax Receiver. To the White Voters of Henry County: I hereby announce my name ay a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Henry County, sub ject to nomination at the Demo cratic primary to be held on April the 3d. I hereby pledge my effi cient and faithful service, if elect ed, and shall appreciate any and all support. Respectfully, L. P. OWEN. For Tax Receiver. TO THE WHITE VOTERS OF 1 henry County. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Henry County, subject to nomination at the de mocratic primary. I shall appre ciate the support of all and prom ise a faithfal and efficient dis charge of the duties of the office, if elected. Yours resp ctfully, J. L. SAVAGE. For Tax Receiver. To the White Voters op Henry County. \t the request of friends I offer myself for nomination as Tax Re ceiver at the democratic primary. I would be glad to see every man but am just pulling through a siege of tuberculosis of the hip joint and cannot expose myself to bad weather much yet. I will try to do my duty if elected. Respectfully, A. W. SHERWOOD. For Tax Receiver. To the White Voters of Henry- County: I am a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Henry County, subject to nomination at the Democratic primary on April the 3d t I shall appreciate all support and, if elected, shall give my best efforts to a faithful and efficient performance of the duties of the office. * Yours respectfully, A. J. McKIBBKN. For Coroner. To the White Voters of Henry County. I hfereby announce myself a. candidate for the office, of Coro ner of Henry county, subject to the Democratic primary on April the 3d. I shall appreciate your support and promise a prompt and efficient discharge of the du ties of the office, if elected. Yours respectfully, J. F. JOHNSON. - T - T... i..v -I ‘ •' ' t For Coroner.," To The White Voters Of Her uf County. ' I am a candidate for the of Coroner of Henry county, -sWf** ject to nomination, at the cratic primary on tli(\,3d.sj3sprii; I shall be grateful f^-your,sup port and proriijs*rmn efficient- ana faithful conduct of the Affairs of the office, if elected. Yours respectfully, S. A. TOLLESON. For Coroner. To the White Voters of Henry" County. I am a candidate for the offica of Coroner of Henry county, sub ject to nomination at the Demo cratic county primary. Because of the short time untillthe election and the small pay from the office. . it will be impossible for me to - canvass the whole county, but I shall see as many as I can and de- sire and would appreciate the a vote of each one of you. I am well located and in easy** call to perform the duties of the* office. Yours respectfully, J. S. BARNETT*