Newspaper Page Text
Miss Beula AtkiftWoti
very delightfully Thursday
noon in* honor of Miss Ruby WaK
k«p, a bride-elect.
* j \ ( . •;/
v* ‘b- *
Trustees' Election
Comes To-Day.
Vhe election forscnool trustees
af Henry County aim McDonough
School rtill be held to-day, Friday,
Match 20th. Auv.
Mr. and bits ileiuy luumpson
spent Sunday in At l.i .i.d thm
neice, Miss Roena Y<>ui return*
hi with them
For County Surveyor.
To the White Voters of Henry
I hereby announce my cand
dacy for the office of County Su -
veyor of Henry county, subject
to nomination at the Democratic
primary on the of April. It
will be impossible for me to make
a canvass and see a.I the voters,
but I shall sincerely appreciate
your support It etecte J, I snail
perform the duties m the »rtice
efficiently and satisfactorily
Yours respectfully,
Are You in the Coils
of Disease?
Maybe the serpent
Jo of sickness is crush
* '' ing you to death?
Ac **fW> pit Your buck is heavy,
eves dull, a never eria
\ ing wqarinqss holds you.
Too many women well
1 1 ' now the me an rg of
hope F- s
and enclcVs nights.
Junctional and t>r-
I ganicderangementsigrow
■lliillmLrJa steadily whi nnegjected—
n i'4ir*W they necorap in
BPi'LoSfflaT time. Don’tsvJ. ;;^er.
Stella- Vi'fac'will relieve
f S C you now.
(i|l © ' This wonderful remedy
is the guaranteed wo
man’s tonic of the world. It is tl o fin
ished work of a lifetimesyqs,a enstin
gui- 'led physician who gave 'the best
years of life study to ItsjJerreC'tidfi. '
Stellar-Vitae is a lifegiving tdois:guar
anteed by every dealer who* s< As it,
Whenever a bottle fails to benefidvou,
the dealer cheerfully re'ftirtds' et'ory
E*nny it costyou. It is perfectly harm
ss—healing and health' in; ©very, drop.
Thousands of well women ill over tne
South testify to its wonderful proper
ties. Shake off the Serpent. < Get well.
Begin today. Get a Dottle’of Stella -
Vitae, the rem
edy. Your dealer sells it in $1 bottles.
Thacher Medicine Co., Chattanooga,
Tenn. .’
A. B. & F. A. MITCHAM,
Funiture and Undertakings -
- —r : i f ‘ ’ %
We have an experierif&d Embalmsr, a Henry couhty boy,
Mr. Perry Welch. .*>••*; i> T- 'P* -*L*
V fltf
;> F ۥ-
I ■ W ■ RF /u \ \. -
v t / 1 \ vT / | V
▲U oslls answsrsd promptly day or eight.
All embalming oerefvlly done andaocordlng to beetmethoda
Oar stock of metel end wood eeskete end robes ere unequalled
Our eervloee. hearses end eqnipnaent, ere the best to be hefl.
W* furnish the best steel, briok or eonient Vault#. '
• • ■ ll* '.*****^o7". .» . V •«
Pfi cals.'
' ta ;y’
•’ >' -. tf'hl t j*~t —’ • r , J #
• .Mrs. H. M. Toll esdin drid Mr. H.
M. Turner visited Atlanta Tues
Judge E. J. Reagan atteiVced
Superior Court Fayetteville
Monday. / . t .
Mr. George Greene’s many
friends regret that he continues
very ill.
Mr C. W. Bankston visited his
sister, Mrs Dasher, m Austell
Mi. L. M. Copelanu's many
h lends i egret that he is couimed
at home by illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lemon and
Miss VVentzeh spent the
week-end m Gnil ur, .
Mrs. VV. S. Patrick and children
spent the week-end in Macon
with Mr. Owen Clements.
Mr. T. S. Patrick, a promintn
farmer oi Spaidmg county, was in
our city Monday.
Mr. auu Mrs. C. P. Maims have
returned irom a pleasure trip to
several points, m Florida.
Ur. aiu Mrs. Waiter Copeland,
of Jackson, soent Monuay here
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Copeland.
Little Janies Parlnin is se
riously in at the home ot Mr. Jim
Mr. ana Mrs; Will Reid return
to their Hume in Hullecliville Mon
day alter a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A.
R. Drown.
Mrs. C. E. Pitts and children
were the guests of Mr. Pitts Sun
day. They are visiting relatives
in Macon now.
Mrs. c. VV. Bankston and iiltle
Sarah visited the former’s mother,
Mrs. Pearson, in Atlanta for the
\ , i
Miss Ruth Rape’s many friends
are glad that she has fully recov
ered and is now out again, after
her long and severe illness.
Mr and Mrs. E. 1). Tolleson left
Tuesday for Jackson, where they
will visit Mrs. Tolieson’s parents
for a week.
Mr. and .Mrs. “Chug” Combs,
and Misses’Annie G. Thompson,
Ruby Whikeri arfd* Agnes Dunn
fnade air.iUtoftidbile^visit to Jones
bofo Sunday.' : "
i |i‘ t Ji. 1 5'd *it'. ■ '■ ■
Mr. Robert* ftrfsseU Jt»s bought
the old home of Mr, Buck Patter
sdn ahd has moved his family from
Alabama, where they have resid
ed a numbeP of years." He is an
old Henry County ,boy, who will
gladly be welcqtped hack. ,
. ! &* #
I* Mr. &. L. Tartar was host to
’the stewards of the- Methodist
phureh and S b6fter friends at
an elegant 6 o'olocfc dinner Thurs*
jdky hvemng of last week.
Locust Grove.
i I •
On Saturday evening the Phil
osophian Society of L. G. I. enter
tained the Philomathian society
with a beautiful reception.
During the school year each
literary society entertains in honor
of the other, and the occasions
are always largely attend. Many
of the old students were present
and quite a number of town
Sunday morning, as Joe and
M ss Amelia Walker were leaving
Locust Grove for their home near
Griffin, the horse became fright
ened and ran away. Joe was
thrown from the buggy and, after
holding in for some distance,
Amelia with unusual presence of
mind jumped out. She was bruis
ed and scratched but not seriously
hurt. '
Miss Alice Mahone spent the
week-end in Atlanta.
Mr. Dowa Fillingen visited At
lanta Saturday.
Mr. Beck, of Macon, was in
Locust Grove Sunday.
Miss Sara Combs spent the
week-end with home folk.
Mrs. Aldine Combs, of Barnes
ville, is visiting Mrs. A. G. Combs.
Stop Calomel This
Very Day
There’s a better remedy for ©onitt
pation, liver and
stomach trouble. U /'"VT*
Thousands are IIV-/I
praising gentle, VI)DINr*
sure Hot Springs JPKII’VJ vJ
Liver Buttons T I\T |T
from the famous LI V I j fc.
Hot Springs. Ark. |>FTTT/\ftlC
Make yon feel DU 1 111113
flue quick ly-cl ear
up sallow skin and banish malaria
and headache—2s cents.
Prte Mniplel.l VKR BUTTONS and booklet
•bout the fapiou* Hot Spring* Rhcumatiaa*
Remedy attd Hot Sprint* Blood Remedy at
McOonouyn Drug Company
i • . %
and 23, 1914.
McDonough, ga.
f Vendition ol !
1 lie Tirsfc National fink,’ at HairijotOri,
tJbe State <# Georgia, r ,. ........
yC •***- '•*' . y .. s-.i ■’VjL ‘
?-■ At the close of business, March 4th, 1914.
W I . .-*5- .•¥• r i , .
••'■'j ' * RESOURCES. ah:-
Loans and Discounts $53, 1, 4 12
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 484 46
U. S. Bonde to awfiitebifcularton 20,060 00
Premiums on U. S-Bonds 50 00
Banking house, Furn. and Fix. fi,6(K>oo
Due from National Banks (not
reserve agents) 60? 20
Due from approved Reserve Agts 1.220 21
t ihecks and other cash items 6i«H4
Notes of other National Banks 1,580.1 0
Fractional paper currency.
nickels, and cents . 9 69
Lawful Money Reserve in
Bank, viz:
Specie . .
Legal tender notes 376 00 $1,400 40
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent, of
circulation . . 1,0)000
Total . $86.600.1-5
STATE OF GEORGIA. — County of Henry.
I, E. R. Harris, <'ashler of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief
m , K. tt Harris. Cashier.
Subscribe and sworn to before me this 13ih day of March, 1914.
Geo IS D MaLaier.Ninary Pubic.
Correct—Attest: W. VV Carmichael,
W. M Harris,
R. E Henderson,
Are assured through a liberal use of high
grade, guaranteed brands of fertilizer. I(
cc is as much lo cultivate an acre, poorly
fertilized, as it does the acre well fertilized.
Your profit depends upon your crop, and
your crop depends upon your liberal use of
To get the best results from the liberal use
of fertilizer, the brand should be suited to
I the land. We mix fertilizers, especially
suited to the different grades of Georgia soil.
If your lands are gray or loamy u.<e our
GRAY LAND FERTILIZER; if your land is
stiff clay or red, use our RED LAND FER
TILIZER. Our brands are machine-mixed,
which insures uniformity, from the best con- »
centrates; our fertilizers are dry and drilla
ble, all the time; our deliveries prompt; out
prices right and our customers pleased.
■Manufactured by
O. i\ •i.nuaougi, Ga
J. M CHAFF in Flippon, * .a.
■ —.s»*i
Capital stock paid in $30,000.09
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid . 4,171.17
National Bank notes out
standing . . 20,000.00
Individual deposits subject to
check , . . 31,640 10
J tme certificates of deposit 3,954 76
( ashie.-’s checks outstanding . 34.1 S
Total r . $85,600.14