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Henry County Weekly.
Entervdat the post-offii«’ at McDonough
9a., jv* mail matter.
McDonough, Ga. s July 17, 1914.
Advertising Rates furntwhed on appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
Who Pays The Taxes?
The new so called Vfix equaliza
tion law is receiving much praise
from the sections w hich are favor
ed by it.
The newspapers of the large
cities are almost accusing those
who oppose it of treason. Why
certainly. The law was enacted
by the influence of the large cities
and it benefits them at the ex
pense of the rural counties,
They say it is equalizing the tax
es. Whose taxes, we might ask
them? The only truthful answer
would be the farmers’ taxes.
From several places we have
received the news that the ne v
law has placed on the tax book?;
so manv thousands of acres of
land than were never on the books
Not once have we heard the
news that it has added to the tax
able property any increase in the*
bonds, stocks, notes mortgages
stocks of merchandise, etc.
And here is why these people
of the cities claimor so to retain
the law.
The representatives of the coun
try counties were caught asleep
when they voted for this measure.
We are glad to say that Henry’s
representative, Dr. Arnold, oppos
ed it.
When there is made a part of
the act a method to compel the
return for taxation of the person
al property and make it imposs
ible for this class of property to
dodge the taxes, theu and not til!
then w ill such a law be just to all.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Ed Alexander having made ap
plication tor Guardianship of the
person and property of Roy Alex
ander. a minor child of J. L.
Alexander, late of said eonntv,
deed., notice is hereby given that
said application will he heard at
my office at 10 o’clock, A. M. on
the first Monday in August, 19J t.
This July 6, 3914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
7-31, 4 Henry Co., Ga.
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, A. P. Adamson, Exec
utor of Nancy M. Gordon,
represents to the Court in his petition,
duly filed and entered on record, that
he has fully administered said
Nancy M. Gordon’s estate :
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause if any they can, why said
Executor should not be discharged
and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in August, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
7-31. 4
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of
late of said county, notice re hereby
(riven that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the firnt Monday in August,
Witness my hand and official signa
tnre, this 6th day of Jnlv, 1914.
A. G. Karris, Ordinary.
7 31, 4
leorgia. Henry County.
To Whom it M«v Concern :
Notice is hereby given that T. J.
Chaffin, Administrator of G. M.
Ha vs Deed has applied to the Or
dinary of county for leave to
sell aji the lands belonging to the
estate of said G. M. Hays, for the
purpose of distribution and pay
meiti of debts.
Sail, application will be heard at
the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said County to be held
on the first Monday in August,
This June 29,1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
7 31, 4
Georgia, Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern :
W. F. Stanley, having made ap
iiji' i t on to me in dne form to hr
be appointed permanent Adminis
trator upon the estate of Eli Stan
ley, late of said county, notice it
hereby given that said application
will he heard at the regular term
of the Court of Orninaiy for said
county, to be held o n iho first
Monday in August, 1914.
Witness m y hand and official
signature, this 1 st day o f July,
191 f A. G. Harris,
7-31, 4 Ordinary
Georgia, Henry County.
Tc whom it may concern:
F. C. HA L E
laving made application to me in dm
orm to he appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate o f
ate of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be
neard at the regular term of the Court
if Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday i n August,
Witness my hand and official signa
ture. this 6th day of July, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
having made application to me in due
form to oe appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate o f
late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be
beard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday in August,
Witness my hand and official signa
ture this oth day of July, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
7-31, 4.
For State Treasurer
To the People of Georgia:
I am a candidate to succeed my
self as State Treasurer, subject
to the action of the Democratic
My candidacy is based strictly
upon my record and experience in
irt this office, which are well
known to the people of Georgia,
and which I triisf has been satis
factory. If, in your Opinion, the
management of the state’s financ-
es under my administration for the
past several years has been faith
ful and efficient, I w r ould gratefully
appreciate vour endorsement at the
polls in the coming primary.
Thanking you for the support
and confidence extended me here
tofore, i earnestly solicit your
further kind consideration of my
candidacy in the present camp
a gn.
W. J. Sp. er.
For Congress.
To the Voters of the Sixth Con
gressional District:
1 hereby announce myself as a
candidate for Congress from this
District, subject to such rules and
regulations as may be ordered by
the Democratic Executive Com
mittee of this District.
I submit my candidacy to the
fair and impartial judgement of
the voters of this District. I hope
you will take this as a personal
solicitation of your support.
Assuring you of my apprecia
tion, I am.
Yours truly,
J. W. Wise.
For Judge Superior Court.
I am a candidate to succeed my
self for Judge of the Superior
Court of the Flint Circuit, subject
to the Demcratic Primary in Au
gust. I solicit ihe support of all
who participate in the Piimary,
If re-elected I will do all in my
power to serve the people faith
Robt. T. Daniel.
Will be in his Hampton office
Tuesday and Friday of each Week
And in his Locust Grove office
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday am
Saturday of each Week.
Office Houks :
7.30 to 12 a. m. to 5 P. M.
McDonough, Ga.
Attorney at Law,
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Building.
Will practice in all the courts.
McDonough. Ga.
McDonough, Ga.
Miss Lorah B. Allen
Jeweler, Optician, Engraving, and
53 W. Mitchell St.,
Engraved Cards, invitations, etc
The Methodist ladies on Friday
afternoon had a linen shower or
Wesleyan Memorial hospital in At
lanta. The ladies of the Methodist
churches observed John Wesley’s
birthday in this way.
Mrs. Lilah Copeland and son H-
J., Mrs. Henry Amis and Caroline
and William and Mrs Tom Mckib
ben and little daughter, of Eaton
ton, left Tuesday for Blue Ridge to
be the guests of Mrs. J. P. Nichls*
of Griffin, w ho has a cottage there
for the summer.
Mrs. Hightower, of Stockbridge,
has been the guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. N. A. Glass, for several
weeks. She is very feeble and
herfiiends trust that this change
will be of much benifit to her.
Mrs. Florecne Harper and Mrs.
Cora Knott have returned home,
after a most pleasant visit to Mrs.
Minnie Van Duzer at Elberton.
Mr. Dozier Russell is at home
from the law school of the Univer
sity of Georgia at Athens.
Mr. Talmadge Thompson, of
New York, is the guest of his
mother Mrs. S. W. Farrar.
Mrs. Julia McDonald and little
Eudora Lemon left Tuesday p "
Valdosta. Mrs McDonald expe. ;j
to be a wav a month.
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan and M. o
Annie Nolan are at Wrightsville
Beach for a stay of a few weeks
Messrs. Ed Reagan and Emmett
Clark, ofEllenwood, H. D. Moo. .
of Conley, S. C. McWilliams anu u.
G. Ward, of Stock bridge, and
Messrs. Fields and Redwine, oi
Hampton, were here Friday stand
ing postma ter’s examinations.
Mr. Bird Jackson, who has
been sick with fever, isabuut w i!
now, and Mrs. Jackson, who h i
a relaspe, is no better.
Miss Alice Ingram has been visii -
ing in the the home of Mr. Cel
Wise in the Sixth district.
Miss Annie Ingram is the gim* ■
of Miss Bird Mitchell in the Sixth
district this week.
Miss Elizabeth Edmonson, of
Corroilton, is the guest of Miss
Bess Sowell.
’ Mr. George Alexander spent
Sunday in Atlanta with Mr. G. W.
Mr. Jim Stroud is planning to
build a new residence.
Mr. E. F. Adams, of Luella, was
in our city Tuesday. u
Miss Lueile Tolleson is at An
drews, N. C., with a camping party
from Atlanta. - •
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tolleson,
with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Baker and Mr. J. R. Smith, of
Atlanta, motored to Warm Springs
for the week-dnd.
Mrs. H. M. Tolleson’s many
friends regret that she has beeu
verv ill this week.
The Hon E. M. Smith made a
business trip to Washington D. C.
this week.
Mrs. Barker and Miss Barker,
of Atlanta, are the guests of Mrs.
Annie M. Nolan.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Cop. land
and Murrav and Edward spen!
<he Fourth with relatives in Mum r
Misses Mattie and Mabel Bulloch,
of Bullochville, were Mrs E M.
* opeland’s attractive guests a t
days last week.
Mr G. W Cavenaurh urn!
went an operation Saturda'
lanta. He is reported as
ing well.
Mr. Ralph Turner is sporting in
the surf at St. Simon’s his week.
Misses Naidene Leach and Sa
rah Smith, of Jackson, spent Mon
day with Miss Flora Neal.
Fresh Cabbage, Beans. Toma
toes, and Onions.
Copela id Turner Merc. Co. Adv.
Mr. A. I. Jessup, of Macon wms
in our city Tuesday.
Mr. Jerome Cook is still very ill,
to the regret of his many friends.
Mr. Whit Russell is a he me for
a visit.
Dr. H. C. Hightower visited the
campers at Snapping Shoals Mon
Speer, the McDonough Op
tometrist, tests the eyes for all
eyestrain without the use o f
drugs. His hundreds of patients
testify to his skill in fitting glasses
for all eyestrains. Adv.
Mrs. 0. L. Adams, who was very
sick last week, is better.
Special prices on Oil Cook stov
Copeland Turner Merc. Co. Adv.
Miss Francis Ne'al is the guest
of her friends in Concord this
Misses Naidene Leach and Sarah
Smith, of Jackson, and Miss Fran
cis Neal of McDonough were two
of the lovely young girls attending
a house party in Mdena last week.
I shall be here no more except
on Monday, the 13th instant.
J. B. Guthrie, Puotographer,
Mrs. A. C Smith has been the
guest of her sou, Hon. E. M. Smith,
left Tuesday for a visit to her
daughter, Mrs. Hunt, of College
Park. Mrs. E. M. Smith accompa
nied her.
Mr. J. D. Embry, of Atlanta,
spent Friday in McDonough with
Mr. George Alexander.
Fall seed beans corn, cabbage
and collards; good supply of col
lard plants for sale.
Copeland Turner Merc. Co. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs E. Oglesby are at
Borden Wheeler Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Eops Brannon left:
Tuesday for a visit to Bo rden
Wheeler Springs. .
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Coo k left
Tuesday on a motor trip to Bor
den Wheeler Springs.
Mrs. Arthur Stewart has as her
guest Mrs. Clark, ot Shreveport*
In the home of Mr. Hardy at the
old Lemon place there have been
three of the family ill with the
fever. Their friends will be glad
to learn they are improving.
F reaching at Beth ary
Next Sunday.
There will b e preaching a t
Bethany church Sunday by Rev.
R. B. Harrison, a young man of
that church who has recently
been called to the ministry.
This is his first sermon the
churcii espt c ally and everybody
is cordially invited.
Institute r : lored Teachers.
1 ad: r ■ I stkute will be field
duly 13 All who
• ch i tun * his summer
| m -t ati<
< i r< - for colored
July 16.
' 1 ts< n, Supt.
1) G<dard, Slate
I'‘ f \
i uctoi.