Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Baptist Church There is Host On
24 and 25th Ihstant. Pro
gram Is Given Below.
10. 'A. M. Devotional Service
conducted by 1. G. Walker.
11. A. M. Introductory Sermon
by Dr. J. E. Sammons.
2. P. M. Subject—Union in con
trast with Christian service. Rev.
J. M. Gilmore.
3. P. M. Subjec —A work for
everybody and everybody at
Work. J. E. Sammons.
8. P. M. Sermon by J: M. G 1-
July 25 •
6 A. M. Devotional Service G.
W. Ward.
10 A. M. Subject—God’s plan of
evangelizing the world. Dr. John
G. Harrison, Macon, Ga.
11. A. M. Sermon by Dr. Harri
2. P. M. Subject—Gospel Heal
ing. Dr. JM. Long.
2:45 P. M. Subject—The present
progress of the Sunday School
work. Rev. J. W. M. Jinkins.
Mrs. Tom Bearden died very
suddenly at her home in lussa
havv district about 5 o’clock Sun
day morning.
She was 59 years old and was
an estimable Christian woman.
The funeral and interment were
at County Line church, near
Jenkinsburg, Monday morning at
10 o’clock.
Mrs. Bearden is survived by
one daughter and tiiree sons.
Mr/'W. A. Copeland died at his
home near Oakland Thursday af
ternoon of last week.
He was a prominent and popu -
lar citizen of our cc unty and a
large number of friends mourn
his deatii. He was 57 years old.
The funeral an i interme it were
at Mt. Carmel Friday morning at
11 oiclock. The Rev. Dan Hen
derson conducted the services.
Mr. Copeiand leaves his wife :
one daughter, Mrs. Floyd: and
one son, Mr. Ose Co r eia id.
Mr. Ed Mays died Saturday, the
11th instant at his home in Stock,
bridge district. He was standing
over a well which they had been
digging, when he was overcome
by the gas and fell to the bottom
of the well. He urns instantly
Mr. Mays was a good citizen
and an excellent gentleman.
The funeral and interment were
at Fiippen Friday afternoon, the
12th instant, at 2 o’clock. The
funeral was conducted by the
Odd Fellows, with the Rev. F. R
Seaborn as the officiating minis
Mr. Mays is survived by his
Miss Lucile Pelt died at th e
home of her parents, Mr. aud Mrs.
St. Louis America League Team
Pays $3,000 for McDon
ough Boy.
j Mr. Tim m Bowden has been
spld to the M ijors.
This is very pleasing news to
everybody in T>m > l’s home, M -
Dor.ough and Henry county. He
has always bee p >pul \r with the
lijornefolk, for his splendid person
al characteristics, as well as for
lus athletic or iwess.
WF give below on rcc u• 1 1 of
the transaction from Su -day’s
“Macon, Ga. July 18 —(Special.)
Outfielder Timon Bowden, • the
star left fielder of the Macon club
was sold yesterday to the Si.
Louis Americans for SJ,UU'J. He
is to repobt at the end of the Sady
leagtn season.
“Bowden has been the leading
batter of the league the entire
season and now boasts of an aver
age of .340, and as a fielder, he
has but few equals, his average
in this department is 974 aud he
has thirty-three stolen bases.
“Bowden has won many friends
since becoming a member of the
Macon club tnrough his playing
and all-round work. Timon is a
boy that never gives up aud his
success as a major league ball
player is assured.
“After finishing the American
league season in Ft. Louis he will
return to M’.con to tak ■ up his
duties as foot-ball coach at Mercer
“Pittsburg ynd Cleveland scouts
were here watching him ai-o.”
Mrs. Howard Carmichael
Mrs H. L. Carmichael entertain
ed a number of friends at rook
Tuesday afternoon in honor of
Mrs. T. A. Lifsey.
It was a delightful occasion en
joyed by all the guests.
Mrs, Fred Walker Hostess.
Mrs. Fred Walke r was the
charming hostess Monday even
ing m honor of her guest, Miss
Sadie Suarp.
H. L. Pelt, in Locust Grove dis
trict Thursday morning c f last
She was but 16 years of age
and was a young girl of bright
and winning ways.
The funeral and interment were
at County Line church Friday
morning at 11 o’clock.
Mr. Pete Phillips died at his
home in Stockbridge district on
Saturday afterrnoon the 11th in
He was a good citizen and ha i
many friends who join the bereav
ed onps in mourning his death.
The funeral and interment were
at the burial ground ar Dade ’s
Mill Sunday afternoon, 1_ n
instant, at 2 o’clock.
Mr. Phillips is survived by sev
en children.
McDonough, a gia. iuay jjia 24. 1914.
T a Tip to tone lounfain, Camp
Yeux and Have The Time
if ‘ Lives
fan Me ) )•!• 1 111 troop of the
Bov Scout > vim-rica have re
tur k . ;r m tlii‘ r summer camp.
Oa > six f the Scouts’ with
S ‘out M stp.r Frank Reagan,
w at on in c up, as follows:
'i>a aaua.i, Harvey Brown,
B»y;t 1 No . 11 •, \Vvley Sanders,
R-z ai:• otuiw mill, and Robert
A 2.50 ; , i Friday morn
in,., i .l :0 1 1 ;we left Mc-
Do iou.n 1 o' i.itig tramp to
Sio.« ■i u 1 ui.i:
Ee 1 S u lis loaded with his
ova aim. s, grai), and cooking
in , tat; -.t oi till-* camp outfit
h iv« ig ot en sent by express.
Along ine, .vm> ve were cheer
ed Uj -opeuiitg .1.1,1 reading mes
sages iron ; 1 1.1 ■ McDonough
ministers and ay School
Sup riiueiiuc.ii.s, tiie Hon. T. J
Brown, Proies .or Gunny, Senator
Smith, G-vciu . Slaton, and Mr.
A. A. Jameson.
Wiili mis help we made f ,ood
tim and at 7:45 halted at Brushy
Knob, twelve miles from McDon
ough, and prepared our breakfast.
We had our prepared food,
bought some buttermilk, and wifli
our individual cooking kits brew
ed hot tea.
It was but four miles farther to
the end of our day’s journey. Y.'o
tramped this, climbed Little Moun
tain, and reached the swimming
hole at the river at noon.
We spent most of the afternoon
in the tiyer.
Prep iring to sleep on our blank
ets in the ( pen, a threatening cloud
drove us to shelter 111 a vacant
house Mr. W. K. Lyon kindly of
The rain did pour in a few
minutes alter we were safe under
shelter. We Stept fairly well on
tiie floor.
At 3:10 o’clock Saturday morn
ing, v\e resumed our hike, and
reached Stone Mountain, 12 miles,
at 10 o’clock.
Our camp site was on Lake
Venable at tiie root oi Slone Moun
tain,t.vo miles from lue town.
A dray brought our tent, grub
etc., as far as it could and we had
to carry it about a quarter of a
Tnen begaa oar delightful camp
of a week. Four of the seven
nights we hud to sleep in the tent
because of rain. We slept the
other three in the open.
We raised a;i abandoned boat
from the lake and pateaed and re
paired if. We used it constantly
while we were there.
It w< s delightful to row from
our camp at the head of the lake
to the old dancing pavilion near
the dam and there swim to our
hearts’ content in deep *ater.
| We were most kindly treated
|by the Stone Mountain people.
Especially are we grateful to Mr.
and Mrs. Sanders and Mr. and Mrs.
Beauchamp, who often Helped our
leaking iarder, and the Misses Mc-
Curdy and Mr. McCurdy.
Mr. S. H. Venable has our last
ing gratitude for permission to
camp on the lake and swim and
Program for 31st Instant Is
Published In This
Scripture, by the Rev. J M. Gil
Prayer, by the Rev. Jonas Bar
Welcome address, by the Rev.
A. B. Sanders!
Song Serviek '
Annual address, bv the Rev
i' ■ M
Rev. T. M. Elliott.
T. M. Eliiott.
Report of Chicago convention,
by Mr. W. W. Milam.
Noon Recess.
Song Service, bv JF’ders *\ndj
binders o l
Song service by Lovers of Sa
cred Harp songs.
Everybody come.
“Let him that heareth say,
come” to the celebration on July
31, 1914.
Excellent McDonoigh Lady
Died on the Night of
the lOlh Instant
Mrs. J. B. Jackson died at her
home in M D Though Friday even
ing, the 10th instant, at 7 o’clock.
She had been seriously id for
some time, but until the very last
hobe for hen*.recovery was enter
Mrs. Jackson was 55 years of
age and was a worn m of most
excellent christi i i character. Her
kindly heart prompted to mmy a
kindly deed and gave her a place
in the affections of a host of
friends, who now maum and miss
The funeral vas held Sunday
morning at 9 o'cloc c at the Bap
tist church and che funeral follow
ed at the M:i).> lough cemetery.
The Rev. J. M. Gilmore conducted
the services.
Mrs. Jackson is survived by her
husband and four sisters.
fish there.
The Scouts d d ail there cooking
and it was indeed fit tor a king.
Saturday we reluctantly, had
our last swim and broke carriq.
Boarding the trolley car at
Stone Mountain at T 27 Saturday
afternoon, we had an hour's de
lightful ride to Atlanta aud reach
ed home on the train at 8 d’clock.
The Rev W M. Murray Proves
Preacher or Power and
I’he series of meetings which
have been in progress at the
Baptist church during last week
came to a close Sunday.
It was a very successful meet
ing in every respect.
The Re.v. W. M. Murray, of
BreWtop, Ala., preached splendid
convincing and convicting ser\
mens. Larg crowds at eru id and
enjoyed the privilege of hearing
him. i . \ . • 'vT
Seven new members were
added to the c lurch roll by pro
fession of faith and two by letter.
The baptism of tlie ne w mem
bers will take place Sunday at the
morning services.
t ; i j ; • ' i
Mr. G. W. Cavenaugh.s con
dition continues to improve. He is.
still in Atlanta.
Mr. Edmond Worrill spent Sun
day in our city.
Mr. Lem M. Park, of Atlanta,
was in pur city Tuesday.
Dr. 'Speer; I am well pleased
with the glasses you fitted for me.
They have relieved my eyes of
that awful strain that I suffere'f
Claud Mosley, Stqckbridge. Adv,
Mr. Ed Hitchcock, of Dallas,
spent the week-end in our city.
Mr, and Mrs. Lamar Etheridge,
of Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs
Turner Allensworth, of Atlanta,
were here Sunday with Judge
and Mrs. Paul Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bright, of
Atlanta, Spent several days here
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turner, of
Jackson, were here several days
last week as the guests of Mr 3.
Genie Duffey.
Miss Elizabeth Edmonson, of
Carrollton, is the attractive guest
of Miss Helen Harris.
Miss Blake Bunn spent the
week-end in Atlanta.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael
and children, of Atlanta,'spent last
week here with Mr. and Mrs. E. ML
Mrs. Will Hamilton and Dr. D,
A. Brown and Messrs. George and
Oscar Alexander and Leon Car
michael attended the .funeral ot
Mr. W. D. Alexander in Atlanta
Sunday. Mr. Alexrnder spent
several months here a few years
ago as a contractor and made
many ft tends here who regret to
hear of his death.
J. M. Green, that prince of goodl
fellows, was in McDonough recent
iy and purchased an elegant pair
of S eer’s Crown Glass gold
mounted spectacles Adv.
Mrs. Dora Barker and Miss Tom
mie Dora Barker have returned to
their home in Atlanta, after a visit
to Mrs. Annie M. Nolan.
Mr. Mat Maddox, of Vienna, &
visiting relatives in and about Mc;-
Donough, , >r