Newspaper Page Text
Henry County Weekly.
Entered at the postoffice at MoDonougn.
(Ja., as second-class mail matter.
McDonough, Ga., July 24, 1914.
Advertising Kates furnished on appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Eel Alexander having made
plication for Gnardianship of the
person and property of Roy Alex
under, a minor child of J. L.
Alexander, late of said county,
deed., notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at
my office at, 10 o’clock, A. M. on
the first Monday in August, 1014.
This July 6, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
7-81, 4 Henry Co., Ga.
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, A. F. Adamson, Exec
utor o f Nan o y M. Gordon,
represents to the Court in his netition,
duly filed and entered on record, that
he has fully administered said
Nancy M. Gordon’s estate :
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause if any they can, why said
Executor should not be discharged
and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in August, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
7-31, 4
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of
late of said county, notice is herebj
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday in August,
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 6th clay of July, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
7 31, 4
Georgia, Henry County,
To Whom it May Concern :
Notice is hereby given that T. J.
Chaffin, Administrator of G. M.
Hays, Deed , has applied to the Or
dinary of said county for leave to
sell all the lands belonging to the
estate of said G. M. Hays, for the
purpose of distribution and pay
ment of debts.
Said application will be heard at
the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said County to be held
on the first Monday in August,
This June 29,1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
7-31, 4
Georgia, Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern :
W. F. Stanley, having made ap
plication to me in dne form to be
be appointed permanent Adminis
trator upon the estate of Eli Stan
ley, late of said county, notice ig
hereby given that said application
■will be heard at. the regular term
of the Court- of Orninaxy for said
county, to be held on the first
Monday in August, 1914.
Witness m y hand and official
signature, this Ist day o f July
3914. A. G. Harris,
7-31, 4 Ordinary
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
laving made application to me in due
orm to be appointed permanent ad
ministi ator upon the estate o f
ate of said county, notice is hereby
'iven that said application will be
leard at the regular term of the Court
.f Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday i u August,
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 6th day of July, 1014.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
7-21, 4
ieorgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
having made application to me in due
form to ne appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate o f
late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday in August,
Witness my hand and official signa-
this 6lh day of July, 1914.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
7-31, 4.
Will be in his Hampton office
Tuesday and Friday of each Week
And in his Locust Grove office
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday am
Saturday of each Week.
Office Hours :
7 M to 12 A. M. to 5 P. M.
McDonough, Ga.
Attorney at Law,
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Building
Will practice in all the courts.
McDonough, Ga.
McDonough, Ga.
Miss Lorah B. Allen
Jeweler, Optician, Engraving, and
53 W. Mitchell St.,
Engraved Cards, Invitations, etc
Old Veteians’ Pictures
Are Now Ready.
The Photographs of the Confed
erate veterans made at McDon
ough on Memorial Day are now
ready. The price is 27 cents each
by mail or 25 cents at The Weekly
I also have left some pictures
of the|Nail brothers at the same
Yours respectfully,
Frank Reagan,
McDonough Georgia.
tam a candidate for re-election as Com
missioner of Agriculture. fn view of
the fact that the duties of my office
make it imi>ossible for me to get into
opportunity of appealing to you for your
endorsement and base my plea solely
on what has been done by the Depart
-1 am a practical farmer and have fol
feel a keen interest in the problems com
went into the Department with an ambi
tion to be »f practical service te the
thousands of Georgians engaged in agri
culture, stock raising and similar pursuits.
J. D. PRICE. Let me tell you briefly, without dis
paragement to any of my predecessors, what the department has done
under my administration the past twelve months.
As Commissioner of Agriculture, my duties have involved the in
spection and regulation of the sale of fertilizers, illuminating oils and
gasoline; carrying out the provisions and requirements of the pure
food and pure feed laws; the work of a department of animal husband
ry with an expert veterinarian in charge, and the far-reaching activi
ties of the State Department of Entomology. •
During the first FIVE months of the present year 11,109 samples
of fertilizers were taken, an increase of 1,584 samples, as compared
with the ENTIRE year of 1913. Of this number 2,672 were of the
“special” kind, in which reports of analyses are sent direct to the
farmer in order that he may know the results before the official bulle
tin is issued; and this number exceeded by 1,035 the total number of
s-pecial samples taken in any previous season, meaning that more than
1,000 more farmers were given the advantage of special reports
on their fertilizer purchases.
I have turned into the State Treasury to be used for the education
of the farmer boys and girls of Georgia more money than has ever
been turned in by the State Department of Agriculture for a similar
During the year ending June 30, 1914, we have analyzed 1,196 sam
ples of foods, feedstuffs and drugs. Results of analyses have in every
instance been sent to both manufacturer and consumer.
The work accomplished by the State Entomologist, the State Veteri
narian and the State Oil Inspector in their respective departments, has
been equally notable and a full account of it is given in my annual
report to the Governor.
I am urging and shall continue to urge the enactment of legislation
that will strengthen the work of the department and render more effect
ive existing laws relative to pure foods, feedstuff's, fertilizers and pre
vention of infection to plants and animals.
It is my desire to have the Department of Agriculture render in
creasingly active and effective aid in the development of this, one of
the greatest agricultural sections in the world. 1 am confident that
the scope and usefulness of the department can be steadily increased
along all lines, and to this end I pledge my earnest and faithful service
in the event you give me your endorsement at the polls on August 19th.
In addition to the record of what the department has accomplished
during my administration, there are three points in my personal record
which, I believe, bear directly on the issue in this primary:
I am the only candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture who has
always been an organized Democrat and can point to a record of life
long loyalty to the party.
I am the only candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture who is not
and has never been connected with any fertil'rzer or guano company.
I am the only candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture who is a
practical farmer. I have farmed all my rife and I derive my living from
the farm. The !;»-> which created the Department of Agriculture ex
pressly states that the Commissioner must be a “practical farmer.”
Both en my personal record, therefore, and on the record of -what the
department has accomplished during the past year, I ask your sup
port at th« polls on August 19, and pledge you my earnest and faith
ful service in event I am re-elected.
(Signed) J- D. PRICE,
Commissioner of Agriculture.
For State Treasurer
To the People of Georgia:
I am a candidate to succeed my
self as State Treasurer, subject
to the action of the Democratic
My candidacy is based strictly
upon my record and experience in
in this office, which are well
known to the people of Georgia,
and which I trust has been satis
factory. If, in your opinion, the
management of the state’s financ
es under my administration for the
past several years has been faith
ful and efficient, I would grateluliy
appreciate your endorsement al iii»-
polls in the coming primary.
Thanking you for the supi-<i.
and confidence extendtti nn h*
tofore, I earnestly solicit
further kind consideration ’
candidacy in the presem »
W. J Si
For Congress.
To the Voters of tlu
gressional District:
I hereby announce n
candidate tor Congress from this
District, subject to such rules and
regulations as may be ordered by
the Democratic Executive Com
mittee of this District.
1 submit my candidacy to the
fair and impartial judgement of
the voters of this District. I hope
you will take this as a personal
solicitation c: your support.
Assuring you of n y apprecia
tion, 1 am. J
Yours truly,
o W. Wise.
For Judge Superior Court.
lam a Ca> u.u. t . succeed my*
sell toi Ju- _- he Superior
Court (i i , Uii, subject
t‘> tin D- , - in Au
u> ■ if all
i' iy.
If re-eu i in my
< p aiib
• ; cts
i i a the
• l
]ec cals
Mrs, Annie M. Nolan and Miss
Annie Nolan have returned from
a ten days’ stay at Wrightsville
Mrs. J. F. McGarity and children,
of Cordele, are visiting relatives
Miss Nellie Callaway is visiting
friends and relatives at Forest
Mrs. Eliza Palmer and her
chaiming daughter, Miss Emma
weie in MtDonough Monday.
Miss Fn ma purchased a pair of
Speer’s stylish gold mounted
glasses. Adv.
Misses Mary Cook and Lillian
Lane, of College Park, are the
guests off Mis. B. E. Horton.
| Messrs. H. B. Neal, W. T. Atkin
son, Eeni) Woe dveaid, Wade Tur
ner, and J. C. Harris, spent several
days last week at Neal fishing.
We are getting in some nice
frying size chickens along. Bring
your chiekens and eggs tons.
Copland Turner Merc. Co. Adv.
Locust Grove.
Mis. Gussie Castellaw and Mr.
Stewart McEljea were quietly
married Tuesday morning at 8:30
o’clock at the home of MissCastel
law’s parents. Only the family
and relatives were present.
Mrs. McElyea is a very charm
ing and popular young lady and
her many friends here and else
where will be interested in her
wfddirg. Mr. Mi Fl>( ais a splen
did >oung businessman of Macon.
Mr. and Mis. V . T. Smith, of
Decatur, aie visiting Mrs. W. F.
Mr. Harris Brown visited friends
in|Gairifville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hubbard, of
Cordele, are the guests of Mr. aud
Mrs.j R. J. Williams.
Mrs. J. C. Amall is the guest
this week of Mr. and Mis. R. C.
Brov n.
Mrs. Otis Castellaw', of Mays
ville, is spending a while with rel
atives here.
Locust Grove is still growing,
in spite of drouth aud hot weather.
At present two large brick build
ings are being constructed: A
new dormitory on the L. G. I.
campus and a large warehouse
being built by Mr. A. G. Combs,
The Missionary Society of the
Baptist Church gave a birthday
party Friday afternoon on the
church ground. The guests
brought as many pennies as they
were years old and forty-five dol
lars w r as the sum of all the pen
Mrs. J. C. Madden, of Molena, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. W. F.
Harris’ Brown, Mrs. R. C*
Brown, Mrs. Verner Carrell, and
Mise Allie Mahone motored to At
lanta Tuesday.
Dr Hardman Spoke
Here Tuesday.
Dr. L. Hardman, of Commerce,
candidate for Governor, spoke
at the court house here Tuesday
He had a faily good crowd, an
excellen t hearing, and made a good
impression on our people.
Card of Thanks.
To the dear relatives and friends
who were so kind and considerate
during the recent fatal illiness of
our loved one, Mrs. H. J (Lizzie)
Moore, we take this method of
returning our heartfelt thanks,
and may heaven’s richest benedic
tions rest and abide with each one
of you always,
H. J. Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barnett,
Mr. and MrsJ.T. Wilkins,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeff Wilkin*.