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TH e:
Henry County Weekly
Kntemi at tb« postolliceat .McDonougn.
<fa ,as fwoond-Cirtss mail mn ’ .
Advertising Rate* furnished on appli
OTiciai Organ of Henry County.
M lOonough, G i., Dec. 25, 1 H 4.
To Day
The birth of a baby is always a
great event in the eyes of the peo
ple cone *rned. Fond parents,
b r others and sisters, grandparents
aunts and cousins, —all pay visits
and pay tribute to the new mem
ber of t ie family.
And nearly always such an
event is a sobering influence for
those interested in the new irriv
al, all greet him with a solemn,
though glqrt, attitude.
But peasants ana princes and
and even kings took note of the
birth of a baby whose worldly con
dition was the lowest of all.
The shepherds on the Judean
hills saw the angels in the light
that shown dewn from heaven
and heard th ir message and then
brought the gift of their simple,
vet profound, adoration and laid it
at the feet of the babe. The wise
men followed His star from the
three quarters of the world and
paid tribute in rich spices and
And glory gleams from the
gloom of the manger of Bethle
hem and shines down the ages,
widening the path which it illu
mines with the passing of the
Just as the poor and the proud
alike on that natal night gave gifts
to the Christ child, so through all
the ci ntu -es since have the truly
wise, oi their poverty or their
wealth, given all their gifts to Him
on this anniversary of 1 is birth.
You ask how is it we say they
give to Christ? We are told that
“Inasmuch as ye did it unto one
of ye the least of these nv breth
ren, did it unto me.” It is in this
sense then, that the wise with their
gifts ilvvays remember the babe
whose birth instituted Christhmas
and really give to Him in giving
to those to whom He would give.
Probably in that spirit many on
this glad day will have in their
minds and from their hearts give
to some of whom nobody else
may think, the poor and friendless
and outcast.
For alter all, what have we I
and what do we enjoy save as He
brings it to us.
Even of the good things of our
mere civilization, —and civilization
itself is not our greatest gift— we
cannot Accurately estimate how
much we owe to Him and the
word through which he has spok
We owe to this coming of the
Bethlehem babe a world per
meated with the atmosphere of
the highest ideals, idea's far be
yond the conception of any human
mind save as the word incarnate
in the Son of Min inspired them
The effort on men’s part in
many sections of the earth to live
up to these ideals have given us
the blessings of p°ace and pros
perity, and security in their in
their enjovment, as provided in
beneficent taws enacted by a Bible
nspired wisdom.
Like the little leaven this wor
ship of the Babe, and the pursuit
of the colling to whicti lie beckon
ed all m mkind has almost leaven
ed the whole lump of mankind; or
it has been a repetition on a stup
endous, world-wide scale of the
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We invite everybody to tab advantage of this Big Offer. Brhg your order or semi it to
miracle of the loaves and the iish
es The Bread of 1 ife broken for
the disciples, nas been by these
broken again and again fer the
feeding T the nations, so that
none ev.-r 1 tek and al ways there is
some r mr.ining aft- r each least.
Wherever initiative and heroism
were needed, th men of the Cross
have led the way. In exploration
the flag of a.: y country has nearly
always followed the cross, anu so
commerce follows the cross.
Am rica, Africa, and all the
newtr countries are gifts of the
n.en who lived the life of God’s
great gilt of Christmas > world
and no v almost th 1 v. e ear h
lives in th< light of a 1 a Child’s
Georgia, Henry Count
T whom it mu> < :
J. il Joitnson. ha <U» ap
ii ■ i ion ro mk> m d to }> e
amounted > u ’stra
ti v lawi •he ‘- r iro j-; Mu vs
lat '■ sa i o >a i s here
to /ivi-n that ni» t r * • on will
be 1* uill at the reg’ v term of
The Henry County Weekly’s Biggest Offer
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OKV ■’ RAL fencing rs rt mag ./.ine;s have joined with us in one of the greatest subscription fcar
y % oTert ever r oi” »n th.s •. cry. Through this combination everybody will be able to get a
yedy subscript' r ° Mroe nta,;3.asr. s in combination with our weekly paper at practically the price
of out per *•' l :'n ! ’u 1 t you will find forty different'periodicals formed into thirty-five different
clubs. E; h ciub bus n.: .. ; es, eucept one iTpacial Club which has four magazines; some of these maga
zines c< ii 'or es much as Si a year. They are a'i good and cover a large variety of choice reading matter,
inch di.j« History, TJu.-Jc, Re g.on, Education, Fashions, Taney Needlework, Illustrated Current Events,
Home Decorations, Ftcti. n. Literati re, I rama, Art, Science, Inventions, General Farming, Dairy Farming,
Live Stc-dr, Vegetables. Fr ait and I'oulHy. >
Oi a .-.count of itu. p’.c-ituid ■ ; t;i. r .vc nave n adt with ths publishers of these magazines, we are able to give our readers a
choice ox a,’v on; cf he club 3 in c> rr.ho.arori wita our paper one year for $i.25. Just 25c more than the price of our paper alone.
This ; • v . d>.- to everyho-jy “ ou have nevsr subscribed to our paper before, we ask you to take advantage of this offer.
If you area n’hsc-ii-.r tc urn-. -.v- -r-k you to ren .v so that you too, may get 3 magazines extra. Look over the list and select f.
the club you - t. f> nd you ord.-i to»'.?y or give your order to our representative or call at our office when in town. If you |
■are iow n ttuhs -n ~r to .v of t-c t u r-raziocs and war tto renew just send your order to us and we will have your subscription *
extended. If i r-ar sl scription to om p p—- is past due, we advise you to pay up and lake advantage of this bargain. If you are in I
me habit of buy. vmjr magazines through other channels, we ask you to justly compare our clubs and prices with that of any J
other offer von receive, ‘i rro doubt, are now a subscriber to some of these periodicals. You can Save money by sending your I
renewal order to ns. Hrie is u cb.m to tyt yr-ur home paper and a yearly supply of good reading at a real bargain. If you want 1
one or more of these magazines sent to different addresses, just mention it.
< T.tra 7*. >. i
McCall's .vith free iiatteiiij
!• ;.rm 1 ife
Kveryaay T.ife
t i.un No, 2
Woman s World
Peot-leji Por ular Monthly
n.rn No. a
Hearth and Home
If arm Idle
Household Magazine
CI.l’H No. 4
American Woman
Kari’.i > i'e
Household Quert
r.rr« n«. 5
Today’s Iwlih free pattern)
I arm t ile
Houuehold M uazine h
Today's ‘wi'h I >:t pattern)
Svrrycay LUe
Cl.l'll No. 7
Fancy w ,rk IV :. ,iine
Kveryd- , 1 ■lt
W o.nau's \r or Id
Cl U Sn. 8
farm and ! ires .1*
W'oP'i \v orid
home L,;e
f'.lT) N... 0
Tarm ar d I:cmie
W■ .nai ' ■■ id
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the Court of Ordinary for caul
county, to be held on the First
Mon da y i n Janna r y 1915.
Witness my hand and official
si mature, this sth day of Deo.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
(ieortria. Hi nry County.
To whom it may concern :
"Whereas, C. P. Farsreson. admir,-
ist !* !' ri f "W. S Farg ISO 11, repv -
s is to tile Court ii! h.’s i eiition
duly fil’d and entered on reeod.
that to ' i as fully administered W.
is. Fa tason's estate :
1 n.s is therefore, t > cite all per
sons coeet ned. kindrel and credi
tors. to show cause, if anv they rat.
why said Administrator sh »nld in*T
be dischoryed from his administra
tion. and receive Letters of Dismis
sion on the first Monday in Jan.
1915. *
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
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r- No. to
Today's >■ i h free pattern)
Woman’s Wo,ld
Hom e a.ut
Good .Stories
Farm Life
Kveryuay Life
< 1.1/B No. «3
Green’s Fruit Growerj
I.veryC> y Life •
Fai m Lile
CLUB No. 13
Today’s <v ith j,ee pattern)
Frairie 1' arr. »r
ciousehold ...avazine
Si*R« 1 \L OLl'll Sucie Price as Others
F'omfif- r s World Poultry item
h j/ny Lifo Form !~f!o
C7IUB No. f X
Pco’.tlc’s Vv alar MonUily
1- arm froi,"c't
Woman’s World
dfl No. 15
Poultry Item
T«»cay’s ■ with free pattern)
Farm Lile
CUFI No. 10
-■oys’ M:t?actae
• •T! L.for
Gen .lewoman
CLUB No. 17
r ‘ : .H’a Dairy Farmer
Home Life .vor-an
i ■
. V <v/r >xV\
... • *
■■■ - 1 7‘rV- <-M
. t ■ t-K • - -i v . i.
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our office by return mail.
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CI.OB No. 18
Today’s I with free pattern)
home Li!e
< : U» No. 19
S-icces“ful Farming
Home Life
Kveryuey Life
Ci.l’B No. 20
Farmer s Wife
1 ome Life
Everyday Life
Ct.UIS No. 21
Harpy Hours
I arm Life
Gcu tiew oman
CT.DB No. 22
Farm, Stocn ar.d Honrie
Wi n on’s World
Home Life
CLUB No. 23
Vegetable Gro-ver
1 oilay s iv-ith free pattern)
Everyday Life
OT.rn No. 21
Woman’s V/crld
F arm Life
Today's (with free pattern)
rLUIJ Xo. 25
Woman’;- 'Tome Weekly
Woman's V orid
Home I ''fe
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Copynght. 11*14. by Panama Pacific Inn r rational PxposTtion
Pan-'uia intern o 'r tlle | lOdl ’ li “ :i) * ro:n all midcontinent points to the
fhT rn“ pOK “™ **» .weed upon a, the noting of
S» fn Apif M TfS jfS Jg'""ri 0 "'"" ' n
lor 90 davs tt u “ 1 “J 1 e> also stop-over privileges
of *"! t 4 * ? *«“<“
ing, following a banquet in the completed dir* ' C ° m *
ten aeres. Exhibits are now installed *’ C °”" "“»
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CLUB No. 26
Fancy work Magazine
Today's with fret pattern)
CLUB No. 27
Kansas City Weekly Star
Farm Life
Everyday Life
CLUB No. 28
Woman’s World
Home Life
CLUB No. 29
Kansas City Weekly Star
Everyday* Lite ,
Home Lile
CLUB No. 30
Southern Ruralist ■
Home Life !
CLUB No. 31
Farmer’sW’kly. DispatchiSt. Paul I
Home Life
Farm Life
CLUB No. 32
Rural Weekly (St. Paul) j
Everyday Life :
CLUB No. 33
American Home
Woman's W orld
CLUB No. 34
McCall’s (with free pattern)
Everyday Life
Household Guest
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