Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. Will Welch was called to
Jenkingsburg Monday by the sad
r» ws cf tlit ci ;:th cf hr ister,
Mrs. Gra>.
Mr. Raymond Crthy, of At; nta,
was the guest of his fath r here
Mr. G. W. Cathy, Sunday.
Mrs. J. T Newman visi'“d At
lanta and Jonesboro last week.
Mr. John Norton spent the
week-end in Atlanta.
Mrs. W G. Copeland visited At
lanta Thursday.
Miss May Tarver left Shore y
for Lincolnton to spend the holi
day s.
For Rent —2 horse farm, with
4 room house. Apply to Mrs
M. S. Foster, Luella, G i.
Adv. 1 1, 3.
Mr. Paul Turner, Jr., ofEtov ih,
Tennessee, spent the week end
here v ith his parents, Judge and
Mrs. Paul Turner.
Mr. R. L Turner visited Coving
ton Sunday.
Messrs. Benton Neal and Pierce
Stewart arrived from Emory Col
lege Wednesday to spend Christ
mas at home.
Dr. Wyman Sloan of Atlanta, is
spendii g Christmas at home.
Attractive Atlanta Girl and Pop
ular Ola Man Joined Fortunes
Wednesday Afternoon.
Miss Ruth McLoughlan and Mr.
Samuel Rosser were married
Wenesday afternoon at 3 o’clock
at the home of the bride in At
Mrs. Rosser is a charming and
beautiful young lady of Atlanta and
has many friends who are wish
ing her all life’s happiness.
Mr. Rosser is one of Henry
county’s most popular and cpable
young farmers. He has a host of
friends throughout the State and
he is receving the congratulations
of them all.
Mr. and Mrs. Rosser will make
their home at Locust Grove.
To The Weekly’s Correspondence
It has required some time to fig
ure up the winners of the cash
prizes offered to correspondents
this year. Checks will be sent to
them beforejthe end of the year.
No prizes will be given to cor
respondents in 1915, because of
the financial coditions now pre
But we shall be glad for our
correspondeuts to continue to
write for The Weekly, we send
ing The Weekly aud furnishing
the stationery.
Entertainment at Rock Springs.
There will be an entertainment
at Rock Springs School house next
Tuesday night, the 29th instant
Admission 15 cents.
Under the law all corporation s
and those liable for special Tax
are requried to Register in the
Ordinary’s office by January Ist.
This includes Soda Founts, Ma n
factures of Soda beverages, Deal
ers in pistols, Cigarette dealer s
dealers in Bicycles, and Autom ©-
kile. Insurance agents.
The Registration fee is one dol
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Dec. 23 1614. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Turner
announce the birth of a son.
is on ur. a i in ' 1 d we have an
iitifiiCk e . 0: Diamonds
watches jewelry and silver that
has been carefully -elected and
priced to co aerate withj the
• careity cf n , and the low
r-T A/’ inn
Li ivv ui vc i MU*
If it is not convex j it for youjto
pay cash we wi; ~!a My welcome
your charge account
Durham Jewelry
20 Edgewootl ;-/e. Atlanta, Ga.
Miss Annie Ip rnon returned
home from Agm > Scott College at
Decatur Tuesday, to spent the
Christmas holidays.
Miss Annie Nolan spent Mond ty
in Atlanta.
Mrs. 11. B. Neal, Mrs. E. M.
Smith, an ! Mrs. Jack Craft visited
Atlanta Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hankinson
spent Monday in Atlanta.
Mr. Louis Smith, of Macon, was
ja caller in our city Sunday.
Mr. Walter Cook. Jr., is at home
from Little Rock, Ark., to spend
Miss Helen il irris is at home for
the from LaGrange Col
Mr. Eugene Gunter’s many
friends regret that he is very ill
and hope he will soon be well
Mrs. J. A. Pouch ' spent several
days in Atlanta last Week.
Miss Mattie Johustod, of Atlanta
and Miss Carrie Williams, of La-
Grange, were guests at the Banks
ton- vYulch wedding here Sunday.
Mr. Tom Smith, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday in our City.
Mrs. W.'A. Forgason will spend
the Christmas holidays with her
daughter, Mrs. Melvin Marchman,
at Veazey.
Miss Stella Bradfield, of La-
Grange, will arrive Sunday to be
the guest of Mrs. T. J. Patterson
for tiie Christmas holidays.
Misses Rora Lee Brown, Lucfle
Tolleson, and Lillie Coan return
ed home Friday from Rome,
v here they have been attending
Shorter College. They will re
main through Christmas.
Mr. W. B. J. Ingram spent the
week-end at Fayetteville with his
son, Mr. Luin Ingram.
Mr. E. D Tolleson spent Tues
day in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner Allens
worth, of Atlanta, will spend the
Christmas holidays here with rel
Mr. Carl Sloan, of Louisvill, Ky.,
has recovered from hphoid fever.
He arrived Thursday to spend
Christmas with ins p trents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. Sio ia.
Mr. C. J. Dicks i, of ussahaw
district, was in Me )on >ugh Tues
Memoirs of Napoleon
In Three Volumes
The personal reminiscences of Baron de Mdheval, for
thirteen years private secretary to Napoleon Bonaparte,
bring out, as no history can, many enlightening and
interesting side lights on the character of that greatest of
1 aders. De Meneval’s descriptions have the piquancy
and interest possible only because he was an actual eye
witness of the scenes and incidents of which he writes.
Their reliability and historical interest can be judged by
the fact that the very conservative French Academy
publicly recommends them.
By special arrangement with the publishers of Collier’s, The
National Weekly, we are able to give these valuable and interesting
Memoirs free with a year’s subscription to Collier’s and this publi
cation, at a price less than the lowest net cash subscription price of
the two papers. Only a limited quantity of these Memoirs is
available, however, so to get the benefit of this special offer you
must act quickly.
Collier’s is the one big, fearless, independent Weekly of the whole
country. Its editorials are quoted by every paper in the Union.
It stands always for the best interests of the greatest number of
the people. Among its contributors are such writers as George
Randolph Chester, author of “ ‘Get-Rich-Quick’ Wallingford,”
Meredith Nicholson, Amalie Rives, H. G. Wells, Hamlin Garland,
Mary Roberts Rinehart, Henry Beach Needham, etc. It numbers
among its correspondents such men as Jack London, Arthur Ruhl,
James B. Connolly, and Henry Reuterdahl.
It is a magazine for the whole family—Editorials, Comments on
Congress, Photographic News of the World, Short and Serial
Stories by the greatest writers of the day.
CnlHfir’c _ _ _ _ <2 0 Sift ) Special combination price any
, Vvlv l ,,■ , „ CPZ.OV ( including the three-vol
lilt, V\ l-l.ivl.V <■ r urne Memoirs of Napoleon, a y
; postpaid .....
Call or send subscriptions to this office. If you are already a
subscriber, your subscription will be extended for a year from its
present date of expiration.
FRANK RE AGAN, Editor and Publisher,
McDonough, Go >rgic
Mr. Harvey Rape’s many friends
sympathize with him in the painful
accident Tuesday by which his left
hand was b.adly injured. It was
caught in a gasoline engine and
unshed but no bones broken.
Mr. T. M. Nash and two daugh
ters, Misses Corinne and Lucile
Nash, of Macon, will spend a few
days during Christmas with Mr.
Geo. Alexander and Miss. Mamie
Mr. Dozier Fields, of the Univ
ersity of Georgia is at home.
Mr. E. M. Copeland’s many
friends regret that he is at home
very ill.
Mrs. G. W. Cathy visited rel
atives at Elle iwood Sunday.
Come around and let us figure with you on the cost of your lumber and
other materials for that house, or barn, shed, or fence you are w anting to build.
Now is the t»me for the firmer to cc mmence the fall building or repairing, and
we have everything ; r st< cl rr< v W fur you.
We sell ever> t» ; r£ n umber, 'ath. shingles, lime, cement, terra c«tta, etc.
Better buy y oui winter’s coal fron us now, before the rush is on. W e
make the price rig» t.
Planters Warehouse & Lumber Companj
McDonough, Ga. _ JJ
Mrs. Bovdan returned
home Tuesday from Macon, where
she had been visiting relatives for
two weeks. Her daughter, Miss
Lucile, who is attending Wesleyan
j college, returned with her moth er<
S to spend the holidays.
FOR RENT —3 rooms and part
i of garden to a small family. Apply
to Mrs. Mary Elliott, McDonough,
Ga. Adv.
Mrs. Julia McDonald has gone
to Valdosta to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Stewart Taylor. She will be
; absent till the middle of February.
Mrs. Massengale, who has for
several months in 1 ie her home at
Mrs. Whitehead’s, has joined her
husband at Calhoun.
Attractive Locust Grove Girl
andjjpopular North Carolina
Man parried Tuesday.
•Miss Bessie Alberta Ingram and
Mr. L. M. Rae were married at the
home of the bride in Locust Grove
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
The Rev. Z. E. Barron Deformed
the ceremony.
Mrs. Ingram is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ingram, of Lo
cust Grove, and is a charming and
popular young lady with scores of
friends, whose best wishes are
hers in this happy event.
Mr. Rae is a prominent and pop
ular young business man, of Cam
eron, N. C., and his many friends
are congratulating on his good
Mr. and Mrs. Rae kft on the
eyenihg train for their heme in
Cameron, N. C.
Messrs. Tolleson and Weems
Hosts to Mr. R. L. Turner.
Messrs. E. D. Tolleson and J. T.
Weems were hosts at a delightful
stag dinner Wednesday evening
at Mr. Tolleson’s residence.
The dinner was a compliment,
to Mr. Ralph Turner, soon to be
come a benedict.
The guests were: Mr. Ralph
Turner, the Hon. E. M. Smith, Dr.
H. C. Hightower, Messrs. Marvin
Turner, D. T. Carmichael, and Ed
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Hightower,
visited Atlanta Monday.
Mr. A. F. Bunn spent Monday
in Atlanta. k
Professor E. D. Gunby is spend
ing the Christmas holidays at his
home in Thomson.
FOR. RENT —My house and
farm in McDonough.
Mrs. jJ. E. Tomlinson, 250 Ashby
St., Atlanta, Ga., or see R. H. Tom
John Patrick was granted a di
vorce in the October Court from
Fannie Patrick. Attorney E. M.
Smith. Adv.
Miss Edna Earle Lindsey is
spending the holidays with friends
in Forsyth.
Miss Lula Hall left Sunday to
spend Christmas at her home in
Miss Mary Barker, of Atlanta,
will be the guest of Mrs. Annie M.
Nolan for a few days during
Christmas. j
visited Atlanta
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown will
spend Christmas at Bulloch ville.
Mrs. H. J. Turner visited Atlan
ta Tuesday.