Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
J •if,' , J J
V* >L XL.
Eight Year Old San of Mr. J. R.
Reagan Died Tuesday in
Shake rag District.
Little Johnny Reagan died at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Reagan, in Shakerage
district, Tuesday of last week.
He was 8 years of age and was
a bright and attractive little man,
who had friends in large numbers
and was a joy and delight to his
The funeral and interment were
at Oik Hill Wednesday morning
at 11 o’clock.
Johnny is survived by his par
ents, Mr and Mrs. J. R. Reagan,
and four sisters and four broth
South Avenue.
We are thankful for one week
of sunshine, and a gracious reviv
al in Bethel church. Evangelist
Sam Haynes, of Atlanta, was here
the latter part of the week, and
the church was greatly quickened
Miss Julia Riley was called
from her school at South Avenue
Monday, to the bedside of her
father, who was seriously ill at
his home near Milledgeville.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gardner
and Miss Mae Meadows dined
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thur
ri in Sunday.
Mrs. W. H. Clark spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Callaway.
Mr. Lon Martin, of Atlanta,
spent Wednesday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Martin.
Rov Carroll, of Elienwood, was
the guest of Mr. and Mr. T. W.
Peterman a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs J. W Pattillo, of
Stoc-abridge, were the dinner
guests of Mrs. M. D. Ford Sunday.
Mrs. Sadie Pair his been quhe
sick for the pst few days. We
hope.she will soon recover.
I ‘ Miss T n y White is vis
iting her grand parents, Mr. ant
'Mr W. H. Clark.
Mi s I t 'la Pa !o, of Stock
bri-i visited :> i over am
f■ir( s;u e ;;11• ed M e eviv
st ices ar Hi iti la? v d.-ys lasi
■ M. V'l.if Thurs
d ic n .it' Mrs. T. W
M ’ r \ H if-'aa Austin
dl ' ! W. H.
C ■ Sunday.
- m :e a busi
ne- >\ ' a riday.
o' tiy with
h ..I s. John
Whi- *.
to Sunday
St x ■' e new
fa We hope 1
they wili c) n? /ary Sunday.
Mr. Howard Swann spent the
week-end in the Gate City.
Busy Bee.
McDonough, Georgia, f-riday February id, 1915.
Mt. Bethel.
Rev. Sam Havnes, of Atlanta,
preached‘at this place Sunday.
Mrs. Nelse Pair, who has been
real sick for the past few weeks,
is improving.
M isses Snowdie and Chiffie
Clark, spent Thursday, with Miss
Leakie Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gardner,
spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Thurman.
Mr. and Mrs. Asmon Lewis, of
Atlanta, were the guests of “Mr.
and Mrs. J C. Howell Sunday.
Messrs Ivan Austin and LeHue
Glass, of Stockbridge, attend 'd
service at Bethel Sunday morning.
Mrs. Callie Clark vent to Atlan
ta Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marl ha Austin
dined with Mr. and Mrs. W. H
Clark and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore, of
Atlanta, were the week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Callaway.
‘Jay bird. \
Mr and Mrs J. 3.
Dickson Hosts.
One of the most enjoyable af
fairs of the past week was the tea
at which Mr and Mrs. J. B. Dick
son entertained a few friends
Friday evening.
To their new home, so fresh
and attractive, was added bright
ness by the pretty p>t plants and
cut flowers.
In the dining room the table,
with its spotless linen and cut
glass and silver appointments, was
beautiful. A most delicious repast
was served.
Those invited were the minis
ters of the town and their waves,
and Mr. and Mrs. White. One of
the pleasant features of t ie even
ing was the music of Ur. and Mrs.
Miss Mitt Wall was the guest of
Mrs. J. F. Wall last week.
Mrs. Turner Allensworth, of At
lanta, attended the Sldan Turner
partv Wednesday of last we ek.
Rev. Jonas Barclay attend'd a
called meeting of Presbytery and
the Chapman-Yl: xander meeting
in Atlanta Monday.
Mrs. Julia McDonald and Mrs.
Rov Turner an : ii: : ? daughter,
Julia, returned Friday from Val
losta. Mrs. McDqfald was away
several weeks and hpr many
friends ar? g; ■ o s !i -r at home
Atlanta, Ga., F b. 12, 1915.
Game Wr ?- , lb ry Com,tv:
Dear Sir —Hu> -r !' ■, •.* r-xj e
15th March, 1915 Pu ili iin your
county • die..-:,. mg ;.
adv b . .- :f ‘ ‘ ,:nr.
Mrs. ’
is t!;e me M ir, .Mrs.
R. J ’ a r.
Ms- ,\ I Mi v? ■ .1 to /
lanta 1' ne
Mrs. W. L. peel at the Madri Gras
fete at Mrs' Reel’s home Tuesday
evening. Miss Nolan appeared in
gypsy costume as the fortune tel
ler. f
To Mrs Ralph Lesley Turner,
A delightful occasion of Wed
nesday afternp n of last week was
the party at which Mrs. T. A.
Sloan and Mrs. Paul Turner en- i
tertained in honor of Mrs. Ralph
Turner at the bom** of Mrs Sloan.
The guests were met at the
door by Mrs. Sloan anu Mrs. Tur- j
ner and by their cordial greeting
all w T ere made to feel glad to be 1
The attractive rooms presented 1
a most hospitable scene with their
warmth from the fires burning in
the large fire places and decora
tions of palms and ferns.
In the dining room was the
handsomely appointed table with
its clung lace cover and center
piece a cut glass vase which held
red carnations and lighted red
candles which cast a soft glow (
over the roomA
The valentine month was noted
in the score cards and the red!
heart snaped mints. Hot choco
late and wafers were served soon
after tne arrival of the guests and
later salad and nut cream were
Mrs. Turner, a recent bride,
was wearing a black charmeuse
gown with a tfrfkM of beaded
chiffon and a becoming hat of
black and gold with paradise
Mr. and Mrs John Seliah
Lose infant Daughter.
The four year old dm .liter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Seliah died at
their home at Stockbridge Satur
She was an attractive little girl
and the very life of her happy
home and her going away leaves:
a void in the life of the bereaved
parents. She had many friends
also who mourn her death.
The iuuiw.u services were held
at Stock bridge Methodist church
Friday morning at 10 o’clock.
The interment followed at the;
Dods n burial ground. The Rev. !
F. R. Seaborn conducted the ser-j
Midway Dots.
Mrs. C. G. Westmrrel.and visited
Mrs. A. Westmoreland Yhurs :y
Mrs. W. H. Barnett and Mrs.
Lizzi*- Abecrombie were the giu is
of Mrs. T. J. Westmor; 1 nd Thur -
day afternoon.
Misses Maggie and Jewell West
moreland were the guests of Miss
Cleo Barnett Mon lay afternoon.
Mrs. S illir- R iven, of Hampton,
spent Wednesday wi h ?I W.
li. Barnett.
Mr. Herbert Hevnie- was the
guest of W. J. Westmoreland Sun
day afternoon.
The singing given -by Mims Vera
: Barnett Sunday tp Bit was enjoy d
|oy all present.
Mr. Floyd Smith, of Griffin, and
.U' s Anmio Lois Moseley’, of near
1 White bouse, were h p t .lly mar
ried Su.:d.;y afternoon.
Miss Berth? Ab rcrombie h; s
returned home from a two weeks'
viMt to her sister, .Mrs. Lena Tray
ler, of Chattahoochie.
Miss Mattie Matthews, of Grif
fin, is the guest of Mrs D. T. Car
Mr. John Hutcheson, of Ashburn,
spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs.
J. B Newman.
Mr. Henry Cleveland has moved
his family mar Ola.
Misses Emily and Margie Stan
ley, of Shakerag district, have re
turne i home from a visit to Mrs.
Andy Ward.
FOR REN I, —3 rooms and
part of garden to small family.
Apply to Mrs. Mary Elliott, Mc-
Donough, Ga. Adv.
Mrs. Emily MIL hell, has been
the guest of her grand daughter,
Mrs. W. A. Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Green and
Mr. Robert McDonald motored to
Snapping shoals Sunday to visit
ihe family of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Miss Kate Russell came home
Friday afternoon from Butts 1
j county, where she teaches, re
in lining till Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Julia McDonald and Mrs.
T. A. Sloan and Mrs. R. A. Sloan
attended the millinery openings
in Atlanta this week.
Mrs. S. W. Farrar and Miss An
nie G. Thompson spent the week
end in Atlanta with Mrs, J. L.
Mrs. Joel Bankston and Mr. W
B. Bankston spent the week-end
in Atlanta.
1 have a fresh car nf mules and
| shall be glad 1 see mv old custo
mers. B. R. Ward, Stockbridge,
Ga. Ady.
Mr. and Mr a Asa L< moil and
family and Miss Blauce Weutzel,
and Mr. Anbmw Walker spent
Sunday in Griffin.
Mg John NiY >n spent th • 1
week-end in Atlanta.
Mrs 7 Andrew Walker and 1
M‘Ssr\B. B .G.mYchael, D. T.
Carmichael, a id J. M. Carrnicha d
spent Sunday in Atl u ta with Mrs
B. B. Carmichael, who grew
worse Saturday night but is now
much better.
Anvil Block.
Messrs. W. A. Sockwell and
Jim Blackman spent Tuesday in
Mr. 0 is II los, of R x, spent
Sunday Mitii Mr. Bert George.
- wr. iom basil, or ag an , sp
the week end here with hm j
M s. Wade Sockwell and M ;
Olivs » M- idox, of C >rr/ers, so ■ ‘ 1
s, veral d i s last week here v.mii ,
\p- r \V YocG ”-.|i m : n :, . . *v . out \ w 11 a>lu * ■ ir t• .
Rev. F. R. S • ibo~ i, of St hi . -
br dge, made r. vary able and in
teresting tdk t the school child
: r n here Wednesday.
Misses Oiivi i. Maddox and Eva
Sock vvell . rc ii? guests of Miss s
Mittie and Nanai * Stewart Satur
Miss Gwen ’ i Rowd n • ter
tan d h r . N >t a val* mil
p irty Saturday night.
Rev. Sam iliyo -s,' of Atlanta,
preached sev rai days last week
at Bethel church.
. Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark, of At
lanta, visited relatives here Satur
day and Sunday.
Prominent add Popuiar Couple
Celebrated Fifty Years of Car
ried Life rue day.
Mr. and Mrs. W ulo 11. Harper
celebrated the fifti tli mniversary
of their wedding at the home ot
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Pullen in Mc-
Donou r h Tuesday.
It was in the nature of a happy
family reunion at which all the
children living, all the grandchild
ren except Mrs. Nolan’s children ,
of Fairborn, and a number of
friends were present.
A delightful day was spent by
all and a delicious dinner was
served to the guests by Mrs. Pul
len in her own charming way.
I Congratulations were showered
[upon Mr. and Mrs. Harper on
I tb *ir having been blessed with
a undance of happy years.
Our county is better for such
lives as h rve been theirs and.
their triemisf very where, of wh<jm
the numb' r is beyond counting,
rejoice in their c* ntinued hearty
.Mrs. Harp r was a Miss Elliott
• be, : * h r marr: ?ge and her
friends who lived county
ie her uirhiooi <!• ys recall the
fact that h was called the most
: bo autibi! girl in the county.
I T i :r ;mi • j Mr. and
Mrs. i • : p,-r with r al money in
gold a d many other golden gifts
were presented to them.
Tii f< lie" rig were present:
Six dan i : Mr:-. P. W. Pul
len, Mrs B rt Gr <n, Mrs. WilJ
Far?a- •», Mrs. J M Nolan, Mrs.
Wii: W -■! ", and Miss Ida Lou
Tin ee sons: Me-srs Ben Har
per, Lum llcn er, ;.i oi J. Harper.
Mrs. Carper’s sisters: Mrs.
Alle K« 1!' y, Mrs. Lu mda Far a
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elliott, Mr.
md Mrs. AM A. Tar, ?\ Mrs. Lucy
Turner, Mrs. A F Hiro :r. Mrs.
'I. an, Mrs. Cora Knott, Mrs. Ollie
F! licit, Mrs. Stall in Mr Homer
.V. :L) lie , and tile R v. J. M. Gil
j the Rev. 11. S. tanith.
ac •: t su:c S.
of C fiMle YC, ' 3-
i J m;3' u:M. f>? ivicDdn
/ > y i^iahf.
J *■*
T '' : ’it ''Mi* a:Md
ful ;n par
s’ hail relay
i htf:Y affair
all who aR led.
re ai at. and
v l d sir- h. t ni
tV :,-i m es.
e sv. iv I
; -r> zed
\U - Me . :ii. : 5.
. P 1 ' ,*vlsit
ed Atlar a i iiesday.
- * ■ • : -lib .-i . L "in
Ch if s Low spent Tue-w iy
Alia at a.
iJ . JaGa 1-y an: spen
Tuesday in Atlanta.
*1 tO A YEAR