Newspaper Page Text
I he Henry County Weekly
Beloved McDonough Woman
Yielded to Paralysis In Atlan
ta Monday Evening,
Mrs. Georgia Carmichael died at
the home of her son, Mr. L. R.
Carmichael, on Spruce street in
Atlanta at 9.45 o’clock Monday
Mrs. Carmichael had been in
bad health for a year or more.
Until about ten days before her
death she had been in an Atlanta
sanitarium. On the 13th instant
she had a stroke of paralysis and
was then taken to her son’s home
on Spruce street, where every at
tention possible was given to her
In the effort to restore her to
It is the involintary tribute
which we hear from the lips of all
as we go about our city that Mrs.
Carmichael was a good woman in
the very best and highest sense of
the word.
People generally did not enjoy
the good fortune of knowing her
intimately, for practically the
whole career of her splendid
Womanhood spent itself in the
Here she truly shown as a
queenly home builder and happi
ness builder for those who dwelt
Words, idle words, cannot be
gin to express the tribute to her
which daily expresses itself in the
lives of high-souled children and
the homage of a noble husband’s
heart, now bowed beneath the
Weight of its loneliness, and all
treasuring the sweetness of lov
ing memories of a holy life that
remains even now a shining light,
growing more and more unto the
perfect day.
Then those friends who enjoy
ed her friendship knew and valu
ed her as one of the rare souls of
their human companionship dur
ing this earthly pilgrimage. And
all the community where she liv
ed knew that her life was a light
shining along the higher ways
*nd now mourn her death as the
earthly passing of one who adorn
ed this life arid enriched it.
The remains were brought to
McDonough on the 9 o’clock train.
Tuesday morning.
The funeral services were held
at the residence Wednesday at 10:30 o’clock; and the
interment followed at the Me Don
ough cemetery. The Rev. Frank
D. Hunt, Evangelist of the Atlanta
Presbytery, and for years a friend
»f the family, conducted the ser
vices. He was assisted by the
tne Rev. J M. Gilmore and the
Rev. H. S. Smith.
Mrs. Carmicnael is survived by
her husband, Mr. B. B. Carmi
chael: one duugnter, Mrs. A. VV.
Walker, of McDonough: six sons;
Mr L. R. Carmichael and Mr. S.
H. Carmichael, both of Atlanta;
Mr. H. B. Carmichael, Mr. J. M.
C irmicnael, Mr. D. T. Carmichael,
and Mr. Boyd Carmichael, all of
Mrs. Olin King and children, of
Jackson, were the guests of Dr.
and Mrs. A. R. Scott Sunday.
Mr. J. B. Dickson has been con
fined to his bed this week with
a grippe.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday February 26, 191.^.
former McDonough pas
Richland and Thomaston Papers
Pay Deserved Tribute to The
Rev. W. W Arnold.
We copy the following article
from The Thomaston Times.
Brother Arnold was formerly pas
tor of the McDonough Baptist
church and has a host of friends
here in all denominations, who
will read with pleasure the good
things said about him below:
“In a recent issue of the Rich
land News there appeared a very
complimentary notice concerning
Rev. W. W. Arnold, pastor of the
Thomaston Baptist church, which
will be of considerable interest to
the readers of the Times. It fol
“ ‘ln a recent letter from a lady
in Thomaston, Ga., to a relative
here, she speaks very highly of
Rev. W. W. Arnold, who has re
cently located there as pastor of
the Baptist church of that city.
She states that “although he has
only preached at two services
since arriving here, the members
and the congregation at large
were very much elated over the
pleasure of their church securing
his services as pastor.”
“ ‘While these are glad tidings to
the many friends of Rev. Arnold
here, it is hardly more than our
people expect from the people in
any town where he locates. Rev.
Arnold was pastor of our church
here for a number of years and
for us to say that he was a gentle
man, an eloquent and forceful
preacher, and a devoted and faith
ful man of God, we speak only in
the mildest phrases.
“ 4 ln his ministerial career here,
he so endeared himself to the
people of Richland that he is al
ways extended that welcome
hand on his visits and when he
can so arrange to preach here
now and then, he is always greet
ed with a good audience. Know
ing him personally, we feel that
we can heartily congratulate the
Thomaston church on securing
« i
him and we wish a year of un
bounded success to Rev. Arnold
and his charge at Thomaston.’ ”
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tanner, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end with
Mr and Mrs. Gill Cathy.
Mrs. Mary Elliott is visiting the
family of Mr. Gus Swann in Cov
ington this week.
I have a fresh car of mules and
shall be glad to see mv old custo
mers. B. R. Ward, Stockbridge,
Ga. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKibben
and little daughter, Caroline, of
Eatonton, spent Sunday here with
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Daniel.
Mr. John Pullen will accept the
place of bookeeper at The Bank
of Henry County on March the
Hunting license for season 1914-
1915 will expire March Ist, 1915.
Adv. C. M. SPEER, Warden.
A number of boys and girls of
the younger set enjoyed a victrola
party at Mr. P. W. Pullen’s hand
some home Saturday evening.
In Coupling Cars Here Friday
He Was Injured and Died
Saturday in Atlanta.
Mr. Henry Love died at the
Georgia Baptist sanitarium in At
lanta Saturday morning at 7
o’clock, as a result of his injuries.
Mr. Love was in service of the
railroad and, while at the station
here Friday, stepped between two
cars to make the coupling, when
the train moved and seriously in
jured him.
Mr. Love was an excellent young
man, whose many good traits and
genial ways made many friends
for him. He will be missed bv
many, who mourn with the be
reaved family.
The remains were brought to
Flippen on the 9 o’clock train
Sunday morning. The funeral
and interment were at Salem
church Sunday morning at 11
o’clock. Rev. Mr. Adamson of
Mr. Love is su 'vived by his
wife: his father, Mr. S. P. Love:
one sister, Mrs. Will Burch, Jr.:
and one brother, Mr. Howard
Mrs. E. J. Reagan visited Atlan
ta Monday.
Mr.and Mrs. H. P. Renwine and
little daughter, Martha, were the
guests of Judge and Mrs. E. J.
Reagan Sunday.
Mrs. Julia McDonald and Mrs.
Laura Smith spent Monday in At
lanta. Mrs. McDonald remained
for the night services of the Chap
man-Alexander meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Fouche an
nounce the birth of a daughter
Mr. David Cathy, of the United
States'Anny, is spending his va
cation at home here. He is well
pleased with army life
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Turner, of
Jackson, spent Sunday with rela
tives in and near McDonough.
Misses Dorris Nutt and Sarah
Smith, of Jackson, spent the
week end here with Mrs. E. D.
Miss Ora Head, of Macon, is
the attractive guest of Mrs. E. D.
Messrs. Gordon Dickson, John
Hightower, and Will Peace spent
Monday in Atlanta.
Mr. W. W. Turner sp?nt Mon
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. Nett Grey, of Locust
Grove, spent the week-end here
with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. Ing
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wise, of the
Sixth district, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. Ingram
Judge E. J. Reagan attended
Batts superior court at Jackson
this week.
Mr. Joel Bankston spent Friday
and Saturday with relatives at
Barnesville and Fort Valley.
Mr. Lum Ingram was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. Ingram
last week.
Mrs. H. Dobkin spent a few
days in Atlanta last week.
After Many Sacrifices By People
New Building Began its
Career Saturday.
i .
The first services in the mw
Baptist church at Oakland weie
held Saturday and Sundav.
The first song sung was “All
Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.”
The first prayer was offered by
Mr. F. W. Barnett.
The pastor, the Rev. J. M. Gil
more, preached eloquent and fer
vent sermons.
The good people of Oakland are
justly rejoicing in their new
building. Alter many sacrifices,
they now have completed a hand
some new building and have in
stalled new and comfortable pews.
The membership is small but
loyal and zealous and growing.
We congratulate them and the
county on this addition to the
forces for righteousness in our
Among the McDonoughites
spending Monday in Atlanta were
Messrs. John Hightower, E. M.
Smith, R. O. Jackson, Julian
Weems, R. P. Hairston, and J. M.
You can find all kinds of bu'k
garden seed at W. B. 9: Ingram’s.
Misses Myrtie Belle Mitchell and
Inez Miller, of Rockdale county,
were the guests of Mrs. A. C.
Ward last week.
Mrs. Laura Smith,of Ozark, Ala.,
was the guest of relatives here
last week.
Misses Irene Turner and Lessie
Moor, of McDonough, were the
charming guests of Mrs. J. N
Knowles and Mrs Gordon Carmi
chael. —Jackson Argus.
Mrs. E. M. Smith and little son
visited relatives in Jackson Thurs
Col. E. M. Smith and Judge E.
J. Reagan attended court here
this week. —Jackson Argus.
Rev R. F. Smith, of Locust
Grove, spent Saturday in Brooks
on business.
GLASSES —When you have
trouble with your eyes try Speer’s
Crownglass lenses. They cure
most eye troubles. Adv.
Mr. W. H. Bryans attended the
Chapman meeting Sunday.
Mr. Harvey Carmichael went to
Atlanta Sunday.
Mrs. A. G. Harris has returned
from a visit to her sister, Mrs.
Power, at Stockbridge.
Mrs. Ware McConnell, of Atlan
ta, and Mrs. Lacey Hine, of Jones
boro, have been here visiting
their sister, Mrs. Victor Upchurch.
Rev. Jonas Birclay his been
in Wytheville, Va., where his.
mother is serious!/ ill. Their
many McDonough friends trust
that she may soon recover.
Miss Carrie Daily spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Daily.
Miss Mitt Wall has returned to
her home in Atlanta, after a visit
to Mrs. Mamie Wall.
Mr Perry Edwards Is
In Fitzgerald Schccf.
We copy the following notice
from the Fitzgerald Lender Enter
prise concerning Mr. Perry Ed
wards, a Hampton buy with many
friends there and throughout the
‘ Mr. Perry E 1 wards, of Hamp
ton, the young son of Mrs. L. A.
Edwards who was so delightfully
entertained in this city for sever
al weeks by her sister Mrs. New
ton Watkjns, Mrs. W. A. Borina
and I). T. Mlirphy will remain in
Fitzgerald, attending our splend
ed schools. He will be with his
uncle Mr. D. T. Murphy on Wesf
Pine. Perry will be remembered
as having visited here last sum
mer and made so many friend*
who will be delighted at his re
News Briefs.
Burglars recently entered the
cotton house of Mr B. H. Welch,,
stealing abuttt two bait s of seed
Will Crumbley, one of our coun
ty’s best formers, never buys any
coin or meat—he raises it at
Rev. W. E. Long,* our efficient
county surveyor, is serving three*
cliurt lies and also is principal of a
large school at Ola.
Prof. Claude Bottoms, of Fay
etU vi»K, conducted an interesting
song service at Bethany Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Simpson left
last week for Florida, where they
will spend a few weeks of pleasure
and rest.
Cigar* tie smoking is incresinjf
to an alarming extent. Th<*
I Medical World says the result of
cigarette smoking is dangerous.
Rev. R. B. Harrison filled thar
appointment of the pastor at Beth
any Sunday, who was called to
preach a funeral at Salem.
D. T. Carmichael purchased
a fine pair of Georgia raised iron
gray horses.
A great wave of sin seems to
be sweeping over the world, and
at the same time a great wave of
religion seems to have struck
America. At 42 services of the
famous evangelist, Billy Sunday,
in Philadelphia recently 9,026 per
sons were converted, an average
of over 200 at each service, and
now the great Chapm m-Alexand
er meeting is on in Atlanta.
A Dream.
—A farmer had a dream. He
dreamed that he raised 2,000
bushels of corn, and was very
happy. He th n dreamed that he
sold his corn tor a dollar a bush
el, and his happiness grew great.
But he dreamed novv that he had
sold to two thousand different
people, a bushi. 1 to each one, and
that none of them had paid him,
and then he was mad. When he
awoke it was broad daylight, and,
leaping out of bed, he exclaimed
to his wife: “ Rebecca, I have
had a dream which gives me a
solemn warning, and I know th
meaning of it. lam going off t
town to pay the editor the dollar
owe him on the subscription t
his paper.”—Marion County Pat