The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 26, 1915, Image 3

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    The Southern Mortgage Company
Surplus,, Estyblishad 1870. , + .
'** 3 4 n jT • **»*% / * f |
Gould Building—lo Decatur Street —-9 EBgey/<i)jl? nivenut. »
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
ot SI,OOO to $100,o<>( ,1, Five Yea~s’ t'.me at '"•stable rat*»i.
Our sources ot money *» practicallv ii We have ** -strong
line ot customers among individual investors and Savings t>anks
and Trust Companies in the North, East and Middle West,
and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.
with assets ot more than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
W, L. Kemp, Vice-President R. H. Osborn, Abstracts of Title
J. W. Andrews, Secretary L. A. Bouiighny, Auditor
E. R. Hunt, Treasurer S. R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk
E. V. Carter, Attorney T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
A. d’Antignac, Inspector C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk.
W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title Horace Holleman, Application Clerk.
For intormation, call on or write to
McDonough, Georgia.
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs Annie D. Whitehead having
made application for Twelve
Months’ Support, oat of the estate
of E. J. Whitehead deceased. A' 1
persons concerned are herebv re
to show cause before the
Coart of Ordinary of said county
•nthe first Monday in March 1915
why said application should not be
This Ist day of Feb. 1915.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
• -
Georgia, Henry County.
Florence Mitchell. Fred Mitchell,
and Nellie itchell, minors, by
their next friend, G. U. Westmore
land, having made application for
Twelve Months' Support out of the
estate of J. H. Mitchell deceased.
All persons concerned are hereby
required to show cause before the
Court of Ordinary of ssid county
on the first M mday in March 1915
why said application should not be
This Ist dav of Feb. 1915.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
Georgia, Henry County.
Will de sold on the First Tuesday
in March 1915. at public outcry at
the Court House in said county,
within the legal heurs of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash, the
following real estate. One house
and lot in the town of Locust
Grove. 2nd land district of Henri
County (4a, Said h -use and lot
situated on Ocmnlgee sheet, said
lot containing one half acre and
bounded north by •)' W. Middle
brooks, east by .T W Mi ldlebrooks,
south by Ocrnnlg ie street and wt st.
by lot of Miss Marv Wood-.
Said pro pert levied on as the
property *'f M'' s . V. L. C >lvin to
satisfv an execution issaecl rom
thw Superior < ’ourt of Henn < oun
t,y in favor of <’ ist da w and ( ns
tellaw avainst \lrs. A. L. < olvin.
Tenant in possessi >n n 1 ifie i.
This Feb. 3-d 1915.
W. A Ward Sheriff
2-21,4 ,
McDonough, Ga,
Attorney at Law,
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Building.
Will practice in all the courts.
Will be in his Hampton office
Tuesday and Friday of each Week,
And in his Locust Grove office
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday am
Saturday of each Week.
Offiok Hours :
7.H0 to 12 A M. 6o SP. M.
McDonough, Ga.
Willis J. Westmoreland having
made application to me to be ap
pointed Guardian of Florence
Mitchell, Fred Mitchell and Nellie!
Mitchell, minors of J. H. Mitchell
deceased, said application will he
heard at the regular term of Court
>n the first Monday in March 1915.
Tills Feb. Ist. 191 5.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Tree Flower Seed.
Hastings’ Catalogue
Tells You About It
If you are engaged in farming, or
If you plant only vegetables or flow
ers, you cannot afford to be without j
the big catalogue published fresh and
new every year by the great South
ern seed house, H. G. Hastings &
Company, of Atlanta. Ga , ard sent ab
solutely free, postage paid, to all who
write for it, mentioning the name of
this newspaper.
In this catalogue we tell y-u of a
splendid offer of free flower seed to
all our customers, five magnificent
varieties tha: mean beauty about your
home and a pleasure to wives and
daughters that nothing else can give
This catalogue tells you, too, about
our big cash prize offer to the Corn
Club boys of your state. It te’’s all
abem our fine yielding varieties of
com and cotton —the kind we grow on
cur o\v:; 3,200 acre farm. It tells
about the best seeds of ail kinds for
planting in the South. It should be
in every Southern home Write to
day and ’et us send it to you.—H. G.
HASTINGS & CO., Atlanta, Ga.—Advt.
is on us again and we have an
immense stock of Diamonds
watches jewelry and silver that
has been carefully selected and
priced to cooperate with the
scarcity of money and the low
price of cotton.
("• • ’Jy
If it is not convenient for you to
pay cash we will gladly welcome
your charge account.
Durham Jewelry
20 Edgewood Ave. Atlanta. Ga
Take a
!itexa2£ C9txlei&i&'
It will act as a laxative in the
The McDonough Drug Co.
Does That Pay the Debt.
The Business Manager of the
Wesleyan has been sendi e out of
late statements of account to our
delinquent subscribers to ae of
them owe the paper for mo-e than
a year. It has gone to them reg
ularly and we presume some of
ih<* members of the family have
read it. We hope so at aim rate
Some of these to who nth state
ments have b- j en sent have remit
ted with expressions ol regret that
they have not attended to the
matter earli some take the
t ouble to exor> ss their apprecia
tion of the leniency of the man
age nent of the paper in sending
it while the subscriber was indebt
ed for it, and some write to stop
th * paper at o ice. But does that
cancel the debt for what is due
Telephone Saved Child’s Life
One of the children fell into a water tank, on
*n Alabama farm and was rescued unconscious and
apparently lifeless. The frantic mother rushed to
the telephone and called the doctor six miles away.
He told her what to do and started at once, but
before he arrived the child was out of danger.
The protection of women and children is only
one of the chief values of the telephone on the
Von nn have this service at small cost. See
the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or send a
postal for our tree booklet.
48 South Pryor Street., Atlanta. Oa.
G EORGI A—H kn ry C>> u nty :
By virtue of the will of 1. L
Gunter, will he sold nt. public out
cry for cush, to the highest, bidder,
before the Coart lionse door nt
MoDonoagh, Ga, daring the local
hours of sale, on the first Tnesdnv
in March, 1915 the follrwLug real
estate, to wit:
Sixty nine and one half acres of
land, in ore less, in the 1 It. H Ltml
District, of Hmrv C mnt v. Georgia,
and bounded north and east by
landsof A. C Elliott moI Lawrence
Gunter and smith and west b'
lands of H. S. Elliott estate s.nd
John Mosel v.
Sold for pavment of debts and
1. IT. Gunter. Executor,
of the will of I. T . Gnnt r.
Our Advice Is:
When you feel out of sorts from consti
pation, let us say that if
do not relieve you, see a physician,
because no other home remedy will.
gold only by us, 10 cents.
The PVlcConough Drug Co.
The Georgia Bnntist Men’s'
meeting will he held in Atlanta
February 23 24-25. All the'
churches are requested to send
delegates. Preachers, please take
notice and see that this matter is
not overlooked.
G. W. Crumhley, Clerk,
S. R. Association.
the paper? Would one he so
s mple as to think that quitting a
grocery or dry goods firm paid
whatever the customer owed the
firm? By what sort of reasoning
does a mm think that by q ii't'ng
hi-> Church paper he thereby can
cels all indebte Iness to it for past
dues? Haven’t some of our peo
ple permitted the obligations to
their Church to sit t >o loos dv on
the u? It the i Advocate
ha ! to its credit i i a bunk a tith •
of what is just v due it, tin
would no* be a moment’s U” -as'
ness ab >ut the fin mcial weil h« mg
ot the paper. Tm re are some in
dications that i\e need in this
country a mighty awakening on
the matter of debt paying.—Wes-
leyan Christian Advocate.
South Avenue.
Several from here attended ser
vices at Mt. Zion Sunday morning,
and heard a very able and impres
sive sermon by the Rev. Lige Dod
son, of Draketown.
Miss Velrnar Rivers, of East At
lanta, is visiting her cousin, Miss
Leek Mai tin, a few days this
Mrs. T. W. Peterman visited
Mrs. W. H. White Saturday after
Mrs. W. G. Callaway spent
Thursday afternoon with her
daughter, Mrs. John Morris.
Mrs. Birt White spent Thursday
with her mother, Mrs. B. W. Wal
Messrs. Charlie and Jack Gard
ner. and D. A. George spent
Thursday in the. Gate city.
Mrs. C. W. South spent Thurs
day very pleasantly with Mrs. W.
N. South.
Mr. W. H. White made a busi
ness trip to McDonough Wednes
Little Agnes Peterman spent
Tuesday afternoon witli Irene and
Helen S‘>uth.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Clark were
the dinner guests ot the former’s
p »rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Clark, Sunday.
Miss May Meadows was the
week-end guest of Misses Mamie
and Katie Nep Swann.
Busy Bee.
Mrs. R. A. Sloan’s many friends
regret that she is very ill this
Mrs. J. A. Fouche and Miss
Blare he Wentzell visited Atlanta
Sui day.
Mr. A C. Sowell, of Atlanta,
| spent ttie weea-enu here with his
Mrs. Harry Dunn left Tuesday
to visit lie; parents. Rev. Mr. and
Mr.s Brownlee, at Madison. Mr.
Dunn accompanied her as tar as
Th-- Rev. T M. Gilmore went to
At. * ta l ues Jay to attend the
B, ; .t Laymen’s meeting and the
Cn ipman-Alexander services.
black Siioats, weight 75 pounds
i each, Barrow and Sow. Lee
] Patterson. Adv.