Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Well Known and Popular Young
Man Was Seriously Injured
on Knee Saturday.
Mr. John Moss, Jr., was serious
ly injured on his father’s place
near Salem Saturday.
He was at work at the saw
mill, when the cylinder head flew
out of the engine. In his haste to
.escape to a place of safety, Mr.
Moss fell over the moving saw.
He was badly cut in several places
but the most serious wound was
across his knee.
He suffered much, but is now
reported to be doing nicely, with
good chances for complete recov
Card of Thanks.
Mr. B. B. Carmicheal, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Walker, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs.
L. R., Mr. and Mrs., H. 8., Mr. and
Mrs. J. M., Mr. and Mrs. S. H., Mr.
and Mrs, D. T., and Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd Carmichael wish to thank
their many friends for the loving
kindness and sympathy shown
them in their recent sorrow in the
illness and death of wife and
Miss Ethel Sowell spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Messrs. Tom Buttrill and Mote
Watts, of Jackson, made a motor
trip to McDonough Monday.
Mrs. Sarah Harper wears
Speer’s double-vision glasses they
give entire satisfaction. Adv.
Mr. Harry Dunn spent Saturday
and Sunday in Atlanta.
Mr. J. A. Stewart, of Atlanta,
was the week-end guest of Mr.
Harry Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner and
Mrs. Sarah Simms will make a
motor trip to Covington Friday.
Mrs. Simms returning home then.
Mrs. R. A. Sloan visited Atlanta
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid made a
motor trip to Atlanta Monday.
Miss Edna Earle Lindsey spent
the week-end in Atlanta.
Dr. J. G. Smith spent Monday
in Atlanta.
A few Stewarts Horse Clipping
machines to close out. No. 1 at
$C.49, No. 1902 at $9.13 these are
complete with the blades. Cope
land Turner Merc. Co. Adv.
Judge E. J. Reagan made a
motor trip to Conyers Monday.
Min Hattie Zachrv, of Atlanta,
was thn week end guest of Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Low.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Fouche have
pained their little daughter Caro
M’. and Mrs. Tuttle, Mr. and
Mrs. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, of
Connecticutt, and Mr. and Mrs.
Darbv and child and Dr. and Mrs.
Blackman, of Atlanta, made a
motor trip here and were guests
of the Brown House Sunday.
Miss Pearl Nash, of Lovejoy,
was the week-end guest of Miss
NinaW all.
Excellent Resident of McDon
ough District Died Mon
day Night.
Mrs. John Dozier died at the
residence of her father, Mr. Gus
Harkness, in McDonough District,
Monday night at 10 o’clock.
Mrs. Harkness was but 21 years
of age and was an excellent
Christian woman, who leaves
many friends, as well as the be
reaved ones, tb mourn her death.
The funeral services were held
at the McDonough Methodist
church Tuesday afternoon at 3
o’clock. The Rev. H. S. Smith
and the Rev. J. J. Copeland, of
Locust Grove, conducted the ser
vices. Interment was at the Mc-
Donough cemetery.
Mrs. Dozier is survived by her
husband and an infant two weeks
of age and her parents.
The Rev. J. M. Gilmore and
Messrs. E. M. Copeland, Asa Og
lesby and G. W. Cavenaugh at
tended the Lawmen’s Missionary
convention in Atlanta last week
and in giving their reports last
Sunday, one could see that these
laymen were wonderfully quick
ened in their lives, and they
caught a broader vision of Christ
ian possibilities.
Mr. J. F. M. Fields, a practical
man wears Speer’s double-vision
glasses, and says they give per
fect satisfaction. Adv.
Miss Annie Nolan spenf Mon
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. Alex Brown entertained at
rook Friday afternoon. A mos*
pleasant time was had.
Mrs. J. C. Daniel visited her
daughters in Griffin from Thurs
day til! Saturday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Newman
went to Locust Grove Sunday to
attend the funeral of Mr. Schaefer
Mr. W. J. Elliott was in our city
The Rev. Jonas Barclay’s many
friends will be glad to know that
his mother’s condition is greatly
Mr. A. N. Brown is visiting his
brother and sister at Sylvester.
Mr. Homer Harris, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday at home here.
Judge Paul Turner spent Mon
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. Carrie Turner left Sunday
for Lucust Grove, where she is
the guest of Mrs. Cicero Daniel
for a few weeks.
Little Miss Esther Carmichael’s
many friends are glad that she is
rapidly recovering from the la
Dr. Wyman Sloan, of Atlanta,
was the week-end guest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan.
LOST. —On Feb. 22nd between
the depot and Judge Reagan’s a
small package, containing 2 yds.
white Satin 4 yds. of Cash’s ruff
ling and a white lace collar. Any
one having found the same please
leave at this office and receive re
Presiding Elder of Griffin Dis
trict Publishes Second
Round for 1915.
We copy the following an
nouncement of Dr. Fletcher Wal
ton’ s second round of quarterly
conferences of the Methodist
church from the Wesleyan Chris
tian Advocate: •
Griffin District—second
Griffin, Third Church and Kin
caid, Kincaid, March 7th.
Griffin, First Church, March 14,
a. m.
Griffin Hanleiter, March 14, p.
Thomaston Station, March 21.
Culloden a id Yatesville, Yates
ville, March 28.
Thomaston Circuit, Zion Chapel,
March 27.
Forsyth Circuit, Mt. Zion, April
Forsyth Station, April 4.
Jonesboro Circuit, Jones Chapel,
April 10-11.
Hampton Circuit, Lovejoy, April
11, p. m., Q. C., 12.
Griffin Circuit, Mt. Zion, April
Zebulon Circuit, Fincher’s, April
Barnesville Circuit, Marvin, April
Barnesville Station, April 25.
Fayetteville Circuit, Friendship,
April 28.
McDonough Circuit, Turner’s,
May 1.
Locust Grove Circuit, Philadel
phia, May 2-3.
Senoia Circuit, Haralson, May
8-9. |
Inman Circuit, Brooks, May 15.
Milner Circuit, May 16-17.
Flovilla Circuit, Eg n May 22.
Jackson Station, May 23.
Stockbridge Circuit, Union, May
Jenkinsburg Circuit, Jenkins
burg, May 30.
Fletcher Walton, P. E.
Anvil Block.
Rev. Mr. Reynolds, of Conley,
preached at Anvil Block Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stanfield, of
Mt. Zion, dined with Mr. W A.
Sockweli and family Sunday.
Mrs. Jim Bradberry and Miss
Odessa Bradberry, of Rex, spent
Monday very pleasamiy with Miss
es Eva a id Ruth Sockweli.
Mr. Frank Adamson, of College
Park, was a visitor in our com
munity Sunday.
Mrs. C. T. Pruitt and Mrs. Geo.
Rowan spent Saturday with Mrs.
Fanny Bradberry at Rex.
The school children celebrated
George Washington’s birthday
verv nicely Monday. A good
program was rendered and enjoy
ed by a large crowd.
Mr. Ing Bowden left Friday for
the U. S. Navy.
Miss Gertie Rovden was the
guest of Miss Florence Simpson
Sunday night and Monday of last
Mr. Asmon Lewis, of Atlanta,
was a visitor in our vicinity Fri
Former McDonough Boy, Hold
ing High Railroad Position,
Fatally Hurt Friday.
Mr. G. S. James was fatally in
jured at Tampa Friday morning
and died two hours later.
He was trainmaster of the Sea
board Air Line Railway and was
on a switch engine, when, in some
way, he was thrown from the en
gine, so that the engine passed
over him, cutting off both legs.
Mr. James wasan old McDonough
boy. The family lived here for a
number of years and those who
lived here then Pave many pleas
ant recollections of them. Schae
fer, as we knew him best by this
name, had hosts of friends here
and at Locust Grove, where he
married Miss Heflin. Of strict and
upright integrity, he also possessed
a genial and pleasing personality,
which made his presence wel
comed by all. He was 41 years
of age. .
The remains were brought to
Locust Grove on the fast train
Saturday afternoon. Funeral ser
vices were held at the residence
of Mrs. Mahone Sunday morning
at 10:30 o’clock. The interment
[followed at the Locust Grove
jetery. The Rev. J. J. Copeland
Mr. James is survived by lii.s
wife and one sister, Miss Camilla
James, of Fife.
Mrs. Paul Turner was the guest
of Mrs. Lamar Etheridge at Jack
son for the week end.
Miss Blanche Wentzell and little
Olive Lemon visited Atlanta '..on
Miss Estelle Stroud left Monday
to accept a position in one of At
lanta’s milliner/ concerns.
Miss Winnie Bryans is in Atlan
ta for a two weeks’ visit.
Miss Hattie Sue Low has return
ed home from a delightful visit
of two weeks to friends and rela
tives in Atlanta.
Mrs. Charles Welch, of Atlanta,
spent the week-end here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bank
Call us for fresh cabbage plants,
set them out by tne hundred and
have early fresh cabbage. Cope
laud 1 urner Merc. Co. Adv.
Mr. Allen Turner, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday here with Mr. G. W.
Mrs. W. B. Kelly has been con
fined to her room with lagrippe
Mrs. Julia McDonald, Mesdames
T. A. and R. L. Sloan and Miss
Blanche Wentzell were in Atlanta
Monday attending the millinary
Miss Saran Hooten, of Atlanta,
is expected to visit Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Hooten the last of the week.
Mr. Dave Wall was in Macon
Mrs. Lon Sowell, Mrs. Lee
Smith, and Miss Mamie Alexander
have been quite sick with lagripp e,
Mrs. Roy Turner and Mrs.
Robert Tomlinson Entertain.
Mrs. Roy Turner and Mrs. Rob
ert I anlinson entertained a num
ber of their friends at the former’s
home Tuesday afternoon.
Rook was enjoyed and delight
ful refreshments were served.
Hound About News.
Mrs. Flizabeth Milam, who has
been in Atlanta for sometime,
spent several days at home last
week, returning to Atlanta Satur
Miss Effie Drown, of Orchard
Hill, is visiting her brother, Mr.
W. R. Brown, a id family.
We are glad to note that Mrs.
Medie Pattillo, who has been sick,
is much improved.
Misses Mandy and Kale Walden
visited Mrs. W. R. Brown Thurs
day , tin guest of Miss Effie Brown,
of Orchard. Hill.
Misses Anne and Rosa Jarrett
had as their guest their cousin*
Miss Temple Jones, Wednesday
MLses Ruth and May Turpin and
brotlier pent Monday with their
brottn r, Mr. Mercer Turpin, of
near Stockbridge.
Mrs. B. W. Walden and son, J.
C., spuiu. Monday in StocKbndge,
as tne M oi n r d.tu;liter, Mrs.
J. 1\ Mays.
• Tne surprise party given for
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Barr was en
joyed ny a large crowd Wednes
day night.
Mrs. i. W. Jarrett spent Sun
day with her sister, Mrs. Green
Mr. B. W. Walden spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. Lillian Barr and Miss Clyde
Jarrett spent Monday vith Mrs.
.Joim Mashburn.
Mr. an.i Mrs. Ben Walden visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. j. f. Mays Sun
Miss Inor Brown visited her
aunt, Mrs. Fred Mays, Saturday.
Carrie and Willie May Walden
had as their guests Fay and Clyde
Brown Saturday.
Miss l’empie Jones spent Wed
nesday with her cousin, Miss Ida
May Jones.
Mr . Sam Mays and daughter,
My nice, visited Mrs. B. W. Wal
den ai.d family Saturday.
Mrs. i’heo Brown and Miss Effie
Brown visile l Mrs. Uiive Dodsoji,
of ne.. • Kex, Saturday.
Mrs t rauc -s Mashburn, of near
Rex, va i Leu Mrs. Nettie Walden
Satur a/.
Messrs. L mice Crumbley and
Ike oi■ iu wre callers in this
commit;. U> Biturday nignt.
Mrs. T. W Jarrett visited Mrs.
Carl Gius >.\ Saturday.
“Fairy Fay”
During my absence from Me
Donougli, my father, Judge E. 1 J
Reagan, will attend to all my lega
Yours respectfully,
E. L. Reagan.
*1 00 A YEAR