Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
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Sunday School Association Offi
cers Are Planning a Great
Affair. Good Speakers.
The Western Division of the
Henry County Sunday School as
sociation will meet in the Method-,
ist church at Hampton on Sunday,
the 28th instant.
Mr. D. W. Sims, the State Secre
tary and Manager, and other
speakers will be present and
speak. The Rev. J. M. Gilmore
will preach.
Excellent singing and a fine
program in every respect is being
There will also be dinner on (fct
Everybody is invited to attend.
. * *
Notice to Confederate Veterans.
/ >.■ > ; . 7 T v‘|
All old veterans, tt»e|r wickers
or descendants, who
os of honor should secure applica
tion blanks from Mrs.
Mrs. J. A. Fouche, in order
they may get their papers
through in time to P
•rosses on Memorial Day.
i V
A Man’s Recreation Crent
First, I will never patronise an
entertainment that brutalizes inah
or shames a woman.
Second, I will always {Jo some
part of my playing in the open air.
Third, I will not be merely a
lazy spectator of sport; I will taste
for myself its zest and thrill.’
Fourth, I will avoid over-amuse
ment as I pray that I may be sav
ed from overwork.
Fifth, I will choose the amuse
ments that my wife can share.
Sixth, I will not spend Sunday
in carinq for my bodily pleasures
so much that I forget my soul and
its relations to God’s kingdom.
Seventh. I will never spend on
pleasure money that belongs to
other aspects of my life.
Eighth, I will remember to en
joy a boy’s sports again when my
boy needs me as a chum.
Ninth, I will recollect that play
should be for the sake 01 my
mind as well as for my bod>;
hence I shall not shun those
forms of entertainment that deal
with ideas.
Tenth, I will never let p'ay
serve as the end of existence, out
always it shall be used to make
me a better workman and a i ich
tr soul. —The Front Rank.
Mt. Bethel.
A good attendance was at Sun
day School Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cl irk had
as their guests San iav, MN. J.
Warnock, of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Clark, Mr. and M'-s. Y. C.
H. Ala thou, Mr and Mrs. T. B.
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Clark,
an 1 Miss Harriett Claik.
Miss Leak Martin spent last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Mather
Mrs. Asmon Lewis spent last
-week with Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mrs. W. H. Clark and her niece,
;... N. J. Warnock, spent Satur
day wiLa Mrs. W. A. Gardner.
“Jay Bird.”
Baptist Services at
Night this Week.
Services have been held at the
Baptist church at night during this
ween and wiii continue to be heid
through the remainder of the
The pastor, the Rev. J. M. Gil
more, is preaching with his char
acteristice earnestness, directness,
and power, and many are enjoy
ing the services and being spirit
ually refreshed by them.
Everybody is invited to attend
these services.
The young peoples’ Society of
the Methodist church will have a
bttsiness meeting Saturday after
noon at 3 o’clock at the Methodist
A special program has been ar
ranged and every member is urged
to be present.
i i
The little son of Mr. and Mrs.
McClure is still sick but is improv
ing very slowly.
We are very glad to say that
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stanley are both
improving some.
Mrs. M. V. Morris and son, Gor
don, and his family visited Mr. Pat
Morris and fa ,ily near Stock
bridge Sunday,
On Saturday a week ago Mrs.
Will Brooks had the misfortune
of catching fire and was very bad
ly burned, but they are not deep
burns but will take sometime to
get over it.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stephens,
Mr. J. M. Avery and family, Mr.
and Mrs. George Read visited Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Stephens Sunday.
Mr. Corbet Baker, of Lakewood
Heights, visited his brother, Mr.
Jim Baker, and family Sunday.
On the eleventh of this month
the death angel visited the home
of Mr. Fred Burks and took from
him his loving companion. She
had been sick but a snort hile
and her death was a severe shock
to all, for none thought her to be
seriously ill. She survived her
father, Uncle Allen Estes, only
twelve days.
She leaves her husband, two
daughters about grown, and a lit
tle one ten months old, a mother,
Mrs. Sarah Estes, and two sisters,
Mrs. Mattie Read and Mrs. Mollie
Hawkins, to mourn her death.
The funeral was conducted by
Rev. Burdette Defore and Rev
Bonner. The interment was at
Tanners church cemetery Friday.
The man who does not adver
tise simply because his grandfath
er did not, should wear knee
breeches and a wig, says the
Camden News.
The man who does lot adver
tise because it cost money, should
quit paying salaries for the same
The man who does not adver
tise because he don’t know how
to v\ rite an advertisement, should
quit eaiing because he can’t cook.
The man who does not adver
tise because somebody said ft did
not pay, should not believe the
world is round because the anci
ents said it was flat. —Ex.
Garnd Jury for Anri! Term 19! 5.
1. H. T. Moore
2. A. C. Richardson
3. J. H. Oweh
4. Geo. G. Moseley
5. H B. Neai
6. E. M. Copeland
7. J. C. Walden
8. W. C. Crumbley
9. W. H. Bailey
10. W. J. Rape
11. J. L. Gardner
12. Lon Hinton
13. W. M. Harris
14. J. A. PreSson
15. T. C. Kelley
16. G. C- Clark
17. S. K. Austin
18. A. G. Combs
19. J. W. Foster
20. Joe J. Smith
21. H. L. Stansell
22. J. L. Chapman
23. C. F. Sims
24. H. H. Forbes
25. W. E. Owen
26. A. H. Swann
27. W. W. Ward
28. W. T. McKibben
29. W. B. Carmichael
30. W. A. Simpson, Sr
1. C. G Westmoreland
2. H. M. Blissett
3. S. P. Jones
4. Geo. M. Adamson
5. J. W. Fields
6. W. N. South
7. S. B Fincher
8. W. H. Wilkerson
9. Lon L. Patterson
10. W. M. Potts
11. Dallas Crumbley
12. J. E. Tinley
13. O. L. Thompson
14. S. 11. Coker
15. C. W. Bankston
16. Robt. Chappell
17. W. H. Gunn
18. J. T. Wilson
19. A. H. Price
20. R. C. Walker
21. D. E Self ridge
22. E. M. Foster
23. J. F. Tingle
24. E. O. Duffey
25. D. P. Shields
26. J. A. Sims
27. H. J. Owen
28. A B. Mitcham
29. Wyatt Rowan
30. W. A. D. Nelson.
31. A. F. Watson
32. H. M. Glass
33. B. O. Fields
34. A. R Laney
35. Taimon Pattillo
36. A. M. Wilson
37. W. R. Henry
38. Ollis Brown
39. H. T. Rape
40. Marvin Davis
1. W. N. Austin
2. M. A. Carries
3. J. P. Hays
4. R. L. Johnson
5. S. T. Rape
6. Ed Goodwin
7. 1. J. Patterson
8. G. F. Chafin
9. C. A. West
10. A. H. Blackman
11. John H. Turner
12. J. E. Grant
13. Ollis Mason
14. J. P. Thompson
Missionary Society Will Enter
tain at Mrs. Paul Turner's
Friday Evening Next Week.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hold their annual tea
at the residence of Mrs. Paui Tur
ner Friday evening. Apr. 2.
The following program has
been arranged for the evening:
Song—All Hail the Power of
Jesus’ Name.
Prayer—Rev. Jonas Barclay.
Treasurer’s report—Mrs. T. A.
Song —Selected.
- Reading—Mrs. Julia McDonald.
Song —Blest Be the Tie That
Binds—Bible Game.
. •
I —I .m - «*».! :
Round About News.
Mr. Green Jones visited rela
tives near Conyers last week.
Misses Jessie and Maude Jarrett
were visitors in this community
The many friends of Mr. Jim
Jarrett, Sr., regret that he was
confined to his room with illness
last week, but hope he will soon
be well again.
Mrs. B. W. Walden spent last
week with her daughter, Mrs. B.
Y. White.
Miss Tenipie Jones visited Miss
es Annie and Rosa Jarrett Sunday
Mrs. John Bellah and daughter,
Zipporah, visaed Mr. Jim Askew
and daughter, Lizzorah, Sunday.
Messrs. T. W Jarrett and B. W.
Walden went to McDonough Sat
Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. White an
nounce the birth of *a daughter on
the sixteenth instant.
Misses Mandy and Kate Walden
entertained a few friends at a
quilting Tuesday and had a very
jolly time.
Mrs. Elizabeth Milam has re
turned home after several day's
visit to friends and relatives in At
Mr. Eli Flake spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Will Flake at
Flake’s mill.
“Fairy Fay”
15. W. B. Thomas
16. J. L. Fargason
17. J. M. Stroud
18. T. J. Carmichael
19. C. C. Hinton
20. J. J. Knight
21. L. H. Upchurch
22. J. L. Jinks
23. P. F. Pruitt
24 J. A Rape
25. J. F. Sorrow
26. W. L. Pair
27. W. M Gibson
28. J. M. Duke
29. il. L. Carmichael
30. J. H. Haynes
31. T. J. Hambrick
32. 'V. E. Nail
33. W. M. Berry
34. W. G. Combs ,
: 5. R. H. Daniel
26. E. C. George
37. W. G. Brannan
38 J. VV. Pitcilio
3L J. H. Mitchell
40. C. W. Turner
Miss Annie Bragg has resigned
her position here and has return
ed to her home at Grey, because
of ill health. She has made many
friends here and both the school
children ahif our people regret
for her to leave.
“Pyrnx” protects the potato
crop from both bugs and blight;
it improves the yield of the crop
and the value of it. Copeland
Turner Merc. Adv.
Miss Margaret Smith spent Sun
day at Locust Grove. '* •
Mrs. Turner Allensworth, of At
lanta, and Miss Mozelle Baldwin,
of Cuthbert, will be the week-end
guests of Mrs. Paul Turner.
, GLASSES—Speer mends glass
es afrd fits new Lnses to theeyejt.
Mr. Robert McDonald visited
Forsyth Thursday.
. * 'V ’' ■»»V Si • •
Mrs. J. N. Woodruff is improv
ing'jfrom t her ircent severe illn^M.
Mr; .George Green continue*
quite sick at his home on Law
renccvijle street.
FDR SALE,—-sec nd hand 15*
horse power J. I. Case tracticn*
engine and saw mill. Apply to H.
N. Brown, McDonough, Ga.
4-2,3. Adt-
Mr. and Mrs. Sulliv&n. Mrs.
Mamie Waldrop, Mr. Alf Blalodk
and Miss Cousins, of Jonesboro<
visited Mrs. Mary Tye and Miss
Nena Tye Sunday afternoon.
Bowker’s “Pyrox” kills practi
cally all leaf-eating insects, de
stroys fungus growths, seab, rot
and helps to make perfect fruit,
begin spraying now. Copeland
Turner Merc. Co. Ad*.
Mr. Q. R. Nolan, of LaGrange,
spent Sunday here with his moth
er, Mrs. Annie M. Nolan.
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Etheridge
ahd two children, of Jackson,
spent Sunday here with Judge
and Mrs. Paul Turner.
Mrs. J. G. Jackson is visiting
Mr. Jackson’s parents at Tocmb»-
Miss Blanche Wentzell spent
Sunday in Jackson with Mrs. Ver
na Wright.
Anvil Block.
Miss Josephine Pattillo, of At
lanta, spent last week here with
her sister, Mrs. Mans Rowan.
Mrs. C. W. Sock well and Mfsx
Mollie Riley were the guests of
Mr. P. M. Blackwell Thursday.
Mr. Clarence Perkins, of Ellen
wood, spent Sunday night with
Mr. VV. A. See ell.
Misses Snow a and Chitfie
Clark, of Beth' , -pent the we- k
end with Mr. • d Mrs. Charlie
Misses Lilli* Trammell aid
Gwendolyn . pen attended
preaching at A Zion Sunday.
Mr. and Mi - * T. Standfudd
vi-.'tc 1 Mr. a; I s. J. O. Siand-
Dt id Sunday.
The Box Si; at Anvil Block
school hui s . lav night was
quite a success
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie. Adamso
' i.iiay vith the latter’
>. , Mr. a a 1 <VI rs. W ,H. Clark
j Polly.
51.00 A YEAR